Changer's Blood (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Changer's Blood (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 36

by Lee Morgan

  Her jaw dropped slightly at hearing Jack calling Connor his son-in-law. Caliegh pulled herself back together rather quickly, but the damage had been done. “We went to high school together.”

  Connor remembered looking into Sarah’s memory on day that Caliegh was working at the spa. He told Sarah that he found out by accident, but she didn’t believe it. “What happened to your last job?” he asked.

  “They hired a prettier woman than me for the position.” She shrugged. She changed the subject. “What can I do for you today, Mr. Branderson?”

  He smiled softly. “Call the boys in the fabrication room and tell them that I’m on my way up.” Caliegh nodded and picked up the phone and started dialing.

  As she spoke into the telephone Jack and Connor walked around the front desk and made their way to the back. He asked Jack telepathically “Why did you really hire her?” His raised left eyebrow emphasized the question.

  Jack peered at him from the corner with his right azure eye. “She needed the money for school and living expenses and when I looked into her mind, I knew she would work hard for me. Her resume was short and her work experience was shorter, but her personality is perfect for being at the front desk. Since I hired her three weeks ago my clientele have ordered twelve percent more merchandise.” He cracked a smile. Connor knew that the customers weren’t interested in the merchandise exactly.

  Jack pushed the black up button for the elevator. The doors of the elevator were as massive as the automatic front doors. Connor knew if they were that big, the elevator itself would be as well. This was how they got his green truck out.

  The large elevator doors opened vertically and together they stepped into the elevator. Connor’s assumption proved right. His truck could fit in here, but only just. Jack pressed the button for the third floor and they began ascending after the doors closed. It took a while to reach the top floor because Jack said that to support the weight of a vehicle the elevator must be slow and strong enough to lift or drop a vehicle that could weigh up to six tons. He wasn’t bluffing because the elevator was built solid.

  The doors finally opened and Connor found himself temporarily blinded by the intensely bright lights. When he could finally see clearly again he was stunned by the amount of technology held within that room. Cranes moved across the ceiling, automated robot arms moved heavy equipment, welding systems sparked heated metal everywhere, and even people moved safely around who were designing custom computer chips which would run the systems of the vehicles.

  Connor stepped forward and ran into a clear and plastic wall. Jack laughed. “Son, this entire floor is a clean room. I cannot have any dust or debris corrupt the work being done inside or problems will arise. There is only one way to get in. Also it’s sound proof. Follow me.” Connor rubbed his nose in embarrassment and followed him into a locker room.

  The room was also pure white. Jack tossed over a white clean suit, a face mask, goggles and a pair of new orange earplugs that were still in the package. Connor stripped down to his boxers and jumped into the white suit. It barely managed to cover his bulk as he put his clothing into the metal locker. Jack did the same as Connor put the goggles on and inserted one of the earplugs. As Jack almost mirrored his look he walked up with a dry erase board and black marker. “Take this.” Jack handed over the items. “It will be too loud to talk so tap my right shoulder to get my attention. Then write down anything you need to ask.” He waived off Connor’s questioning expression. “I know we can use our abilities, but I can guarantee that someone will be watching.”

  “Gotcha.” Connor put in the other earplug and followed Jack to the back of the locker room. There was a back door that led to a small room with a skinny man sitting behind a desk. He suddenly placed the phone on the receiver.

  He stood up and smiled genuinely. “So good to see you again Mr. Branderson.” They shook hands with their clothed hands. He turned. “And who might you be?”

  “This is my son-in-law, Connor.” Jack introduced and turned to Connor with a pleasant expression. “Connor, this is my second in command, Beau.”

  They shook hands and he asked “How’s the truck?” Connor told him how wonderful it was. “Glad to hear it. Jack here put all orders on hold and had everyone specifically working on your truck. It took three weeks of planning to achieve the battery and hydrogen synchronization systems alone. It was truly a remarkable piece of equipment that anyone would enjoy. If only it could be mass produced the gas companies will run out of business and we’d finally no longer be dependent on oil companies. We’re trying to find a way…”

  Connor liked hearing that.

  Jack and Connor were then led into a clear plastic box and they put on their face mask. When the plastic door closed a white vapor sprayed upon them. Connor knew from watching TV that they were being sterilized for the clean room they were going to enter. Now sterilized, the plastic doors on the other side cracked opened. As the noise came in suddenly Connor dropped to his knees from the pain in his ears. Even with the earplugs, the ear splitting sound was like getting your skull opened up by a jackhammer. He tried cupping his hands over his ears, but it did little good against the excessive sounds that came from the room.

  The moment Jack saw such distress he ran over to a wall and pulled off a set of head phones from a nearby wall. He put them over Connor’s ears and the noise became somewhat bearable. Jack stuck his thumb up and entered his mind. “Sorry about that. I didn’t think about how sensitive your hearing is. Is that any better?”

  Connor nodded and stood up.

  Connor pulled the board from behind his back and wrote ‘Thanks for that. What should we do first?’

  For the next five hours Jack showed Connor every step in the process of how he designed, fabricated and pieced together every piece of the green truck he made for the gift. After awhile he was assimilated to the harsh sounds of the room. When the tour came to an end they stepped back into the clear box and was cleaned again. As they stepped out of the box Connor took off the ear coverings and the ear plugs. Beau stood and asked “What happened in there? Earlier I mean.” He was referring to the trip to the ground.

  “Sorry. I have very acute hearing and it was just a little too loud for me. It isn’t the first time that has happened before.” He said after taking the mask off.

  “I was worried that you were hurt or something.” He sighed as his skinny frame sat down in the chair again.

  Jack and Connor redressed in their original clothes again and left the building soon after he gave a few orders to Beau and a few other employees.

  Silence is bliss.

  About halfway home the snow was still heavily coming down. Jack wanted a conversation because nothing on the radio was worth listening to. “I haven’t seen my daughter in a week. How’s she doing?”

  Connor said in honesty “I’m not really sure.”

  He turned from looking out the side of the window towards him. He asked evenly “What do you mean you don’t know? Is something wrong with her?”

  He down shifted and remained calm. “She’s been feeling off for a few weeks now. She won’t tell me what’s wrong, but I’ve always noticed everything about her. Lately Sarah’s been sleeping in a little bit more than usual and she’s even practically eaten everything in the house, but the apples were the first to vanish.” He turned to Jack and asked “Speaking of, can I run in the store real quick and pick up some more?”

  He nodded and said “I wouldn’t worry too much about her. She’s probably just tired and hungry.” Connor thought that he saw the Viking smirk knowingly, but it was gone before he could look again. It wasn’t polite to read his mind without permission but his instincts told him that Jack knew something important.

  On the way home Connor stopped by the store and bought four fresh bags of red and green apples.

  As they pulled into the driveway Connor looked and saw Mark’s jeep. He’s working today… So Kara must have come over for a visit. He smiled knowing his mate wasn’t
sitting home alone and being bored to death.

  They parted ways as Jack walked inside his house and Connor walked to his cottage with the apples thrown over his shoulders. He walked normally through the snow, enjoying it and saw his house fifteen minutes later. His home was powdered with fresh snow. Connor used his abilities to clear a path to the front door with his control over Liquid. For every step he took, a foot of snow would spread away and reform the path. Finally reaching the door he knocked.

  The door creaked open and he knew that the hinges needed to be oiled. Kara stood at the door saying “Brother! Welcome home.” The tone of her voice was normal and chipper, but his instinct told him otherwise by making all of the fine hairs on the back of his neck stand straight up. The feral grin she wore made them stand even more alert. “Come in and get out of the cold. The last thing we need is to let all the warm air out.” She grabbed the clothes on his chest and pulled him inside and then she quickly shut and locked the door.

  The inside of the cabin was nice and cozy. As he took a step further in Sarah was absently sitting in front of the fire still wearing the blanket wrapped around her. Her head then jerked in his direction when she suddenly realized he arrived. Her green eyes were twinkling like the stars on a crystal clear night. Her long and luscious hair was also covered by the sheet. She showed him a smile that he’s never seen her use before. It was a mixture of worry, fear, unknowing and for some reason pure happiness. Something is going on.

  Not letting on to his growing anxiety, he smiled back at her and decided to put away the apples first. As he walked to the pantry he saw Kara walk over to Sarah from the corner of his eye.

  Several apples were put into the fruit bowl after he washed them in the sink and stored the remaining into the pantry. As he came out he heard Kara whispering “Go on, tell him.” He took another step and saw Kara kneeling beside Sarah as his little sister rubbed her back. Sarah said quietly back to his sister “But what if he doesn’t…”

  Connor gathered their attention by saying in a concerned voice “Tell me what?” The two of them jumped as one and turned in the direction of his voice. He stopped walking because of their strange expressions and stood stoically by the dining room table. He watched the two of them carefully as they watched him with the same intensity. Sarah looked at his sister with worried eyes. Kara looked back at her and smiled gently. He began to worry what their expressions meant. Something was definitely going on and it was beginning to frighten him.

  Slowly, Sarah stood from the floor and dropped the bed sheet. She looked at Connor with her warm and shy green eyes and took a step in his direction; after taking a deep breath and sighing. As she stepped over the sheet, Kara picked it up in one motion and looked back at them.

  Sarah took two more steps in his direction and stopped about an arm’s length away. She suddenly looked down and began biting her bottom lip. She then spoke in a very quietly and shaky voice. “I… I’m…. I’m pr…”

  He took a step forward and put his arms around her and clasped his fingers around her lower back wanting to ease her discomfort. He didn’t know what was going on, but this has always made her feel better. He kissed the top of her head and said in the best soothing voice he had “Relax Princess. Tell me what’s going on? There is nothing to worry about.”

  She remained rigid, but he felt her emotions going in every conceivable direction and their intensity were beyond anything he’s felt from her this far.

  She’s never felt like this before, that much was certain

  A minute later she began breathing normally. She turned her head up to look at him and her green eyes were now on the verge of tears. Her voice on the other hand came back stronger. “Connor, I’m Pregnant!”

  Sudden and Delay

  Did she just say what I thought she said? Connor thought to himself without realizing she was reading his mind. He was still looking into her green eyes just as her tears spilled over her cheeks.

  She said in a quiet and reluctant voice “Yes… I did say it. I’m with child.”

  Without another word he dropped to his knees.

  Sarah said “Connor, what are you…!” She tried taking a step back, but his arms were still securely wrapped around her lower back. He summoned power to his eyes and allowed instinct to guide and complete the task. Using sonar, in a way that only Sarah and he has mastered, he looked into her body to the microscopic level.

  With the rapid pulses emanating from within, he felt Sarah go completely rigid and gasped as she looked into his glowing eyes. Connor could suddenly see everything that is around himself, but this time he focused his mind to read only inside Sarah’s body. He could see each beat of her racing heart, her lungs expand with a much needed breath, all of her blood circulating through her circulatory system and internal organs. Even her muscles were rigid and restrained. He leaned in closer to her clothed abdomen and finally found where the womb was.

  He had to focus to the cellular level. It was difficult searching for something so small.

  Since his mom is the head nurse at the hospital, she wanted her children to learn all about the human body and how it worked because something might happen and its always best to be prepared. She would always quiz Connor when he was a toddler and did so all the way up to his accident; where he received the black brand on his breast.

  He made his mind focus even more while he used sonar to catch a glimpse. He finally found what he searched for. It was a large egg that was larger than any other cell in her entire body. The egg had cells that were already dividing inside the spherical membrane and he knew it was true.

  Connor scared Sarah as he shot to his feet and swept her off hers. He spun her in the air as he laughed. His heart began beating with joy.

  He stopped spinning after a few twirls and pulled her close to his chest and laughed again. This day has been a fantastic ride. He sat her back on her feet and said with joy “Sarah, it’s true. We’re going to have a new member of our family.”

  Hot tears ended from her because she was caught unprepared for his happiness for some reason. When Sarah spoke again she still sounded in shock. “I thought you might have been angry.”

  “Angry? Sarah this is glorious news.” Connor grabbed her shaking hands with his. Her hands felt somewhat cold and clammy. “Sarah, we are going to have a child. That is the greatest gift in the world. It’s the gift of a new life.” Her green eyes started twinkling again after hearing these comforting words. He entered her mind. “Have you seen our unborn child yet?”

  “No, I haven’t because I cannot see inside myself. I’ve tried. Oh how I’ve tried, but I couldn’t achieve any results. I don’t see how I could see our child until birth.” Her confused expression came back as he smiled.

  “Have you forgotten how you can look through my eyes?”

  Suddenly recognition flashed through her features. Her mind and emotions were getting excited. “Come on, I would like to see my baby for the first time.” At the words ‘my baby’ she raised her hand to her lips after pulling her hands away from his.

  “That’s right, Princess. You’re going to become a mother and I’m going to become a father.” She giggled.

  A minute later they pushed into each other’s minds. When the opposite mental currents became a whirlpool, Connor kneeled in front of Sarah’s belly. With their minds perfectly linked they could feel every sensation that the other felt. He could see that her gaze focused on his now glowing eyes. In her mind he felt how both cold and hot she felt at the same time, slightly queasy too. He pulled his thoughts back to the task and concentrated on the exact spot where he first saw their developing child only moments before. Connor felt her lips pull into a full smile as the salty tears in her eyes begin flowing again.

  Not knowing why she was feeling this way, he cut the power to his eyes and unlatched the hold on Sarah’s mind. He sat up straight while still on his knees. He looked at her as they were now eye to eye. “Princess, what’s the matter?”

  She wrapped
her arms around his neck and laid her head on his shoulder. Through the tears she said “It’s a new life growing inside of me. Or should I say our new life. I still can’t believe I’m pregnant!” Suddenly she reared her head back up and looked over his shoulder with a lusty twinkle. “Good thing you brought home some apples. I’m starving!”

  He started laughing and used his hands to turn her head back to him. Connor met his lips with hers and she didn’t fight it. In fact she returned the kiss with ferocity and passion. She then pulled away from him and picked up the bowl of apples moments later.

  Kara began snickering and he saw that she was now watching them from the sofa with her feet kicked up on the armrest. He asked “What’s so funny?”

  Kara crossed her arms while still grinning. “Looks like the cravings have already started!”

  Sarah walked past him with one hand under the glass bowl while the other hand had a green apple with a big bite already in it. Her jaw continued chewing and Kara snickered again. Sarah tried sitting next to the fire on the floor again, but he moved quickly and sat her down on his lap. She almost choked with a mouthful of apple when he moved too quickly, but she finally sat down comfortably and took another large bite. She leaned against his chest and, through their bond, he felt her emotions finally relax. Connor sat with his back to the fire so that they wouldn’t leave Kara out of the conversation.

  On her fifth apple she swallowed and said “I’ve been feeling strange for a while.”

  He corrected by his mate, saying “You’ve been feeling off for at least four and a half weeks, Princess.”

  She tilted her head back and peered at him with those intelligent and gentle green eyes. In her velvety voice she asked “You could tell from that long ago?” She tilted her head back down to shake it in defeat. “Who am I kidding?” She sighed slowly. “Nothing gets past your field of observation.”


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