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Changer's Blood (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 32

by Lee Morgan

  Manny’s fraternal twins were less argumentative about the outdoors this time around and they actually made their own shelter. And it was well built.

  This time Janet and Ray built their own shelter without any assistance.

  The new family of three was very pleasant to meet. Their names were Ben and Angelia and their eleven year old son, James, was soft spoken.

  After the shelters were made properly Mark and Connor taught them all how to make traps. They liked the way to trap squirrels for the simplicity. Connor grabbed a dry stick and turned to the nine people that were watching from behind. “This is one of the easiest traps you’ll ever need to trap small animals. Traps take time, but they use the least amount of energy. There is a cost to using traps though, animals won’t always take the bait and you end up hungry. To alleviate that cost, build more than one trap to better your odds at getting your next meal.” He took out a three foot strand of fishing line. “And this one of the simplest and most effective means to trap squirrels.”

  The stick was then shoved by one end into the dirt and the other end rested in the trunk of a tree. “Squirrels, as are many creatures, are lazy animals. They would rather take the easier route to climb this leaning stick than climb vertically up a tree. Make sure your stick has two branches in the shape of a V.” One end of the fishing line was then tied securely to the upper part of the stick. Then the other end was fashioned into a choke line. The thin noose end of the line was placed delicately into the V shape of broken branches that shot off the center of the branch. “When the unsuspecting animal climbs up this stick, its head will come through the transparent fishing line first and that will be the end of it. The animal will die quickly.”

  After it became dark and everyone went to sleep Mark asked quietly “Well? What did you find?”

  “Not a single trace of him will ever be found again.” Connor sighed. “I wanted to thank you.”

  “For what?” Mark asked innocently.

  “For not second guessing me.”

  He smiled. “I will always follow you, my friend. You’ve always found the best solution and that was it. Your first priority was for the young girl’s safety. But my question is: Why did you want me to cover Jack?”

  Connor looked from the fire and into his friend’s silver eyes. “Because you’re faster than Jack. You are capable of reacting to a wide array of situations instantly. If need be I knew you would be capable of picking those two up and run quicker. Also if you got shot by a bullet, you’ll regenerate within seconds unlike Jack who’ll take more than a week to completely heal.” For the rest of the night they went through every scenario possible. The conclusion would always wind up with Mathew six feet under or being digested.

  Sunday afternoon after everyone paid and left, They got the usual fifty dollar deposit back from Bill.

  On the trip home Mark made Connor laugh. He told him how much his sister has ate this week and he couldn’t be more proud of her. “At the rate she’s going, she’ll be at her maximum weight very soon.”

  About twenty miles from home Connor missed his mate. Pushing with his mind he tried establishing a link, but failed.

  When it was seventeen miles away he was able to connect. “Princess, I’m almost home.”

  The connection with her was exactly what he wanted. She had been miserable and had many other emotions varying this weekend that it was hard not to come back to her. The warmth and love from her instantly healed all his stress and anxiety. “I’m waiting for you at Mother’s. Also…we have a special visitor.”

  “Really? Who?” He felt excited for some reason.

  “You’ll see.” She sounded smug as she closed her mind. She didn’t want him to see who had come over, but her thoughts explained that she was safe and calm. That eased him even more. She was safe, that is all that matters. Then her emotions calmed as his did. She enjoyed linking minds again.

  Pulling into his in-laws driveway Connor saw a cherry red sedan parked on the side of the road. It seemed so familiar, but he hasn’t seen that specific vehicle in many years. Jenny’s car was gone and she most likely had gone to work. Connor adjusted Tool at his hip as he exited the vehicle. Mark stood nearby when Connor saw Sarah come out the front door.

  “Welcome home you two.” The moment her emerald green eyes locked onto his he knew that he was truly at home with her. She had on short shorts that exposed her luscious legs and her black sleeveless shirt with the open diamond print complimented her bust perfectly. With each breath she took they would swell for his viewing enjoyment. She wore no shoes as she crossed the yard. And as she stood before him he couldn’t help himself as he kissed her plump red lips. Connor scooped her up in his arms and she wound her arms around his neck with the same need. She kissed him back with the same passion that he was delivering. “Now that feels like a better welcome home, My Knight.”

  He drew her close and whispered in her ear seductively. “I know an even better welcome home, Princess.”

  She giggled, arched a provocative eyebrow and said cheerfully “Did you bring home any more firewood that needs chopping?” And at that he twirled her around as they laughed together.

  When Connor sat her back down on her feet, Mark wore a proud smile as he looked upon them. It was wiped away as heavy footfalls pounded the earth. “Maaaarrrrk!” A pink and blonde blur flashed by for a moment, followed by a solid thud on the ground. When Connor turned, Mark had been flattened on the ground with Kara sitting erect on his stomach. Connor started laughing. The combined weight of Mark and Kara pushed him a solid inch into the ground. “Welcome home, Honey!” Kara was back to her joyous and annoying self again. “How was your weekend?” Before he could put a word in she continued. “Mine was great! Sarah and I had a two day slumber party.”

  Sarah’s back was pressed against her love’s chest as they watched the spectacle. “Slumber Party? I feel afraid to go home for some strange reason.”

  She tilted her head up so she could see his hazel eyes. His head shadowed the sun from her eyes as she thought “Oh, you haven’t the slightest idea, Connor.” She smiled his favorite smile and his heart began beating fearfully and expectantly. It was a strange, dual sensation. “Just you wait. I’ll show you exactly what happened while you were away. You should be worried.”

  Mark brushed some of Kara’s hair back around her ear. “Your contacts came in. How do you like them?”

  Kara shook her head. “I wish I didn’t have to have them. I like my new eyes more.” Connor turned around with Sarah as Kara leaned forward and kissed Mark.

  When Kara stood and helped her mate to his feet she said quietly “This morning I hit my maximum weight. I couldn’t take another bite of breakfast. I had to go home and look at my weight and I weigh three hundred and thirty pounds.”

  Connor spun on his heels in shock. “Kara did you eat everything at my house this weekend.”

  She lifted her chin at him mockingly and he finally saw her brown eyes. “As a matter of fact I did,” She smiled and glanced at his mate. “with a little of Sarah’s help that is. On Friday she had to let off some steam and she needed to fill back up. This morning we went shopping and refilled the pantry. So get over it.”

  He looked down at Sarah as she looked back up. “Did you have a good weekend?” Her answer was a soothing smile that explained that he will never know exactly what went on.

  “Connor, you and Mark have a visitor waiting for you.” Jillian announced, standing in the doorway.

  The four of them walked inside the log house after Mark finished brushing the grass from his clothing. When they arrived in the living room Connor feigned surprise after remembering who the car outside belonged to. “Deputy Burrow!” The deputy was sitting on one of the loveseats, sipping on a soda. He was wearing a solid beige shirt a khaki pants along with simple flip flops. He wasn’t wearing a hat because his head was still wrapped in padded gauze. He turned his head in their direction and his smile reassured that all remained well. “You’re alrigh
t. What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you still be resting?”

  His grin widened. “I am resting. My house is more of a danger than being around you six.” Connor glanced around the room so fast that the deputy wouldn’t have been capable of following. Everyone in the house tried their best to not laugh. It was ironic because the six of them are potentially more dangerous than any human criminals on the planet. “As for the reason to why I’m here…” He pulled a metal case from the other side of the couch. As he sat the case on the table he said “The family of that little girl, Maggie, wanted to give you something.” He popped the latches and opened the case to reveal several documents and a fair amount of money inside. He dug the money out of the case before closing it. “In here is four thousand dollars. Her grandparents didn’t need to pay for the rescue efforts because you alone did what trained professionals could not. They would have paid the rescuers since they aren’t paid by the state. So since they didn’t need to they let a special person choose whom to pay. Maggie decided to give the reward to Mr. Muscles.” His brilliant grin widened at that nickname.

  Connor looked at the money on the table and said “I cannot accept that. My reward was getting to her before she was hurt.”

  “I told them that and they said for you to just Take it!”

  He looked into the deputy’s eyes and knew he wasn’t going to budge on this subject until Connor did something he would consider reasonable. “Tell you what.” His dark gaze focus was tightened. “How about we split the reward amongst our families? Sara, Jillian and Jack get a thousand, Mark and Kara get another. Finally a thousand will go to me and to you. You could use it to keep you afloat while you’re on leave for however long.”

  The deputy sat and pondered the plan. He finally asked “Why would I get any? I was on duty and it was all part of the job.”

  “Because you helped me find Maggie and brought her home safely.”

  He studied Connor resolve. When he knew the tall boy wouldn’t budge he sighed. “Boy, you are definitely one of a kind.”

  Sarah was standing beside her husband. “Why do you think I claimed him before anyone else could?”

  At that, Deputy Burrow’s laughed. He divided the money and took his share before he left. As he was walking out the door Connor said “Any time you need me, don’t hesitate.” The deputy smiled proudly and patted his shoulder.

  When his car was no longer in sight Jillian asked “Connor, why exactly did you phrase us as ‘Sarah, Jillian and Jack’?”

  She knew without him saying it, but she wanted to hear it aloud.

  Connor turned to his young looking mother-in-law. Her golden eyes were on him as she studied intently. “Because I said family. If I would have said it any other way, it could be construed as you and Jack not being father and daughter. Would you like to explain to an officer how you could have birthed my wife when you look no older than she?”

  Jillian crossed her arms beneath her breasts. “You definitely are one of a kind.”

  After each family received the cash reward, Sarah and Connor went home. Sarah showed him the stallion he made a few years ago for his sister and she placed it on top of the mantle over the fireplace. “Kara gave it to me. She said that if ever you weren’t around, it would comfort me.”

  “She is right. No matter where I’m at, I’ll always be yours” He was hungry and Sarah was glad to cook right along with him. Not long after the meal came to an end, he received his real Welcome Home. Connor became tired from such a stressful weekend and an exhausting workout with Sarah.

  They both soon fell asleep.

  The next morning they arrived at the training grounds ready for some fun. They walked up to say hello, when Kara stood up suddenly wearing a goofy grin. Her mood was surprisingly refreshing on this morning. Kara had an announcement. “Since I’m a Bone Changer, I’ve learned a new ability that you guys have got to see!” Connor stood behind a shirtless Mark while everyone decided to stand shoulder to shoulder.

  Kara stood wearing only her new leather gear.

  Kara’s eyes began to glow fiercely. Then came the sounds of bones snapping in her left arm. Skin began moving and it seemed as if something was trying to crawl their way out on both sides of her forearm. Then the moving pink skin stretched and became white. Connor realized that it was both her radius and ulna breaking the skin through the opposite sides of her wrist. They both started to bow out in opposite directions. The white bones kept growing until everyone recognized the shape. She made her bones develop into a longbow. What she used for a drawstring was priceless. She used her right hand and brought around her shoulder a thin string of long hair that went beyond her waistline. Her eyes still glowed and the strands of the longer hair become a tight and fused braid. Each end of her hair were forming small loops to attach to the top and bottom of the bow. Suddenly, she tore the strand from the fused braid with a sharp thumbnail. The entire demonstration took no more than eleven seconds, but felt longer while watching. As she began looping the ends of her hair to the ends of the bow she asked “What do you think? I call this my Bone Bow…”

  Jack spoke first, but was obviously distraught. “First what is a Bone Changer and second what are you doing?”

  Kara smiled when she made her hair drawstring tighten along with the bow. She held her left arm to the side and displayed her accomplishment. The Bone Bow she created was just as long as her silver bow. “Mark said that’s what I am. We can use our bones as weapons. And to answer your other question, I wanted to show you what I thought up for myself.”

  Connor asked an obvious question. “What happened to your other Bow?”

  Her expression became pained. Kara’s silver eyes met her brother’s finally. “I accidently broke it last night, Brother. I was curious about how it would shoot with my new strength. I accidently over extended it till the yew snapped.” She shot him an apologetic look, knowing he was the one who made it.

  He smiled, knowing she broke it accidentally. “Are you going to fire Bone Bolts too?” She finally smiled at the attempt of mild humor.

  She shook her head. “I haven’t figured out how to do that yet. I’ll keep thinking on it though.” She brought her quiver of arrows with her and pulled a single arrow out.

  “Let’s see how good your bow is, Kara.” Jillian said in a chirpy voice. “Fire away!”

  Kara shot a smile to Mark who was still standing in front of Connor and remained looking human. She focused as she notched an arrow. Kara sat the tip of the arrow on the top of her left hand. With her index finger stretched out she pulled the string back, guiding where she wanted the arrow to fly. Then her body froze. She committed to concentrating on a specific target, removing and ignoring all outside distractions. She turned into a statue for several agonizing seconds. Her taut belly stopped moving when she held her breath while an immense tension on the string screamed to be released. The pure white bones bowed back gracefully and looked like they were storing a tremendous amount of potential energy. As Kara released her three fingers from the string, she breathed and the bones sprang forward and the arrow twanged away.

  Even with the new mental advancements, it was somewhat difficult to see the arrow zipping through the air. It was moving so fast that Connor saw it shake the tree it hit on the other side of the clearing, nearly a half of a mile away. The penetrating force was more than he imagined.

  “I have to see this for myself.” Connor said aloud and started running. As he ran as fast as possible he turned and saw his glorious mate following him closely, she smiled with just as much excitement. She would have been able to keep up if her stride was longer, but her legs weren’t as long as his. The rest of the group was running farther behind. Connor then realized that he’s become slightly faster and so too has Sarah.

  They were now faster than both Balancer and Changer.

  When Connor came upon the tree he had to look again and more closely. A hole could only be seen in the trunk. The bolt Kara fired went through a young and strong oak tree
and the metal tip of the arrow splintered out the backside of the tree a good five inches. When Mark saw the arrow he whistled.

  Jack said in an astonished tone “If that arrow was any heavier it would have gone clean through. With that much impact your range could easily be a mile…”

  Kara became so pleased with everyone’s new respect for her that she fired of six more arrows into the same tree. When Kara eventually had enough her eyes started glowing again. This time as the bones fractured, the exposed bones began returning back inside her body. Less than ten seconds later you couldn’t even tell that her arm had even changed from normal.

  The rest of the day became so much easier after fighting Jack and Mark on the ground, using everything Connor had at his disposal. He won of course, but Mark tagged his shoulder with a claw and drew a little blood. It was healed by the time Sarah fought both Kara and Jillian. His wife beat him today because she won without getting a single scratch on her fair skin.

  Things were feeling like they were returning to normal. Or so he thought.

  Relaxation and Stress

  On Thursday morning, four days after Deputy Burrow left her parents home, Sarah was suddenly assaulted by a telepathic mind. It was her mother and she was relentless until she was given access. It was earlier than usual for her to wake up and that let Sarah know that something was going on. Sarah finally opened her eyes once Jillian’s persistence began to get annoying. Sarah’s eyes naturally drifted up and awoke Connor by caressing her mate’s chest slowly and tenderly. Even just the slightest touch of his skin makes her heart beat in overdrive. It is a better wake up than coffee ever could achieve.


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