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Stay with Me (Callahan Series)

Page 4

by Marchman, AC

  “Let’s go, playboy,” I say as I slip my helmet back on and he starts up the four wheeler. He switches on the headlight and we make our way back to the house. I hope the fluttering in my stomach calms down; I know that I have to meet the other members of his family now.

  Chapter 5

  We pull back into the garage and leave the helmets and key on the ATV. As we start walking to the house, Donovan puts his arm around me. “Now, listen to me, babe.” His serious tone makes me turn my head towards him. “My dad and sister are great people. Donna, on the other hand, acts the part, but she is not what she seems to be. Don’t tell her about your son, please. She’s the type to run to the gossip columns and inform them, just so she can get attention.”

  I swallow and nod my head. “Okay. “ My nervousness starts to peak as we reach the front door. He opens it and lets me go first. I turn to look into the mirror on the wall; oh geez, I look like I was just screwed. I try to fix my hair so I don’t look so disheveled and exhale loudly. I hear footsteps coming from the living room, then I hear a deep, southern voice say, “Donnie, is that you?”

  He groans and whispers, “Again with the nickname.” Then he answers, “Yeah, Dad. It’s us.”

  Here it is; I’m finally going to meet his dad, one of the richest men in Georgia. I hold my breath and try to steady myself by gripping the table. A very handsome, tall man comes from the living room. I’m stuck by how gorgeous this whole damn family is. His dad stands at about six foot, has salt and pepper hair that falls in the same way Donovan’s does, and his eyes are a light blue. Wow, this is what I have to look forward to when my man is older.

  “Donnie, it’s so good to see you, son.” His father pulls him in for a bear hug and pats him hard on the back. He turns his attention to me and his eyes soften. “And you must be my son’s girlfriend, Allie.”

  “Yes, sir,” I stick my hand out to shake his, but yet again, I’m pulled in for a tight squeeze. “Oof,” I grunt as I gasp for air.

  “Honey, call me Rob. None of that sir or Mr. Callahan stuff.” He pulls me back, but keeps his arms on my shoulders, looking at me from an arm’s length away. “Donnie didn’t tell me how beautiful you are.” He winks at his son. “You picked a good one this time, boy.”

  My man rolls his eyes and chuckles. “Yeah, she’s a keeper, Pops.” He links his fingers into mine. “I guess everyone is in the dining room.”

  “Yep, they sure are. Dinner is on the table. We were waiting on you kids. By the way, where the hell were you?” Rob cocks his dark eyebrow up to Donovan and gives him a knowing smile. Oh, God, I’m mortified. He has to know; we both have that look to us.

  “Just showing Allie the property.”

  “Okay then. Well, come on kids! Dinner is getting cold and I’m starving.” He holds an arm out for me to take, so I look at Donovan for an answer and he nods, giving me a sweet smile. He mouths “I told you so.” I smile warmly as I link my arm into Rob’s. Obviously being a gentleman runs in the family. Rob leads us to what appears to be the main dining room. There is a large Victorian style table set for eight people. I see Megan, who is sitting by, whom I suspect, is Adam. There is a stunning black haired lady, who I think is Donna, seated. There is a very handsome blonde guy about our age and a auburn haired beauty seated next to him. As soon we enter the room, they all turn their attention to us and everyone stands. My stomach drops to the floor. This is it; time to meet the family. Rob releases my arm and it feels like lead, dropping to my side. Donovan is beside me in a second. He places his hand on the small of my back, giving me much needed support. Megan is the first to come around and give me yet another one of her bear hugs. “Did you enjoy yourself?” she asks as she releases me from her vice grip.

  “Yes, the property is lovely,” I smile. Adam is standing beside her and he sticks his hand out for me to shake it. His hair is jet black and long, almost hanging in his eyes. His left arm has a sleeve of tattoos that he doesn’t try to hide. He’s wearing a black t-shirt that clings to his chest. Donovan gives him a slight head nod, but nothing else and Adam returns it with one of his own. No wonder Donovan doesn’t really care for him. He’s not the type you bring home to momma, and he’s certainly not the one you want your little sister dating.

  “Hey, I’m Adam, Megan’s boyfriend.” His voice is surprisingly Yankee; I’m guessing New Jersey.

  I smile and extend my hand. “Nice to meet you, Adam.” His light brown eyes twinkle, expressing...lust? Surely not to me, that’s completely ridiculous. He cuts his eyes to Donovan and narrows them into small slits. I take my hand back quickly, and Adam turns his sights back on Megan, who seems absolutely in love with the guy and oblivious to the friction between our men. I glance up to Donovan and see a fleeting trace of anger cross over his chiseled face. Oh God, I hope there is no fighting this weekend. Before I can completely process what is going on the two of them, yet another handsome man is in front of me.

  “Hi, Allie. I’m Gabriel, and this is my very soon to be wife, Stacey,” the young mogul says, his hand linked with his fiancee’s. They are a perfect pair; they compliment each other well. Gabriel has dark blonde hair with natural highlights and baby blue eyes, while Stacey is a knockout with flowing auburn hair and sparkling emerald green eyes. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

  I blush at the thought of Donovan talking about me to someone else. “Don’t believe a word of it,” I say with a slight laugh in an attempt to cover my embarrassment. My mind is still trying to catch up from the hostile exchange between Donovan and Adam.

  “Trust me, this asshole hasn’t said one bad word about you,” he banters as he releases my hand and gives my man a bro hug. Stacey smiles at me while she rolls her eyes.

  “Yep, I’m marrying that tomorrow,” she giggles as she shakes her head. I join in with her laughter, immediately liking her. She moves on to hug Donovan and I see Donna approaching me. She has straight, black hair falling over her shoulders, light green eyes, which have to be contacts, and a huge smile plastered on her plastic face. Yep, her eyes are as fake as her smile...and her boobs. She looks like a trophy wife for sure. A woman who is obsessed with looking and feeling young; making sure her appearance is perfect, even if it’s just going to the gas station.

  “Allison, dahling. It’s so wonderful to meet you.” She wraps her thin arms around me, her expensive perfume filling my nose. She gives me a light pat and half kisses both of my cheeks. I give her a small hug back. “You are gorgeous, my dear. I love your dress.” At first, I’m not sure if she’s joking or not, so I look down and don’t see anything wrong with my attire. Hell, I still don’t know if she’s kidding. She just seems so shallow, like there is no depth to her soul at all. But I try to push that thought out of my mind. I’m sure it has been clouded by Donovan’s strong opinion of his stepmother.

  She looks at her stepson, her smile grows bigger, and faker. “My goodness, Donnie, you are as handsome as ever.” She goes for the same kind of hug with him and he takes a step back. It throws her a bit, but she recovers quickly. “Ahem, well, let’s eat, everyone.” Donna calls to the kitchen, “Everyone is here, you can bring the dinner out, Ms. Chandler!”

  I see Donovan’s face light up as he hears his childhood nanny’s name. He once told me that she raised Megan and him while his mother drank herself silly. He takes off to the kitchen and disappears behind the swinging door. We all take a seat at the large dining table. I take my seat next to Stacey, leaving the open seat for Donovan across from me. My stomach is in knots; I feel Adam and Donna’s stares boring into me and it causes me to shift in my seat, feeling very uneasy.

  Come on, babe, bring your ass back out here, I think to myself. Rob takes the other seat at the head of the table just as Donovan slips out the kitchen door. “Sorry about that. I wanted to say hi to Ms. Chandler. She wasn’t working last time I came home.”

  “Quite alright, son. She said the other day how much she missed you,” Rob says with a warm smile on his face.

hear Donna groan. “Really, Rob. You shouldn’t speak to the help in that manner.”

  “Dad can speak to the woman that raised me any way he wants to, Donna.” Donovan’s tone is venomous, causing her to blush. “I don’t believe it’s any of your concern, anyhow.”

  “Now, Donnie, don’t speak to your stepmother like that. That’s rude and disrespectful.” Rob shakes his index finger at his son, but there’s no scolding tone to his words. I think it’s more of a show for Donna to show he’s standing up for her. This gives Donna a shit eating grin on her made up face. Donovan was right, she’s not to be trusted. I don’t get a good vibe from her at all. Thank God the tension is broken by the staff bringing out supper. I’m amazed that it takes four of them to bring everything out. Bowls of salad, collard greens, macaroni and cheese, and a huge plate of fried chicken are placed on the table. We all hold hands and Rob says a prayer out loud before we eat.

  As the Lord’s prayer is being said, I peek through my lashes at Donovan and I see him looking at me, too. He licks his lips provocatively, giving me a burst of desire radiating down between my thighs. I want that mouth on me, everywhere. I stare at him, so turned on and hardly able to contain myself. I bite my bottom lip to let him know how affected I am by him and he winks at me. He mouths, “You are mine later.” His promise gives me tingles down into my core, making me cross my legs while trying to block out the dirty thoughts I’m having. I want his body rubbing against mine, his tongue licking my skin...

  “Amen.” Oh my God, I’m going to hell. I just had sexual thoughts while everyone else was praying. I look down at my hands as I feel the blush start to heat my cheeks and I hear Donovan chuckle. I shoot him a look, and he cocks his head to the side in that sexy way. His eyes are half closed, giving me a look that drives me insane. His lips are curled into a devilish smile and it takes everything in me not to excuse myself to the bathroom so I can pleasure my own damn self. I look away and try to pay attention to the conversation going on around me. I hear talks of wedding reception, vows, the music and the guest list. Since I don’t know anything that goes into a wedding, I have a hard time paying attention. But maybe I’m having a hard time paying attention because Donovan keeps giving me naughty looks from across the table. We all pile our plates up with Southern comfort food and dig in. And it’s out of this world good! No one says anything for a few minutes, as we start to savor all of the wonderful flavors. Then Stacey breaks the silence.

  “Ya’ll are gonna love our first dance song,” Stacey giggles, looking lovingly at Gabe. My attention turns to her. His eyes glimmer as they stare back into hers. “It’s Kenny Chesney’s You Had me at Hello. It’s so sweet. And the song I am going to dance with my daddy to is ‘Butterfly Kisses’. It’s the song he picked out a long time ago for my big day.” She is glowing, her smile beaming because her future with her Prince Charming starts tomorrow. I try to suppress my frown, knowing my dad won’t ever give me away at my wedding or dance that father/daughter dance with me. I guess that honor will go to my brother someday.

  “Stacey, dahling, you are going to look absolutely breathtaking tomorrow. Gabriel, you are a very lucky man,” Donna purrs through her plump, collagen filled lips. Jesus, I’m having a hard time looking at her and liking her. I really wanted to try to get along with her, but that looks like it’s not happening. I feel it in my gut that she is nasty to her very core. This is going to be a long weekend.

  Stacey gives Donna a tight lipped smile and says “Thank you. I just hope Gabriel thinks that way.”

  “Sweetie, you know I will,” Gabe says, laying his hand over hers and kissing her lightly on her cheek. My heart picks up a pace just looking at them. It must be nice to be so completely in love with someone they consume your every waking thought, your dreams, your mind...and that’s when I realize it. I’m completely, head over heels in love with Donovan. I think my face looks like I’ve seen a ghost because I hear, “Allie, are you okay?” come from across the table. I turn to look into the face of the man I want to spend my forever with and see it etched with concern.

  I nod my head and grin. “Everything is perfect.” He gives me a curious look, like what the hell is wrong with you kind of look. I love him, but does he feel the same way about me? There’s little doubt that he doesn’t, but I can’t be completely sure and I’m sure as hell not going to say it first. I’m afraid that he would run off. I’m the first normal relationship he’s had, ever, and I don’t want to screw it up. I push the thought down into the pit of my stomach. Maybe it’s just because there’s a wedding tomorrow and I’m in a lovey-dovey mood, thanks to our little escapade outside. Donovan stands and comes around to my side of the table. “Come here, I want to introduce you to someone.” He extends his hand and I gratefully accept. Everyone else is talking about the wedding, except for Adam, whose gaze is washing over me a little too long. It seriously makes me uncomfortable, especially since it’s Megan’s boyfriend.

  Donovan leads me into the kitchen area, which reminds me of a restaurant. Just in one glance, I see three freezers, two refrigerators, and a whole row of stovetops. Geez, when you’re this wealthy, I guess you’re entitled to having an industrial sized kitchen.

  He says hello to most of the staff, but doesn’t stop to talk to them. He heads straight to an older, gray haired lady who is wearing a white apron overtop her “uniform” blue dress. Seriously, who the hell makes their house employees wear uniforms? This isn’t the fifties. Donovan grins ear to ear and wraps his arms around her, as she does the same to him. “Oh, Donnie boy, I’m so glad you’re back home. I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you, too, Ms. Chandler.” He releases her hug and turns back to me. “Allie, this is the woman that raised me. Ms. Chandler, this is my girlfriend, Allie Marshall.” I step towards her, only to be once again, given a tight hug. What is it about the South that makes everyone a hugger?

  “Girlfriend? I didn’t know you had a girlfriend! I was starting to worry about you, boy.” She lets me go and looks at me with curious gray eyes. “You sure are pretty, little lady. Make sure you keep my boy happy.”

  I flush and respond, “I plan on doing just that.”

  “We have to run, Ms. Chandler. I just wanted you to meet Allie,” Donovan gives her a small peek on the cheek. “We’ll catch up later.” We both wave bye and head back out the same door we came in. By the time, we get back, everyone is gone. I start to help clear the table and he gives me a funny look. “What are you doing?” he asks, genuinely perplexed.

  I laugh. “Are you serious? I’m cleaning up, like a polite guest should.”

  “Yeah, but the staff takes care of that, not you.”

  “Sorry, but I was brought up a little differently than you, babe. It’s just the nice thing to do. Besides, it’s just a few dishes. They got almost everything else, so why don’t you help me?” I hand him a plate and he takes it, giving me a sexy ass smirk. “What are you thinking about?” I walk up to him and look into his blue eyes, seeing a flicker of desire.

  “Oh, nothing really. Just about how sexy you would look in a French maid’s outfit.” My mouth drops slightly, and I start to think how hot role playing would be with this man.

  “Oh, is that right?” I set the plates down and press my body against his, already feeling his dick starting to twitch inside his pants. “Why don’t we test that idea when we get back home?” In a spontaneous moment, I slide my hand down and grab his hardening shaft. I hear his groan through clenched teeth. “Of course, I can show you how sexy I can be without any clothes on.” I can’t believe my boldness. Maybe it’s the realization that I’m in love with him, or maybe it’s because I can’t keep my hands off of him. Whatever the reason is, I want him inside me and we need to find a place where we can make that happen, like yesterday.

  He grabs my hand from his dick and gives a deep, sexy growl. “Come on.” He takes me through another door in the end of the dining room that leads to a small set of stairs. He practically drags me behind him as he
takes the steps two at a time. When we reach the top, he opens the big wooden door and opens it into a loft with a queen size bed. We slip off our shoes and tiptoe across the floor, trying not to make squeaks as we cross the room. As soon as we reach the bed, Donovan grabs the hem of my dress and slips it off over my head. As soon as he does that, I’m unzipping him and trying to free his body from his shirt at the same time. I can’t get him nude fast enough. He helps by crossing his arms at his stomach and lifting his shirt over his head. I slip his shorts down to his ankles, then running my hands from his calves back up to his perfected sculpted chest. His muscles flex from the feel of my fingertips, causing goosebumps to rise all over his lightly tanned skin. I trail kisses from his navel to his pecs as his hands grab my hair.

  “God, baby. You’re so fucking hot.” He pulls my head up and his mouth covers mine. I moan as I part my lips, giving him entrance. His hands tighten around my face as his tongue devours me, making me crazy with need for him. His lips then move to my neck, gently nipping and biting his way down to my collarbone, then to my breasts. As he pulls one of my nipples into his mouth, my back arches as pleasure courses through my veins. He tugs and licks, searing my skin with his hot mouth. Then, in one fluid movement, he turns me around and lays me down on the bed. I bend my knees up and place my feet on the bed so I can scoot myself up, but he stops me by grabbing my ankles. I look up, wondering why the hell he stopped me and before I can say anything, his head dips between my thighs. He yanks my panties off, almost ripping them to shreds.


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