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Changer's Blood (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 28

by Lee Morgan

  “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes, but I might break the speed limit.”

  “Then I better see you in ten.” The deputy hung up the phone and so did Connor. Her husband looked worried, but not for himself. His tense features made that one call all the more realistic for Sarah. This is a tense situation with a shortening timeline. The more that passes the greater the chance for disaster.

  “Connor, what is it?” Jillian asked in a worried manner.

  “There is a missing little girl that is lost in the mountains.” That was enough for Sarah’s parents to understand. He turned to them and towards his sister. “Are you coming with me?” Connor already knew Mark was in without even asking.

  As one, the other three said “Yes.”

  “First things first, Kara and Mark will fly together and meet us at my truck. Jillian, I’ll need both you and Jack to get going and run to your home as fast as possible.” Kara was already on Mark’s back as he ran and soon took to the sky without a moment’s hesitation. Sarah also saw that Kara had her clothes tucked under her left arm. At least she thought enough to cover up because the leathers were a little risky for those who didn’t understand. “You’re both going home quickly to make a small bag of food. The little girl will most likely be very hungry and probably thirsty. You’ll have two minutes before we take off.” Connor looked at Sarah and she saw her parents suddenly disappear into the woods.

  He asked for his shirt, and Tool. Connor used his advanced speed and put everything in its place within one second. “Let’s go.”

  Sarah gathered her energy and focused it down her legs.

  As one, they took to the sky.

  She had to project a small shield of solidified Pressure in front of her face because the fierce wind kept making her eyes sting and instinctively shut. They flew just above tree level and ten seconds later, she spotted Mark and Kara in the distance. And twenty seconds later they dropped into the tree line. Knowing where her parent’s property, Connor and Sarah dropped down in the same spot they did.

  Connor and Sarah dropped in on them just as they were changing back to normal and they each cut the other’s hair back to their original lengths. When that was over and they looked reasonable, the four of them ran normally, like humans with a purpose, to Connor’s green truck.

  He had the engine fire up immediately and Sarah sat in the forward passenger seat. Kara sat on Mark’s lap, looking focused in the back seat. When her parents came out of their house with a small brown bag of food along with two bottles of water, they were running in the truck’s direction.

  They had to hurry, but not reveal what they truly were.

  The moment Sarah’s parents sat in the back with Mark and Kara, Connor put the truck in gear. They went well beyond the speed limit and left skid marks on nearly every back road and shortcut that her mate knew by heart. He used his sonar to make sure that he could turn and not get into an accident with anyone. Connor took the hairpin turns like a pro car driver and having better and faster reflexes made it less dangerous. Everyone trusted his judgment and didn’t voice any concerns with his style of driving. At least the truck had been built solid enough to take the violent strain Connor put it under. If this wasn’t a stressful situation she’d bet Kara would throw her arms in the air and scream like this was the best rollercoaster she’s ever ridden.

  They made it to the police station in exactly ten minutes.

  Connor pulled into the police parking lot quickly and came to an abrupt halt. He looked at everyone in the cab of the truck as he placed the truck in neutral. Everyone looked calm and focused. “Stay here, I’ll be right back.” Kara had put on her clothes as she covered her leather battle gear, but Mark was out of luck. Connor hopped out of the truck and ran towards the door.

  He opened the glass door of the police station and saw Deputy Burrow rising out of his desk as he saw Connor storm in like a tank. He said and pointed “I’m here Deputy Burrow, let’s go find us that lost little girl before something unfortunate occurs. Oh and can I borrow one of your walkie-talkies?”

  Deputy Burrow walked over to where they were recharging in the stand. He grabbed two and tossed one to Connor. “Are you ready?” Connor nodded.

  Together they walked out the front door and Connor noticed him still wearing his officer’s clothing, but brown hiking boots safely encased his feet. At lest he wore proper footwear. When they were outside he said “I’ll provide a police escort. Turn the radio to channel nine so we can speak privately. Not many officers use that channel.” They split up as he went to his cruiser and Connor walked to his truck while turning the receiver to channel nine.

  The siren started wailing as the deputy pulled onto the street with Connor right on his heels. He handed the radio over to Sarah. When she took it, Connor shifted gears and kept pace with the speeding police cruiser. When they were flying down the empty road he glanced at his mate. “Contact Deputy Burrow for me, please.”

  Sarah nodded and held the trigger. “Deputy, this is Sarah. Connor needs to speak with you.” She let go of the trigger to hear his response.

  The speaker clicked and the deputy’s voice answered “What do you need?”

  Sarah looked at him as he drove. “Princess, tell him to give me every detail about the little girl he can, what the terrain is like, things like that.”

  She relayed the message and he replied over the radio. “The little girl’s name is Maggie. She is only seven years old, weigh’s about fifty pounds and is about three feet and five inches tall and she has short curly red hair with a lot of freckles on her cheeks. She was last reported wearing a yellow shirt and white pants before she disappeared early this morning. Apparently she lives with her grandparents. They reported her missing when she didn’t come back inside, after playing out in the yard. About the terrain, I have a map in my cruiser and when we arrive, you can study it.”

  Sarah then asked “Was she wearing any shoes?” They knew how important footwear is. Maggie could travel further with shoes and it would keep her from getting too hurt. The more details they have the easier it will be for tracking.

  “Unconfirmed.” Connor saw the deputy glance at them in the in his rear view mirror. “Who else is in the truck with you?”

  Sarah spoke instantly. “Besides Connor and myself, we brought Connor’s sister and Mark. Plus, my sister and my father want to help out. You met them all during graduation when Connor and I were attacked.”

  There was a short silence on his radio as they raced around a curve in the road, going over ninety miles per hour. The radio clicked when the road became straight. “Well I thank you all for coming out and helping us.”

  What would have taken over an hour and a half to drive, only took about thirty minutes to arrive on scene.

  Going up a steep dirt road hill, Connor spotted their destination. There is a large log house that had been on the top of the mountainous hill. Tall tree’s surrounded them that were all close together and Connor knew this forest could get a little tricky for tracking. The area wasn’t populated with too many people so that would help. The tree canopy was also thick and offered very little sunlight for the ground. Nighttime would become a problem. He also knew that this hill blended with other larger hills, valleys and other dangers and the little girl could be anywhere.

  Cars and trucks lined and surrounding the rust colored house and Connor parked his truck behind the deputy’s cruiser on the side of the now shallower hill. When the ignition turned off, the six of them quickly exited the vehicle. Connor tossed the keys to the trunk over to Mark when he knew they would need the machetes and the rope. Mark knew what was needed without being told.

  Mark caught up to them quickly with a blade in each hand and two bundles of coiled rope hanging from each shoulder. As Deputy Burrow exited his car he held a rolled piece of glossy paper. He unrolled it on the back of his trunk and pointed. “We are right here.” Connor was towering over his shoulder as he quickly memorized the terrain and levels of the map. The depu
ty stood up and looked at Connor when everyone had a chance to look it over. “This is your show, Son. How do you want to proceed?”

  Connor looked up and into the clouds and judged what was about to happen in the near future, weather-wise. They were starting to darken, build up and he could feel the air getting a little moist. “You, Mark, Jack and I are going to track Maggie down together.” Connor looked at the women and asked “Can I count on you to keep the worried family docile and keep people away from me while I do my thing? Also if they decide to send a search party after us during the night, hand out the flashlights to the search team. We don’t need people to wind up hurt if they decide to come after us.” Mark handed Kara the keys to the truck.

  “But, Brother…” Kara started to complain until Jillian put a reassuring hand over her shoulder. Her golden eyes were situated on Jack’s back.

  “You can count on us.” Sarah stepped forward. Connor felt her wanting access into his mind. “Be careful, Connor.”

  “I will, Princess. I’ll be as efficient as possible.” He took his eyes from her and settled them on Deputy Burrow’s. “It’s going to rain here in about two or three hours. Find someone with a poncho or an umbrella because the little girl might be cold by the time we catch up to her.” The deputy understood his worry and popped the trunk. While he rummaged around in it, Connor turned to see Mark handing a blade and a bundle of rope over to Jack. They each sheathed the blades at their hips.

  Deputy Burrow pulled out an umbrella from his trunk and smiled “I’ve got this!” Jillian then handed the bag of food and the bottles of water to him.

  “Ok, let’s get started.” Connor said and everyone followed him.

  The seven of them walked the rest of the way up to the property. The inside and outside of the house remained swarming with people. Some wore volunteer and community service shirts and some were just everyday people who were trying to help in any way they possibly could. Police officers, firemen, E.M.T’s and multiple reporters from different counties set up on the premises. Some people looked and moved like experienced hikers and trackers, but they had nothing on those who just arrived.

  “Deputy Burrow, please get their attention and get them out of my way. They are disturbing the ground.” They deputy looked up at him when Connor turned to him on his right hand side. Then the deputy’s playful smile finally came back with a vengeance.

  The deputy put two fingers in his mouth and blew. The piercing whistle hurt all of the ears that were close by, but it got the job done. Everyone; both inside and outside stopped what they were doing and looked at him. He spoke loud and clearly saying “Good, now that I have everyone’s attention, please let us do our job. Please move into one location and stay put. These trackers will find Maggie.”

  Many didn’t comprehend quickly enough. Others were just looking lazy.

  A big and burly man stepped forward from the silent people. He was a tall and well built man who had a full beard that was graying. From the way he walked Connor knew he was an average outdoorsman of some skill, but he wasn’t anywhere near Connor’s class. “Who put you in charge? We’ve been looking everywhere for hours and we still haven’t found her trail. The dogs will be here soon and they’ll get the job done.”

  Connor couldn’t take any more of this man’s arrogance. With his right hand resting on Tool he stepped forward. With his hazel eyes staring directly at him Connor noticed the man froze in fear. “It’s going to rain soon and the dogs will be useless. I’m not here to fight with you. I’m here to find Maggie. Now get the hell out of my way or I’ll do it for you.” The man’s face paled, but didn’t move.

  As he walked toward him he heard “Connor?” He looked to his left as a man in his early thirty’s walked out of the house. “It is you!”

  “Hey Jim.” It was the reporter from last weekend’s survival seminar. “I’m sorry, but I can’t talk right now.”

  “I understand.” He turned to the crowd. “Give him space! Let him do his job. He knows what he’s doing! He’s a survival expert.”

  Everyone listened then and moved to the side once they received support from a person who’s been here for a while, including the reluctant hiker. “Jim, there is one thing you could get for me.” He turned around from guiding the crowd. “Can you find a full body picture of Maggie? Pick the most recent picture of her preferably. It’ll help.” He nodded and hurried into the house.

  Connor started the search.

  His annoyed sister, mate and mother-in-law did as asked and kept the crowd at bay. It is needed because the yard was a mess from everyone trampling it. He decided it didn’t matter that the reporter’s cameras were filming him even though his sister told them to stop.

  His guy friends stood with the girls and kept everyone away as they all quietly watched him at work. The last thing they needed is for his sister to get annoyed and start breaking the cameras with her bare hands. That would only serve to cause more problems. They had more pressing matters.

  Grass and dirt had been turned into a mess from everyone trampling on the property. From all who arrived Connor ignored all prints that were too deep, large or beyond all reason to follow. The soft soil helped hold prints so that would benefit them. Ten minutes into the search he allowed Jim walk up and show Maggie’s most recent body picture. He focused and saw the size of her legs and feet. Knowing this would help to decipher her weight and the average length of her gait. When Jim left to stand with others Connor resumed studying the terrain. He moved leaves and sticks out of the way periodically. This wasn’t going to be easy.

  Fifteen minutes later Connor found just what he’s looking for. He went down on one knee suddenly and positively knew it was her because of the size of her small feet matched the picture. He spun around and stood. “I found her Trail!”

  Mark, Jack and the deputy were the first to get him. Moments later he was surrounded by everyone and Connor made them give him a ten foot berth. The deputy made everyone in the crowd become quiet with another ear piercing whistle because they were all asking too many questions at the same time. When it was silent again Mark asked “What did you find?”

  Connor didn’t see the girls anywhere, but he could feel that Sarah stood within the house and her mood was that of empathy. He knew she was doing what he asked by comforting and reassuring the family, telling them he found her trail.

  He knelt down before a large, heavy footprint. The annoying hiker announced “Boy, You must be blind. That little girl couldn’t have made such a print. Even an amateur can tell the difference between a print of a man’s size to that of a child’s.” He turned to walk away. “What a waste of precious time.”

  “Maggie made the first impression, not the second.” The man stopped cold as Connor spoke up in annoyance. “Look at the grass and how it’s going mostly in the direction of the larger footprint. There are three blades of grass that are going in a perpendicular direction compared to the others. Nothing can make a print like that simultaneously. Also notice the subtle toe kick from the impression of moving forward. With the size of her foot and her weight, this larger male footprint almost completely masked Maggie’s.” Connor stood up because he was still angry at the man, but he radiated his anger to everyone. “If it wasn’t for me, you would have increased her danger because it is your foot print.” He turned to look at Connor with an expression full of rage. “That’s right, you weren’t paying attention to your surroundings and carelessly stepped right on it. Now get out of here before you mess something else up because I don’t have any more time to waste on you.”

  Nearly everyone gasped.

  The man tried to get close enough to hit Connor for the insult, but three other officers and Deputy Burrow blocked his path as a silent warning to leave.

  Connor spun on his heels to study the tracks more. He put one knee on the ground as he gently pushed the grass around with his fingers. A few seconds later he found something else out. Jack saw the change of expression and asked “What did you find, Conno

  The crowd remained silent and listened in. “The reason why she’s lost,” His silver haired father-in-law knelt by Connor’s side and studied the ground himself. “She was chasing a rabbit into the woods.” He noticed something that was at least some consolation. “She is at least wearing shoes though.”

  Jack said in a sigh “That’s a good sign.”

  Connor stood up and looked at his party. “Let’s go.” He started running along her faint trail. He knew that his three other members were on his six, but there were too many thundering steps following them. Connor stopped and saw that the large crowd was following. He put up a hand and they all stopped. “I’m sorry, but everyone needs to stay here and wait for us to come back.”

  When they started protesting, Deputy Burrow whistled a third time. “Everyone pay attention because I’m only going to say this once!” The crowd quieted down and Connor saw two camera men recording everything. “He chose the four of us because we can move easier and quicker in the woods. We don’t need someone to get hurt as they try to help. More people will only serve to slow us down. Maggie needs to be found as quickly as possible before it rains and night falls. You all know that the first twenty four hours are the most crucial… ”

  Connor wanted to know what Jack was thinking because he was looking far too annoyed. We are already slowed down because Connor invited you. Jack thought. We can move much quicker than any human.

  “Jack,” His azure eyes shifted to Connor’s piercing hazel as the deputy continued telling the crowd to stay away. “that’s the very reason we need him to tag along. If we find the girl in a few minutes, people will get suspicious of us. Don’t forget, the press is still here. If we have him along, it will keep us honest and less open for our secret getting out.”


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