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Fate (Soulmates Book 2)

Page 7

by Dykes, Nicole

  I thought again about that night. "I just couldn't believe how much your body had changed. You were always pretty, but damn."

  Her cheeks flushed again and she told me to stop.

  She really was adorable. I raised an eyebrow at her and questioned her embarrassment, "Really? You know I've seen you completely naked a couple of times since then, right?"

  She nodded, "Yes, but it's still embarrassing. I can't believe I threw myself at you like that."

  The memories of that night and standing that close to Maddy now left me insanely turned on. I whispered in her ear, "It was sexy. Trust me you have nothing to be embarrassed about."

  I moved my lips from her ear to her lips. I kissed her softly at first and she started kissing me with intense passion. My bedroom seemed way too far away. I guided her over to the couch where we tore into each other, not bothering to undress fully. Afterward she lay on top of me, neither of us moving.

  I didn't want it to end. Neither of us said a word. We didn't have to talk. We had known each other for so long that silence wasn't uncomfortable.

  I did wonder what Maddy and I were doing. I worried a little about some jerk asking Maddy out and her accepting. We weren't in an actual relationship - Maddy had made it pretty clear she didn't want that from me. I decided just to make every minute of the time I had her in my arms count.

  The next week at school drug on. I didn't see Maddy very much, and we were both pretty busy in the evenings so I didn't get to see her outside of school either.

  I heard from Shelley that Maddy, Michelle, and Jackie were planning on going to Matt's party. So I knew I was going.

  That Friday I put on the sailor costume I bought and walked to Matt’s. When I got there, I saw Andy and walked over to him. He was painted green and dressed as the hulk. He gave me shit for my costume being boring, and we started drinking. I looked around for Maddy and didn't see her yet.

  Paul and Shelley came in dressed as Bonnie and Clyde and I laughed and looked at Shelley, "Really? You let him win? You know you're the girl, you're supposed to get your way."

  They had been arguing for at least two weeks about what famous couple they were going to dress up as. Shelley wanted to go as Romeo and Juliet and Andy and I agreed with her. Of course we just wanted to see Paul wear tights. Paul took a drink of his beer, "There was no way I was wearing tights."

  Shelley just shrugged, "You win some, and you lose some."

  Andy looked at Paul, "Man you have her so whipped."

  They both just brushed it off. We all knew there wasn't much that Paul wouldn't do for Shelley. If the costumes were that important to her, he would have gladly worn tights.

  I looked at the front door and saw Maddy walk in with Michelle and Jackie. She had on a witch’s costume with a short black dress and a pointy black hat and was the prettiest witch I ever saw. Her eyes connected with mine and I smiled over at her, hoping she would come over.

  She started to walk over to us, but was stopped by Michelle. I couldn't hear what they were saying and then they all walked over to where we standing.

  They just talked to Shelley and Paul at first, and then after we all had a few drinks Andy and I joined in on the conversation.

  Maddy and I started talking about the history test coming up and Andy looked freaked out and said, "Whoa, this is so weird."

  Michelle agreed with him, "Yeah, you guys are talking without Jake saying anything rude or calling Maddy a tease or ice queen or..."

  Thankfully, Maddy stopped her, "It's not weird."

  Paul said, "It’s a little weird. You guys have hated each other for years and now what? You are just over it?"

  I knew it would be weird to our friends that Maddy and I were friends again out of nowhere. I just gave a casual nod and told them, "Yep."

  I hoped they would just drop it. Michelle looked over at Maddy. "Maddy?"

  Maddy stood up saying she needed a refill and Michelle followed after her. That was it. I knew Michelle would know now. Maddy was terrible at keeping secrets.

  Everyone else just stood there looking at me. I looked right back at each of them "What? Isn't this what you all wanted?"

  Shelley examined me and said calmly, "It just seems so out of the blue."

  I knew they weren't going to drop it without a better explanation, “Look, she was there for me when Chris died. Even though I had been completely terrible to her, she was there for me. We've moved on, we are friends again."

  They all seemed to accept it. Andy looked more suspicious than the rest but just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Whatever man. This is getting boring."

  He left and headed into the kitchen. Paul looked at me sincerely and said, "Well I'm glad. That feud lasted way too long."

  We all agreed, and Maddy and Michelle rejoined us. After about an hour of hanging out Maddy said she was going to walk home. I saw my opportunity to finally be alone with her and offered to walk her hone. She agreed and we told everyone else goodbye and headed to her house making small talk on the way.

  I walked her up to her front door. I hated that Matt lived so close. I wanted more time with Maddy. "You look really sexy tonight. I didn't know witches were sexy."

  She laughed. "I think they can make anything sexy nowadays. You look good too. I love the uniform. "

  I grinned and kissed her. I didn't want to say goodnight. She surprised me by whispering that she would leave her window open in my ear. She quickly kissed me and went inside her house.

  I didn't hesitate and went right to her bedroom window. I saw her light come on and she opened the window to let me in.

  We instantly were undressing each other. With our costumes on the floor, we moved to her bed. Not wanting another second to go by before being inside of her again I put a condom on and pushed inside of her. We moved together intensely until we both came. I didn't move and it didn't take long, laying on top of her for me to get hard again.

  We had sex again. That time we took our time. There was nothing like being with Maddy. When I was with her, everything else just magically went away. I could never get enough.

  The next couple of months were great. Maddy and I kept hanging out whenever we could when we weren't in school, but now we hung out together at school also. Michelle, Jackie and Maddy rejoined our lunch table.

  Kourtney was still dating Andy. So she and Kelsey still sat at our lunch table also. I'm sure Maddy hated it, but I usually tried to sit next to Maddy. I didn't want her to think I had interest in Kelsey. I didn't have any interest in anyone but Maddy.

  Of course since Michelle knew about us, I was thoroughly threatened by her. I assured her the best way I could that I wouldn't hurt Maddy. She made it known that she didn't believe me, but left it at that.

  Even Maddy and Andy were getting along again. They weren't overly friendly, but they tolerated each other.

  Andy talked me into throwing a party at the lake house for New Year’s Eve. The day before, Maddy and I were in my room lying in my bed. She was curled up to me dragging her fingers over my bare chest. "Are you sure you want to throw a party tomorrow? I know it wasn't your idea."

  I looked up at the ceiling. It was going to be weird. Chris wasn't at every party since he went to college, but the fact that I knew without a doubt that he wouldn't be there made me uneasy. "I don't know, but it's already done. A lot of people are planning on going."

  She kept moving her hand on my chest absent-mindedly. "You can call it off. I'll help you."

  I smiled. "No that's okay, as long as you’re there, I'll be okay."

  She smiled and I laid there and thought about my words. It was true. When Maddy was around I was completely content. I wanted to tell her that I loved her and that I wanted to be with her and only her, but something stopped me.

  Usually when I had feelings like that I pulled away from her. I didn't this time and considered it a small victory. I decided I would tell her at the party and start the new year off right.

  The next day I met Andy at th
e lake house at around seven. The last time I was there was the night Chris died, and I wished Maddy was there.

  Andy and I sat on the couch each with a beer in hand. He took a big drink, "So where the hell have you been lately? I never see you anymore."

  I was tired of lying to him and since I was going to tell Maddy I wanted to date exclusively I felt it was only right to warn Andy. She was his ex-girlfriend after all, and if everything worked out the way I hoped with Maddy, I wanted him to be okay with it. "I've been hanging out with Maddy a lot."

  He looked over at me, "Is there something going on with you two?"

  I picked at the label on my beer bottle. "Yeah."

  He stared at me, "Are you fucking her?"

  I let a breath out slowly, "Yeah, but it's more than that. At least I want it to be more."

  He ran his fingers through his hair vigorously, “Are you kidding me? You broke us up, telling me how crazy she was and now you want to date her?" He paused, "How long has this been going on? Did you fuck her the night we broke up?"

  I knew he wasn't going to like the idea of Maddy and me together, but I didn't expect him to flip out like this. "Andy calm down. I didn't break you guys up. You did that on your own."

  He spoke before I could finish, "You were always in my head telling me how she would never want to have sex. You tried all of the time to get me to end things with her.”

  He was right about that part, and maybe I did have a part in ending their relationship. I hated them being together. "I'm sorry for that. It wasn't fair, but you were the one that cheated on her. I didn't tell you to do that, and even if I had you didn't have to listen."

  He stood up, angry. "How long has this been going on?"

  I stayed seated, "Since Chris died. She was there for me."

  He scoffed, "She comforted you with her body. How nice. She's more fucked up than I realized. I mean you treated her like shit for years and then she just gave her virginity to you!"

  I stood up, "She's not fucked up. She’s just caring. She forgave me."

  He glared at me, "There is no way she has completely forgiven you. You said that you want more, sounds like she doesn't. "

  That hit home. She had said that it was just fun and she wasn't "love-struck". I had hoped she had changed her mind, but I wasn't sure. "I'm going to find out tonight. I'm going to ask her to be with me exclusively. I love her."

  He looked shocked. "You don't know what love is. I know and so does Maddy. She's too good for you and there is no way she will trust you."

  Part of me knew he was right. I put the bottle down, grabbed my keys and left.

  I drove around for a while and ended back up at my house. I was convinced Maddy didn’t want me and it stung.

  I lay on my bed where, the day before, I had Maddy in my arms. I watched the clock on my dresser turn midnight.

  I was still determined to make this year a great one. I was going to make Maddy see that I was boyfriend material.

  I knew I needed to take a little break from Maddy and clear my head, but I would show her she could trust me.

  Maddy walked over to my locker Monday morning. I greeted her.

  She looked at me timidly, "How was the rest of your break?"

  I wanted to tell her it was awful, but just gave her a quick answer, "It was fine. Uneventful. How was yours?"

  She told me it was good and asked if I wanted to hang out after school.

  I told her I had practice and homework, which I did, but usually I didn't let that stop me from spending time with Maddy. She looked at me disappointed, but just said, "Okay. Well I'll see ya around then." She started to go to class.

  I was pushing her away. That definitely wasn't the way to get her to love me back. Putting myself out there scared the hell out of me, but I wanted to for her so I stopped her. "Maybe we can hang out Wednesday if you aren't busy."

  She looked pleased and said, "No I'm not busy. Wednesday works." Then we parted and went to class.

  Andy was in my first class, but I wasn't in the mood to talk to him. He didn't look like he wanted to talk to me either so I just sat down without a word.

  He finally broke the silence the next day after practice. I was walking out to my car and I heard footsteps and Andy's voice, "Hey wait up."

  I stopped and turned toward him, "What's up?"

  He rubbed his neck, "Look, I'm sorry for what I said. I guess I was a little jealous and I didn't see it coming."

  I knew he meant his apology. "I get it. I really don't blame you. And you were right. I'm not good enough for her. I want to be though."

  We started walking out to our cars, "I just can't believe it. I mean you guys are opposites. And are you really going to be with just one girl?"

  I smiled, "I haven't been with anyone since the first time with her. I haven't even thought about being with anyone else."

  We came to his car first. "Well it sounds like you have it bad."

  I just smirked at him. "Yeah I think I do."

  He opened his car door, "So we're good?"

  I nodded, "Yep, we are good."

  He got in his car and took off. I was glad he was over it. I'm sure he wasn't thrilled, but it felt like he had accepted it and that I could live with.

  The next day I couldn't wait for school to be over. I went over to Maddy's house right after school.

  I wanted to kiss her as soon as we went in to her room, but I stopped myself. I didn't just want her for sex and I wanted her to know that. After a few hours of watching TV and homework I stood up, "Well, I guess I should go."

  She looked mildly disappointed, but then walked me outside. It was freezing outside and she was standing there clinging to herself without a coat. I told her goodnight and turned to leave. She blurted out, "Are you done with me?"

  I turned back around and looked at her, "What?"

  She stared at me, "I'm just curious.”

  I walked closer to her, really confused. “Why do you think it's over? We just spent three hours together."

  She shyly said, "I know, but we didn't have sex."

  I ran my hand through my hair trying to figure out the best way to explain, "Maddy, we don't have to have sex every time. I mean don't get me wrong, I want to have sex, but we can just hang out too. I want us to be friends again."

  She looked really happy, "I want that too."

  I smiled at her, "Good, I'll see ya tomorrow. Now get your ass inside! It's fucking freezing out here!"

  She smiled back and went inside.

  I walked home satisfied with how that went. I wanted her to see that I have changed.

  Two weeks later we were lying in my bed completely bare and gratified. She was combing her long brown hair with her fingers and then grinned over at me, "Well that was fun, but I better go."

  She started to move off of the bed, but I grabbed her waist and pulled her back to me. I nibbled on her neck not wanting her to leave, "What are your plans for prom?"

  She quirked her eyebrow up at me and I was anxiously waiting for her response. "I don't know. I think I'm going with Michelle and Jackie."

  I abruptly said, "Well we should go together." I stopped, not wanting her to turn me down I quickly backtracked, "I mean all of us. Andy, Paul, Shelley and I are going together so we should all just rent a limo or something and go together. "

  She asked if Andy was going with Kourtney. I chuckled. She really hated Kourtney and Kelsey. "No, they broke up last week."

  Andy broke up with her and she was pissed. He didn't say why, but I just assumed he had finally grown tired of her.

  The next day at lunch Maddy brought up going as a group.

  Paul and Shelley were instantly in. Jackie was pretty excited about the limo. Andy shrugged and said it was fine with him.

  Michelle was the only one that was a little hesitant, "So you guys want to go to prom together?" She pointed at Maddy and I. She hated that we were sleeping together and had to make everything difficult.

  I gritted my teeth and M
addy calmly looked over at Michelle. She was the only one that could tame her. "I want to go with all of you. It's our last high school dance."

  Michelle backed off. "Okay I'm in, I suppose."

  Chapter 10

  On Saturday I went to rent a tux with Andy. We were getting fitted and he looked over at me, "So you were too chicken shit to ask Maddy to prom by yourself huh?"

  I was glad he knew about Maddy and I, "Yep, that's exactly what happened."

  He looked amused, "So now I have to ride with Michelle, who fucking hates my ass."

  I grinned, "She hates everyone besides Maddy. Anyway she hates me more than she hates you. Believe me."

  He agreed, and we talked about our last season of baseball for the rest of the time.

  Later that day I was watching TV when a commercial for the local community college came on. They had offered me a full football scholarship, but I still didn't know if I was going to go. The week before I’d had a conversation with Maddy about it.

  We were walking around outside enjoying the warm weather and she was telling me how excited she was about being accepted to K-State. She looked over at me and nervously bit her lip, "Did you hear anything yet?"

  I told her about my scholarship and she got excited and hugged me, "That's so great! Aren't you excited?"

  I kicked a rock on the road, "I don't know. I'm so sick of school Maddy. I love working out on the rig. I'm ready to start my life."

  She looked like she didn't understand a word I was saying. For as long as I could remember, Maddy had always had a plan, and her plan included college. "But if it's paid for shouldn't you take it? You have plenty of time."

  She probably wasn't going to understand. "Life's short. But I'm still thinking about it."

  She let it go and hadn't brought it up again.

  I turned off the TV. For some reason that commercial irritated the shit out of me.

  Prom night finally arrived and Maddy looked gorgeous all dressed up. I asked her to dance a couple of times. It was fun for a lame high school dance.

  We ended up at the lake house around ten thirty and changed into regular clothes. Maddy was wearing a sexy halter top and jean shorts that drove me crazy. I wanted to drag her into an empty room, but she looked like she was having fun.


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