Beautiful Girl: Modern Beauty and Beast (Happy Ever After Standalone Series) (Happy Ever After Standalone Novel Series Book 2)

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Beautiful Girl: Modern Beauty and Beast (Happy Ever After Standalone Series) (Happy Ever After Standalone Novel Series Book 2) Page 10

by Kailin Gow

  “Let me walk you to your car,” Callum offered. Then he turned to me. “I’ll meet you back here in about fifteen minutes, okay?”

  “Sure,” I said.

  I hugged Mom and then watched as Callum and her walked off, his hand gently on her elbow, guiding her through the busy crowd. My mind was in a haze as I tried to process it all. Every warning Mason had given me seemed blown up and overstated. I really felt that Callum had changed for the better, and that was wonderful to see. My mother was so magical and insightful about human nature, forcing people to bring out the best in themselves—despite themselves. If she believed Callum had changed, than I should too, shouldn’t I?

  Chapter 15


  We had so much fun at the festival and time started to fly by. I was really touched when I watched Callum start playing some games with a sweet little girl. He was doing all sorts of silly things, like acting like a monkey, and it made her giggle so hard. She just stared at him like he was the most amazing person she’d ever seen, and I didn’t blame her.

  “He’s Prince Pretty!” the little girl exclaimed to her mother who was smiling in delight. I was kind of feeling that way, too. The highlight was when she managed to beat him at the game, which got her so excited that she was jumping up and down, clapping, and even teasing him about it a little bit. He played his role well, and I was moved by his commitment to it.

  “Did you get some good pictures?” Callum asked me, walking over after his crushing defeat.

  “I did. Maybe we can walk around so I can get a few more before it gets too dark out.”

  “That’ll be great. Can I see what you got?” he asked.

  I turned on the camera and we started to look at the small screen on the back of it and I was a bit embarrassed to realize that almost every picture I’d taken was one with Callum in it. That wasn’t my intention, but it definitely was what happened.

  “Definitely time to photograph something else,” he said. I looked at him and saw a bit of sadness on his face.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Just not a fan of seeing my picture, I guess,” he said honestly.

  “You don’t have anything to be self-conscious about,” I said. He only smiled at me and then started to walk. I never would have thought I’d see such a vulnerable side to him and it made me have this crazy desire to make everything better—like he was some wounded animal I’d found.

  “Hey, look over there, it looks like kites. Let’s go check it out.” I knew that he’d changed the topic, and I felt bad about it, but I was eager to go and spend some time with him. Plus, the kites looked amazing—definitely the type of thing a photo enthusiast like me would appreciate.


  “What’s your favorite, Callum?” I asked, looking into the sky as it grew a bit darker and the kites, all illuminated in one way or another, floated about the sky like they were pure magic.

  “The one that looks like a dragon—love the glowing eyes,” he said, smiling and pointing at it like he was a small child. He seemed so innocent at that moment, which was so contrary to what I knew he truly was… Maybe I’d been wrong. “How about you, Charisma? Which one do you like?”

  “That one,” I said, pointing to the lantern that was softly illuminated and floating in the sky, reminding me of a wayward ghost that didn’t know where to go. It was definitely me—or my emotional thoughts, I should say—at that moment.

  “Interesting choice. Subtle and understated, quite perfect for you actually,” Callum said.

  I looked at him and saw him leaning in toward me. Oh no! He was going to kiss me. I took a step back, suddenly feeling crazy, but I landed in a small dip in the ground and my ankle twisted, making me crumble down and take a fall backwards, where I realized how close I was to the small manmade lake. Splash! I landed in it, my entire body getting drenched. Holding out my arm, with the camera in my hand, I had saved the camera though.

  “Charisma!” Callum called out in shock, but his strong muscular arm was already extended out, ready to save me.

  I looked at him and then around me. People were watching me, but they were also watching him. He really was a good looking man, too good looking for my own good, and his.

  Attempting to stand up and regain my dignity, I was met with a piercing pain and plummeted back down on my butt. I grimaced from the shot of intense and searing pain that came from my ankle.

  “Charisma, what’s wrong?” Callum asked, rushing into the water next to me.

  “My ankle, I think I twisted it,” I said, feeling very uncomfortable with all the eyes that were on me. Some gasped sympathetically and some laughed. It was quite the sight, but my ankle hurt.

  “Let me help you,” Callum said. He leaned down and lifted me up, my body pressed into his muscular chest and carried me out of the water. I looked down at my ankle and saw that it was beginning to swell.

  Once he had me out of the water I smiled, pretty embarrassed, and said, “Thanks for fishing me out and not letting go.”

  “I’d never let you go,” he said. His voice was so touching and soft, making me feel like a ghost had just blown a sexy, seductive breath on my neck.

  “I’m wet,” I said, then blushed, realizing the innuendo. Callum’s eyes showed that he had liked the idea so I quickly added. “I guess we should take that as a hint that it’s time to go. You can set me down.”

  “No, you shouldn’t walk on that ankle. I’ll carry you.” His words were tender, yet authoritative. I succumbed to the notion of being the damsel in distress for just a bit. The throbbing sensations I was having were a good reminder that it wasn’t the time to be stubborn about walking.

  With a graceful gait, Callum carried me to my car and then gently set me down in the back seat of it, where I could elevate my leg to hopefully reduce the swelling. “I should stop at a convenience store for some ice,” he offered.

  “No, we can wait until we get home,” I said, smiling at him. “Thanks for taking such good care of me.”

  “It’s my pleasure,” he said in a silky tone. “Here, let’s make a temporary bandage for that to keep the swelling down.”

  I watched him and before I could say anything, he was taking off his shirt and leaning over to gently wrap it around my ankle. His shirtless bare body hovered over mine as he tried to be gentle and the heat from it barely touching me aroused me quickly, consuming me like a sudden dizzy spell throws you off kilter. My pulse quickened and I found that I really was growing wetter from my thoughts and the unavoidable closeness between us. What was this chemistry? I shook slightly.

  “Are you cold?” he asked.

  I nodded, not wanting to admit that I was.

  Without another word, Callum’s lips crashed against mine and he groaned. “Oh Charisma,” he whispered like he was out of breath. “Don’t hate me for kissing you, but I can’t help what I feel for you. I can’t hold back any longer. I love you. So much.”

  Did I hear him correctly? What was going on. We were so close and I didn’t know what to say so I started with, “Callum, I don’t hate you. I thought I would always hate you, but I can’t.”

  He looked at me and tenderness filled his intense green eyes. “Really? You don’t know how much that means to me…I’m so grateful and relieved. I know that you could never love me, because of how I acted, but I do want to change. You inspire me. I want to be a better person for you, Charisma. I’d do anything for you, anything to make things right between us and for you to see me as a man who’d go to the ends of this earth to prove himself worthy of you.”

  “Callum,” I said, my eyes wide open as I stared at the poetic, yet tormented words he spoke to me. He was unapologetic and passionate and I couldn’t help but respond to it.

  He kept talking. “When you went off on your date with Mason, it nearly killed me, Charisma. I was so jealous. I shouldn’t be, but I was, and…I know you probably feel something for Mason…especially over me, but I’m struggling. I love you so much. I thin
k about you all the time. I dream of you. You are the one person who has kept this hell I’m in bearable. I lost my family. I lost my inheritance. I can’t lose you, too.”

  Now he trembled. “I don’t understand,” I said softly.

  “I just want you too much to be quiet and step aside. I have to fight for you,” Callum replied. Again, his directness and apparent honesty were so sincere, melting my heart and making me see him in such a different way than I had to that point. But it was too much.

  “Callum, I don’t want you to fight for me.”

  “What? Am I not even a good enough rival for Mason for you?”

  I felt his body stiffen and in the small, confined space he tried to retract. “No, let me explain,” I said. “I’m not a piece of meat or a prize for two men to fight over. I don’t even know how I feel. All this is new to me, and…”

  I watched those amazing green eyes change colors, going from darkness to a brighter shade that was obvious even in the fading light of day. “So there is still a chance to win you!” His enthusiasm was unbridled and I saw a competitive side of him that showed that he didn’t hesitate to pursue what he wanted. And he wanted me. Crazy. “As long as there’s a chance to win you I’m going to give it all I’ve got, Charisma. Maybe I’ll be the winner and you’ll fall in love with me.”

  “I really don’t know if there’s a chance or not,” I said honestly, feeling a bit trapped now. “This is all new to me and even when Mason came down…” I clamped my lips, wanting to kick myself for letting that slip.

  “What?” Callum’s eyes burned with fury. “He what?”

  I blushed, so embarrassed that I had done that. “Please forget I said that.”

  “No,” Callum said. “He tried to seduce you, and I…I…” He found his way out of the car, leaving me sitting in the backseat and feeling like a complete idiot.

  “Callum,” I began, but he turned his back to me.

  I heard him say, “Just give me a second…fresh air…” and something else. Then he turned around and put his arm on the roof of the car and leaned in to look at me closer. “Did he go further than that?”

  This felt so private to share, especially talking to Callum about his brother, but he wanted to know so I decided to be forthright. “No, he was a perfect gentleman, and I hate to admit it, but I wanted more,” I said. “I’d never experienced that kind of pleasure before and it was exciting. I loved feeling that way and…well, I hope I can again. Do you know what I mean?”

  “Enlighten me,” he said, tension showing on his face.

  “That place where you’re reacting to what your body is feeling and not over thinking everything. I’d never felt so free, and well, I liked that.”

  Callum leaned back into the car and took my hands in his. I felt their warmth, their tenderness. “I didn’t know you wanted to experience that. I don’t want to sound perverted or cross, but please, Charisma, ask me anything you’d like. About any of it. I’ve had my share of it, and…”

  “I want to feel it again, Callum.” My statement had determination and I meant it, that physical feeling was seared in me and I wanted it again.

  Callum gulped and cautiously said, “Even if it’s not with Mason?”

  “I don’t know,” I confessed. “If Mason is the only one who could make me feel this way…”

  “No, he isn’t,” Callum said quickly and adamantly, cutting me off. “He’s not the best, he’s too selfish, and some of us guys…me…have a lot more experience in this area than he does and I want to so desperately to bring you pleasure. I dreamed about it so often, I wake up soaked…”

  “Show me,” I interjected.

  “Really?” Callum was shocked and I liked having that power over him, I’ll admit. He didn’t hesitate, though, and crawled back out of the car and looked at me. “I know I’m not supposed to drive, but you can’t with your ankle. I know a good place to take you, we can get some ice for your ankle and I can take care of you.”

  “I’d like that,” I said, very aware of how my stomach was doing flips in anticipation. I really wasn’t so easy, but if what I was feeling towards Mason just because of how he pleasured me, then I wasn’t sure if it was that I wanted more of or him? At the same time, Callum made me feel that same heated feeling inside, and I didn’t know if it was because I was drawn to him as a person or sexually too. Mason was becoming more and more serious, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted that commitment too, at least not yet.

  That hot feeling of seeing Callum, especially without his shirt on, and that searing hungry look in his eyes for me did not subside even when a half hour later, Callum was carrying me into the Otani Hotel, where he’d gotten us a room. It was embarrassing seeing the faces of everyone watch us walk by, me in Callum’s arms, while the women in the hotel lobby and front desk stared at Callum with lustful eyes.

  I felt like a harlot, but at the same time, bold and daring. I had been obedient and careful with myself my entire life until meeting Mason and Callum. If I wanted to give my heart to any man, either of them, I wanted to see if any of them could satisfy my wild desires as well.

  Chapter 16


  Our bodies pressed together, my arms easily held the delicate and delicious Charisma. I couldn’t wait to get her into that hotel room and take care of her every need, showing her through my actions how much I meant what I said. It scared the hell out of me, but I loved her. Yet, it also invigorated me, giving me a purpose and something to strive toward that I’d never had before. She made me feel so damn alive that it scared me. I wanted to love her. I wanted to make love to her. I also wanted to see how I could be the gentle lover who can fulfill her every desires. There was a spark in Charisma and a fire that I sensed from the beginning. It was so darn sexy and irresistible. Even Mason had fallen for her.

  With the key in her hand, Charisma slid it into the door and pressed down on the handle. I kicked it open and let it slam shut behind us, carrying her right over to the bed and gently placing her down.

  “I’ll get some ice,” I said.

  “No,” she said, looking at me with desperate eyes filled with desire. “It can wait.”

  “You’re sure?” I asked. No, I wasn’t talking about the ice, but about the invitation to send Charisma skyrocketing to the moon. I didn’t want to be the guy she regretted, only to love her immensely and intensely—and take it as far as she’d let me.

  Her hands came up to my shoulders, which were still bare from not having a t-shirt on, and she pulled me down. I submitted to her demand, my body next to hers. My mouth met with hers and I whispered into her mouth, “You’re so beautiful you drive me crazy.” And then our lips collided, drawn to each other like they were magnetic, our tongues thrusting into each other’s mouth with reckless abandon and urgency. And we kept kissing until we were forced to pull apart for air.

  I looked into her eyes, hoping there would be no hesitation, and there wasn’t. She wanted what I wanted and it was confirmed when she looked at me and said, “Take it all off, Callum. I want to see all of you.”

  Man, I’ve never wanted a woman as much as I wanted Charisma then.

  Her order was so hot, sexy, and direct; I obeyed, not saying a word. As I peeled the remainder of my clothes off I watched her as she wriggled out of hers, showing the most creamy and perfect flesh I’d ever seen. Like her face, her body was perfection. Her breasts were larger than average for someone so slim as her, and her hips flowed in a sensual curve down her lusciously round bottom. She had the body I dreamed about every night. When I saw how excited she was for me as I was for her, I wanted to whimper. Her dark nipples were erect and hard…lovely and pert. I could lick and suck on them all night. I couldn’t wait to show her how much I wanted to please her—to make her gasp for air and scream for more.

  She laid down on the bed, completely naked with her legs apart. Her fingers went to finger herself while I looked on hungrily. “Am I what you pictured, Callum?”

  “You are my dream perso
nified,” I said deeply.

  “What do you dream of doing to me, Callum?” she said licking her fingers.

  I about lost it when I saw her clean each slender finger of hers with that hot tongue of hers.

  “Tell me what you dream about doing to me,” she said. “And do it.”

  “Have mercy,” I groaned finally letting my control go and stumbling to Charisma on the bed.

  “I dreamed about touching your smooth silky skin, Charisma…”

  My hands had never felt so alive as they did when they were gliding across Charisma’s flesh. I could feel her nerves jumping, alert and excited, as I moved to her breast and circled her nipple with my thumb. She threw back her head and closed her eyes, as I squeezed her nipples and bent down to taste one with my mouth.


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