Confessions, Volume 1

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Confessions, Volume 1 Page 1

by Miranda Forbes



  A collection of erotic confessions

  Selected and edited by Miranda Forbes

  Published by Accent Press Ltd

  Copyright © Accent Press Ltd 2009

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publishers: Xcite Books, Suite 11769, 2nd Floor, 145-157 St John Street, London EC1V 4PY

  Cover design by

  Red Dot Design

  Digital Edition converted and published by Andrews UK Ltd 2010

  MIKE — Lowestoft

  The Secret Place

  I know I shouldn’t have followed her, and maybe I shouldn’t even have been looking but what can a guy do? She just looked so good, with her little round bum cheeks moving in her bikini pants. You know how it is, when the bit at the back hardly covers the girl’s bum and the material is just a little bit loose, so you can see her shape and quite a lot of bum cheeks but it’s as big a tease as it is a show. Hers was blue, and it looked so hot against her tanned skin, with her dark blonde hair and her shades pushed up onto her forehead. Oh yeah, and she had no top on, only her back was to me.

  That’s why I followed her. I told myself I’d just walk along the beach a bit, not too close or anything, and once I’d got past her I’d turn around, like I’d left something in the car or something. That way I’d get to have a nice, long look at her tits without her realising I was staring. That was the idea anyway, but it didn’t work out like that. I got my look, and she was everything I’d hoped for, little firm titties with dark nipples sticking up like puppy dog’s noses, so fucking cute I could have died. She had a serious case of cameltoe going on too, and I could tell she was shaved, ’cause the front of her bikini clung to the V shape between her legs like it had been painted on.

  Maybe I should have just gone up into the dunes and found somewhere quiet to jack off, but the back of this beach, in Suffolk, near where I live, is full in summer of gay guys cruising and I didn’t want any of them to get the wrong idea. She wasn’t taking any notice of anyway, like she was in another world, just walking along the beach, cool as a cucumber with that darling little bum going up and down in her bikini pants. So I followed, far enough behind so she wouldn’t freak out, and wondering why a girl who obviously didn’t mind getting her tits out on the beach wanted to go so far along. When I first saw her we were maybe half a mile from the car park, and she just kept on going. I thought maybe she was going to go nude, and I wanted an eyeful of that like I couldn’t stop myself.

  I did thinking about trying to get talking to her, but it wasn’t going to work. She was maybe half my age, a young 44 if you want to know, and just so cool and classy. Not that I’m that bad, but I could guess the sort of answer I’d get if I came on to her, so it was better to keep quiet and watch. I didn’t want her to even notice me, so I hung back a bit more, until I was a long way behind her. She just kept on, not even looking back at first, then starting to look over her shoulder every so often like she was checking nobody was following her.

  I thought she’d seen me, so I stopped and sat down. I was telling myself I’d had my kicks and ought to head back, only she’d got my interest up in more ways than one, if you get what I mean, so I was going to have to cool off a bit or maybe get arrested. I went in the sea, just up to my middle, and that worked, only when I turned around again she was gone. That was weird, because the beach is dead straight for miles and she hadn’t come back and she wasn’t in the sea. She had to have gone up into the dunes, and that had to mean she was going to go nude.

  I could just see it. We were well past where the gays hang out, so she’d be on her own, maybe in some little sandy hollow out of the wind. She’d kneel down and get her stuff out of the bag she’d got, a mag maybe and some lotion. She’d be a bit shy at first, wanting to make sure she was really alone, and she’d just sit there, rubbing the lotion into her arms and legs and neck, then her titties. God I wanted to watch that, her creamy fingers rubbing over those two sweet little mounds, making them jiggle and perking up those little brown nipples even harder than they’d been when I saw them. That would get her going, and off would come those little blue bikini pants, to show off her bum, and more.

  I really did try not to do it, but I found myself walking towards the place where I reckoned she’d gone in. There was nobody else about, not within a long way, only a few people far off along the beach. I tried to look casual, like I just happened to be walking through the dunes, but I knew if she saw me she’d know. That’s why I went slowly, checking everything out before I got any further, only she just wasn’t there.

  I couldn’t figure it out at all. She’d gone in the dunes, she had to have, but when I climbed up the back I could see into all the hollows and she wasn’t there. The only place I couldn’t see was this little sort of wood with silvery grey trees, but there wasn’t going to be a lot of sun there. I’d lost her, and I felt so fucking frustrated. You can imagine. I just had to jack off, but I didn’t want to risk getting caught, so I went right up to the top of the dunes and sat down where this little path went through. I could see all around, but the most anyone could see of me would be my head poking up in the grass, and that only if they were looking.

  I was just about to get the old man out when I saw something, somebody’s head, just bobbing up for a moment. At first I thought it might be her, or some gay guy come a bit further than usual, but then she pops up again. It was another girl, maybe not quite so fit as my babe in the blue bikini and still with her kit on, but good. She was coming towards me too, and I was praying she would choose one of the hollows I could see into and strip off where I could watch.

  What she did was walk into the little wood. I didn’t know what she was up to, but I was pretty sure it was something private. That made me think twice, and I did tell myself I ought to leave her in peace, but my cock was telling me different. I stayed where I was for a bit, feeling guilty but horny too, before deciding that it wouldn’t hurt if I took a little peep, just to see what they were up to. You see, I love looking at girls, but it’s a much bigger kick if they don’t know they’re being watched, or if they give a bit of a show by accident. I’d rather see a girl in a bikini just walking on the beach, or even in tight jeans on the street than I would see the same girl do a full on strip in a bar. Where’s the fun if you’re allowed to see it?

  Down I went, to the edge of the little wood and in, going really careful. It felt great, horny and daring too, and the wood was perfect, with little twisted trees and patches of thicker stuff so I could go along without risking being seen. It was really thick too, and I saw sunlight ahead of me before anything else, which told me there was an open space in the middle. There was too, one of the little hollows like you always get in sand dunes, only with trees all round so you couldn’t see it at all, even from the top of the bigger dunes.

  They were they, not just two girls, but three, my blonde babe, the one I’d watched arrive and another girl who must have come earlier, and just that first look nearly made me come in my pants. My blonde was laid out on a towel, stark fucking naked, face down, that sweet little bum she’d been showing off in her blue bikini pants bare and just as firm and round and perfect as I’d imagined. Next to her, side by side, was the girl who’d got there first. She was darker, with sort of olive-coloured skin, maybe Greek or something, a bit shorter but with curves like you’ve never see, huge titties squashed out under her chest and a bum like a ripe peach, all o
f it nude and with her legs just a little bit apart so I got a sneaky glimpse of rear view cameltoe. The third girl was the best, not because she was any cuter than her friends, but because she was just starting to undress.

  She was completely casual about it, like she was on her own in her bedroom or something, and that was what made it so horny. They already had me hard, just looking at them, and when she unclips her bra like it just doesn’t fucking matter one little bit, I had to unzip. Off comes her bra and out come two round little titties, not so little actually and do you know what she does? As they come out she cups them in her hands, like she’s weighing them or something, or maybe checking them out to remind herself what she can do for the boys.

  She did something for this one, I tell you. It was only ’cause I was hoping there’d be more to come that I didn’t come in my hand, and if there’s one thing I like better than a pair of bare titties it’s a bare bum. She had a beauty too, filling out her jeans like they’d been spray painted on. She put her hands on the button and I swear I stopped breathing. The button comes open, down come her zip, her thumbs go in the sides and down it all comes, jeans and panties and all, with her bum stuck out just a little bit so as she goes bare I get to see the hole between her cheeks and just a flash of cunt.

  That was it, too much. I’d come and I didn’t even put it away before I got right out of there. My heart was going like a fucking jack hammer, I tell you, and I was sure they’d heard me. Nobody followed though and none of them came out of the wood. I’d got away with it.

  That was the first time, and I could not stop thinking about what had happened. Fuck knows I’ve watched girls on beaches for years, and I’ve seen plenty, but I’d never got that lucky. I mean, three of them, not one you’d kick out of bed and all stark fucking naked. I wanted more, and I figured that the wood was somewhere they went quite a lot, like a secret place they could strip off completely and not be seen, not until I’d caught them at it anyway.

  I had to go back, just to check, and I did. The next two times nobody was there, but I checked it out and I’d been right. They’d got it all nicely set up, with the path going in around the back of a bush and even some twigs and stuff to make it look like the path didn’t go anywhere. You couldn’t see the hollow until you were right on top of it, and you’d hear anybody coming unless they were really careful, like me.

  The fourth time was good. When I arrived my sexy blonde was there on her own, reading a book in the nude. I took it a bit more easy this time, enjoying the show, and what a show. Without even her mates there she was even more easygoing about being naked, face down with her bum on show, on her back with her titties pointing up at the sky and legs a little apart to show off her cameltoe, but it was best when she turned over. She didn’t just roll round, you see, she pulled herself up on her knees and tugged her towel out straight. That meant for one perfect moment she was on her knees, titties dangling down, bum up and her knees a little bit open so I could see everything, and I do mean everything. ’Cause she was skinny her cheeks were right open, showing off every fucking detail. Her bumhole was like a little star, bright pink and real tight, so I just wanted to stick my tongue right up it and then my cock. She had the most gorgeous cunt too, shaved and pink, ever so neat, like she was a virgin or something, although some lucky bastard had to have fucked her, ’cause she was just too good to miss.

  The best thing was, she was regular, turning over every now and then like she thought she was a burger on a barbie. That nearly fucking killed me, watching her one way up or the other and knowing I only had to wait before she’d be back on her knees with that little arse on show again. Three times I watched her turn over and managed not to come, but the fourth time was too much. I felt like I was going to burst anyway, just with her lying there and her bum on show, but as she gets up to roll over a bit of sand must have got in the wrong place or something, cause this time when she sticks her bum up in the air she reaches back and gives her hole a little tickle, like she’s got an itch, or maybe she’s going to get horny with herself and stick a finger up. I came, and I swear if it went much further she’d have gotten wet.

  After that I came every day I could. I couldn’t get enough. I didn’t care about anything else. Even if it looked like it was going to rain I’d be there, and of course they weren’t, but I couldn’t stand the thought of missing out. I’d get up early so I could be in place before they came, and after a while I stopped leaving when I’d come. I knew their routine, you see, where they’d come in and how they’d lie, and all the best places to make sure I got a good look but they’d never see me.

  I’d get lucky maybe three times in five, ’cause they did like to go there and they always went nude. There were five in all, the three I’d seen the first time and two I reckon might have been sisters, ’cause they looked much the same and usually came together. I didn’t know their names, then, and I only know one now, but after a couple of weeks they’d become as familiar to me as any girlfriend ever has, their bodies anyway. There was Blondie, the first and maybe the best, with her cool look and her sweet little bum. There was Shy, the Greek looking one, called that ’cause she had this funny way of getting all embarrassed when she undressed, using a towel and covering her titties with her arm, even though she didn’t seem to mind sunbathing in the nude. Then there was Fudge, the one I’d spunked over when she took her jeans and panties down, called that ’cause she sometimes bought a box of clotted cream fudge with her. The last two were Big Sis and Little Sis, who were both blondes and not there that often.

  When they were it was good, ’cause they used to rub lotion into each others’ back and stuff. Nothing dirty, of course, but just to see them take turns to do it was enough. They’d even do each others’ bums and tits, and that was always too much for me. Big Sis was taller and a bit meatier, with plenty of everything, and to see her lifting up those big titties so Little Sis could get the lotion on evenly, I swear, that was enough to give a fucking statue a hard on.

  I always used to hope they’d get into some lezzie action, not the sisters maybe, if they even were sisters, but some of the others. It just seemed such a good chance to get horny with each other, what with being in the nude and all oiled up and stuff. I think maybe Shy would have been into it, cause she was always a bit self-conscious about her body, but when the others undressed she used to watch. I used to imagine it, how maybe she’d offer to rub some lotion in for Blondie or Fudge, first her back and legs, then her bum, and all the while gradually getting more and more horny until in the end they got down to it, cuddling up on their towels for a good grope of each others bums and tits, then taking turns to lick pussy, or maybe going sixty-nine with their bums in each others’ faces.

  That never happened, but I did get to watch Fudge get herself off. It was a seriously hot day, right at the end of July. I’d been there since before any of the girls turned up, and I’d seen plenty already. I’d watched Blondie strip and get oiled up, and seen Fudge doing exercises that made her tits bounce and gave me a great show of cunt from behind. Maybe that’s what got her horny, ’cause afterwards she seemed really restless, and when Blondie left I knew something was up. Normally they’d just say goodbye, even they didn’t leave together, but this time Fudge said she’d follow on and stayed where she was, sitting up cross-legged and pretending to read a magazine. Blondie went and no sooner had she gone than Fudge jumps up and follows, like she’s checking to make sure her mate has really gone. When she comes back she biting her lip, and she stops to listen for a bit. Then she lies down on her towel again, with her eyes shut and her hands on her tummy.

  I thought maybe she was going to go to sleep, but oh no. After a bit her hands start to move, touching herself really gently, just her tummy at first, but then her tits and I knew what she was up to. I’ve seen girls get themselves off before, but usually to show off for me. This was different, like everything was concentrated on herself. It was still a good show though,
with both hands on her titties at first, feeling them up and making her nipples hard, feeling their size too, like she had the first time. I reckon she had a thing about showing off her tits, and maybe she was thinking of her boyfriend or some bloke she fancied. Anyway, she spent ages just feeling herself, all the time with her eyes shut and her head to one side. I was keeping pace and I could have come easy, but like before I was sure there’d be more to come.

  I was right. Her legs came up, and open, showing off her cunt like she expected some guy to get on top of her, which must have been what she was thinking about. She stayed like that for a bit, still playing with her titties, only then her hand goes down between her legs and she’s doing it full on, getting herself off with one hand on her cunt and a tit in the other. I tell you, I nearly went down and joined in, only I knew she’d scream the place down and stayed as I was, both of us frigging away.

  What she was showing was enough for me and I finished off in no time. She took ages, teasing herself and stopping every now and then to listen out, with her face in this big, sloppy smile, like she was so happy she couldn’t stop grinning. Then her mouth starts to come open, a little bit at first, then wide and all of a sudden she’s snatching at her pussy and pinching her nipple, real hard. She screamed out when she came, and her whole body was shaking, so it must have been a good one.

  That’s how I knew Fudge was the dirty one. Not that I planned to do anything, ’cause I knew if they caught me it would be all over, and girls hate guys who get off over them without them calling the shots, and yeah, I was being a dirty bastard. I did think about trying to meet one of them somewhere else, but it wouldn’t have been the same, ’cause even if I got to be her boyfriend I knew I’d never be invited to their secret place, or if I was the others wouldn’t want to go nude. It was best to watch, and I’d have been happy if it had stayed that way.


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