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Changer's Blood (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 39

by Lee Morgan

  Connor rested a warm palm on her right shoulder and his forearm behind her head. She looked up at him as he stood tall and proud to her left. “That’s enough, Princess.” He turned his eyes towards the exhausted parents. “We’re here!”

  Sarah looked around. There were some evergreen trees to the west and a sheer ravine drop off to the east. There was nothing else remotely out of the ordinary. The drop in the ravine was as at least one hundred feet deep and completely vertical. The greatest rock climbers in the world wouldn’t even try to attempt repelling down something so menacing and unforgiving. The other side lay at least one hundred feet across and it too was a sheer drop. Down below showed freezing water, flowing in the ravine. Sarah knew beyond doubt that the water would be frigid. There wasn’t anything here except the colors of white, grey, brown or evergreen.

  She asked her mate because her parents were as confused as she was “Connor, where is…here?”

  He smiled wickedly. “This is where I made all of the preparations for your birthday party.” His grin widened as Sarah felt him bringing his power forth. He took his hand off her shoulder and walked up to her parents without releasing his power yet. “Your bags, please.” They instantly took off their packs and handed them over into each of his awaiting hands.

  Connor then took a step back from her parents then took off backwards and dropped down into the ravine, doing a back flip. The loose snow blew in every direction at the same time as he released his energy. When the snow cleared, Sarah looked down into the ravine to see her mate at the middle of the rock face, just hovering in midair. He stared at the stone wall before him. Suddenly small rocks began trembling and falling by themselves down towards the water. Then she saw and understood what Connor was doing. A huge boulder that was stuck in the wall began getting forced out. With one mighty blast of power, Connor used his ability over Terra to rip the stone from the cliff and keep it floating in the air, just as he continued doing so. She then saw Connor throwing their three packs where the boulder vacated and they disappeared somewhere within the cliff.

  As Connor ascended in their direction, with graceful precision, so too did the massive boulder. The moment Connor lightly touched the snow, the boulder made a loud thud; as it too landed. Her mate and the boulder landed about ten yards away from them just to be sure of their safety, she assumed.

  The three of them looked at each other before looking back at Connor. He quickly walked up to her and her confused parents. “Your present is waiting below.” He pointed over his shoulder with his left thumb. “Jillian, you and Jack are going to go along with me.” His hazel eyes turned back on Sarah. “Since it is your birthday, you have first honors. I made it, so don’t be afraid.” The moment his lips touched her forehead her apprehension dissolved.

  He smiled as he stepped back. Oh well. Let’s see what he did for me.

  Sarah called her power forth and directed the energy to her legs. Using the control over Pressure she launched herself a few inches into the air. Once clear of the ground she eased the power to her legs to descend down along the cliff and stopped as she came to where Connor pulled the boulder from the ravine. She became dumbfounded when she saw a dark tunnel.

  She flew closer and cut the flow of energy as she touched the floor of the dark tunnel. It was deep and at the end of the tunnel waited a faint orange glow that seemed welcoming. The tunnel itself was a perfect cylinder and tall enough for both her father and her husband to walk in with plenty of head clearance. Her heart was already racing in anticipation as she took the first step deeper into the tunnel. She grabbed the three bags and brought them inside. Sarah counted twenty two steps as she came closer to the strange, flickering orange glow. The tunnel was much warmer compared to the outside.

  Sarah gasped and dropped the bags when she came upon Connor’s Present.

  The tunnel billowed into a beautiful dome. In the center of the dome’s floor lay a small campfire that lit up the area and gave off the perfect amount of heat and woody aroma. Two sleeping bags lay to either side of the flames, but far enough away to not worry about catching afire. The ground was made of solid, even surfaced stone, but the present he made covered the walls and roof of the dome. The dome walls were melted into solid glass that resembled millions upon millions of diamonds. The soft light from the flames danced off of each glass jewel, making the room twinkle and shimmer like the stars. It was one of the most beautiful and unique things she’s ever seen in her entire life. Sarah couldn’t help herself as she touched the wall and found that it was smooth and not rough like stone. Tears escaped of their own accord down her cheeks as she stepped away from the wall. She looked up and saw a hole in the ceiling which allowed the smoke to exit the room. Three more fist sized holes lined the walls, in three separate locations. She decided she wanted to know what they were for so she sent out a single wave of sonar. The three holes lead to three different outside locations. Sarah put her hand over a hole that was at her waist line and felt a cool breeze coming in and knew that they were for ventilation.

  It was truly a masterpiece for a present.

  Connor has outdone himself once again.

  On one side of the wall she saw a small stack of firewood, several bottles of water, a pile of food and Sarah’s eyes zeroed in on the apples. There were even some cooking pots, cups and bowls. She then grabbed the three bags from where she dropped them and sat them next to Connor’s hiking bag.

  Moments later she heard someone talking down the shaft. “Connor, don’t you dare even think of dropping me!” Came Jillian, almost screaming in sheer terror.

  Sarah poked her head to look down the tunnel. Connor held Jillian with one hand and Jack in the other, flying them both. Jack was intently keeping his eyes closed. Connor said “I will, if you don’t quit struggling!” Connor then gracefully flew into the opening with both of his in-laws safely. He sat Sarah’s parents on the ground gently and then disappeared as he flew back up into the sky for some reason. Jack finally opened his eyes as he felt ground below his feet. As he sighed with relief so too did Jillian.

  Sarah yelled down the hall with excitement. “Come in here and see this!” Her parents turned to the sound of their daughter’s excited voice and cautiously walked down the tunnel in silence. Sarah sat down in front of the warm fire and waited until they finally came in.

  Jillian entered first. Her reaction was priceless. She gasped and her hand came up to her quivering lips. She whispered “It’s…so…beautiful!” And as Jack came in his eyes softened and a proud half smile graced his lips.

  As her parents also touched the glassed dome Sarah noticed the tunnel become dark. She poked her head down the tunnel and felt the ground trembling slowly under her feet. Connor suddenly came into view saying “Sorry, but I had to seal the entrance because the wind that comes through the tunnel gets very cold.”

  Jillian asked in alarm “But what if we suffocate?”

  Sarah said in a calming voice “Connor made three ventilation shafts and a hole to the surface for the smoke to exit.” She pointed to all the holes she located and could see her mother visibly relax in the orange glow of the fire.

  Connor walked over and sat beside Sarah. Jillian and Jack took the hint and sat before the fire as well, but on the opposite side.

  He turned his hazel eyes on Sarah as he laid a single hand on her lap. In his manly voice he asked “Do you like your present?” She tried forming the right words, but none could describe such feelings. Connor smiled at her inner struggle. “Is it that good?” All she could get out was a rapid succession of nods.

  Jack gained their attention by asking Connor a question. “How long has it taken you to build this?”

  Connor smiled with obvious pride. “I’ve been planning this for several months.”

  Jillian asked quietly “That long? How did you make this sanctuary?”

  “I first used Terra to dig out this place and the shafts. When I was satisfied with the structure I used Terra to hold the shape of the dome while
I used Fire to melt the sand and rocks into glass.” Connor instantly shifted his gaze to Jack. “I had to use my fire shield to absorb the flames so that I could continuously melt the dome.” Jack nodded and Sarah knew he was afraid of it becoming too hot to work in a cramped spot. “I also reinforced the dome and the tunnel so you needn’t worry about cave-ins.”

  Connor spent the next ten minutes explaining every aspect of how he built this place specifically for her birthday. Meanwhile they all took off their thick outer jackets and boots because it was getting a little toasty.

  Connor looked at Sarah and she knew what that look meant. She nodded and he took a deep breath as he looked back at her parents. “Now it’s time to tell you the other present for Sarah’s party.”

  She took a steadying breath as her heart began to race. It’s time!

  Jillian looked up from the fire to Connor. “What else do you have up your sleeve?” She raised a playful eyebrow and asked “How can you have a present for my daughter that could top this room?”

  Sarah nervously reached for his still hand. He interlaced her hand with his and she took their entwined hand and sat them in her lap. As she looked down shyly at their hands he turned his eyes back to his in-laws.

  Connor looked directly into both golden and azure eyes and took his own steadying breath. “I’ve read that in the past, that when it was someone’s birthday they would give gifts to those who came. Today it’s the opposite.”

  Jillian said “That was the norm until about five hundred years ago.” Her golden eyes widened. “Are you saying that you’ve got us a present?”

  “I am.” He said evenly.

  Her eyes softened. “But what would I want? I really don’t need anything.”

  Connor shook his head and smiled. When he looked back at his mother-in-law he gave her a one sided smile. “This gift can’t be returned.”

  Jillian sighed. “Alright, what did you get for us?”

  “Your gift will be here in about sixteen months!” He said, still with a one sided smile. Her brow came together because she thought she would get the present immediately.

  Then her eyes widened in excitement when she understood the context of sixteen months. She shifted her eyes immediately from his to Sarah’s. Evenly she asked “Is it true?” Sarah nodded once while still looking down at their hands. Connor rubbed her hand with a thumb. Jillian slowly got to her feet, but she didn’t move forward. Her tone gained some excitement. “Are you lying to me?” Sarah shook her head from side to side making her hair come over her shoulders. Jillian’s excitement became unmistakable now. “Am I really going to be a Grandmother!?” Sarah nodded as she finally looked into Jillian’s golden eyes.

  Sarah’s lips turned into a proud smile. “Yes, Mother. I’m with child!”


  Jillian grew a full blown grin. Jillian jumped up a little as she yelled “Finally! I’m going to be a grandmother!” Jillian ran around the fire and scooped Sarah in her arms. The two girls giggled and tears streamed down both of their cheeks. When Jillian let go she dropped to her knees and lifted up Sarah’s shirt high enough to look at her flat belly. Jillian rubbed Sarah’s belly with her free hand gently as she spoke softly to her unborn grandchild. “Hi there, little one. This is your grandmother, Jillian.”

  As Jillian cooed to Sarah’s belly Connor glanced over to Jack leaning back on his hands. His smile was that of knowing and pride. His eyes looked as ageless as ever as Connor entered his mind. “Jack,” His azure eyes turned in his direction. “When did you know that she was pregnant?”

  He returned a one sided smile in Connor’s direction. “On the way home from you visiting my shop. You told me that she ate every apple in the house. You said she was also feeling a little off. At that moment I knew what had happened. Jillian was the same way for each of her pregnancies. The only thing she would ever eat was meat, especially venison. I can’t even count the number of herds who died just to satiate her apatite.”

  Connor smiled that he was taking this so well and not trying to kill him. Connor turned back to see Jillian continuously rubbing Sarah’s belly delicately. “Would you like to see your grandchild?”

  Her hand stopped rubbing as she turned in his direction. Out of the corner of his eye Jack sat up. She asked in a tight voice “You can see my grandchild? How?”

  “Sonar.” He said while holding up a finger. Sarah looked from the top of her mother’s head and into Connor’s eyes with loving pride and a gracious smile. “That was the very first thing I did, when she told me the news.” He stood up and walked over to Jillian and the still standing Sarah. He pointed to a spot just below his mate’s bellybutton. “Focus on this area right here.”

  Jillian immediately and excitedly did what he said. Her eyes light up, but only for a second. “I have been practicing everyday, but I doubt I’ll ever be able to master it the way you two have.” Jillian admitted and went back to work. On her twenty ninth try she said with glee “I’ve found her! I really am going to be a grandmother.” Jillian then leaned forward and kissed Sarah’s belly. She then turned her head to Jack. “Get over here to meet your new grandchild.”

  “With pleasure, my Love.” He stood up and walked over. Connor now stood behind Sarah as her mother moved over to allow Jack some room. Sarah held her shirt up as he rested a gentle hand on her belly. He used his Sonar and soon found the new heir to his legacy. He stood up and hugged Sarah’s neck. “I’m so proud for you.” Sarah’s black shirt came back down and covered her stomach again. As the ancient warrior leaned back tears were streaming down his cheeks. His azure eyes and smile were a perfect match for the happiness that all of them were feeling right now.

  “Oh Father, don’t cry.” Sarah reached up and wiped his tears away with the back of her sleeve.

  After she cleaned his other cheek he said “These tears are of happiness not pain, my dearest daughter.” He gestured to the fire. “Sit down and let’s have a pleasant discussion.”

  As Jack and Connor walked over to their original seats Jillian spoke up in a half annoyed tone. “Forget it!” She put a loving and tender hand over her daughter’s clothed abdomen again. “You two go sit together while the girls sit over here.” And the fire in her eyes allowed no room for either of them to argue.

  Connor looked over at Jack. The moment his blue eyes connected with his hazel they both broke into a defeated grin. Connor glanced over to look at his mate. Her entire posture said that all the weight that she’s carried has finally been lifted. When their eyes connected he felt her enter his mind. “It will be alright. I want to sit with her as well.”

  He conceded and walked around the fire and sat to Jack’s left. Jillian took Sarah’s right hand and rubbed it with both of hers. Jack looked at Connor as he said “Don’t even think of holding my hand like that!”

  Suddenly Jack smiled and started laughing silently. “Don’t worry about that. I’m afraid you’d break my hand if I even tried.”

  “So don’t try, Father.” This coming from a playful Sarah.

  For the next ten minutes or so they talked about naming the child or what kind of characteristics she might get from the two of them. Mostly it was Jillian doing the talking. Then Sarah finally was able to retrieve her hand she then used it to pull her hair back behind her shoulders. She turned her green eyes toward Jillian. “Mother, why do I feel so odd?”

  Jillian looked from Jack to her daughter. She realized that her hands were suddenly empty and didn’t know what to do with them except put them together on her lap. “The reason you feel a little off is because the child is feeding off of your energy supply. Don’t worry because it is a natural part of our pregnancies. When you first felt off, it was the first reaction that your body made when the child connected into your energy network. Your body was basically saying ‘I’m sending energy to another life now’.” Jillian smiled and radiated joy. “When I was pregnant with Pearl I didn’t know what was happening with me either. Jack thought I might have been sick,
just like Connor apparently assumed because they were once human. I felt off for about five or six months until I felt my stomach growing and knew then what the cause was.” Jillian’s golden eyes darkened a little. “My mother wasn’t there for me, but I will be here to guide you.”

  Sarah gave her hand back to Jillian. “Thank you, Mother. I will need any advice you can give.”

  Jack interrupted the girl’s conversation as he spoke. “Connor, speaking of parents.” He turned to look in his azure eyes. He spoke both calmly and innocently. “I’ve met your mother Jenny, but I’ve yet to meet your father. What’s he like?”

  Connor looked at Sarah as she too looked intently back. So too did Jillian and her golden eyes studied his reaction. During the entire time he’s been with his mate she hasn’t really asked about his biological father. He looked back at his father-in-law and realized that he was waiting patiently. The flickering firelight continued reflecting off the walls, showing all sides to everyone inside the dome.

  He sighed and knew Sarah was still in his mind as he thought to himself. I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. Yet Sarah said nothing or betrayed any emotion to his personal thought. “Your guess is as good as mine. I don’t know who he is or what he’s like.”

  “Really?” Jack asked cautiously.

  Connor nodded. “I’ve tried asking Mom about him. Her eyes always go out of focus when I asked as a child. It was like she didn’t want me to know something important.

  “One time I was actually able to get her to say that Kara and I have two different fathers. That’s why my eyes are hazel and hers were chocolate brown. I also know now it’s a fact that we have different fathers since we’re now adults because of not only our large height difference, but also our facial structure. My face is more squared where as hers is more heart shaped. Our traits don’t match.” He brushed his hair back because it was getting in his eyes. “But it doesn’t matter who my father was because my Granddaddy stepped up and was all the father I have ever needed.”


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