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Paranormal Dating Agency: In Dire Straits (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Cazenovia Pack Book 1)

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by MJ Nightingale

  Text copyright ©2017 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by Latin Goddess Press, Inc.. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original Paranormal Dating Agency remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of Latin Goddess Press, Inc., or their affiliates or licensors.

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  MJ Nightingale


  Though this novella is a work of fiction, I dedicate it to the real Annie “O”. She’s a no holds barred woman and as real as they come. She’s kind, funny, and loving. And, despite the crazy things that come out of her mouth sometimes, she’s got the biggest heart you could ask for.

  At the very, very, very least she deserved to have a book written about her. She deserves this and so much more.

  Love you girlie! I miss your face, your humor in the face of hardship, and your friendship!

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Message to Milly Taiden Fans

  Books by MJ Nightingale


  About the Author

  Chapter 1

  Mother Nature set the thermostat to hell! The heat was excruciating. Thankfully in this rental, the owners had kept the air conditioning running and it was a cool 72°. Much better than the sweltering 94° outside. They were officially in one of the worst heat waves on record. The three bedroom bungalow she was showing to her current client was the sixth one she had showed him that day. He just couldn’t seem to make up his mind, and she knew the homes he had asked to see were out of his budget. But summer was always slow in the real estate game in Florida.

  She did her best business in the winter when the snowbirds from up north were in town. Her current client lived in Florida year round. He was a widowed retiree and lived in one of those 55 and up communities, but yeah, now he wanted something on the beach.

  “I really do like this one but I think it’s a little bit out of my budget,” he remarked, standing in the oversize living room that had an amazing view of the Gulf of Mexico. It had been the first truthful thing he’d said all day. He’d spent most of the day flirting with her though he was twice her age. She knew this house in particular had been beyond his means when he asked to see it, but it had been a slow month and she hoped he liked it so well he might fork over the extra 30,000 from a couple of bonds he had hidden somewhere. He told her he was a cash buyer.

  She would love to have a place on the beach herself, but the last few years have been rough for her. She had ended a long term relationship and her last few boyfriends had all been duds. Money was tight since her big break up three years earlier. She had to start all over, and at 35 years old, that was a humbling experience. Especially now in such a topsy turvy economy, she just wasn’t able to save like she used to.

  “I know it’s a little bit over your budget, Mr. Sanchez, but you could always put in an offer if you love the place and see if they’re willing to come down. And though this is a prime location, it is summer and if they are motivated to sell they might bite. It’s just been put on the market so if you are even the slightest bit interested you should make an offer. I’m sure once fall hits it’ll be snapped up pretty quickly.”

  The older man went from the large living room back into the open kitchen area. Everything had been recently remodeled. It had all stainless steel appliances, marble countertops, and new cabinets extended all the way to the ceiling. The owners had done the kitchen right with all the most modern conveniences. It was a cook’s dream, and she loved to cook, but it was the view that would sell this place. It was remarkable. The back deck had easy access to a private beach and was secluded from view on both sides with natural Florida scrub.

  “I’ll think about it,” he said and began to walk towards the front door. They had parked out front. “Let’s go look at the last one and then I’ll make my decision.”

  Ugh! She groaned inwardly following after the pretty spry senior citizen. The heat did not seem to bother him at all. Thank goodness there was just one property left to see, although it was even more expensive. She knew she had wasted her entire day. Glancing at her watch she saw that it was 4 PM. If she hurried she could still make happy hour. She needed a stiff drink. A cold one.

  * * *

  “Another,” Annie tapped the bar impatiently. The mojitos she was drinking were good. Too damn good on such a hot day. They were going down easy. She felt the alcohol kicking in and knew she would need to take a cab home that evening. The day has been a complete bust. Her client, Miguel Sanchez, had decided not to make an offer on any of the properties. The only offer he wanted to put in had been to her. When she drove them back to her office and walked him to his car, the old widower made a play for her. She hadn’t even seen it coming as she had been worried that her boob sweat would show through her white blouse if she didn’t get out of the heat soon. The old lecher had his tongue so far down her throat she thought he might be able to tell what she had for lunch.

  She didn’t mind older men, but she wasn’t that desperate yet. From his application, she knew he was pushing seventy. Her idea of a good time wasn’t bouncing around on a bag of wrinkles on Viagra. She liked to have a good time, but she wanted a real animal in bed. Not someone who needed the little blue pill to get his rod to stand at attention. And to hell if she was going to do all of the work.

  Been there, done that!

  Annie picked up the third mojito that was placed before her and took a sip, while someone climbed onto the barstool next to her. She glanced at the new patron from the corner of her eye. She wasn’t in the mood for another sleazy pickup today. Not that she hadn’t allowed that to happen on occasion. Hell, she was single and preferred the real thing to toys.

  She was relieved to see that it was an older woman. It seemed like the first thing to go right for her today. The woman pushed a longish white lock of hair out from her face and smiled at Annie. Her hair was cut in a smart bob with the longer pieces in the front. Old, but classy chic. Annie liked to see older women who took care of themselves. With all the blue dye in Florida, it was refreshing to see her so well-groomed. The bartender was placing a long island ice tea in front of her. “Bad day?” the older woman asked, catching Annie perusing her.

  “You don’t know the half of it,” Annie murmured lifting her drink to her new acquaintance.

  “My name is Gerri Wilder and I’ve got all night if you feel like talking.” Gerri tipped her glass at the younger woman who she had chosen to sit next to in O’Malley’s pub. The woman looked to be about 35 and Gerri had been watching her for some time sitting alone. She was in Clearwater to help a new client of hers find his mate, but he hadn’t arrived yet from New York. She didn’t understand why he wanted to move to such a godforsaken hot and humid city, but she would hear his story tomorrow when he arrived. She’d come a
few days early to scope out some of the locals. She knew Bill Armbruster a long time, and was hoping she could find someone local for him. So she came out tonight to have a drink and get out of her hotel for the evening. The young woman beside her looked promising for her new client.

  Annie gave the woman another appraising look. She looked nice enough. Friendly. Classy too with some black chunks in her bone white hair. She kind of reminded Annie of Cruella Deville. If she pulled out a cigarette on one of those long stick things and had a Dalmatian wrap tucked somewhere in her closet, she would be her spitting image. Annie shook her head to clear it. The mojitos were hitting and making her loopy. She was well on her way to getting drunk. “Yeah, sh-sure.” Why the hell not, she thought. She had nothing better to do tonight except crank up her air conditioner to bankruptcy levels or melt into a puddle in her third-floor condo.

  “Well, where should I begin?” Annie absent-mindedly twirled a lock of her shoulder length blond hair.

  “It’s always best to begin at the start, my dear.” Gerri encouraged the tipsy blond before her. The more she knew the better to make the right match. Gerri took her job seriously as a matchmaker for her paranormal clients. Many knew about them, the shifters, and the other worldly who roamed the earth. But making a mistake could cost them. Those not ready or willing to accept her clients could bring great harm. History had not been kind to her people, so their secret was shared with just a select few—those who had been vetted and were accepting of others. It did not always pan out and mistakes happened, but she was always especially careful when choosing a human for a shifter.

  Annie blew a lock of hair from her face. Took another sip of her drink. Well, she thought, Cruella had asked for it. She launched into her tale. “Well, the short of it is, I moved to this sweltering hell hole for a guy ten years ago and got the royal boot. I’ve tried to make a living here selling real estate, but the market is shit. My last three boyfriends, well except for one, have been duds in the sack.” Annie paused. What else? “Oh, and my best friend is a Schnauzer named Buddy, and though I love the beach, I miss New York.”

  Well, this was promising, Gerri thought. Her newest client was from New York, too. Her, for lack of a better familial relationship, nephew, Bill Armbruster, from the Cazenovia pack was looking to start over and make a fresh start in Florida. She knew he liked blondes, too. And the woman was also an animal lover. Three check marks so far.

  “So, what are you looking for in a man if you don’t mind my asking?”

  Annie gazed at the older woman. Her hair really was something else, amazing, but her ice blue eyes looked kind and sincere. She didn’t know why she was telling her all of this, but what the hell. “I’d love to meet a man who doesn’t have commitment issues. I’m not looking for a white picket fence and babies necessarily. I’d love to travel. I’m 35 and I like to have a good time. I don’t want to spend my life taking care of someone, so I’d like him to be near my age. Actually, I want someone to take care of me for a change. And it wouldn’t be horrible if he were an animal in bed.”

  Gerri smiled at the blonde. Her blues eyes twinkling with mirth. This girl had a backbone. And wit! She was definitely a potential prospect for Bill. He was an Omega. He was confident and charismatic and liked to take care of others, often putting their needs above his own. Alphas were leaders in the packs that lived in North America. But often times they ruled their communities with the help of an Omega at their side. Omegas seemed to be more in tune with what the others needed and advised their leaders. And that’s what Bill had been doing in Cazenovia until a falling out with his mate had him looking for love elsewhere. She didn’t know all of the details yet, but Gerri knew her nephew. She believed him when he had told her over the phone that he wasn’t running, and that he was truly ready for a fresh start. And looking at this woman sitting next to her in the bar, she thought she could be a definite possibility. She was pretty enough. Stacked up top, nice curves. Not skin and bones.

  Gerri reached into her bag and pulled out her card. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she slid her card across the bar top to the younger woman. “Well, I think you are in luck, my dear. Here is my business card and I would love it if you would give me a call later in the week.”

  Annie glanced at the card the woman gave her. She read the words, Gerri Wilder, PDA agency. Matchmaker. What the hell? “Oh my goodness. A matchmaker? Really?” she scoffed. Gerri smiled at her and shook her head in the positive. “You want to hook me up with someone? Geesh, I must be desperate because I’m contemplating it.” Annie didn’t know if she was placating the woman or just that drunk. A frickin’ bejesus matchmaker! You didn’t run in to one of those every day. Annie giggled at her wayward thoughts.

  But on the other hand, Annie knew many of her friends back in New York had tried the Internet matchmaking thing. One of her guy friends had met someone using an app called Grindr. Heck, even her sister had met someone online with Zoosk.

  “Check out my website. It’s exclusive, and you’ll need a password to log on and see the testimonials. I haven’t gone wrong yet.”

  Annie stared at the card. The letters started to swim.

  “I actually think I have a man in mind for you already. Call me later in the week, sweetheart. I can set something up.” The woman began to get off of her stool, so Annie hopped down off of hers. It was getting late and she did have a few showings the following day, so she decided to walk Gerri out.

  “I’ll walk with you to your hotel and catch a cab there,” Annie told her when her eyebrow quirked up as she followed her to the door.

  “Well, I’ll appreciate the company. And I really hope you do give me that call later in the week.”

  “I’ll check out your website,” Annie promised. If she even remembered this conversation, she mused as she nearly stumbled over the threshold out into the Florida heat. Those mojitos had double shots and they were taking their toll. This heatwave would be the death of her. It was hotter than a whore house on coupon night.

  They walked the block and a half to Gerri’s hotel and said their goodbyes there. Again, Annie promised the sweet old lady she’d check out her website and then call. She didn’t know if she would, but she didn’t have to tell her that.

  The sweet thing began to walk towards the lobby while Annie turned towards the line of cabs. The sooner she got out of the sweltering heat the better. Just as she got into line, Gerri’s voice stopped her. She hadn’t noticed the woman turn back. She had snuck up on her the sneaky thing.

  “Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. The password for the website is . . . Satisfaction guaranteed.” The woman’s eyes twinkled with mischief as she winked at Annie. “One word. No spaces. Satisfaction is all in caps.”

  Damn! That woman was something else. She was a genuine salesman. “Oh, um, yeah that’s clever. I won’t forget that.” Annie resisted rolling her eyes at that hard pitch sale. This woman, this matchmaker or whatever she was, was something else. At the very least, her horribly rotten day had turned into an interesting evening, she thought as she fell back into the line waiting for the next taxi and watched Gerri go into the lobby.

  She patted the card she had slid into her pocket. She might check it out, but she needed to get home and get out of her already damp clothes. This humidity! So frickin hot, but not in a good way. There were only two other couples in front of her. She felt a trickle of sweat roll down between her breasts. The humidity tonight must be doing something crazy to her hair. She would need a cold shower before going to bed just to be able to sleep. Plus, she was going to have to get up early to get her car in the morning. All thoughts of the evening dissipated as a man got in line behind her. “You a hooker baby?” A 50 something man with a pot belly asked as he slapped her on her ass.

  “Are you a human being, fucktard?” was her response as her palm made contact with his face.

  The man stepped back holding a hand to his throbbing cheek. He took several steps back before turning around. He must have decided to walk
to wherever the hell he was going and Annie was happy about that. Her head was beginning to pound. She needed aspirin and water. Ugh, why had she had that extra drink? She was getting to be a light weight. Fuck. Tomorrow, she was going to have one hell of a hangover.

  Chapter 2

  Bill knew he made the right decision in going to see Gerri Wilder. He wanted a new mate. It had been a long time coming. His ex-girlfriend, Danielle, had made things quite difficult for him with the pack. She didn’t take too kindly to his rejection of forming a triad with the next in line alpha to lead the Cazenovia pack. When Darryl Lupine had announced he had chosen Dwayne, his eldest son, to lead the pack when he stepped down, Bill had been thrilled for his friend. They had grown up together and were closer than two brothers could be. Well, until Danielle sunk her fangs into him.

  Danielle had always had ideas of grandeur floating around in her head. When the announcement had been made about Dwayne, she had taken it upon herself to woo the next in line to the Cazenovia pack. She let him know she was leaving him for bigger and better things. He had been fine with that as it had been over for him emotionally for quite some time. She had been a convenient lover for the last five years, but things had soured between them long ago. When she broke it off, it had been no skin off his back. He wished her well and good riddance. And even when she had gone from his bed straight to Dwayne’s, he hadn’t cared either way. Dwayne was an alpha and she was a fiery female. He hadn’t begrudged his friend the pleasure she was giving him. He just hadn’t expected it to become serious between the two. But it had become serious and there were many who were not happy with the match. Even Dwayne’s parents weren’t fond of the new female in their son’s life. Their pack, being so far north, was smaller than most at only about 40 wolves. So, with that also a consideration, and them both being consenting adults, the pack had looked the other way and hoped Dwayne would grow bored with Danielle. That hadn’t happened either. The two were inseparable, and Dwayne’s behavior had begun to make people wonder what the two did behind closed doors. His friend had changed and had begun to distance himself from everyone.


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