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Badboy Romance

Page 31

by Lisa Simmons

  “Abby!” My head jerked toward the sound, a grin instantly spreading across my face as I saw Reece moving toward me. His gaze flashed from mine momentarily as he clapped his hand against a guy’s arm while he passed as he approached me. He ducked his head to press his lips just in front of my ear.

  “Hi,” he said, grinning. I could smell the faint tinge of alcohol on his breath, telling me he’d already started to drink with his houseguests.

  “Hey,” I said, returning his smile. I was, selfishly, pleased that my friends had already found some form of distraction on their own, because I didn’t want to deal with the awkward Me-Reece-Lauren triangle just yet. “Drink?” he asked, eyebrows raising.

  “Yes, please,” I answered. He grinned again before grabbing my hand and pulling me to the kitchen. I was pleased when he didn’t let go even though it wasn’t really necessary to keep his grip on me like it usually was at the other parties we went to. The kitchen was empty, but the other people present were easily seen due to the open nature of his house. The kitchen, dining room, and living room all seemed to be part of one large room. I gasped lightly as he tugged on my hand and steered me into the corner, hiding me behind the refrigerator and blocking me, mostly, from view. His hips pushed into mine, pinning me between his body and the counter as his hands wove around my face. He ducked his head, lips hovering inches from mine before he spoke.

  “I missed you, baby.” His breath was warm on my face as his green eyes blazed into mine. It was like we were back to the very first night I’d met him- my body burning up from the way he looked at me and the inexplicable pull I felt toward him intensified. “I missed you, too,” I managed to whisper before his lips crashed down on mine. My lips were parted almost instantly by his smooth tongue, which wove its way into my mouth and slid across my own deliciously. My body reacted all on its own as my hips pushed against his, their efforts negated by the force he put used to pin me tighter against the counter. His hair was tangled between my fingers as my arms rose over his shoulders, clutching him desperately to me as my body took over my brain. I gasped when his hand, both of which had been gripping the counter tightly on either sides of my body, slid down my ribs and stomach before pressing firmly between my legs. My knees almost buckled at his touch, his hips pulled back just enough to allow him to feel me. A ragged breath left his lips as he paused our kiss, his fingers curling against me over the increasingly annoying fabric separating us. I wanted nothing more than for him to rip my jeans off and take me right there in his kitchen, with or without the people around.

  He made me feel crazy, irrational things.

  A loud crash made both of us jump, a glass shattering as it fell to the wood floor somewhere we couldn’t see. Our lips tore apart and his hand paused it’s teasing just long enough for us to realize where this was quickly going. His hand pulled from between my legs and I let out a pathetic whimper at the loss.

  “Later, baby, you’re all mine,” he whispered, his forehead resting against mine as he gripped my hips and pulled me to him.

  “Thank god, Reece,” I grumbled. It was going to be a very long night after he had just touched me like that only moments after my arrival. He smirked at my obvious aroused and disgruntled state. I sucked in the squeal that tried to escape my throat as he somehow managed to slide his hand beneath the band of my jeans, his long fingers reaching down and heating my skin as the pads of his fingers pressed over my clit. My entire body squirmed under his touch as my chest rose and fell heavily, not expecting his sudden touch. His fingers circled slowly around the bundle of nerves, his eyes never leaving mine as he watched me with parted lips.

  “I want you to feel me, baby, just like this, all night,” he said slowly, his voice deep and husky as he absorbed my desperate expression. His pupils were wide, and it was clear that it really turned him on to see me like this, laden with need and a hopeless longing for him. I couldn’t speak as I took in another shaky breath. His eyebrow cocked up as he circled his fingers around my clit once more before pulling his hand free.

  He gave me no time to recover before gripping my hand in his and pulling me out of the corner, grabbing me a beer from the fridge before pulling me into the living room. My body felt wobbly as he steered me to a chair, surprising me by sitting down first and pulling me to his lap. My knees buckled quickly as I sat on his thighs, his arms winding loosely around my waist as he leaned forward. His head easily cleared my shoulder as he watched what the people on seated around us were doing. A burst of laughter from directly across from me jerked me out of my haze as I recognized it as Luke’s. His head was thrown back as he laughed at something I hadn’t heard, and I quickly realized he was the only person I recognized in this particular circle of Reece’s friends.

  “Good to see you, Abigail,” he said as he finally calmed down from his fit of laughter, dark eyes focusing on me.

  “You too, Luke,” I returned, smiling before taking a drink of my beer. Reece’s chin was warm as it rested on my shoulder, and I couldn’t stop my free hand from falling on top of his that rested on my thigh. “Wanna join the game? It’s categories again,” he said, his happy smile faltering briefly as he remembered how the last game had ended. Samuel, however, was nowhere to be seen so I quickly agreed to play. “You wanna play?” I asked Reece quietly, turning my head towards his.

  “No, I’m alright,” he answered, his palm squeezing my thigh gently. I nodded.

  It quickly became apparent, however, that I was not going to be able to focus on the game. Reece’s hands never stopped their subtle exploration of my body, his actions so slow and deliberate that no one but me noticed them. His fingers grazed the sides of my thighs, palms pushed down the front of my thighs, kisses were pressed into my neck, and his fingers danced dangerously close to where I desperately wanted him as they inched up my inner thigh. My breathing was uneven as I attempted to appear casual, but Reece knew exactly what he was doing to me. My attempt to retaliate by grinding my bum slightly into his crotch backfired magnificently when he let his thumb graze across my center in the guise of reaching for a new drink, sending a jolt through my entire body. I was pretty sure he was actually trying to set me on fire.

  “Hey, what time are we going downtown?” someone from across the living room called, directing his question at Reece. I had barely heard him because I had been so focused on the way Reece’s lips felt pressed against the crook of my neck and the way his fingers teased my inner thigh again. His lips abruptly pulled from my skin and his hand rose from my leg so he could check his watch, the plain black band with the gold face highlighting a few of the tattoos around his wrist. The time showed 10:57 pm.

  “Shit,” he muttered, clearly not realizing it was already about time to go. “Probably now. By the time we walk it’ll be pretty late,” he called back, to which everyone cheered in agreement. I started to stand from his lap, the several beers I had downed since sitting hindering my balance slightly before his arm tightened around my waist, pulling me back down to his lap. A shiver ran down my spine as he spoke, and I found it difficult to breathe properly. “Remember baby,” he breathed into my ear. “Later, you’re mine.”

  "First class seat on my lap, girl, riding comfortable."

  Chapter 35

  "Reece stop," I giggled, stumbling slightly on the sidewalk as we walked downtown. He had a sly grin on his face as he retracted his hand from where it had been resting on my bum, his fingers slipping dangerously lower toward where I still ached for him. It was hard enough to walking straight with the alcohol flowing through my veins, much less his teasing touch. Just as he had wanted, I could still feel the burn of his touch between my legs, his intention to drive me crazy the rest of the night very much successful.

  "Stop what?" he said, feigning ignorance. His eyebrows were high on his forehead and his eyes were wide as he looked at me with amusement. I giggled as I shoved his hand playfully away from me, stepping clumsily to the side out of his reach. I only managed a few seconds of
separation before his arm slung lazily across my neck, hauling my body into his side as we walked. His arm bent at the elbow as it hung over my shoulders, and my hand rose automatically to grasp his as we walked sloppily down the sidewalk.

  I watched as Emily walked with Luke a bit ahead of us, leading the pack of people that had spilled from Reece's house while we brought up the rear. I watched with a vague curiosity as Luke playfully nudged his shoulder into Emily's, their flirtatious behavior finally seeming to come out after a lot of playful banter at Reece's house. They seemed to be hitting it off well, and I couldn't help but smile.

  "Is Luke single?" I asked curiously, bumping into Reece's hip slightly while we walked. His head flicked forward, eyes searching for Luke after apparently he'd been staring at me. I turned to glance at his profile while he squinted in the dark, his brows pulling down and his beautiful green eyes narrowing.

  "Yeah, but he's not the relationship kind of guy," he said, clearly catching onto my train of thought as he watched him interact with Emily.

  "That's what you said," I pointed out.

  "We're not in a relationship," he said. I frowned slightly before he realized how harsh that had sounded.

  "Um, not yet," he covered, trying to soften his previous words. I nodded and tried to shake off the momentary feeling of rejection I had felt. He was right- we weren't technically in a relationship even though we had basically agreed that we were together. It was so confusing sometimes, but I knew how I felt about him and how he felt about me, so for now, that was good enough.

  It wasn't lost on me, however, that he'd said 'not yet,' which mean there was a potential for us to be in an actual relationship at some point.

  I smiled softly at him, the giddy buzz the alcohol had given me dimming slightly despite my rationalization. My temporary slump was lifted almost immediately, however, when he turned his head to press a kiss into my temple, his arm still slung around my neck pulling me into him easily as we continued to stumble down the street. My grin widened, extremely pleased at how affectionate he had been all night.

  Sure, I was pretty sure it was because he was horny, but I wasn't going to complain and I certainly couldn't say that I wasn't as well. He had made no efforts to hide me from anyone, and he had nearly constant contact with some part of me. I was fairly certain he was trying to drive me insane with want for him because there was almost never a time when his touches didn't seem to be directly intended to make me suffer.

  We rounded a corner and the bars that were spread down the block and created a downtown came into sight. Students could be seen milling around on the sidewalks, meandering their way between the bars as they moved from one to another. There were really only three main bars people went to, but they were always packed with students blowing off steam from a week of classes.

  "Where are we going?" I asked Reece. I had only been downtown a few times before, but I was very much looking forward to experiencing it with him.

  He shrugged. "Dunno, wherever Luke and Emily lead us I suppose," he said. I nodded in agreement as I watched them walk past the first bar. It soon became clear they were heading to The Ender, which was the only bar that would really be considered more of a club. They were known for playing loud music, the consistently packed dance floor, and cheap deals on vodka drinks. I smirked, extremely excited about going to such a place with Reece.

  Our group bunched up as we gathered around the door, the bouncer checking everyone's IDs holding us up slightly. Reece kept his arm slung casually around me as we waited, pulling me closer as his muscles flexed. My arms wound around his torso as my chest pressed into his side and my head rested on his shoulder. I shivered slightly when I felt his lips tickling against the shell of my ear.

  "Remember what I told you baby," he whispered, his voice dark and heavy. "I want you to feel me between your beautiful legs. All night."

  My heart pounded in my chest at his words. From the jolt that ran through my body, you would have thought he'd actually touched me there in front of everyone instead of just speaking the dirty words in my ear. I raised my head to look at him and sucked in a deep breath. He wore a very similar expression to the one he'd wore the very first night I'd met him- confident bordering on cocky, possessive, and amused all at once.

  "That won't be a problem," I managed to say, speaking the absolute truth. My body was absolutely buzzing with need for him and we hadn't even made it through the door yet.

  "Good, baby," he muttered. His green eyes flashed into mine before he looked away, the line moving in front of us enough to allow us to move through the door and hand our IDs to the bouncer. He hardly even looked at them before handing them back to us and waving us inside.

  The club was dark with various flashing lights giving just enough illumination to see the mass amounts of people gathered inside. Music pounded through the air so loud it was nearly impossible to hear anything else, but no one seemed to mind. The bar ran the length of the club, it's excessive size necessary to accommodate the high demand for drinks. People were packed all the way down the bar, waiting for their turn and talking, or shouting, rather, to those around them. Across from the bar were various small tables where a few people had gathered to sit.

  The club's main attraction though, was the dance floor, which could only be reached by making your way through the masses of people crowded by the bar. The raised floor made it possible to see that it was already packed with writhing bodies, their faces indistinguishable in the dark light but their arms visible as they rose them and swayed to the music.

  The atmosphere of the club was electric, and the drunken, sloppy, energetic mood from those already gathered here seemed to be contagious.

  "You want a drink?" Reece asked, his lips once again touching my ear. He pulled back to see me nod instead of trying to speak over the loud music. My hand was taken into his before he pulled me through the people, his eyes scanning the crowd as he moved us through. Already, we had lost everyone we had arrived with, not that I minded. I had no intention of hanging out with anyone other than Reece, and I was pretty sure no one really expected me to do anything else.

  Reece moved through the crowd easily, his large frame sliding effortlessly between the packed bodies. A little bit too effortlessly, I thought vaguely as I caught more than one reproachful look shot his direction as we continued on. I tried not to think what he had done to earn them, because as opposed to usual, there were more than a few males who joined in the glaring looks at him.

  I tried not to think about it, not wanting anything to ruin what was already a promising night. I held onto Reece's hand with both of mine so we wouldn't get accidentally separated, and before I knew it we had two front row spots up at the bar. Reece's hand released mine but only so he could wind his arm around my waist. I couldn't help but feel like he was claiming me, because I caught the dirty look he threw at someone over my shoulder.

  His glare softened as he looked back down at me, his eyes focusing on me once more rather than whomever he had just glared at behind me. He tried to smile, but it was strained. I leaned closer into him, my hips pressing against his as I let my lips fall to his collarbone in a light kiss. His smile was real this time when I pulled back and looked up at him. His hand slipped lower around my waist, his fingers tucking into the pocket of my jeans as he turned from me to lean over the bar.

  Almost immediately, a bartender with platinum blonde hair appeared with a ridiculous grin plastered on her face. She leaned over the bar, very obviously pushing her chest out as she did so. I stared at her skeptically even though she made absolutely no notice of me.

  "What can I get you, doll?" she cooed to Reece, her grin which was meant to be sweet making me feel ill. I couldn't hear what Reece ordered as he leaned across the bar, his lips moving beautifully as he spoke before he pulled back. She shot him another flirty look before spinning obnoxiously to get whatever he'd ordered. He pulled himself back over the bar and looked down at me and took in the frown that h
ad fallen over my face without my knowledge.

  "What?" he asked, an amused confusion showing on his features. I don't know why he always found it so funny whenever I frowned.

  "Nothing," I said vaguely, knowing I was overreacting and that there was nothing to be jealous about.

  "You jealous?" he asked with a grin, his face positively lighting up at the thought of me being jealous. Apparently he liked the idea of me wanting him for myself.

  "No," I lied. I couldn't stop the grin from spreading across my face.

  "No?" he repeated, his smirk widening even more.

  "Fine, a little," I said, giggling. It wasn't that I was jealous, necessarily, just that I didn't like the idea of the girl thinking she even had a shot at him. He was mine.

  "Baby, you know you'll be the one in my bed later," he said, ducking his head to my ear again. "Naked and sweaty and satisfied."

  I sucked in a gasp once again at his words.

  "You're trying to kill me," I groaned. I jumped slightly as he discreetly slid his hand up my inner thigh, his action masked by the bar and his body angled into mine. My body squirmed under his touch as his hand moved between my legs, his palm putting pressure on my already sensitive nerves before sliding it away.

  "No baby, just getting you ready," he said into my ear once more before kissing my jaw lightly.

  I jumped when the bartender slammed two shot glasses down on the bar, clearly not happy that Reece was all over me when she thought she had a chance at him only moments ago. Brown liquid filled the small glasses to the rim and a small trail dripped down the side of one of them.


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