Changer's Blood (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Changer's Blood (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 19

by Lee Morgan

  They decided on the first night that they should do something nice for their first group and so they secretly set up some traps the next day. If they come back I’ll teach them trapping. And I’ll teach them how to clean their food properly. Connor thought ahead, for the next week.

  At about the time the sun streaked into the sky, the survival group started to stir, but they didn’t fully become conscious. Connor decided to give them a little breakfast treat. The first ones to wake up were the little boys. Tyler woke everyone up by shouting “MEAT!”

  Mark and Connor sat up different traps around the area and caught two rabbits, three squirrels and a large non-venomous snake. After Mark and Connor skinned and gutted the animals they put a stick through each one and made six spits. They dug the ends of the sticks into the ground and put the meats over the fire to cook properly. Afterwards they washed the gore in a stream.

  When the party heard, Meat, everyone moved swiftly out of their shelters.

  When the entire group huddled around the fire Connor could see that they were only looking at the cooking meat. He waived his hand to get their attention. “This is the last day of survival training and I wanted to know what your thoughts were before we eat.” The entire party gave both Mark and Connor great reviews and the young couple and the husky family wanted to come back for another session. “Well ok then. Now let’s eat and share amongst yourselves because this is all we were able to catch last night.”

  The teenage girl, Terri, picked up the spit that had the snake on it. She looked at her father and asked “Daddy, what kind of meat is this?” He laughed as did his wife, they each already had a half eaten squirrel in their hands. When he told her, her face paled and she pushed the stick away. “I’m not hungry.”

  The entire group started laughing as one.

  Billy stood and ran around the fire and held out his hand. “I’d like to know what snake tastes like. Please?” Terri looked over at his parents and they nodded their heads. She gratefully handed the cooked snake over. He took a big bite and after he swallowed he smiled. He looked at his older brother who held the last squirrel. “You’ve got to try this, Tyler. It tastes so good.” His brother stood and handed his squirrel over to his dad. Tyler took a big bite and agreed fully.

  Jim and Brittany, the parents of the little children, shared one of the rabbits while the young couple took the other. The boys together ate the entire snake and laughed when they picked the long row of ribs clean. The fraternal twins declined eating and that was funny itself, but Connor didn’t say it aloud. The young athletic guy, Ray, looked at his girlfriend first then to their teachers. “We’re sorry, you haven’t eaten anything yet have you?”

  Mark said “Don’t worry about it ok. Before I took over Connor’s watch we ate some berries while you all slept.” An obvious lie, but Connor was the only one who knew he was fibbing. He always is a smooth talker.

  At the same time, the two alert immortals each heard a twig snap far off in the distance. They moved quickly and stood shoulder to shoulder. Connor had Tool tight in hand as he searched for the culprit. Everyone went suddenly silent behind them. Some shrubs began moving by the trail they passed by to get to this camp. “Mark, what is it?” he whispered.

  He smelled the air unnoticeably and started laughing softly as he came out of his battle stance. In the distance everyone heard “You two are good! I wanted to see if I could get the drop on the two of you!” Bill stepped out through the bushes. As he crossed the field Connor holstered Tool back in his belt.

  Connor sighed in relief at the false alarm.

  He turned to the group who looked at them in shock. Oh no. Did I move too quickly? Each of them slowly and visibly started to relax. Brittany spoke to first. “It seems that the ranger was right. We are safe with the two of you.”

  Bill made it to the campfire and said to the group “Sorry about frightening all of you. I just wanted to see if they didn’t get rusty.” He looked at the two of them oddly. “For a moment there I thought both of you were going to kill me.”

  Emotionlessly Connor stated “We were, if you were a threat.” He instinctively stepped back, his Adam’s Apple bobbing as he dry swallowed. “You said you wouldn’t be here till ten. Has something happened?” Connor said with some emotion.

  He finally breathed. “No, No. I just had some extra free time and I wanted to check on all of you.”

  “Well you’re a little early, Bill. We were just about to clean up camp.” Mark said, coming up beside Connor.

  Bill took his hat off to scratch his head. “Well I’ll give y’all a hand, after scaring you and all.” They accepted his generosity.

  After everyone finished eating by the fire they started disassembling the shelters while working together. The boys wanted to help, but Connor said they could go to the stream and fill the bucket and put the fire out and to throw the leftover scraps of food into the woods. Working together they collapsed the shelters and repacked their things. The debris from the shelter was taken and put in the forest for it to decompose properly. Before leaving Connor checked the clearing one last time for any leftover trash. He didn’t spot a thing out of the ordinary. Bill handed him back the fifty with a smile as Connor pulled the wagon back towards the truck.

  This time Connor let Mark lead the group back to the parking lot just before noon. Bill and Connor took the rear of the line and talked about different things like what he did and saw during the stay while Mark lectured on the different trees they came across. Bill was glad to know the only tracks of concern he spotted were old wolf tracks.

  Time flew quickly.

  Arriving at the parking lot Connor could see how tired and thrilled they looked at seeing their vehicles. Bill also left their belongings on the pavilion’s table and they all picked up their untouched supplies.

  Janet and Roy put their things in the trunk of their car. Roy came up and handed Connor fifty dollars for the forty eight hours of lessons. He said “I had a great time this weekend. We discussed it and we would like to do this next week.” Connor told him that it would be the same time next Friday morning.

  Susan came up and handed over sixty saying “We will see you boys on Friday morning then.” She quickly walked back to her van and was soon off.

  Jim came up and handed over sixty dollars. “Wait a minute.” Connor caught him before he walked away. Connor handed him his ten back. “You might have forgotten that kids under ten are free.”

  Jim smiled as he returned the money back in his pocket. “Well this is sure a surprise.”

  Connor cocked his head. “What is?”

  “For starters your honest and didn’t cheat when I gave you an extra ten that you earned for putting up with my boys.” He shook his head as he smiled. “Secondly, my boss at the journal saw you come in earlier this week, to put your ad in the paper. He was curious about you and he charged me with seeing if you were a good story to follow. My eccentric boss said ‘That muscle bound kid looks interesting. Follow him and see what he’s got!’ My boss was right for once. This will be good for your business for sure Connor.” He was speechless. Connor knew Jim was too quiet from the seminar because he studied everything with a critical eye, but he didn’t figure the man for a reporter. He didn’t even enter anyone’s mind because that is the only thing that should always remain private. I will have to be more careful from now on…

  The man soon left with his family. Mark and Connor loaded the truck back up and headed home. On the way he handed Mark thirty for his help.

  When he was ten miles away from home Connor could feel that his mate was moving from their cottage, towards her parents. He pushed with effort until his mind and actually achieved contact. “Sarah, I’m almost home.”

  “Connor is that you? You’re so far away… how far are you?”

  “About ten miles.” Connor knew they had even more power because her parents could only read other people’s minds from only a single mile away.

  Relief washed each of their minds, b
asking in the love and comfort for the other. The closer proximity eased a weight off him.

  When they pulled up to the log house of her parents Connor knew she wasn’t there. She was behind him, at his mom’s home. As the two men exited the truck they opened the tailgate and removed the camping bags that held dirty clothes.

  “MARK! BROTHER!” They turned as one when Kara yelled from behind.

  Connor froze as he saw the two women gliding toward them. Kara was wearing a pink dress that flowed down to her knees as she walked. She had on a light pink lipstick and a little blush. She looked very beautiful.

  Sarah on the other hand melted his frozen status. She wore a striking black dress that ended just below her knees. It fit snugly to each of her magnificent curves and showed how her firmly shaped cleavage arose and fell with each breath. She had her hair trimmed, but at least it remained still long and went down to the small of her back. She didn’t have any makeup on, but that didn’t hinder her stunningly ethereal beauty. She looked like the princess that she is, at least to him. Her green eyes were focused only on him as she walked on an invisible line that guided her.

  The two of them walked up to them in the driveway. Sarah walked close up to him. “Welcome home, my Knight.” She stretched up on her toes and Connor leaned down, meeting with her lips. She still smelled like apples and strawberries and the delicately feminine aroma was intoxicating. They had to separate only to breathe. By the looks of it, Mark and Kara did too.

  Mark asked “Just what in the world did you two do to become such magnificent specimens of the female race?”

  Kara raised her head in a dignified manner. “That is a trade secret.”

  Mark looked at Connor quickly. “Can you help me out here, Buddy?”

  He looked at his exquisite mate. Sarah rushed into his mind, pleading “Please don’t… it was a private time between us girls.”

  I looked at Mark again. “Sorry Bud. I can’t get any information from them myself. She’s blocking me. If you value your life, heed the warning.” Sarah smiled at him in respect.

  Kara quickly regained Mark’s attention. “Honey, let me ask you a question.” You not even give him a choice, little sister. “Do you also have one of those black V.I.P. debit cards?”

  Mark looked at her for a moment and then took out his wallet. He pulled out a glossy black card, like the one Sarah gave to him when they combined bank accounts. Mark handed it to her. “Is this what you’re asking for?”

  She stared at the card intently. Kara studied every detail, number and letter on the black debit card. She looked up and asked “So do you also have over seventy million dollars in your account too?”

  He scratched his spiky black hair and looked at Connor and Sarah for help. He was on his own in this. He sighed as he looked down at his girl. “Kara, does it really matter how much money I have?”

  She blurted “Not at all, but I still want to know.” He sighed and leaned down to her ear. As he whispered the size of his bank account, her eyes continued getting wider and wider. When he pulled away he studied her, wearing an emotionless mask. She finally said “That’s interesting news.” She touched his chest with one hand. “It doesn’t matter to me because you are still my Mark Connolly. I still love you.” She handed his card back and as he put his wallet back she hugged him tightly.

  Sarah came to Connor’s side and wrapped her arm around his lower back and he pulled her close and held her with an arm around her shoulder. Connor finally saw how much love, depth and commitment his best friend and little sister had for each other. It was heartwarming.

  When they pulled from their embrace, Kara’s eyes were suddenly set and secure. Connor’s instinct alerted him to something serious that was about to unfold. She came to a decision. Her chocolaty eyes were focused and determined on a course of action that she wouldn’t waver from. She said softly to her boyfriend “I’ve made all of my preparations and I’m ready to become like you. I told Mom that I might not be home for a few days or a week, if that’s how long it takes. When can we get started?”

  Connor’s heart started beating wildly at this news. He looked down at Sarah and saw that her eyes were closed and she bit her bottom lip, a worried and nervous habit. Sarah knew this was going to happen today instead of tomorrow. She too was worried for his sister.

  Connor completely blocked his mind just to think in private.

  Mark said nothing at hearing this. He closed his eyes as he held her shoulders for balance and Connor could hear him breathing deep and slow. When he was finally settled, Mark slowly opened his pure silver eyes. He spoke strongly and evenly. “Sweetheart, there are a few things that I need to do before we go through with this. I mean it in all seriousness.”

  Sarah’s arm released Connor’s lower back as she stepped closer to them. “What do you need?” She sounded strong, but Connor could feel her mix of emotions boiling inside. Her emotions were twin to his.

  Mark’s hands dropped to his sides as he looked at Sarah. “First, I need a bath because river water doesn’t do much justice. Next, we will need to prepare food and a lot of it. And finally, I need to find a place that is secluded because the transformation is…excruciatingly painful.”

  Sarah looked back to Connor and her piercing green eyes asked him a simple question. He nodded at her wordless question. Looking back at Mark she said “Our house fits all of those requirements.”

  Everyone nodded in silent and grim agreement.

  The course had been set.

  After putting Kara’s wagon into the garage, the four of them started to Connor’s cottage. All were quiet.

  Halfway there Connor shifted his bag to his left shoulder. Kara and Mark walked side by side, holding hands silently. When Mark wasn’t looking, his sister would glance at him and vice versa. He looked at Sarah who was walking at his right and she too was intently watching them. Connor entered her mind and as she felt his presence her emerald eyes were riveted to his face. “I had a good weekend. How did yours go, Princess?”

  She finally smiled. “It was a lot of fun. Kara and I went to the spa and had the full girly experience.”

  He felt playful, being near her again. “Tell me how the bikini wax felt!”

  Her face went red as she smacked his arm. “You know that I’ve never needed one in my entire life. Be nice you brat.”

  “I missed you too, Princess. I’ll personally make it up to you, after my little sister’s ascension.”

  She smiled brighter. “I’ll hold you to that, Connor.” She touched the spot where she smacked him lightly. “I missed you too, my mate.”

  When the four of them entered the clearing of his cottage they crossed it in silence. Connor opened the door and allowed the three people in first. Since Kara and his mate were already both clean Connor let Mark shower first. He also told Mark that he could borrow a pair of shorts from his room. Sarah and Kara started cooking a lot of food as Mark ordered before using the facilities.

  When he came out of the bedroom he had put on black pants. They barely fit, even with the belt tightened at his waist. He gave Connor the signal as he stood by the door.

  Connor took a quick, but thorough shower. He shaved his face and brushed his hair to the side. He exited the bathroom and entered the bedroom. Connor put on pure black shorts and a black sleeveless shirt.

  Exiting his bedroom Connor walked into the kitchen to see Mark helping out as the girls cooked over the electric stove.

  About thirty minutes later the food was done cooking and the dining room table laid completely filled with tiers of food.

  Sarah and Connor sat on one side of the heaping table of food while the other two sat across. Kara asked Mark the question Connor wanted to ask. “Why did we have to cook so much?”

  Mark said honestly “Kara, you will need to eat. And when your full, you’ll eat some more. When you can’t do that any more I’ll push even more down. You need to have as much food in you as possible because you’ll be in so much pain that food and dr
ink will be the furthest thing from your mind. Anything that’s left, we’ll eat.” He gestured across the table to the Balancers.

  Connor answered Kara’s confused look. “Kara,” She turned her head to look at him. “Mark is saying that you might die of starvation and thirst before the change is even close to being complete.” She understood that much more clearly.

  The three of them sat and watched as Kara took one bite after another for over thirty minutes. When she started slowing down, Mark kept coaching her to “Keep going.” And she did so for another twenty minutes. Her features soon became sickly white and she looked like she might lose the contents of her stomach. They waited for another thirty minutes and then she ate just a little more. She ate a five tier tower of food by herself, something never done before. When she pushed her plate away they knew that she ate enough food for at least five days. She looked beyond miserable.

  The three of them ate the rest of the food on the table. While they ate, Mark made Kara drink a full two liter bottle of soda alone. After they finished the rest of the food Sarah and Connor washed the dishes.

  Kara said an hour later that she had to relieve herself because of all that she drank. When she came back she looked only slightly uncomfortable.

  The preparations were finally complete.

  With the dining room table now cleared, Mark told Kara to lay down on it. She put her fist on her hip and arched an eyebrow. “What kind of kinky things do you think I’m into, Honey? Bondage isn’t my style…”

  Mark smiled gently and said “All I’m going to do is strap you down so you don’t hurt yourself. I don’t do this for fun.” He held up the four bundles of rope, pulled from his duffle bag.

  Connor quickly knew she needed some form of comfort. He quickly ran around her. She looked like she moved in slow motion, taking minutes to even blink once, but he was just moving too quick. Connor ran into his bedroom and grabbed two of the brown silk pillows off his bed. She barely even moved as he passed by her again.


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