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Brock: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 46

by Amy Kyle


  Paul must have decided that the fight wasn’t worth it. Or he knew more members of the pack would be arriving soon because he bounded out into the hall and disappeared.

  The grey bear turned to her and snorted. Natalie trembled, but she didn’t back down. He didn’t approach her though. After a few minutes of eye contact, he curled up on the floor and went to sleep.

  * * *

  She hadn’t slept. Jackson was still passed out on the floor. At least, she hoped it was Jackson. It felt like him, but she was having trouble trusting her own instincts these days.

  As the sun rose, she heard the cracking of his bones. Turning her back to allow him some privacy, she waited until the transformation was finished. When she turned, he was staring at her.

  And he was stark naked.

  Her breath caught in her throat as she quickly averted her eyes. Reaching over, she snagged the edge of the blanket and tossed it his way. “Here you go,” she muttered.

  “Are you okay?”

  She felt the intensity behind his words, and she finally looked at him. “Peachy,” she squeaked.

  “Damn it,” he swore. “Did he hurt you?”

  She shook her head. “He didn’t touch me. He’d been in the room for less that two minutes before you showed up.”

  Jackson frowned. “But I felt your fear before that. That’s why I came.”

  “I don’t know what you mean by that, but I was scared. I could feel him getting close, and I panicked.”

  He stormed closer to her and snagged her chin. “Tell me the truth,” he said harshly. “Were you scared of me?”

  “You?” she jerked her chin away. “Hardly.”

  “Then why are you still holding the knife?”

  Her eyes settled on the weapon that she still gripped in her hand. She didn’t even realize she was holding it. With a sigh, she let it clatter to the tiled floor. “Just in case he came back,” she muttered.

  “He’s big. Powerful,” Jackson muttered. “But he’s not alpha.”

  “Probably because he’s crazy. He only partially shifted so he could taunt me.” She shook her head. “How did he get onto your territory?”

  “I don’t know, but I intend to find out.” There was an intense heat behind his words, and she shivered. Without warning, he pushed her up against the wall. Natalie’s heart pounded. This wasn’t fear or aggressions. This was purely sexual. “I was scared for you,” he murmured.

  Her hands slowly reached up and tentatively touched his skin. “You had excellent timing,” she whispered.

  Jackson leaned down and inhaled. “You are so intoxicating,” he murmured.

  “And you’re still coming down from the affects of the shift. I know it can be arousing,” she managed as she swallowed hard.

  His hand came up and forced her chin up. She gasped when she saw the lust in his eyes. “It’s not the shift, and you know it, “he murmured, and his mouth descended.

  Natalie moaned. His kiss was urgent and demanding, and she was only too happy to comply. Her lips opened eagerly, and her tongue reached out to taste him. Jackson growled and deepened the kiss.

  Her hands wrapped around his neck for support. Her legs were already growing weak, but Jackson was soon cupping her ass and pulling her towards him. The sheet did nothing to conceal his erection, and she rubbed herself on him eagerly. “Natalie,” he moaned. “You’re driving me crazy.”

  But she hadn’t had nearly enough. As she braced her back on the wall for support, she wrapped her legs around him. Even through her clothes, she rubbed herself on him. Everything inside her was hot, wet, and ready. She needed him.

  Suddenly, the wall disappeared. Jackson carried her to the bed and gently laid her down. “If you’re not ready,” he whispered. “We can stop.”

  She leaned up and slipped her shirt over her head. “Don’t leave me,” she begged. “Please.”

  He closed his eyes as if he was battling his own demons, and then he unwrapped the sheet and pressed his body against her. She shivered as he trailed kisses down her body. There was something entirely new about the way he made her feel. This wasn’t just sex to burn away the extra energy. This was about a desperate need, seduction, and passion.

  Jackson stroked her nipples through the thin fabric of her bra, and the erotic sensations cascaded through her body. She struggled to breathe and gain control of her body, but he was already removing her bra. Before she could even react, he had one nipple in his mouth and another one rolling between his forefinger and thumb.

  “Jackson,” she cried out. Christ, she was about to come just from this.

  “Everything about you is absolutely perfect,” he murmured. Her toes curled, and she whimpered in despair when he finally released her. “Don’t worry,” he said with a smile. “We’re not even close to done.”

  He slid her sweatpants down, and she gripped the sheets in anticipation. At the rate he was going, she wouldn’t last much longer. She felt his fingers graze the outside of her panties, and her hips twisted in need. “Touch me,” she begged. “Please.”

  “Oh my sweet Natalie,” he breathed. “It would be my pleasure.” He pulled her panties down, and almost immediately, she felt his lips on her inner thigh. It was insane what his kisses did to her. She bit her lip to keep from moaning loudly as she felt the warmth of his tongue trail higher and higher. Suddenly, he slipped a long finger inside her and pressed his thumb gently to her clit.

  She reacted violently. Without warning, her climax broke, and she arched her hips up and cried out as she convulsed. He held on, and when her body finally relaxed, she reddened. “Sorry,” she whispered.

  Jackson leaned up and captured her lips. “Do not ever apologize for an orgasm,” he said harshly. “I love a woman that can enjoy pleasure, and believe me, if I have my way, you’ll have many more before the night is over with.”

  And then he was gone, sliding back down her body. He nipped gently at her outer lips, and she fell back against the pillow. He teased the outside of her most sensitive spot gently until finally, he licked her clit.

  Still sensitive, she gasped and gripped his hair. “More,” she urged him. He rumbled in laughter, but he didn’t apply any more pressure. His licks and nips were gentle and teasing, and soon, the tension began to build inside her again.

  “Fuck,” she whimpered. Sex had never been like this before. She’d had orgasms and she’d felt passion, but this was love and torment and seduction and pleasure weaved all into one action. The air was thick with need as she tried to arch her hips and urge him to do more. He didn’t need a second signal.

  She gasped as he slid two fingers inside her. They curled over that sensitive spot inside her, and his warm and wet tongue slid over her clit. Over and over again, his fingers and tongue urged her higher and higher until she finally peaked. She clawed into the bed helplessly as her orgasm took control once again.

  Finally, he released her and slid up. Settling his weight over her, he kissed her gently. She tasted herself on him, and wrapped her arms around his neck. His heaviness settled between her legs, but he made no move to go any further.

  “You…I…” she hesitated. What was she supposed to say after that?

  “Shh,” he whispered. His finger stroked the skin where her neck and her shoulder joined. “Give your body a minute to rest.”

  She’d never been with a man who had that much control before. He’d been playing with her body for close to half an hour, and she knew he was struggling not to force himself inside her. “I want to make you feel good,” she said.

  “This morning is about you,” he said as he moved his body away from her seeking hands.

  She narrowed her eyes and finally wrapped her fingers around his hard length. “It’s about us,” she insisted, and he moaned.

  Resting his forehead on her, he pumped his hips gently into her fist. “If we keep this up much longer, I won’t have anything to give you,” he said as he forced his body still.

  “Roll over,” she said with a smile. She was already wet and ready.

  He complied, taking her with him. Biting her bottom lip, she straddled him and pushed her torso off him. He was bigger than anything she’d ever had before, and she was desperate to have him inside her.

  Slowly, inch-by-inch, she slid down his cock. He stretched and filled her. Jackson’s length twitched and glided over her usual sensitive spot, and she moaned. But when she went further down, she realized that he reached a spot she didn’t even know existed.

  All the way in, he pulsed and vibrated against the new area, and she cried out. “So good,” she whimpered.

  He gripped her hips. “It’s about to get better,” he said roughly and forced her body up. As he slid out and back in, her nails dug into his skin. He was right. It did get better.

  Much better.

  Suddenly, she couldn’t get enough of him. She leaned over, licked, nipped, and kissed every inch of skin she could reach as she pumped herself up and down. Side to side. Round and round. No matter how she moved, he felt absolutely amazing inside her.

  Her whole body began to shake from a desperate need. If she didn’t find her release, she would simply die. What began as slow and languished movements quickly turned desperate and wild.

  Jackson held on to her as he suddenly sat up. The angle changed, and he immediately surged deeper. She squealed but kept going. “Natalie,” he cried out. “God baby, you feel so good.”

  She couldn’t even respond. They locked eyes as she continued to move against him, and when her body could take no more, she threw back her head and screamed his name as she finally fell apart.

  He moaned, gripped her hips, and pulled her convulsing body down and ground his hips into her. She felt his whole body shake as he emptied himself in her.

  Collapsing on the bed, he immediately circled his arms around her and held her as she shuddered on top of him. Never had she come so much in such a short period of time.

  Never had she come so hard.

  And when she closed her eyes, sleep finally embraced her. She felt no fear and no worry. Only safety and love.

  Chapter Six

  It was well after noon with Jackson woke back up again. Natalie was still sleeping peacefully next to him, and he gently smoothed the hair out of her face. The past few days had been a whirlwind for him.

  Seeing her trapped between the wall and the bear had knocked at least ten years off his life. Never before had Jackson felt so scared, so angry, and so desperate in his entire life.

  Paul was powerful. Strong. And as much as Jackson hated to admit it, it was obvious that Paul was stronger than him. But he knew without a doubt that Jackson would have laid down his life last night if it meant that Natalie would be protected.

  It was a startling revelation, but this morning has sealed the deal. Natalie belonged to him. And now that he knew that, he would stop at nothing to keep her safe.

  Her curvy body was pliant and warm next to his, and as much as he wanted to lean down and kiss her, her knew he had to figure out how Paul had gotten on the reservation.

  Not to mention that Micah would be back soon.

  He eased himself gently out of the bed. She turned in her sleep, trying to find his warmth, and he covered her with a blanket. After stroking her hair for a minute, she fell back asleep.

  He hoped her dreams were peaceful.

  Frowning, he realized that he didn’t have any clothes in her room. He wrapped a towel around his naked body and prayed that no one would see him as he made a mad dash to the elevators.

  Brent was, of course, already in the elevator when the doors opened. He held out his arm, and Jackson was relieved to see a pair of pants and a shirt. “I was on my way to get you,” Brent explained.

  “How did you know where I was?” Jackson asked as he quickly pulled the clothes on.

  “I review the security footage every morning after a shift. I saw the new bear breaking into the building. And I saw you go in after it. You weren’t in your room, so I figured you were either dead in Natalie’s room or you spent the morning there.”

  Jackson rolled his eyes. “Good to see you shed a few tears for my possible death.”

  Brent smiled. “It takes more than a psychotic shifter to kill you, my friend.”

  “How did he get on the reservation? The gates lock automatically just before the dusk of a full moon.”

  His friend pulled his iPad from his bag and opened it up. A video was already queued on the screen. When he pressed play, Jackson’s eyes widened. “He was already in the territory.”

  Brent nodded. “I suppose our security is much like his. He slipped in undetected during the day somehow and hid until night fell. When we all shifted in the woods, he attacked. I’m in the process of reviewing the footage of the perimeter now, but I don’t see how he got in to begin with.” His eyes grew uneasy. “I also don’t have any footage of him leaving.”

  Jackson’s head shot up. “Are you serious?”

  “It doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s still here. It could simply mean that he’s found an access point that’s not on camera. I’m about to walk the perimeter now. I’d like to have a full report for Micah when he returns this evening.”

  “I’ll join you, but I want some men posted at both the entrance to the condo and on Natalie’s floor. I’m not taking any chances.”

  “Can he shift outside the full moon?”

  Jackson swallowed hard. “Probably. He was almost human when he finally broke in. If he can contain his wolf during the full moon like that, he can probably call it at will.”

  “That’s pretty powerful,” Brent commented in a neutral voice. “Even you can’t do that.”

  “I know,” Jackson snapped. “But there are hundreds of us and one of him. So if he’s here, he’s desperate. It’s more than a simple stolen object or an obsession with Natalie. There’s something I’m missing.”

  “We’ll figure it out,” Brent said confidently. “We’ll protect her.”

  Jackson looked at him. “I’m glad you’re coming around.”

  “She’s your mate,” he said simply. “And that means we can trust her.”

  * * *

  Jackson was gone when Natalie woke up, but she could feel his energy linger. He hadn’t left ashamed or regretful. She smiled and snuggled further under the covers. She loved that she could feel him even though he wasn’t around.

  After a few moments of languishing in the leftover warmth, she finally pulled herself out of bed. She couldn’t keep relying on Jackson to save her. She needed to be proactive. If Paul was willing to attack her on another pack’s territory, then he was more desperate than she thought.

  What in the world was he here for?

  She hopped in the shower, let the steam relax her, and when she was done, she wiped the mirror down. Her cheeks were flushed with heat, but her eyes held determination.

  She wasn’t going to let Paul ruin this for her.

  Running a towel through her hair and slipping her clothes on, Natalie began to prowl the condo. After a few minutes, she took her purse and dumped it out. Maybe she really did have something that Paul wanted.

  But all she had was the usual. Her wallet. Her keys. A few items of make-up, some lotion, a couple of pens, and a tampon. There was nothing valuable in the purse. Hell, the purse itself wasn’t even valuable.

  She gazed at the pile on her floor and sighed. What was making Paul come after like this?

  She picked up one of the pens and smiled. It was one of those pens that held six different colors. She played with the colored clicks and pulled the blue one down.

  Nothing happened.

  Slightly disappointed, she pulled the little red button down.

  Still, nothing happened.

  “Of course the only cool thing I have would be broken,” she mumbled. She unscrewed the bottom and top portion and froze.

  Instead of holding ink, it held a flash dive.

  “Son of a bitch,” she
breathed. This must have been what Paul was after. She grabbed her purse and headed for the door. She didn’t have a computer, but she was sure that Jackson would. And it was time to find out what was really going on here.

  She took the elevator to Brent’s condo first, but no one answered the door. Frowning, she went up one more story. Jackson wasn’t in either.

  They must have been out checking the territory. She hurried down the hall and snagged the elevator before it went down. Scrambling out of the condo, her mind was racing.

  What on earth was Paul hiding?

  She never felt his energy or his hatred. By the time he stepped out of the shadows, it was too late.

  She felt the sharp edge of the knife bite into her back. “Don’t say a word,” he growled behind her.

  Her breath escaped her lungs, and she struggled not to scream, He forced her down the sidewalk. “We’re going to walk right out of here, and then we’re going to have a talk,” he hissed.

  She glanced back. At one time, she’d found Paul incredibly sexy. His dark hair and intense eyes had seduced her, but now he looked like a mess. It was clear that he hadn’t slept in awhile, and everything about him was unkempt and wild. “I found the pen. I didn’t know that it wasn’t a pen, Paul. I don’t know what’s on it. You can take it and leave,” she muttered.

  “Liar,” he snarled. “I should have known you were going to ruin this for me. I just wanted a taste of you, and now you’re fucking with everything.”

  She shivered. What the hell was he talking about? “The alpha of this pack is going to be here soon. And Jackson and Brent are going to find us. Just take the pen and go,” she urged him.

  “Nice try. Everyone is asleep, and even if they are looking for me, we’ll be long gone before they find us. Now quit dragging your feet and move!”

  Paul wasn’t wrong. They didn’t pass a single person as she stumbled slowly along the woods. Before too long, they were coming up on the row of businesses.


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