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Changer's Blood (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 30

by Lee Morgan

  Connor ran as normally as a human would through a forest, while carrying another.

  Fifteen minutes later a familiar mind began reaching for a connection. “Connor, I heard a gunshot. Is everyone alright?”

  “The deputy might have a concussion, but he’ll survive and I’m unharmed. Mathew on the other hand isn’t. Together the two of us served some overdue justice.” Connor sent mental images of the event.

  “Good. Now, let nature do the rest.” Jack said in a menacing way.

  “Is Maggie ok?”

  “Yes and she wants us to go back and help you. You were right, she is a strong willed child.” Jack said in a lighter tone.

  “Tell her I’ll catch up soon. Tell her not to worry anymore and that I’m fine.” Connor cut the link and continued to run in the night.

  About five minutes later Connor caught up to them and told them what happened but he used telepathy because the more vivid details were too sensitive for Maggie to hear. They understood everything and soon continued.

  Truth and Lie

  Throughout the day Sarah gave telepathic updates to both her mother and Kara. She knew her mother didn’t need it because she has her bond with her mate, but Sarah did it anyway just to keep her mind occupied and away from stray thoughts. She also didn’t try contacting her mate because he needed to concentrate and find the little child. What became highly astonishing was just how far Maggie went. She must have been terrified from getting lost and only made matters worse by trying to rescue herself. Maggie had gone miles away since this morning. What an astonishing little girl…

  Sarah clipped the walkie-talkie on the same side of her hip that held her dagger just incase either were needed. At least the obnoxious man who hindered Maggie’s rescue had been escorted from the premises.

  The inside of the log cabin was beautiful. Two levels stood upon the foundation with a concrete basement waiting below. The floors were covered in a purple and white carpet that also matched the stair’s scheme. The stairs were situated on the north side of the living room. The kitchen awaited on the far side of the house and was very old fashion with a wood burning stove instead of gas or electricity.

  Maggie’s grandparents were distraught to say in the least. When Jillian, Kara and Sarah were finally able to approach them before the boys left, the older looking couple heard the great news. Sarah said that her husband found her trail and ran off to save her. The relief of those simple words made their hope’s rekindle. They wanted to go with them, but heeded her words that they would only slow down the rescuers. The grandmother was a well fed woman and her husband was still fit for a man in his early sixties. The couple kept thanking the three women for coming and kept offering something to eat. Jillian and the others politely declined because they didn’t feel like eating while their mates were out being heroic.

  The house was constantly full of people who either wanted to help search or were reporters looking for a big scoop. When the three immortal women were away from the overwhelmed grandparents the press wanted to interview them. Luckily the man, Jim, who is also a reporter, kept the news hounds away before Kara blew her top. Jim seemed very kind and respectable of Sarah’s husband. He explained how he took Connor’s class and kept his children entertained throughout their outdoors experience. He seemed like a good human friend.

  Sarah, Jillian and Kara were pretending to be quietly and absentmindedly sitting on the steps. Jim sat with them, but he wasn’t pretending like they were, he was genuinely being quiet and patient. The rain had past only few hours ago and was replaced by the darkness of night. The thing was, the inside and outside of the property was brightly lit because someone brought portable floodlights.

  Sarah made her expression become a bored mask, but inside she was getting excited when she focused on her bond easing as he came closer. She could feel how close Connor approached and it wasn’t too far.

  Suddenly the radio at her hip clicked and hissed. “Sarah, are you there?” There was complete silence from everyone around them at the sound of his call. It was Mark’s voice on the radio. She wasn’t expecting him to be the one to talk.

  She fumbled with the receiver at her hip until she unhooked it from the belt. Sarah clicked the button to call back. “I’m here, Mark!”

  “Maggie is safe and unharmed.” At that, everyone started celebrating. “But we will need to have an ambulance ready and the EMT’s on standby.” Everyone went quiet again. What could have happened? Did little Maggie get hurt? “Deputy Burrow’s had an accident and he most likely has a concussion… Strike that he does because he’s seeing double.”

  “Where are you at?” she asked.

  “My buddy’s running with a full grown man in his arms, so maybe… ten minutes away. We’ll be coming in from the north side of the property.” Mark cut the transmission on the radio just as Connor entered Sarah’s mind. “Something else has also happened, but I’ll tell you all at the same time, on the way home.”

  She stood up and ordered someone to fetch the E.M.T. and get them ready. Everyone began scrambling to the north side of the clearing. Some had flashlights and they turned it all towards the tree line.

  Maggie’s grandparents were right there, staring at Sarah and the others with hopeful expressions. The grandfather quickly spoke up. “Is it true? They found my granddaughter? Maggie’s safe? Truly?”

  With pride Sarah said “My husband said he would find her and he did. Stick close to us and she’ll be here before you know it.” Jillian and Kara flanked her sides while the little girl’s grandparents followed closely behind.

  They made it to the edge of the trees without any problems and Sarah looked to her right and saw a pair of emergency personnel with a stretcher, rolling toward the gathering crowd in the wet grass. A pair of fire rescue men were also at the ready as well because they had their large medical bags resting on their shoulders. Sarah looked back to the shadows of the forest and her heart took off racing because she could feel Connor closing the distance and quickly.

  Seven minutes later the crowd became silent and listened for anything that could tell where they were. Kara quietly whispered in Sarah’s ear “There close. I can hear them and I can also smell sweat and blood on the breeze.”

  Then a few seconds later Sarah could hear heavy footfalls running through the forest. Brush and twigs snapped loudly. Her heart leapt at seeing them coming out of the shadows. In the lead rushed Mark. He wore only his leather pants and had a blade through his belt that glistened off the lights pointed in their direction. In his hand clutched the radio. Next came Jack wearing a red shirt and blue jeans along with hiking boots. He also had a machete at his hip. Little spindly arms wrapped across his neck and she knew Maggie clung to his back.

  Then out of the shadows came her Knight. He had on his black sleeveless shirt and his hiking boots that were caked in mud. In his massive arms was Deputy Burrow. His dark eyes were open, but he looked to be in a daze. The man was filthy and covered in his own blood.

  The crowd started frantically scrambling towards them. They stopped under Connor’s focused glare as he didn’t stop running. The group knew to either clear a path or get trampled by the hulking tracker. He looked around and saw the stretcher and ran directly at the rescue team. As he easily placed the deputy down he said loud enough for the crowd to hear. “On the way back, he was walking backwards while talking to Maggie and tripped on a root and fell backwards; hitting his skull rather hard. That was over an hour ago. He’s seen double since and I believe that he might have a serious concussion. He had the will to stay conscious the whole time so I don’t believe blood is pooling in his brain. Go now, just incase I’m wrong!” The E.M.T’s obeyed his order without any other questions and hurriedly put the man in the ambulance before driving off.

  The crowd rushed the three men. Sarah tried to get to him herself, but there were just too many people in the way. Then everyone in the vicinity heard “ENOUGH!” and it boomed from Connor at the end of his tolerance. When the cr
owd scared back and became quiet he spoke again. “Get out of our way. Maggie needs to see her grandparents before anything else.”

  No one could dispute his order. Like anyone ever could.

  Jack and Connor turned and headed towards their mates because they were slightly taller than the other people around here. Sarah looked over her shoulder and saw Maggie’s grandparents were still close by and they were both crying quietly, afraid to rush to them and not see their grandchild.

  With the crowd spreading away, the reporter’s cameras put the spotlight on them around the time Connor, Mark and Jack arrived at to the grandparents.

  Jack gently went to his knee and allowed the little girl to slide down his back and touch the ground. Sarah got a good look at Maggie as she ran in her general direction. “Grandma! Grandpa!” She ran right past and into their waiting embrace. Her red hair as muddy as her clothing.

  At seeing the heartfelt reunion, the entire crowd started clapping.

  After the firemen check Maggie over and said she was fine, the Press tried getting information from the six of them and especially from her mate. They wanted to know who he was, how he found her and everything there is to know about him. None of the immortals said a word and the reporters didn’t particularly like their silence. The little girl spoke up and everyone quieted down for her to speak. “I think Mr. Muscles would like everyone to leave him alone!”

  Connor stood at Sarah’s side along with the rest of their party against the back wall. She encircled her arm through his and arched an eyebrow. “Mr. Muscles?”

  He stared forward and replied. “When I helped her out of the tree, she gave me that nickname. Are you going to make fun of me too?”

  “It’s cute.”

  Maggie continued. “He kicked a wild Boar and got me out of a tree. So don’t make him angry. He’s also probably tired. Don’t forget he had to carry that hurt police man all the way back here. Would everyone please go home for the night?”

  When no one moved, Connor did. He set his predatory eyes on everyone in the room and claimed their undivided attention. Connor was a natural commander and with simply a look called all eyes to him like no one else ever could. Being the first to find her trail and bring Maggie back proved he was a man worthy of trust and honor, but he was done coddling these pestering people. He said in an icy tone that frightened everyone “You heard the little lady. Get out.” The officers on the scene decided to step in and they herded everyone from the property before her mate decided to take any action.

  Connor said “Jim, wait! Can we talk for a moment?”

  The nice reporter was excluded from everyone else’s mandatory evacuation from the premises. All that were left inside the house were the three residents, Sarah and her mate, her parents, Mark, Kara and Jim. Both Jack and Mark took their blades and all of the loaned flashlights and put them back in the truck before coming inside and telling them that everyone left. When it became quiet, Jim asked “What would you like to talk about, Connor?”

  “When you write your article tonight, could you call me an anonymous person? I don’t want anyone to harass me or my family because we found Maggie. No one knows me except you. I’m an outdoorsman and I really don’t like people interfering with my livelihood and peace. If you can keep them off my back, I’ll give you and your family free outdoor lessons for the next five years. I think Tyler and Billy would like to try making a hammock next time they come. They might even get a chance to play with a skunk.”

  Jim smiled and shook his head slowly. “I can’t accept that entire offer, Connor. Brittany would strangle both of us if either of them get sprayed…” Connor was starting to get upset because the fire in his eyes came back. Her mate’s muscles clenched in his jaw and his eyes were fierce and focused. “When I was writing the first article on your seminar, I threw out the paper.” Connor’s anger subsided when he started blinking in confusion. “I knew by the look in your eyes that you don’t like a lot of attention. You are a good kid and I’ll keep them off your trail as best that I can.” Jim turned around. “Maggie here is the real story.” Jim knelt and mussed her hair and made her giggle. “Not the tracker. Right, Connor?”

  Connor’s muscles relaxed as he sighed. “Thanks, Jim.”

  After a few farewells an hour later, Sarah and her family left the log cabin and got in the truck. As everyone became seated, Connor started the engine and drove into the night. All of the men were silent for some reason until Connor finally spoke about halfway home. “There is something you all need to know.”

  Kara was sitting on Mark’s lap as her brother spoke in a dark tone. It was completely black outside except from the headlights on the road. “On the way back after we rescued Maggie, Mathew showed up.” Everyone in the truck went silent and she paid even closer attention. Not one of them admired that person. “Deputy Burrow’s didn’t accidently trip like I told others. Mathew hit him over the head and that’s what actually caused his head injury. He pulled a gun on all of us and I told Jack and Mark to get Maggie to safety.” Kara turned her head to look at her love. His face was shadowed by darkness, but Mark nodded with his expression looking tense, serious and dangerous at the same time. “When she was away to safety, both the deputy and I killed him.” Her brother said evenly, but Kara knew he remained upset. His eyes held rage and yet regret for the deed.

  He shifted gears and Sarah gently put a hand over his as it rested on the shifter. “You did what you had to do.” She said in a soothing voice and his tense shoulders relaxed slightly. “Mathew made his choice. He was given two chances to live. He forfeited his life on the third.”

  “Thanks for that, Princess.” Kara focused and made her eyes more sensitive to light so she could see everyone in the low lighting. As a side effect she also saw that her eyes made the cabin light up. When they stopped glowing she said “Sorry, Brother.” He was looking at her in the mirror. She could now see everyone much more clearly. Jillian and Mr. Branderson sat quietly as they paid attention to her brother.

  He nodded in response to her apology and then spoke to her one true love. “Mark, I need your help again.” Mark wrapped his arms around her middle and pulled her tightly against his warm and bare chest. He spoke just past her ear in a casual voice. “What’s on your mind, Buddy?”

  “Tomorrow is Friday and there are a few things I need to see to. Can I count on you to lead the groups until I get there? We’ll be camping in the same area again so you’ll know where to go.”

  “Sure thing, Connor. By the way, just what are you planning?”

  Connor glanced at them all in the mirror again. His eyes were still penetrating as he said “I need to come back here early in the morning; alone. I have to destroy what’s left of the…evidence, and make sure the animals do their jobs properly.”

  “Do you need an incinerator?” Mr. Branderson offered his services.

  “No, but thank you.” Connor sighed. “And thank you all for helping me out. It all turned out well for most everyone…luckily.”

  Jillian reached forward and placed a single hand over Connor’s right shoulder. “Connor, you are the only one of us who could have picked up her trail so quickly. I’ve never seen anyone pick up a track within a larger one simply by seeing three grass blades going in a different direction while being crushed beneath someone else’s boot print. Some of the people couldn’t stop talking about it.

  “You found her, and brought Maggie home safely. On something like this, no thanks are needed for us. Your actions were justifiable if not lenient in my book. We all know he was overdue in the punishment category.” And those in the truck-cab all agreed with her. “Besides what’s done is done. Now we just need to cover all of our tracks and be prepared for a problem.”

  “Brother?” He glanced at Kara for a moment before looking back at the road. “How did Mathew get the drop on all of you?”

  He sighed. “I was too focused on getting her home. I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings or my instincts. I felt the dan
ger, but I made a mistake thinking it was a hungry predator and someone had to lose their life.”

  “Is there anything I can do to help?” She asked.

  “Yes you can.” Kara waited for his request while feeling useful at last. “I’ll call you in the morning. And I’ll need you to deliver a message for me.”

  “Done, Brother.” She said and the six of them sat in silence the rest of the way home, wrapped in their thoughts.

  When they arrived back at Jillian’s, Connor handed Mark some money and both he and Kara ran home through the dark because they didn’t bring the jeep.

  The next morning, Connor called and she memorized the lines instantly. Since Kara became a Changer her memory has improved dramatically. She remembered things she long forgotten when she was still human.

  Mark took Connor’s truck and left the jeep for her at the apartment. Kara drove for over an hour and arrived at the hospital. She walked to the information desk and soon made her way up to the fourth floor.

  Kara knocked on the door and a deep voice said “Come in.” and she entered Deputy Burrow’s room to find him alone. He was laying in the hospital bed and had the beige bed covers up to his ribs. His head was wrapped in white gauze and he contiuned smiling like always. He sat down a thick book and said “Well good morning Ms. May. What brings you all the way out here to see me?”

  “I wanted to check up on you. How’s the head?” She asked as she sat down in a swivel chair beside the bed.

  “Pretty good. They have me on some wonderful painkillers. The doctors said I would be fine; the concussion I got was very minor and didn’t need surgery. But I’ll have to be on medical leave for the next six weeks till my skull heals. The sheriff also sent two men this morning to get my cruiser I left on the scene.” His white teeth gleamed in the early morning light that came through the window.


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