Changer's Blood (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Changer's Blood (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 37

by Lee Morgan

  Kara finally spoke up. “You should know by now that Brother rarely misses anything.” His sister sat up and pivoted on her bottom to look at them directly. What she asked next caught them both off guard. “So, when are you going to tell Mom that she’s going to become a grandmother? Or how about telling Grandma and Granddaddy how they are going to become great grandparents.”

  Sarah quickly twisted and sat on his left knee so that she could look at the two of them. She looked at him and said “Speaking of… Mother is going to find out what her first grandchild is going to look like sooner than she expected.” Sarah actually giggled. She tossed the apple core under his arm and fed it into the fireplace. She leaned forward and picked up another apple from the bowl that sat before his right knee.

  Connor rubbed his mate’s back with his left hand as she took another audible, crunching bite. “She sure is.” He said, kissing her temple. He turned back to answer his sister’s question. “Kara, Mom cannot know about Sarah’s pregnancy for at least another five or six months.”

  Kara said simultaneously as her brow furrowed “By then Sarah’s belly will be the size of a beach ball!”

  At the same time both Sarah and Connor shook their heads. He looked directly into Kara’s silver eyes. “The gestation for a Balancer’s child is about seventeen months, instead of a humans nine month gestation.” Kara’s jaw dropped and her eyes widened as she looked over at Sarah who only nodded because her mouth was filled again. “That’s not all, Sis.” She looked back at him with her jaw still hanging. “Just now I looked and saw Sarah has only two remaining eggs left. We’ll only be able to have three daughter’s in total, because somehow one has gone missing, probably shed some time ago… Balancer women usually have only two to four eggs from what I’m told. Once those eggs become babies we won’t be able to have any more children.

  “All of our children are born girls and they will take approximately thirty years to physically mature into an adult.” Kara’s jaw dropped even more. “Our daughter will develop slower and will stop aging at about the physical age of seventeen to twenty. Just like her mother…”

  When his sister finally noticed her open jaw, she closed it. She spoke softly and asked an innocent question. “Brother, why can Balancers have only girls? What if you’ll have a boy?”

  He shook his head. “I’ve had a lot of time, thinking on that subject.” Sarah turned to look at him with another mouthful, along with a look of amusement in her twinkling green eyes. She looked like a chipmunk with its pouches full. Connor forced himself to not laugh as he looked back at his sister. “When Sarah fused our souls together, she altered me. In health class, I learned that the father determines the sex of the child to become either male or female. What I’ve come to understand is that Sarah changed my body in more than just than one way. She gave me my Balancer’s speed and strength. I became able to turn food instantly into energy for my abilities. Becoming bonded with Sarah also made me lose all of my hair from my neck down.” He took a breath to clearly say “The last thing she changed in me was to give her only a daughter. That being said, male Balancers have been physically altered to give daughters to their mates.”

  Kara became silent as she processed his words. Sarah studied him for a brief moment. His Greek Goddess finally broke the silence after tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “That is a logical way of looking at it, Connor. I think that is the best conclusion anyone has ever given.” She looked down and whispered to herself. “We make our mates give us daughters. Hmm…” She sucked the juice off her bottom lip.

  Then Kara spoke to Sarah with her silver eyes burrowing into the side of his wife’s head. “Since you and Brother are so different from other Balancers like Jillian and Mr. Branderson, could that change anything?”

  Sarah turned her evergreen eyes to him, but she spoke to Kara. “I seriously doubt it. The best guess we have is that since Connor was so powerful as a human. He carried over his amazing attributes into his new life, becoming an unparalleled Balancer.” Sarah shifted her focus to his sister. “I can tell you that there has never been a male born Balancer.”

  Kara changed the subject instantly and asked “Is it alright if Mark knows this great news?”

  He spoke up. “Sure he can, but you can’t say a word to anyone else. Not even to my in-laws.” His sister nodded.

  Sarah threw the last apple core into the fire as Kara excused herself. She stood up and walked down the hall and went into the restroom. Sarah looked back at him and wanted to enter his mind. As he let her in she asked “Why can’t we tell Mother and Father?”

  He smiled evilly. “Because in seven day’s it will be your birthday; December twenty first is only around the corner. Didn’t you say that your parents always take you on a camping trip?”

  She smiled, but she wasn’t catching his drift. “They always do, but what does my birthday have to do with anything?”

  “I read that in the past that when it was someone’s birthday, they would give out gifts to those who are invited. Today, you receive gifts. I thought ‘What’s the greatest gift could we give? Oh I know! Tell Jillian that her bloodline hasn’t ended and she’ll be a grandmother’!”

  Sarah smiled for only a moment. “Why would you think that?”

  “Pearl didn’t have any children. Amber hasn’t either, as far as we know. And finally you waited for over three hundred years before you even found me.” He arched an eyebrow. “From your mother’s prospective it would feel like she had children who were all born sterile.” At that, Sarah understood why he meant for them to wait and surprise her mother with the developing news.

  The toilet flushed and the sink turned off. Kara came in saying “I had better get going. I need to go home and get something to eat.” Sarah started to rise, but Kara held out her hand as a stopping gesture. “The two of you need to be alone now. Plus if I stay here, I’ll starve.” Kara smiled in a playful manner. “A pregnant Balancer…” Kara shook her head. Then she spoke in a humorous tone. “The grocery store is going to be empty in a matter of days.”

  Sarah stuck her tongue out at his sister playfully and Kara fired hers back. Then they started giggling.

  Soon after, Kara tightened the laces on her boots and put her jacket back on. Sarah hugged his sister and thanked her for all the help she gave today.

  Before long it was just Connor and Sarah alone in the cottage. For most of the night their minds were linked together as they stared at their growing child.

  It was also a little funny because even though she was far from showing, he continually caressed her flat abdomen throughout the night.

  She didn’t mind one bit.

  Connor and Sarah awoke around nine in the morning because they spent most of the night intently watching their unborn child with open enjoyment. She went to sleep first after hearing his plan and Sarah noticed lately that while he slept he didn’t move his body, but it was also like his dreams have changed recently. Before he was restless and made small jerking movements while he slept.

  Her mate left her in bed and soon brought in a tray of eggs and orange juice for breakfast and about ten apples specifically for her new craving. He sat the tray down on her lap and asked “How are you feeling?”

  She smiled up to him as she picked up a juicy red apple. “Starving… I don’t know why I’m craving apples so much…” she took a loud, crunching bite out of the apple. It really was juicy. The sweet apple juice started leaving a sweet and sticky trail down her chin. Suddenly he caught the sweet drip with his index finger and licked the juice off the tip of his finger. She saw that he had the look like he’s figured out another puzzle. “What is it?”

  His penetrating hazel eyes sent her heart fluttering yet again. His smile softened the intensity of his glare. “When I found you in the woods, the first thing you ate with me were wild apples.”

  She has somehow gotten in the habit of looking up to think. It must be another side effect of being around the May siblings. Looking at the still fan
she said “That must be it. Apples were my first comfort food because that was our first meal.” The lapful of breakfast regained her attention.

  Connor leaned over and kissed her temple before leaving the bed to put on a long sleeved black shirt and black jeans. She started shoveling the food as soon as she heard him cooking breakfast for himself. He came back in and started eating the same amount of food that he gave her. Even though she had a head start on eating, they finished consumption almost at the same time.

  Soon after they cleaned the dishes Connor told her to get dressed. They had to stop by each of their parents homes and had to restock on apples and other supplies.

  He said everything that morning with a gleam of happiness in his eyes.

  Wearing two layers of black pants and three layers of sleeves they embarked outside in the direction of her parent’s house. Sarah remained so excited about what was going on, but she needed to keep the news a secret for the moment.

  The snow around her parent’s log cabin is just as deep as it was at their cottage. The chimney was pouring out a steady stream of smoke from the roof. All of the plants Jillian worked so hard on were all covered in a thick sheet of fluffy white snow. On the backside of the house sat a large collection of stacked firewood that stretched at least fifteen feet wide and stood as nearly six feet tall. The kitchen and the living room’s lights were on. Instead of going through the back door, Connor and Sarah walked around and went in through the garage. Jillian’s red car is parked next to the blue one; which meant that she already finished planning an expensive wedding in the city.

  Sarah knocked on the garage door while Connor looked at his snow covered green truck. Connor turned back around moments before her mother opened the door to wink. Jillian was finally dressed in proper winter clothing, but she was still a beauty to behold. She wore a red long sleeved cotton top along with light brown pants that came down to the back of her heel. She tossed her dark brown hair over her shoulder mindlessly as she said with glee “Sarah! How have you been? I haven’t seen you in a week.”

  They hugged and she led the young couple into the warmth of the house before Sarah answered her. “I have been fine, Mother. I just have been dealing with this oversized brute.” She playfully elbowed Connor’s hip. His eyes went as wide as her mother grinned.

  Jillian let out a lilting laugh. Sarah’s mother patted her shoulder and sat her golden eyes on her. “My dear daughter, you’re definitely on the right track.” Her grin widened. “Every successful marriage needs a good whipping now and again.” At her saying whip Sarah’s face flushed.

  Connor cleared his throat, gaining her mother’s attention and saving Sarah’s embarrassment. “Is Jack awake yet?”

  Jillian turned her golden gaze away. “Of course, he’s in the living room reading the paper.” Connor turned in the hallway and walked past the kitchen which lay to his right and strutted into the living room. Her mother squeezed her shoulder, regaining her attention. With golden eyes focused on Sarah she felt her trying to enter her mind. Before she granted access, Sarah blocked the parts of her mind that had any references to the newest development. “Is Connor feeling alright? He looks somewhat more powerful than usual.”

  “He’s fine. As far as I can tell anyway.” She shrugged her mother’s hand off her shoulder. “He looks like something is on his mind though.” She said to give her mother something to take suspicions off of herself.

  It worked because Jillian smiled. She wrapped her arm around Sarah’s and led her down the hallway and into the living room.

  Connor and her father were sitting in opposite sofas. Connor sat in the one with the back facing the front door. They were having a casual conversation which they caught the tail end of. Jack said “The best way I’ve found to grill a wild rabbit was to stuff rosemary and apple slices in the ribs. You put the rotisserie stick over the flame with hickory as the firewood...” Jack took a sip of black coffee as he saw the two of the fairer sex entering. “Good morning, Sarah. You’re looking better than Connor described yesterday.”

  Her gaze immediately shifted over to Connor who didn’t return the glance. She noticed that his expression didn’t betray any emotion, but his hidden fist was clenched and his knuckles were white. She immediately entered his mind. “Connor, calm down. Neither of us knew what was wrong until yesterday. It will be ok. I’ll handle it.” Sarah shifted her gaze back to her father as soon as Connor’s fist relaxed. “I’m feeling much better. I used up too much of my energy and it took some time for me to get back up to speed.”

  She patted her mother’s arm. When she let go, the two of them sat beside their immortal lovers.

  After a few minutes of idle conversation Jack eventually asked “What brings you two out here this morning? I’m guessing this isn’t simply a social call, is it?”

  Connor intertwined her left hand with his right. Connor smiled and initiated his plan. “Sarah told me that the three of you always go camping for her birthday. That is six days away.” Connor spoke in a way that brought her parents full attention to himself. “I like that tradition and I wanted to keep it going. There will only be a single change, I’m joining. If that is alright with the two of you?”

  Jillian and Jack tuned their heads to look at each other. They smiled and Sarah’s mother spoke for the two of them. “I was afraid that tradition would be forgotten after the two of you bonded. We would love to have you go camping with us. Do you know of any good spots for camping at this time of year?”

  Connor wore a half smile. “In fact I do. There is a secluded place at the reserve that I have found and there isn’t any way for a human to get there.”

  Jack grew a menacing and playful smile as he leaned forward after hearing this new detail. “Do tell.”

  Connor had a tightlipped smile and shook his head. “Sorry, but you’ll see for yourself in six days time. I’ll go out and prepare everything beforehand so the three of you will have to wait and suffer.” Connor smiled again as he squeezed her hand.

  Sarah lifted an eyebrow. “So, you are going to keep it from me too. Why can’t I know?”

  “Because it’s your birthday and I want to give you a special gift.” He turned his head enough to wink at her and not let her parents notice. He was talking about another gift he’ll give beside what is growing inside her.

  After another hour, the two of them left her parents and walked across the street to his mother’s house. The street was plowed two days ago and looked like it needed another pass. Jenny’s home looked about the same except for the snow.

  Connor knocked twice on the front door and kicked off some snow from the entryway just before Jenny opened the door. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a single golden braid. She had on a red scrub top and red pants, it looked like she was getting ready for work. Around her shoulders sat a thick black blanket. Sarah has rarely seen a middle aged woman with her level of sophistication and beauty. She smiled and said “Come on inside kids. It’s warmer.”

  “Thanks, Jenny.” Sarah said, walking in before Connor. They took their snow covered boots off and walked inside the toasty living room. The fireplace on the far wall radiated the perfect temperature in the room.

  Connor walked over and gave Jenny a hug. “Good morning, Mom. What time do you have to leave for work today?” Ha, I was right. She does have to go to work. Connor smiled at his lovely mother, but he was actually smiling his wife’s thought. Sarah was so distracted that she didn’t notice his intrusion.

  “I’ll have to leave in about an hour.” She smiled after checking her wristwatch. “Oh, and thanks for putting those snow chains on my tires. They really helped me out last week.” Jenny turned. “So how are you feeling Sarah? You look off.” She cocked her head and strolled closer. She put the back of her hand over Sarah’s forehead. She said to herself “No temperature, but your clammy.” Jenny then grabbed her left wrist with her right hand. As she placed her index and middle finger on the wrist, she then twisted her left wrist to look at her watch
. As she stared into her watch Sarah noticed that she’s never knew this side of Jenny. This wasn’t her mother-in-law, but the head nurse at the hospital. Her chocolate brown eyes looked down into her green as she let go. “Your pulse is a little higher than usual, Sweetie.”

  Sarah hates all endearments except from Connor, but she struggled to remain polite in her tone. “Jenny, I’m fine. I’m just getting over a little cold.”

  She smiled softly, but then it became a scowl. “I’m glad you’re feeling better.” Jenny turned to Connor and requested “Why didn’t you tell me she was sick? I would have come over and checked on her.”

  Connor brushed back his sandy blonde hair with his fingers as he sighed. He grew his hair back out, but instead of it being wild and shaggy, it’s now brushed back. “Because Sarah didn’t want anyone worried about her. I always respect her wishes unless they are ludicrous.” He smiled at the two of them.

  Jenny turned her head enough to peer at Sarah with one critical eye. “Is that true?” She nodded and Jenny sighed. Talking back to Connor she asked “To what do I owe this unexpected visit?”

  “What? Don’t you like seeing your only son anymore?” He said playfully and had a complimentary smile. “I just wanted to stop by and tell you that Sarah’s birthday is around the corner. We are going to go out of town to celebrate her twenty third birthday party this weekend.”

  “Thanks for the heads up. What are you going to do?” Jenny said crossing her arms under her breasts.

  “Were going camping.”

  “Figures.” Jenny shook her head slowly.

  Sarah spoke up for him. “Jenny,” She turned to look at her. “it’s a tradition in my family to go camping on our birthdays. Father always encouraged me and my sister to stay somewhat close to nature.” She lifted her delicate eyebrow, but said nothing to discourage this trip.

  She finally melted her eyebrow back down as she changed the subject. “I’m cold. How about we go to the kitchen and put something warm in our bellies.”


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