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Badboy Romance

Page 5

by Lisa Simmons

  "Reece?" I whispered, my voice sounding breathy and desperate. A floorboard creaked to my left, the sound coming from a different place than I had last seen him. I jumped slightly as another creaked, this time farther behind me. I could almost see him in my mind, circling me like a hunter would prey.

  Suddenly his chest pressed into my back, his breath tumbling down my neck as he nudged my head to the side. His lips wrapped around my neck, heating the skin there while his hands slid down my front, covering my hips in the wide expanse of his palm. My body arched into him, the weight of him pressing firmly into my behind as his hand slipped between my legs, digging his fingers firmly into me.

  The darkness eliminated my ability to see, but it seemed to be heightened my other senses as everything about him surrounded me and invaded every pore of my body. I could feel his breathing was just as ragged as mine as he felt me, his actions firm and steady and driving me insane.

  "Abigail," he whispered roughly. The mere statement of my name from his beautiful lips was all it took for me to snap. I spun around quickly, losing the contact of his hand but determined to regain it seconds later.

  My arms wove around his neck, pulling him to me in the darkness and crashing my lips into his own. My tongue parted his lips, dipping into his mouth and running along his as his hands drug down my back. Their trail carried on over my backside and down my thighs before picking me up again, just as easily as he had the time before. He carried me through the darkness, his lips never losing their attachment to mine as he maneuvered through his house. It was a good thing he had a habit of carrying me because between the darkness, the unfamiliar house, and the way he made me feel, I would have been absolutely useless. My back collided with something soft, but it wasn't a bed. The upward slope of it against my arm told me it was a couch, but that was as far as my thought process got before Reece's body crashed down on top of mine, his hips pushing between my legs as he pushed down on them.

  My hands tore at his shirt, ripping it up his body and clearing it over his head in a split second. His skin flowed beneath my palms as they trailed down his torso, feeling every solid curve of his muscles as he held himself over me. I could feel his breath washing over my face as he disconnected our lips just enough to pull my shirt over my head, ripping it from under my body and tossing it across the room. I arched my butt off the couch as he undid the buttons and zip in one fluid motion before pulling on them, tugging them and my panties down from my hips. I kicked them off while his hands drifted to my back, releasing the clasp on my bra and removing it as well. Within seconds he had me completely naked, and I was more than fine with it. He reached around behind him to pull a condom from his pocket as I yanked at his belt, my fingers fumbling in the darkness to remove it as quickly as possible. Finally, I had it undone enough to slid my fingers down and undo his jeans the rest of the way and push them down, eliminating the final barrier between us. He let out a groan as my hand wrapped around him, finally getting some relief after so much time of building up to it and waiting. My hand slid up his shaft only once before he grabbed my wrist and flung it away from him.

  "Don't," he groaned. "I just need to fuck you."

  I couldn't respond as my breath caught in my throat, glad he wasn't in the mood to mess around. His lips dropped hungrily to mine as he slipped his tongue in my mouth, letting it roll across mine in that peculiar yet deliciously pleasurable way. He held himself up with one hand while his other unwrapped and put on the condom.

  With no warning at all, he pushed into me, stretching me to the fullest as my mouth fell open even more in a gasp. My hair tangled in his fist as he lowered his weight to his elbows, our chests pressing tightly together. Dropping his head to my neck again, he bit at the skin there as he pulled his hips back, dragging out of me slowly before pushing forward harshly. A gust of air escaped my lips as he slammed into me again, every inch of him burning through me like fire in the best way possible.

  "Fuck," I groaned. My hands clutched at his back, my nails digging into his skin and feeling the muscles flexing as he rolled his body on top of me, pushing in and out of me at a devastating pace, destroying my body with each and every thrust he gave. His hand that wasn't trapped in my hair roamed down my body, sliding up my side before roughly palming my breast and squeezing the nipple between his fingers. A jolt of pain flowed through me that was quickly replaced by the amazing sensation of his lips covering my nipple, the warm, wet heat soothing any ache his fingers may have caused. He released the sensitive bud and trailed his lips back up my skin, letting his tongue dart out and swirl against me until he reached my ear. He took the lobe between his teeth before letting it drop.

  "Do I make you feel good, baby?" he breathed into my ear.

  I couldn't respond as his hips slammed against mine again, every inch deep inside me being pummeled by him and letting a desperate desire for him sizzle through my body.

  "Do I?" he demanded, his hand tugging on my hair lightly as he brought his face in front of mine. Green eyes burned down at me as I forced myself to answer, just enough light making it possible to see.

  "God, yes." He smirked before crashing his lips down on mine again, kissing me harder than he had yet.

  My hips pushed up into his as he drove himself deeper into me, rocking forward in quick, deep thrusts that I felt down to my toes. I could feel the heat building in my stomach again just as it had in the hallway at the party. I could feel his chest moving against mine as he rolled his hips, each and every movement driving me closer to insanity and paradise all at the same time. My legs wrapped around his hips, pulling me even tighter against him as his pace quickened, the deep thrusts shortening into quick, harsh ones that rattled my bones. A cry fell from my lips into his mouth when he shifted his hips down, hitting an entirely new angle that was, if possible, even more devastating that before.

  "Jesus," he groaned, his muscles in his back beneath my hands impossibly tight as his body continued to torture mine in the best way possible. I bit down on his lower lip in attempt to control myself, but it was no use. The relentless pounding of his hips against mine was something I was never going to be able to withstand as he pushed me closer and closer to my release. He rocked into me over and over again, the pace merciless as the pressure in my stomach built to the point where it almost hurt, needing to be relieved soon.

  My hands started to shake against his back as he pushed into me with deeper thrusts, somehow maintaining his quick pace. Both of his hands were now tangled roughly in my hair, pulling and tugging but barely making an impact compared to the thrashing of his hips against mine.

  "Fuck, Reece..." I groaned, my voice sounding strangled as I tried to reign in my body. When his hand reached between us to put pressure on my clit, I gave up. Pleasure flushed through my body as my second orgasm of the night hit like a bolt of lightening, shocking my entire body uncontrollably. My limbs were shaking as the electric current buzzed through me, completely invading my mind and burning through my veins as he continued his assault on my center.

  Seconds after my orgasm hit, he came to his end, stiffening deep inside me as he came and let out a low growl. My legs squeezed even tighter around him before he relaxed on top of me, his head falling to my chest as he panted onto my skin.

  "Holy fuck," he breathed, chest heaving just as mine was thanks to his exertion and his orgasm. He was dripping with sweat just as I was as we both floated down from our highs.

  "Who the hell are you?" I breathed, unaware I had said it aloud until he let out a breathy laugh.

  "I'd like to ask you the same thing."

  "If this room was burning, I wouldn't even notice, 'cause you've been taking up my mind with your little white lies."

  Chapter 6

  After a few seconds of catching our breath, Reece rolled off me onto the floor. I could hear him shuffling around in the dark, his dark shadow barely visible with the impossibly dim lighting. I pushed my hand through my hair and took a deep breath, once aga
in trying to remember exactly how I had ended up here.

  Just a few hours ago I had myself convinced I would never see him again, yet here I was, dripping with sweat and still shaking from what he had done to me. My question I hadn't meant to ask reverberated around in my brain, mocking me for actually saying it yet celebrating because he had expressed a similar wonder.

  Who the hell was he?

  I knew after tonight I'd have an extremely difficult time avoiding any thoughts of him; there was no way I could when the constant pull I felt toward him had only increased along with the devastatingly delicious things he did to my body.

  I jumped as my jeans landed on my stomach, seemingly flying through the dark air of their own accord. My hands sifted across the fabric, pulling my panties from the leg they had drifted down and pulling them on before following them with my jeans. I could still hear Reece moving through the dark, whispers of fabric and the metallic clicking of a zipper letting me know he, too, was getting dressed.

  "Um, Reece?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper in the silent house.

  "Hmm?" his deep voice hummed. I was just about to ask him to turn on a light when a lamp clicked on, illuminating the room in a soft yellow glow. My hands immediately flew to cover my chest, which was still bare. I blinked, letting my eyes adjust to the light as I watched him straighten up and smirk at me, not bothering to hide his glance at my naked torso.

  I blushed as I found my bra on the ground and put it back on, which was absurd because he had just undressed me and thoroughly had his way with me. Not more than minutes ago, his hands and lips had been all over my skin. The thought made my skin burn, my eyes focusing on his lips, which looked darker and slightly swollen. My lip was bit into my mouth as I stared at him, shaking my head suddenly to snap myself out of it.

  I wasn't even fully dressed yet and he already had me wanting him again.

  I glanced around, trying to distract myself from my insatiable needs as he moved across the room to step into the kitchen that was connected to the living room we were in. He opened a cupboard and pulled out a glass, which he proceeded to fill with water and take a drink. Taking the opportunity while I could, I examined what little of his house I could see.

  It was small, only one floor but enough for someone who lived alone. Wood floors scanned the entirety of what I could see, and it was decorated simply but tastefully, which surprised me. A large stereo system took up much of the wall across from me, perched below a TV fasted on the wall. I turned my impressed expression back toward the kitchen where his green eyes met mine, watching me observe his home.

  I swallowed harshly and stood up, crossing the room to approach him. Leaning against the counter opposite from him, I tried my best to appear casual.

  "So," I said, cringing internally at my awkwardness. I needed to be cool.

  "So," he repeated dryly.

  I didn't know what to say. I wanted to ask why he had sought me out again after already successfully getting in my pants the first time, if he felt the magnetic pull towards him that I did, and to know why he almost never spoke. Most of all I wanted to know why I felt this way about him; I knew it was only going to get worse and I needed to know if I would see him again.

  "What?" he asked, reading my face clearly. I blinked, unaware I was so easy to read.

  "Is this like... a thing you do?" I asked, looking him in the eye.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Um. Repeats or whatever," I said. The horrible thought crossed my mind that he didn't remember me from a week ago and he thought I was a completely new girl, but it was quickly wiped away by a hoard of evidence to the contrary. No, he knew exactly who I was and exactly what he was doing. His head tipped to the side as he stared blankly at me, eyebrows pulled down tightly.

  "Honestly, no." He seemed surprised by his own answer as his hand rose to scratch at his chest absentmindedly. I nodded as he confirmed my suspicion. I wasn't sure if I should feel elated, terrified, or if I should just frankly run away right now.

  "And is this a thing you do?" he shot back, raising an eyebrow at me.


  "Sleep with guys you don't know."

  "No," I replied honestly. He might as well know.

  "Are you okay with it?"

  I took a deep breath before answering. "Yes. Surprisingly."

  And I was. I was more than okay with anything that helped satisfy the smoldering yearning for him inside me. He watched me suspiciously. I wondered if maybe girls had told him this before only to go back on their word and want more from him later on.

  "I'm serious. I'm done with relationships," I said, irked that he didn't believe me. Some of his skepticism dropped from his face but a hint was still detectable.

  "If you say so," he said lightly.

  "I'm guessing they aren't your thing, either," I stated, waiting for him to confirm my words.

  "They're not." I nodded.

  "Thought so."

  "But I can't stay away from you," he said, shocking me so much I nearly fell over.

  "You don't know me," I said slowly, trying to hold onto any semblance of reason.

  He shrugged, staring me in the eye. "Doesn't matter."

  There it was- the confirmation I had been seeking that he felt the same pull that I did. My heart lept in my chest but I tried to calm it down. My eyes searched his intently before answering, my heart thudding nonetheless in my chest as I spoke.

  "I... want you. Like all the time," I said bravely. A ragged breath ripped from my chest as he smirked at me.

  "I know that," he said confidently. Oh. So much for being sly. Although I couldn't say I was surprised; just as he knew I wanted him, I knew that he wanted me. It went both ways, I guess.

  "Give me your phone," he said when I didn't say anything back to his cocky statement, holding out his wide palm. I dug my phone from my back pocket, which had somehow managed to stay put throughout the activities of the night. He unlocked it and I watched the screen light up his face, illuminating his sharp features as he dialed himself, pulling out his own phone to ignore the call and hand mine back to me.

  "Now you don't have to stalk me," I joked.

  "I wasn't stalking you," he said. "I just happened to be there, too."

  "I was kidding," I laughed, finding his serious denial funny.

  "If I was stalking you, I'd have found you much sooner," he said, surprising me by winking at me and pushing past me to re-enter the living room. "You coming?"

  "Coming where?"

  "Back to the party."

  "Depends- are you gonna make me walk back in by myself?" I questioned.

  "Probably," he said honestly, shrugging his shoulders casually.

  "Why?" I didn't understand his need to keep us separate when he had very publicly dragged me out of there earlier. Not to mention, touched me rather excessively in the hallway. I blushed at the thought of his fingers on me and couldn't stop my glance from falling to his hands. I shook my head again, attempting to clear my dirty thoughts.

  "Does it matter?" he answered my question with a question.

  I shrugged. "I guess not."

  Besides, I kind of liked the fun of looking for him at the party, waiting for the moment my eyes would inevitably find his or I'd feel his hand sliding up my back. It was like a fun game of cat and mouse, only as the mouse, I was more than willing to be found by the cat.

  I crossed the room to grab my shoes and purse, which had been flung haphazardly around in our haste to tear into each other. After collecting myself, I followed him out of his house, wishing I could have a better look around before he shut the door and locked it, stuffing the keys into the back pocket of his black jeans.

  We started walking down the street in silence, the tapping of our shoes slapping against the pavement the only sound that accompanied us.

  "Why don't you do relationships?" he asked me suddenly. "Because you seem very much like the relationship type of girl."

  I frowned. "No I don't," I argued, not liking the idea of being labeled as a 'relationship type of girl.' I could be crazy, damnit. Downright wild, I tried to convince myself. I'd slept with him twice, now, hadn't I?

  "Yes, you do."

  I scrunched my nose up in distaste. "I used to be," I admitted, avoiding looking at him.

  "Shocker," he mumbled.


  "Nothing," he said, not repeating his muttered phrase. "So what happened?"

  "Do you actually care?" I shot back, not really sure if I wanted to discuss the drama that was Jack with him. So far whatever we had was uncomplicated with basically no emotions and I kind of wanted to keep it that way. He shrugged.

  "I guess not, just making conversation."

  "Let's talk about something else then," I said, an edge to my voice.

  "Okay..." he said, drawing out the sound. "Are you gonna fuck me again?"

  I almost choked on my breath as I sputtered and looked at him with wide eyes. In all honesty, the answer would be a firm 'yes' if given the opportunity, but I was surprised he had flat out asked like that.

  "What?" I spit, stalling.

  "You heard me."

  I bit my lip, stalling even more. Did I really want to admit to him that I'd sleep with him again in a heartbeat?

  "Don't," he warned, glaring at me and focusing on my lip tugged into my mouth. I released it immediately and tried not to smirk. "Are you gonna answer or are you gonna keep stalling?"


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