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The Dragon's Legacy

Page 6

by Martha Woods

  He seized me in his arms, pulling me close to him, and his hard cock throbbed almost violently against me through his pants, my heart racing faster and faster with each and every heated moment of contact between us.

  He backed me up slowly across the room, and eased me down onto the surface of my bed, my breasts pooling up along my chest. My pulse was deafening as I watched him, his hands reaching for the buttons of his shirt, peeling back the fabric, revealing the hard, tattooed muscles I'd fantasized about, so many times since I'd driven him home that first night. Sweat was dripping along the lines and planes of his body. It dripped between his rock hard pecs, along his delectable six pack, and down along the sweeping lines of his Adonis muscles.

  Surely, I thought, as he made his way to the bed like some wild animal stalking its prey, I was the luckiest woman alive at that moment. This notion only became stronger when he reached to unbutton my jeans, slid down my panties, and carefully moved to press his capable fingers up gently inside me.

  My eyes widened, and I gasped, pressing my bare ass up from the bed, cheeks tight, knees trembling as he felt the heat of my womanhood. I was so damn wet for him, and there was no way I could hide it from, and no possible reason I might want to.

  I felt his warm breath up against my center, teasing me, his stubble prickly against my open thighs as he buried his knuckles inside me, his fingers exploring, manipulating, evoking such a sweet frenzy of sensations that I had to suppress the urge to cry out in sweetest agony.

  And then I did cry out, the urge overpowering me, as he brought that beautiful face down and kissed me, sliding his tongue up all the way inside my pussy.

  “Oh, fuck!” I cried, and gripped the back of his head, holding him desperately, guiding him as he explored me. He ate me with a fervent hunger, rolling his tongue around inside me, exploring inch, every crevice, swallowing me up like he'd never known a sweeter taste in all his life.

  All I could do was lie there and convulse for him, my heart beating like a war drum, my body rolling along the bed in response to his kisses, to so much ecstasy, that was so unlike anything I had ever experienced before.

  Although I'd felt it for weeks now, this was the first time I allowed myself to admit what I already knew– I was positively in love with this man, and his touch, and his tasting me, and lying here beneath him, with his head bobbing steadily between my open legs, I felt far more whole, far more truly myself, than I had ever felt before.

  After minutes of this glorious agony, Alza's tongue hit a nerve, and a sweep of sensations coursed through my body. I screamed, and pinned my knees around his neck with the force of a guillotine, and held him there. The tips of his fingers dug into my ass as he clung to me, and I to him, and as the sensations rose and rose, orgasm rising, rising, cresting, cresting, and–

  “Oh God!”

  I collapsed, panting and wet and shivering, and Alza rose up over me, his facial hair dripping, his glistening lips twisted into a perverse and gorgeous smile.

  He kissed me, and I tasted myself on him. He drove his body up against me, tempting me with his hardness, and I couldn't help but unzip his pants, and slide my hands down in. For the first time I felt the scalding heat of his shaft against my palm, the cool drip of his fluid as I began to work my wrist against his body, the tightening of his balls as I stroked him, leaving no doubt in my mind as to exactly how much he was enjoying this.

  I was enjoying it too, so turned on by his heavy breathing that I almost couldn't stand it. I was overwhelmed with desire, then, when he drew his body up off of me, and pulled his jeans off altogether, casting them off over the side of the bed. I allowed myself to be consumed by lust for a moment, studying his hard, naked body as he lingered over me, each plane, each angle of him seeming perfectly engineered, almost angelic, and all designed, I was all but certain, exclusively with me in mind.

  He climbed along my body, rubbing his massive cock against my chest, up between my breasts, causing them to shine as he dripped against me. I elevated myself against a pillow, and felt dominated by him in the best of ways when he spread his thighs around my neck, drew his body forward, and slid his cock into my mouth.

  I rolled my tongue around him, drawing him back down my throat, loving his taste, his pulsing, the rhythms of his body as he pressed himself into me.

  I breathed him in, my hands on his ass, pressing him further and further in, craving more and more each time he pushed in and pulled back out again, and positively enamored with the challenge of fitting so much of him inside me.

  The sounds he made got me hotter and hotter for him, his grunts of pleasure, his little roars as he gripped me by the hair and pressed his balls up to my lips, making me think he was about to fill my mouth up with him, but always stopping just short, and treating me to so much more of this dizzying, heart-stopping pleasure.

  At last, he pulled himself slowly out of me, his cock dripping, and my breasts heaving as I braced myself, for what I knew so happily was about to come next.

  I felt the pressure of his powerful hands against my sides. I felt my body being flipped over, my ass being pulled up, my legs being opened up for him.

  And then, with no further ceremony, slid himself into me, taking me from behind, and plowing into my g-spot with such a lethal force that I thought I might cum again from the act of his entering me alone.

  I screamed, gripping the sheets, my muscles spasming as my pussy tightened around him. Even having him in my mouth I'd underestimated how long and how thick he was, and how absolutely incredible he would feel, sliding his perfect, solid body through mine.

  “I never knew how much I needed you in my life all this time,” he said, leaning down so that he pressed even further up into me with his cock, and whispering in my ear.

  “Well what the fuck are you waiting for?” I whispered, goading him. “I'm all yours...”

  He laughed gently, and bit into my neck, making me shiver. Then, with his teeth still in me, he drew back, threw his body forward, and pounded me with a force I wasn't about to forget anytime soon.

  He took me violently, with an animalistic fury, beyond anything I could have expected, but fulfilling me in exactly the way I'd hoped for. He hammered his body into mine, moving with an expert precision, almost mechanical in his endurance, but pure animal in his ferocity, his unpredictability, and his pure, frenzied lust for me.

  Sweat spilled along my body, his as well as my own, as my muscles clenched, and I struggled to breathe, and things kept getting hotter and hotter and hotter. It was like he was breathing a ball of fire out all over the two of us, enveloping us in the blaze, and it was like nothing else in the world even existed anymore, outside the burning perimeter of his flames.

  His muscles were powerful, moving over me, thrusting up into me with a perfect, devastating force. My body trembled, my arms and legs begging to give out beneath me, beneath his powerful, pummeling weight. And yet the pleasure, the sheer thrill of ecstasy kept me upright, my soft being resistant to the force of collapse, held aloft by the hum of sensation, the rising song where his body met mine, entering and leaving me, harder and harder, faster and faster, devastating me, overwhelming me, thrilling me beyond my wildest fantasies.

  “Yes! Yes! Harder!” I begged him. “Harder! Harder! Don't stop! Don't stop! I want everything! I want you so bad! Don't stop! Please don't stop!” I begged, afraid that at any moment I might awake, I might lose the thread of the swelling devastating pleasure, and might never manage to pick it back up again where I'd left off.

  It was all too good to be true, and yet there was no possible danger of the king's relenting. His body was moving swiftly, powerfully, inexhaustibly into me. His claws bit against my skin, and he buried his body so deep up into mine, and the friction, the pouring of sweat, his cries of lust became like some unstoppable force of nature. My bed slammed against the wall, and my body tensed around him, and I buried my face against the bedspread, desperate for him to finish me, desperate for him to give me what he'd been
promised me, throughout the endless minutes since the two of us had gotten started.

  And then he gave it to me at last, in greater abundance, with a greater, more terrible force, brighter and more brilliant than anything I could possibly have anticipated.

  He roared.

  He packed my body tight with himself, careening into my g-spot, my entire being erupting from the force of his pleasure.

  I screamed, and shivered, and held on for dear life as he held himself all the way up inside me, stretching me to my breaking point, then driving me so, so far beyond that.

  I felt the convulsions of his body so intimately against me as my came, as though it was my own body instead of his– and at that moment, anyway, this was true. His body was my body. My body was his. The two of us were one, in the absolute truest of ways.

  He poured himself over into me, and my body raced with orgasm, the pleasure coursing through me like a drug, like the absolute sweetest of stimulants. I felt him in every part of me, and I held myself desperately up against him, never wanting to be let go as our bodies soared through the heavens of our ecstasy.

  I wanted to be with him there, forever and forever. In the grip of so much joy. So much indescribable delight. I wanted him seizing me, holding me, possessing me like this for the rest of my life. I never wanted him to let me go. Ever.

  But finally, inevitably, the two of us collapsed. We fell to the bed, gasping for breath. He drew me into his arms, and kissed my damp body, holding me tenderly, like the broken, exhausted being that I was.

  We kissed for a while in the afterglow, lost in the haze of our delight in one another, both of us, I think, waiting for the moment our bodies recovered, when we could return to scaling the heights of such blissful joy as that which we'd just experienced.

  That was the thing about pleasure though, wasn't it? The moment you got everything that you wanted, you immediately found yourself wanting even more of it.

  But that was okay. I had a feeling that neither of us would mind all that much, making that same journey again and again, for as often as either of us desired.

  After a few minutes in silence, the two of us turned to look at one another. He smiled at me, and brushed a strand of hair from my face. I didn't smile back, preoccupied as I was by a burning question, and not sure whether or not I was as prepared for the answer as I hoped I was.

  “If I ask you something,” I said softly to him, “will you be honest with me?”

  “Of course,” he said, backing away a few inches, as though to assess me more clearly.

  “It's just– do you really think– can there really be anything between us? I mean... If I'm being honest, I haven't stopped thinking about you for weeks. Not since I first laid eyes on you in the sky that night.”

  “It's been the same with me,” said Alza, hypnotizing me with those brilliant eyes of his. “It was torture, to be honest.”

  “So... So why didn't you come to see me before now? Isn't that a sign that– well, that you didn't think it could work out?”

  “Why, are you disappointed that I turned up here tonight?” he said, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Hell no,” I said with enthusiasm, my body still aglow from the sensations he'd just evoked inside me. “But... But I do want to know. I've had my heart broken before. And I– I really want to be with you, Alza. You're unlike any man I met before. And I know that things are complicated. Very complicated. I understand the risks involved her for both of us. Or, at least I think I do... But this connection we feel– I don't think it's something I can give up on, just because it might be hard to sustain. I guess what I'm saying is, I'm willing to fight for this. I want to stand by your side, if you'll let me. But, I guess... I need to know. On your end– are you sure about this? Are you sure that this isn't going to end badly for us?”

  He didn't seem to project any emotion at all for a long moment. I didn't know what he was thinking, whether he was trying to deflect the problem, or come up with some answer that he thought I would want to hear. And then he said, with unflinching honesty, “No, Melina. I'm not sure. I'm not sure of anything, to be completely honest with you. And I can't pretend that I am. I am sure of my feelings for you. One hundred percent certain about that. But honestly, I have no idea how any of this might end.”

  “Oh. I see,” I said, a little bit winded by the answer.

  “But... Well, earlier this evening, I told you I used to be married, right? And that my wife passed away?”

  “Yes,” I said, still gazing into his eyes.

  “Well. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss her. That I don't regret losing her the way that I did. The heartbreak of losing her was some of the greatest pain I've ever experienced. But honestly, even if I'd known all of that in advance, before I ever married her... I don't think I would have done anything differently. She made me a better man, Andra did. She gave me my boys, who are everything to me. And yeah... I went into things with her, feeling certain that things would go a certain way between us. I was more certain of it than I should have been. And in the end, I was wrong about that. But I can never regret the choice I made to be with her. My life would never have been what it is if I hadn't made that choice. Do you get what I'm saying?”

  “I do,” I said, and felt reassured by his answer. “And... And I guess that's all I really wanted to know.”

  “You seem like an amazing woman, Melina,” he said so sweetly to me. “And I would rather have the chance to love you, even knowing that things might be complicated, or maybe even impossible down the road, than to not love you at all, and spend the rest of my life wondering what could have been.”

  A particular word stood out to me in this sentence, and it took me a moment to recover from the surprise of hearing it. “Love?” I asked him, and even in the dark I could see his face redden, his eyes darting away, as though embarrassed aboutt taking all of this so seriously.

  “Well... I mean, not to jump the gun or anything, but... Well, you know, if things went in that direction, ideally, I–“

  I decided to put him out of his misery. I knew what he was thinking, and there was no need to watch him suffer like this.

  I leaned over, and planted a long, deep kiss on those beautiful lips of his.

  He eased into it, putting a hand against my spine, pulling me close to him, almost as though he had been the one to initiate this kiss in the first place, instead of me. I took advantage of our closeness to slip my body up on top of him, legs akimbo around his waist, and his manhood quickly hardening against me, indicating a rapid shift from one l-word to another– from love to lust, in seconds flat.

  “You're right baby,” I said, pleased by the look on his face, like the expression of a kid in a candy store. “It's best not to think too far ahead. Maybe for now we should just enjoy the ride...”

  I then promptly slid him up inside me, gasping at the pleasure of his return, and the two of us took turns riding one another, deep into the night, making the absolute most of our time together while we could.



  It had been a slip of the tongue, the first time I'd said it to her.

  But quickly I came to realize it was absolutely true.

  I was falling in love with her. I might well have been in love with her from the very first moment I laid eyes on her, as impossible as that may sound.

  Weeks passed, then another month, and we both quickly came to agree upon the notion that, no matter what this all led to, and how it all might end, it was entirely a risk worth taking.

  At that moment, however, we didn't think it was ever going to end. Something as pure and as wonderful as what we shared couldn't possibly end, but was destined to span on into infinity, with each new day we spent in one another's company only ever sweeter than the one before it.

  Everything I had felt for Melina, that first night I'd laid eyes on her, and so many nights since then, had proven to be deeply grounded in reality. She really was an incredible woman. Kind. Com
passionate. Intelligent. Supremely talented, and the rare sort of supremely talented person who uses those talents for good, rather than for the sake of their own personal gain.

  She told me about some of the cases she'd handled– about the huge one she finally wrapped up, shortly after we began seeing one another, involving a man with cancer and his infant daughter with birth defects, going up against a huge chemical corporation for polluting their water supply. Melina had gotten the two of them a massive payout, the closest thing to justice they could hope for, when no one else around had been willing to take on their case.

  I was moved by her dedication, her commitment to doing what was right, and these incredible values she displayed only helped to fortify my own sense of right and wrong. She made me want to be a better person, a better leader, and to do everything I possibly could on behalf of my people.

  She also met and befriended my boys a week or so after the two of us started dating, and all three of them seemed to like her pretty well. Ynder, maybe, had seemed a little hesitant about her at first, but gradually started to warm to her, the more and more acquainted they became.

  I had yet to tell the kingdom at large that I was involved with a human woman, outside of a few of my closest advisors– I didn't quite know how well they might take it. I was still rooting for my theory, of course, that Melina and I's relationship might serve as proof to my people that shifters and humans could live harmoniously together, without all of the animosity that had plagued our species for years. But I worried about what might happen if my theory was incorrect, and my attempts at convincing the people ended up going disastrously wrong.

  For now, a soft reveal of our relationship seemed the best course of action to take in that regard. First disclosing it to those who I was closest with, then letting the news trickle down gradually through the kingdom, and finally announcing the relationship myself, once it was certain that Melina and I were on a sure footing with one another.


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