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Fate (Soulmates Book 2)

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by Dykes, Nicole

  After school I saw Maddy at her locker and walked over to her. She groaned. It was crazy that not that long ago if I walked over to her she would have a huge smile on her face.

  I just listened to her as she said, "Ugh, I have got to stop going to my locker after school. Don't you have basketball practice? Doesn't your coach get really pissed when you are late?"

  I just thought about Andy and her together and said, "Do you really think he's happy with you? Why don't you just save both of you the trouble and end it?"

  She put her backpack on and then said, "Why? Do you want to date him or something? Why the hell are you so fascinated with our relationship? He is happy with me. He loves me so get over it."

  She was getting really feisty lately and I would have loved it if it weren't aimed at me. I laughed at her and said, "He doesn't love you. He's so fucking frustrated because he's dating a total tease."

  She started to walk away from me and part of me was begging her to. She turned back and said, "Why do you keep calling me a tease? You have no idea what goes on with our relationship! "

  I just shook my head at her, my anger boiling up, "A girl that gets almost completely naked and straddles a guy who is also almost naked and then makes him stop before getting him off, that's the definition of a fucking tease."

  She looked horrified and then I went in for the kill and walked really close to her. "Guys talk too. And trust me: three blow jobs in seven months of dating and nothing else is not enough to keep any guy happy. "

  We just stood there staring at each other. She was obviously pissed that I knew so much and probably embarrassed. She didn’t say another word to me and just walked off.

  Everything just kept getting worse. Every little fight made us angrier, and I didn't think there would ever be a way to fix it. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to fix it. We were two different people, and it was probably inevitable.

  The next day Andy was waiting by Maddy's locker like a lost puppy. They usually came in together so something was definitely up. We just nodded hello to each other, and I opened my locker.

  Maddy walked in and over to her locker, and I heard Andy ask her what was wrong. She looked over at me, I knew exactly what was wrong, but I just gave her a knowing grin and stayed out of it. She looked back at Andy and told him she wasn't going to talk about it there.

  He grabbed her and pleaded with her to tell him what was going on.

  She was really pissed and just told him to ask me. Then she went off to class with Jackie and Michelle.

  Andy stood there for a minute looking really confused and then walked over to me. "What did you say to her?"

  I closed my locker, "I didn't say anything.”

  He looked at me like he didn't believe me. "Why did she tell me to ask you?"

  We started walking to class, "Who the hell knows? She's fucking crazy."

  For once he didn't argue with me and we walked silently to class.

  At lunch Maddy asked Andy to talk to her before they even sat down. After they left I could feel Michelle's eyes on me. Paul asked her, "What's up with those two?"

  Michelle kept her glare on me, "Why don't you ask the asshole?"

  Paul looked at me, "What did you do this time?"

  I looked at him, "Aren't you supposed to be on my side?"

  He shook his head, "Not if you attacked Maddy again."

  Michelle took a bite of her food and looked at Paul, "Apparently, Jake thought it would be funny to fuck with their relationship.”

  I sat back in my chair and looked over at Michelle. "I wouldn't be able to fuck with their relationship if it was a good relationship. They don't make sense together, and we all know it."

  Shelley looked at me with a disappointed look, "I think they are cute together. I know you and Maddy are fighting, but Andy is still your friend. Don't you want him to be happy? "

  I did, but not with Maddy. "Yes, I do. That's why he shouldn't be with Maddy. She's just stringing him along and making him frustrated."

  Michelle looked over at me again. She wasn't large, but she was definitely a little intimidating. "Stop screwing with her head. They want to be together, so you need to stop trying to mess it up."

  I just glared back at her, and Maddy and Andy walked back over and sat down. They seemed like they had made up, but lunch was tense. No one said a word, and I felt terrible that Andy was upset. When Maddy looked over at me I smirked like a total asshole, letting her think I was satisfied with the mess I caused.

  After lunch we all went to class and I didn't talk to anyone until before practice. I walked into the locker room and Andy walked in right after me. He looked pissed, "Why the fuck would you tell Maddy what I told you?"

  I took a deep breath. I knew that was going to come back to bite me. "It just slipped out. I didn't think it was a secret."

  He looked at me, annoyed. "Bullshit. You knew and you told her anyway. You did it to hurt her, which pisses me off enough, but now you are fucking with our relationship. "

  I didn't want to lose Andy. He was by far my best friend these days so I said, "I'm sorry. I really am. I'll back off."

  He sat down on the bench and ran his fingers through his hair. He looked tired and not like himself. Andy used to be a really carefree guy. He may have loved Maddy and I may have hated that, but regardless, I really didn't think they were right for each other.

  I sat down waiting for him to say something else. He looked over at me, "It's hard enough without your shit."

  I nodded. "I know. It won't happen again." I meant it.

  Chapter 6

  I managed to keep my word with Andy and didn't start anymore trouble between him and Maddy. I kept my distance from them during school and kept my mouth shut. Things still seemed strained with them over the next few months.

  At the beginning of May, Chris threw a party for his eighteenth birthday. For once Andy didn't go with Maddy. He showed up fairly early and hung out with Chris, Maria, and me. We took a couple of tequila shots to start out the night and then switched to beer.

  People started trickling in and before we knew it there were a ton of people, a lot of whom, Chris didn't even know. He didn't care though. Chris was a "the more the merrier" type of person.

  Paul and Shelley joined us and then a girl who must have gone to another school walked over and started talking to us. She introduced herself as Danielle, and was flirting with me like crazy. It was clear she was already pretty drunk.

  Maria went to hang out in the kitchen and Chris was about to follow her when he saw Maddy, Michelle, and Jackie walking in. He looked at me, "Aw, look who's here. You gonna go say hello?"

  I shook my head and kept flirting with Danielle as I watched Chris walk over to greet them. He hugged Maddy and talked to her for a minute and then went to the kitchen to join Maria.

  Andy suggested we all go outside to sit around the fire. Paul and Shelley agreed and Danielle was really excited. Andy walked over and slid his arms around Maddy's waist. Then we all followed them outside.

  We were all sitting around drinking and talking when a crazy girl walked up and punched Maddy really hard. Maddy stood up with her hand over her eye. She looked just as surprised as all of us. We all just stood there shocked for a moment.

  I wanted to make sure she was okay, but Michelle had already hopped up and was by Maddy screaming at the girl. She asked her what her problem was.

  The girl pointed at Maddy and yelled, “She's screwing my boyfriend. That's what my fucking problem is."

  Okay I knew she had punched the wrong girl then. I said, "That's very doubtful.”

  Maddy looked irritated with my statement and then looked at the crazy girl. "What the hell are you talking about? Who are you talking about?"

  The girl just pointed at Andy, who seemed guilty as hell. Maddy looked completely shocked. I couldn't believe it. I was sure if he cheated on Maddy, Andy would have told me. He had never said a word about it.

  Michelle walked closer to the girl and told her
that Andy and Maddy were dating and then threatened to beat the shit out of her if she didn't leave.

  The girl was determined, and said she wasn't leaving without Andy. She looked at him and told him to tell everyone she was his girlfriend.

  Maddy, who now looked over the shock and was on to anger, said, "Yeah Andy, tell us."

  Andy looked down at the ground, and we all knew the truth. He had cheated on Maddy.

  Michelle and the girl got into a shoving match and Maddy broke it up. Then all eyes were on Andy.

  He told the girl that Maddy was his girlfriend and now she was the one that was totally shocked.

  Maddy got pissed and walked off and Andy followed her.

  Michelle sat down in her chair. "What a fucking asshole."

  The girl didn't say anything else to us and just left.

  Jackie looked over at me, "Did you know about this?"

  All of them were looking at me like I had to have known. I stood up and took Danielle's hand. "It's not my place to tell."

  I led Danielle back into the house. We ran into Chris in the kitchen and he looked worried. "Hey, did someone really punch Maddy?"

  I poured a drink. "Yep."

  He looked at me, "Well, is she okay?"

  I handed Danielle the drink and made myself one. "Yeah I guess."

  He pulled me to the side, "You guess? Someone punched Maddy and you didn't find out if she's okay? And I heard it was because Andy was fucking around."

  I nodded. I wanted to make sure that she was okay, but I knew she wouldn't talk to me. "Relax. Some girl punched her, and yeah, it looks like Andy cheated on her, but she and I are not friends. She has Michelle and Jackie for this kind of stuff now. She’ll be fine."

  I walked back over to Danielle and we went back outside. We walked around for a while and then I suggested we go to the tent I had set up. It was really nice and had a radio and an air mattress in it. She agreed and we went inside.

  We had just started kissing when I heard the tent unzip. I looked over and saw Maddy walk in. "What the fuck are you doing in here? Get out!"

  She just stood there and said, "I need to talk to you."

  Danielle backed up and said, "She isn't your ex-girlfriend or something is she?"

  Maddy laughed, "Ugh, no way in hell."

  I looked at her. She was really drunk. Maddy never got drunk; she was too much of a control freak. I tried again to get her to leave. "How drunk are you? Get out of here!"

  She defiantly crossed her arms and almost fell over. She told me she wasn't leaving until I talked to her.

  Danielle left saying she wasn't looking for drama. I looked at Maddy angrily, I didn't want to talk.

  I sat down on the air mattress and glared at her, "What do you want?"

  She didn't move and just said, "Did you know?"

  I just laughed at her, "I'm not talking to you about your boy troubles. Go find one of your friends for that shit."

  She threw her hands up, "Of course you knew! You probably encouraged it! How many were there?”

  Of course she thought I would encourage it. I hated how little she thought of me. I stood up and walked over to her. "Listen to me very clearly. I am not talking to you about this. Now get out of my tent."

  She was so stubborn and just stayed there. I groaned. "I told you this would happen. He got sick of dating a tease and found someone else. There are plenty of girls that are willing. Why wouldn't he?"

  That made her really mad and she screamed at me, "Because we were in a relationship! I was faithful to him and he owed it to me!"

  I was irritated. I just wanted to drink and get laid. I had been doing well at not starting fights with Maddy, and then she came looking for one. I laughed again, "Of course you were faithful. You're a fucking virgin. He's not and he got bored with your bullshit. "

  She said, "I am so sick of this. Everyone is always talking about Madison the good girl, Madison the virgin. Like it defines me."

  I rolled my eyes at her. "Oh please. You love your goody two shoes persona. "

  She was thinking about something and then looked at me with a purposeful look. I didn't know what she was thinking and said cautiously, "What?"

  She walked a little closer to me. "I hate it and you know it. And you can help me get rid of it."

  She was really drunk, but there was no way she was suggesting what I thought she was. I took a step back from her. "What are you talking about?"

  She didn't say anything she just moved her hands to the top button of her shirt. I said her name sternly, hoping she would snap back into reality.

  She didn't stop. She unbuttoned her shirt and threw it on the ground. I couldn't help but to gaze at her flawless body. She had on a lacy pink bra and I was insanely turned on. I forced myself to look up at her face and tried to hide my want for her. "Put your fucking shirt back on and get out. Have you completely lost your mind? We hate each other and you are what? Suggesting we have sex?"

  She just nodded and got closer to me. "Yes, that is exactly what I am suggesting. And no I haven't lost my mind. I'm sick of hearing about how I'm the last virgin in our class like it's a game of when I'm going to give it up. So why not just end it?" She unfastened her jean shorts and stepped out of them without stumbling.

  I looked down and noticed her panties matched her bra. I quickly looked back up at her gorgeous face. "Stop this. It's not happening. I can't stand you and your holier than thou bullshit. What makes you think I would fuck you?"

  She walked so close to me that our bodies almost touched. She said in a sultry voice, "Come on Jake, you're telling me you aren't even a little attracted to me?"

  I looked down at her. She was perfect in every way. I couldn't believe how much her body had changed. She had an hourglass shape, and if it was possible, her face had gotten even prettier. And that was even with a bruised eye.

  Of course I was attracted to her, but she was drunk. I was drunk and I had been terrible to her. She was so vulnerable right now, only a total scumbag would sleep with her in this situation.

  She put her hands on the back of my head and slowly pulled me down to her soft lips. She kissed me and I wanted so badly to kiss her back. Instead I pushed her back gently and pleaded with her, "Maddy stop. You don't want to do this."

  She just looked at me with insane intensity and unhooked her bra. She took it off and my eyes looked down and took her in. "Damn."

  That was more than I could take. I grabbed her and kissed her. Kissing Maddy again was unbelievable.

  She took the lead and guided us toward the mattress. She slipped my shirt off and looked pleased when she looked at my bare chest. She started kissing me again and pushed me back on the mattress.

  I knew this had to stop. I didn’t want it to, but I knew without a doubt that she would regret it tomorrow. I stood up and started gathering her clothes. I handed them to her and said through clenched teeth, "Get dressed and get the hell out of here. Now."

  She looked hurt and went outside of my tent in nothing but her hot pink panties. I went and lay on the mattress with my hands covering my face. That was probably the only chance I would ever have to be with Maddy.

  Chapter 7

  I woke up the next morning and had a pounding headache. Images of Maddy's near naked body were burned into my mind. So was the picture of her confused face when I kicked her out.

  I got up and went inside. Chris and Maria were up and drinking coffee in the kitchen. He looked me over, "You look like shit."

  I barely acknowledged him and got a glass of water. He asked, "Did you check on Maddy?"

  I shook my head no and walked out to my car. Chris would have kicked my ass for allowing last night to go as far as it did. Somehow it would have been my fault. There was no way I was telling him, even though I did stop it.

  I didn't do a damn thing for the rest of the weekend.

  Andy walked over to my locker first thing Monday morning. "Hey."

  I looked at him. He looked awful. I was pissed at him
for cheating on Maddy, which I realized was insane when I was usually the one tormenting her. "That was a crazy party."

  In almost a whisper he said, "Yeah."

  We started walking to class and I had to ask. I calmly said, "Andy, what the hell were you thinking? Why didn't you just end it with Maddy?"

  He sighed, "I loved her. I just...I don't know. I couldn't take it. You were right. She was never going to give in. And there were girls that were more than willing."

  I lifted an eyebrow. "Girls? As in more than one. How many were there?"

  He shrugged, "Just three."

  I was shocked. He cheated on her with three other girls. I knew it was partially my fault. I was always in his ear, telling him there were plenty of girls out there. I had meant that he should break up with Maddy first though.

  Neither of us said anything the rest of the way. Maddy wasn't at lunch either so I assumed she skipped school.

  After school I went to baseball practice. I was changing in the locker room when Maddy came storming in. She walked right up to me. I looked at her like she was a psycho, "What are you doing in here? Seriously, Maddy, have you lost your mind?"

  She looked insanely angry and I had no idea what she was so mad about. "I've lost my mind? You are telling people we had sex!"

  I didn't tell anyone about Friday night so I was really confused. "What are you talking about?"

  She looked really angry and said loudly, "Don't act like you don't know. Everyone in school thinks we had sex."

  I heard a locker door slam and saw Andy walking over and he looked enraged. "You had sex with my girlfriend?”

  She just looked at him and told him that she was not his girlfriend and that she and I did not have sex.

  I didn't want Andy to think I had sex with her either. I shook my head no and said to him, "Do you really think I would fuck her? I can't stand her. You know that better than anyone."

  Andy looked at me like he didn't know what to believe. "Then why does everyone think you did?"


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