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Hyacinth (Wildflowers Of Montana Book 2)

Page 6

by Vanessa Vale

  Tugging the shirt off, Jackson tossed it onto the grass beside his hat.

  Oh my. I sucked in a breath and stared. No, I was blatantly ogling him and based on the way the corner of his mouth tipped up into a rueful smile, he didn't mind.

  His shoulders were broad and his waist narrow, his body forming a shape of a V. The light hair on his chest tapered to his navel and below that into a line that ventured down and into his pants. He'd pointed out the hard length of his...cock when we were in the washroom, but now, in the bright sunlight, the bulge was blatantly obvious. It was thick and long and angled upwards where the waistline of his pants was pulled away.

  His hands fumbling with the front placket had me breaking my gaze.

  “You'll like what you see much better when my pants are off.” He toed off his boots as he opened his pants, and then pushed them down over his hips.

  What men wore beneath their pants was a mystery to me. I expected drawers of some kind, but Jackson was bare beneath. I knew this for fact when his cock sprung forth, a light nest of hair at the base. I only gave that a passing glance, for I was stunned at the sight of his cock. I had no idea what one would look like, but this...oh my.

  It was like a club, thick and long with a wide, blunt head. The color of it was a ruddy red and a pulsing vein followed along the side. At the top, there was a small slit and I watched as a clear fluid seeped from it. The thick length bobbed up toward his belly and then straight toward me.

  “Jackson, I'm not sure—”

  I felt hot all over, and not from the sun. My fingers inside of me were so small in comparison to his cock. While my inner walls clenched down in anticipation of being filled with such a hulking thing, I was afraid.

  “It'll fit, love. I promise. You're not ready right now, but you will be.”

  He pushed his pants down his legs all the way, then kicked them off so he stood before me completely, totally and deliciously naked.

  “Oh my,” I said again. I couldn't help it, for I was stunned over and over at the sight of him. This was my husband!

  “Your turn, love.”

  It was those words that had my eyes leaving his cock and meeting his. “My turn?” I squeaked.

  He slowly nodded. “You've got me naked, it's now my turn to see you.”

  With fumbling fingers, I worked the buttons down the front of my dress. As I did so, Jackson spoke. “I've dreamed about you being naked. I've taken my cock in hand, touched myself as you did yourself, and made myself come with you in mind.”

  His words were so carnal and he shared them without a hint of shame. “You did?” I asked, my fingers pausing.

  “Don't stop. Please.”

  His eyes were as mine had been, following my ministrations as I'd done his. “I've wanted to touch you, to kiss you, to fuck you since the first time I saw you.” He grinned wickedly and I couldn't help but offer a shy smile in return. “Remember how you felt when you played with your pussy? It's the same for me, love. That feeling? It's because of you. God, I can't wait to slide my cock inside you, feel your walls clenching down on me. I'm going to come so hard.”

  His words were making me hot. My pussy clenched down just as he'd said, but it was empty and I ached for him. My hands moved faster now, my body eager to do exactly as he'd said. “Jackson, body wants you. I...I ache for you, but my mind. I'm struggling.”

  He took the few steps between us and took over removing my dress. His hands were much more adept, perhaps more out of eagerness than experience. Although, I had to assume he'd disrobed some other women in the past, but I would not think such things. Jackson was mine. Every well honed inch of him.

  “Don't think, love. Feel.” His hands pushed the fabric off my shoulders and from my arms, where it fell on its own to pool at my feet. He didn't stall, but quickly worked at the stays on my corset, then lifted my chemise over my head.

  Then he paused and looked his fill. I shivered, but I wasn't cold. It was the look in Jackson's eyes, the heat I saw there—the way he clenched his jaw—that had me feeling as if I was a meal and he was a starving man. I felt my nipples tighten beneath his intense gaze and my arousal coated my thighs.

  “You're beautiful, Hyacinth Reed. Let's get in the water before I fuck you right here, right now.” He took my hand and tugged me toward the creek.

  I shook my head as I looked at the water. I'd forgotten all about my fears of it because of his actions. Jackson’s nakedness had my brain turning to mush, my body softening and heating for something I didn't know in it's entirety. “Now. Please.”

  He paused and frowned, which was not what I'd expected; I'd expected him to be quite pleased I wished to skip directly to the—what had he called it?—fucking.

  “Not because I'm scared of the water,” I added, lying just a little bit. “I am, but I...I want everything you've said. I don't want to wait.”

  Jackson groaned deep in his throat and grabbed me, pulled me tightly against him and kissed me. This wasn't like the chaste kiss at the wedding. This wasn't like the first kiss we shared in the washroom. This was something else entirely—something wild and savage and desperate and hot and...incredible. His tongue swept into my mouth and found mine, tangled with it. He licked and learned what I liked, how I liked to be kissed. How he knew, I had no idea, but it was incredible.

  My breasts pressed against his chest, the hair there soft and springy where it tickled my nipples. Lower down, his cock was pressed into my belly. It was hot and hard, yet velvety soft. When I felt it pulse, I gasped. I envisioned it to be something like a club or a hard post, ramming into me and filling me, but it felt alive between us, as if it wanted to be inside me.

  As Jackson kissed along my jaw, my head fell back, offering him better access, even more so when he nipped at my earlobe before venturing down my neck. “A good attempt, love, but I know you're still scared. If you want to fuck instead of going in that water, I'm not going to argue.” His voice dropped deep and rasped almost velvety against my skin, making me shiver even in the sunlight.

  He licked and laved at the tender skin, leaving a tingling wake. He was lighting up my flesh, my blood heating and thickening in my veins, making me slow and very pliant. My breath quickened in pace with my heart, for as he lowered his head even further and kissed from my collarbone and down to nuzzle at one breast, I thought for sure he could feel the frantic beating beneath his lips. My hands slipped in his hair as me suckled at one of my nipples. I couldn't help the gasp that escaped, for I had no idea a man would do such a thing, nor did I expect it to feel so good.

  “Jackson, someone's going to see us,” I breathed. The last bits of coherent thought had me worried about being discovered. He had me so scatterbrained I hadn't considered that before now. We were stark naked and anyone could see us. Soon, anyone would be able to see so much more. While he'd said what we did was just between us, I never imagined doing it outside in the open.

  He shook his head and the soft bristle of his whiskers abraded my tender skin. “This is Lenox land. No one will bother us here.”

  “I don't want my first time interrupted by Dahlia and Iris,” I countered, some of the heat of the moment lost to thoughts of my twittering and pestering sisters.

  I felt his smile against my breast.

  “I told my father where we were going. No one will bother us.” His mouth moved lower still as he dropped to his knees before me, his hands sliding down my sides to rest on my hips. I didn't know why he would hold me in place, for I had no intention to run away, but when he put his mouth on my woman's core, I jolted and pushed against his forearms.

  “Jackson! Are you supposed to do that?”

  He lifted his head briefly and met my gaze. “Absolutely. Trust me, you're going to love it.”

  I wasn't completely sure, but he hadn't done anything I'd disliked so far, so I relaxed in his hold. “Spread your legs, love.”

  I did as he bid and he lowered his head once again, this time using his tongue to lick a path along my s
eam, then flick gently against that hard nub that was the center of all my pleasure.

  “Jackson!” I cried, again, this time for a completely different reason. I had no idea I was so sensitive, that just the rough surface of his tongue could feel so incredible as he used his fingers of one hand to part my folds and circle my entrance.

  The feeling was so intense that my knees buckled. If not for the arm he'd banded about my waist, I'd have fallen to the soft grass. I felt the sun upon my naked skin, the soft breeze harden my already tight nipples. Some of my hair had come loose from its pins and brushed against my bare back. Jackson's fingers dug into my waist and surely I'd have a mark there later. I didn't care; I loved it. I loved knowing that there would be an outward sign of his possession. Besides his taking my virginity, I wanted to see that I'd been claimed. I wanted him to look upon the marks as his ownership.

  What he was doing with his mouth was most certainly ruining me for any other. I was so close to coming; I knew what it felt like now. I knew what to expect.

  When Jackson's finger slipped inside of me and rubbed over some magical place, I changed my mind. I had absolutely no idea what to expect. This wasn't like sitting on the side of the tub and touching myself. This was so, so much more. I had no idea I was so sensitive inside, that just the slightest curl of his finger had me arching my hips, tangling my fingers in his hair. The combination of that new touch, plus his tongue fluttering over my clit had my inner walls rippling, trying to pull that single digit deeper, had my back bowing and my orgasm washing over me. I was lost, just as when I'd been taken away by the flood. In this case though, I had Jackson to hold me, to keep me safe, to let me revel as the pleasure overtook me. I held onto him as tightly as he gripped me, savoring every bit of pleasure he could wring from my body.

  “Oh my God, Jackson,” I panted. “I...I had no idea.”

  He kissed the birthmark on my inner thigh before lifting his head and grinning. He didn't loosen his hold, but looked up the length of my naked body. His usually pale eyes were dark and stormy, his mouth and chin glistening with what I now knew was my arousal. I could feel it on my swollen, heated flesh and down my thighs.

  “That's only the beginning.”

  I sagged into him at those words and he carefully lowered me down to the ground, my dress spread out beneath me. The soft grass was like a cushion, and having Jackson above me propped up on one hand beside my head made me feel safe and protected, as if he were the only thing in the world. He was. I couldn't see anything but him, his smiling face and broad shoulders blocking out the rest of the world.

  I glanced down our bodies and saw his cock was even bigger than before, the fluid at the tip dripping down the blunt head. Lowering my hand, I touched it. It bobbed against my fingers and Jackson hissed. I pulled my hand away and looked at him, worried.

  “Did I hurt you?”

  He shook his head. “To the contrary,” he replied, his voice deep and rough. “Don't stop, love.”

  The reassuring look in his eye had me gripping him in my palm.


  His growl had me squeezing him, although I couldn't get my fingers to wrap all the way around his ample thickness.

  “Slide your hand up and down.” I did. “Cup my balls with your other hand.”

  He continued to tell me what to do, for I had no idea what to what he was referring. At first. Between those words and his body's response to my touch, I quickly learned what he liked. His cock was so hard, yet as smooth as silk in my palm. It pulsed and filled with blood. My hand became damp from the fluid at the top, making me glide up and down him with ease.

  “Enough.” He pulled back from my hold and sat back on his heels.

  “I wasn't doing it right?” I bit my lip, worried that I wasn't skilled enough to please him.

  His hand came to my cheek and his thumb slid back and forth. “You're doing it just fine. It's too good, love. I want to be inside you when I come. I want to fill you with my seed, mark you as mine.”

  I nodded, for my desire had not diminished when he'd made me come with his mouth. I parted my legs for him and braced for his massive size to push inside me. “I'm ready.”

  The corner of his mouth tipped up. “No, you're not, but don't worry, I'll get you there.” He lowered his head and kissed me, his mouth gentle, his tongue slipping in deep to meet mine. I tasted myself, and the idea of being so intimate with Jackson very, very arousing. I had no idea it could be this way and I all but melted beneath him, my body becoming soft and pliant. His tongue retreated, then plunged in again, all the while his big hand joined with mine. Slowly, he raised it over my head where his other hand claimed it and held on to it. I was pinned in place with nowhere to go. I could do nothing but accept everything—and anything—Jackson decided to do to me.

  I was his.

  For once, I could let everything go. In this moment with him, he was in complete control. I couldn't worry that he would find my body unappealing. I couldn't worry about what I'd done in the past. I couldn't worry about whether I was pleasing him. I could do absolutely nothing but accept Jackson's attentions and return them as ardently as I could. I belonged to him and he was telling me so without any words.

  As he kissed me, his free hand slid down my arm and lower to cup my breast, squeezing it as his fingers plucked at the turgid nipple. I gasped against his mouth.

  “Like that?” he asked, his mouth hovering over mine.

  My eyes slipped shut as he didn't relent. “Yes,” I breathed.

  He tugged a little harder and there was a sharp bite of pain. My eyes flew wide and my back arched. “Jackson!” I cried, not because it hurt, but because it morphed into something incredibly pleasurable.

  “Like that more?”

  “I shouldn't,” I replied, confused as to why my core softened and dripped with arousal at the pain and pleasure combination.

  “Yes, you should. It just means you aren't as mild as you thought. You might be able to fool the others, but not me.”

  “Jackson,” I countered, but couldn't say more for he'd moved on to the other breast, giving it the same rough treatment.

  “I've longed to hear my name from your lips sounding just like that. Just wait until I get inside you, then you'll do it again. And again.”

  I didn't doubt his ability to make me beg. I was far from mild. I was absolutely wild beneath him. As his hand slid down my belly and dipped between my thighs, I was lost to anything but him. A finger parted my folds and dipped inside.

  “You're dripping wet.”

  “Jackson, please.” I did beg. I did. Putting my feet firmly on the soft grass, my knees came up and I parted my legs for him. He quickly took advantage of this position by shifting so his hips were cradled within mine. This also had his cock settling against my inner thigh. One slight shift of his body and he'd be pressing against me. One slight thrust of his hips and he'd be embedded fully within me. The idea had me lifting my hips.

  “This, Hyacinth.” He held up his hand and I saw my wetness glistening on his fingertips. “This is for me.”

  “Yes,” I replied.

  He lifted his fingers to his mouth and licked my essence off. “So sweet, spicy, too. Just like you.”

  His words, the way he talked to me, he didn't hold back. He didn't maintain a safe reserve for mild Hyacinth Lenox. He wouldn't stand for that, for he was seeing the real me—the me I hadn't even known. Hyacinth Reed. How he knew I'd become aroused by touching myself, or by his dark and dirty words, his seamy actions, I'd never know. I didn't really care, just that he would soon fill me, for my inner muscles clenched down in anticipation.

  He was big, so very big, but I wasn't afraid. Never with Jackson.

  Placing his other hand beside my head, he shifted his hips and I did feel his cock nudging at my entrance. The hot feel of it, so hard and demanding, had me gasping.

  He looked into my eyes. “There's no going back, love.” He pushed forward ever so slightly and we both groaned. The bro
ad head spread my lower lips so very wide and it opened me up, stretching me so much more than one of his fingers possibly could.

  “I'll be gentle this first time, but I like it rough and I know you will, too.”

  The idea of him taking me as he wished had me clenching down on the tip of his cock.

  He slid in a little further easily because of how slick I was.

  My eyes closed and I tensed at the tight, burning feel of him filling me. He was large, so very large that my body was struggling to accommodate his girth.

  “Look at me, Hyacinth.” His deep voice had me doing as he bid. “You're so tight, but it's your maidenhead that's making it uncomfortable.”

  I shook my head. “You're so big.”

  He grinned. “I am, but I'll fit. We'll fit perfectly together. I can feel your maidenhead and once I break through, you'll see.”

  I licked my lips, trusting him in this. “It's yours, Jackson. Take it. Take me.”

  Heat flared in his eyes—I recognized it now—at my words. He didn't wait, couldn't wait. The way his neck was corded and his jaw was clenched, his holding back, his keeping himself still while only slightly embedded within me was costing him. He was being gentle and cautious and I hadn't even realized it. I knew now and so I decided to move things along. He'd been right. I didn't want gentle. I wanted Jackson.

  I took hold of his bottom, tight and firm beneath my palms and pulled him forward just as I lifted my hips. The action had him breaching my maidenhead and embedding himself to the hilt inside me. I stiffened at the intense feel of him, the sharp bite of pain at the tearing deep inside me.

  “Jesus, Hyacinth.”

  Jackson didn't move as he stroked his hand over my face.

  “You were taking too long.”

  “I didn't want to hurt you,” he replied.

  I gave him a soft smile in reassurance. The pain was receding quickly, but the stretching and feel of him deep inside me was not. My inner walls clenched down on him, testing the feel.


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