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TANYA_Trouble With a Capital T

Page 22

by Taylor Lee

  Tanya lost count of the orgasms that he truly did wring from every part of her body. Her breasts were throbbing as was her clit. No one had ever played with her pussy the way Ryker did. It was as though he’d discovered a whole new sex organ with multiple pressure points that she’d never known were there. But Ryker apparently did. Inserting his expert fingers into her succulent vagina, he found ripe, erogenous places begging to be touched. And touch them he did. When he found her G-spot and manipulated it, drove her to yet another screaming climax, he went to work on her clitoris. Stroking it, teasing it with his expert fingers and then his astonishing tongue, when she didn’t think she could handle any more stimulation without breaking apart, he leaned down and sucked on the throbbing nub. At the same time, he inserted a calloused finger into her ass, driving her to a screaming climax the intensity of which she hadn’t known was possible.

  Minutes later, after he’d held her in his arms allowing the rampant sensations to flow over her quaking body, he bit the tender skin under her ear. At her startled cry, he blew on the wet skin, easing the tiny pain. His voice was gruff, intense, as he eased away from her. “I need you, Tanya. I have to take you, baby.” To her surprise, he removed the blindfold. Struggling to accustom herself to the light, she was surprised to see him rise and stand beside the bed. She should have been frightened by the intensity of his expression as he gazed at her flushed, sweaty body. It only took her seconds to understand what was coming next.

  Watching him unbutton the next button on his jeans, she heard the slick of the zipper. Sliding the tight fabric over his hips, he bent down and shoved at one, then the other of the pant legs, shucking his jeans to the floor. Tanya knew that in a lifetime of erotic images, she would never forget the sight of the tall, naked man closing in on her. His body was truly a work of art. The places she’d already seen and admired came into focus, underscoring the extraordinary totality of the whole. His thighs were as muscled, as strong as his arms. Seeing his ass, she sighed appreciatively. She’d been intrigued by his ass since the first time she’d seen him. The stealthy glances she’d sent his way had confirmed that his ass was as tight and muscular as the rest of his body. The naked reality was more stunning if possible. But what had her unwinding her hands from the headboard slats and pressing her fingers against her lips in awe was his penis. Rising from the wiry, dark-gold nest of hair was the most spectacular penis she’d ever seen. It was hard, swollen. The engorged head that reached nearly to his navel was purple with the strain. The moisture on the weeping slit confirmed that this powerful work of masculine art was about to take his woman. Her.

  Pushing herself up onto her elbows and scooting back up against the headboard, Tanya didn’t try to hide her amazement. “You . . . you are beautiful, Ryker. I don’t know what to say. I knew you would be gorgeous, but . . . ” Her voice trailed off helplessly as he moved toward the bed. The soft smile curving his lips fought with the intensity of his gaze.

  “I’m glad you approve, sweetheart. It’s only fair that you like my body given the way I lust after yours.” He added, his eyes darkening, “But, Tanya, I have to warn you. Playing with your erotic body for the last hour or more, breathing in the fragrance of your erotic juices and tasting them—I’m as hard as I’ve ever been.” Crawling onto the bed beside her, Ryker rose up over her. Straddling her hips, he gazed into her eyes. His voice was deep, raspy, almost a growl. “You need to understand, Tanya. I’m going to take you, baby, take you hard and deep.”

  Tanya admitted that his dark gaze and flashing eyes were intimidating, as was the fleshy organ pressed up against her stomach. But when he raised her legs, bending her knees back against her shoulders, then spreading them wide open, she couldn’t hold back her agonized cry. Stunned at the surging sensations assaulting every nerve ending in her body, she wanted one thing and one thing only—his powerful cock deep inside of her. When he raised her hands above her head and pressed them against the bed, then spread her legs even wider, she gave in to the sensations threatening to overcome her. Feeling his cock at her entrance and hearing his murmuring concerns, “Christ, baby, you’re so tight. So fucking tight. I don’t want to hurt you,” she cried out, “No, Ryker. Don’t stop. Please . . . don’t stop!”

  He groaned a deep male sound and grunted. “As if I could stop, sweetheart, as if I ever would.” At that, he rose up and began to thrust into her. Each stroke was more powerful, deeper than the one before, filling her with sensations she didn’t know were possible. Rising to the top of a passionate peak she’d never before climbed, she didn’t know whose cries were louder as she plunged over the side, her shrieking wail or his passionate roar. She only knew that never in her life had she felt what this amazing man had made her feel. Listening to his effusive praise, she thanked her angels that somehow, someway she’d powerfully, passionately returned the favor.

  As she clung to him for many long moments, breathing in his powerful scent, astonished at the waves of sensation cascading over her sweaty body and covering every inch of her with a flurry of unrelenting sparks, Tanya was startled when Ryker rose up beside her.

  Murmuring in her ear, his voice was soft, sensuous. “You’re going to think I am crazy, baby, but I can’t be this close to your sensational ass and not take you from behind.” Not knowing how she could possibly recover from the orgasm that was still rolling over her, Tanya couldn’t hide her surprise at his awed claim. She’d never thought that her ass was particularly attractive, although when she wasn’t being hard on herself or not listening to Bram, she admitted that she’d been told any number of times from impressed men that she sure knew how to fill out a pair of jeans. In fact, Ryker had said that very thing to her with a teasing grin. Before she could object, he turned her onto her side, pulled her up against him and then began rubbing his big hands over her bottom.

  “You need to understand, Tanya. I’ve been drooling over this ass of yours from the first time I saw you prancing across the barroom floor. How about it, Tanya Trouble? Are you ready to turn your spectacular ass over to this marauding pirate, knowing that once I get my hands on those luscious cheeks I’m as likely to spank you as I am to fuck you?”

  Tanya stared at him in disbelief. She didn’t know how she could possibly have yet another orgasm. Her body was a smoldering pile of coals as it was. Every nerve ending was on fire and sending unremitting sparks to her groin. But seeing the intense expression tightening his jaw, she didn’t need to see the gleam in his eyes to know that he was serious. Before she could tell him that she didn’t know when or if she’d be able to breathe again much less have another orgasm, he emitted a low growl and flipped her over onto her stomach. Yanking her hips up close to him, his voice was fraught with fervor. “Oh yeah, baby, I definitely am going to take you like this. Up on your hands and knees with your ass in the air. But first, I’m going to do this!”

  To her shock, he smacked one raised cheek . . . hard. She yelped in surprise, then struggled to free herself. His rebuff was quick, firm. “Oh no you don’t, sweetheart. Did you really think that you could do what you did tonight and not be punished?” Yanking her back up on her hands and knees, he growled, “Don’t fight me, sweetheart. I’ll just have to spank you harder.” To underscore his threat, he smacked the other cheek.

  Angry, she cried out, “Stop, Ryker! You’re hurting me.”

  His laugh was strained, grim. “What did you expect, Tanya? That rather than call on me to help you, you could go by yourself to confront a maniacal killer and not expect retribution?” To her shock, he began raining a flurry of hard smacks on her bottom, first one side, then the other. His voice was tight with anger. “Damn you, Tanya. If you ever do something as foolish or as dangerous again, so help me God, I’ll paddle this gorgeous ass of yours so hard you won’t be able to sit down for a week.” His voice was contorted with a mix of anger and what she realized was lust.

  When she cried out, begging him to stop, she was stunned when he hit each cheek with a firm, punishing slap, then began
rubbing her ass with his searching hands. Horrified at the waves of hot prickling sensations flooding her core, she wasn’t able to shutter the soft cry that fled her lips. Moaning at the sensations that had her raising her ass to meet his hands, she heard his gruff chuckle. “Oh yeah, baby. Of course you would get turned on when I spank you.” His voice was rich with irony. “Jesus God, Tanya, where have you been all my life? Christ, baby, do you have any idea how much it turns me on to see this sensational ass of yours sporting my rosy-red handprints?”

  Stunned at the passion in his voice and unable to fight the seismic quakes rioting in her groin, she was shocked when he said, “You need to know, baby, I’m going to take you like this, from behind, so hard and so deep you won’t know where I end and you start.” He put a firm hand against her back, pressing her chest and the side of her face against the bed, then raised her hips higher. When he spread her legs wide apart and moved in between them, his voice was thick with desire. “But first, darling, I need to taste you. Run my tongue along this crazily erotic crack from your pussy to your rosebud ass.”

  Stunned at the illicit description that shot a spasm of excitement to her core, she was more surprised when he reached up inside her pussy with his searching fingers. Tanya cried out when he used the surging juices to invade her most private hole with one inquisitive finger, then added another. When she tried to pull away, he crooned in her ear. “It’s okay, baby. I’m not going to take you here tonight. But soon, Tanya, goddamn soon. I’m going to fuck you here where you’ve never been fucked. Claim you once and for all as my woman. But now, darling, I’m going to do this.”

  Pulling her hips against his strong thighs, he pressed the end of his cock against her swollen folds. Spreading her intimate lips with his skillful fingers, he found her aching clitoris and began manipulating the sensitive nub mercilessly. Not knowing how she could survive the wild stimulation, Tanya cried out, “Oh God, Ryker. Take me. Take me like this—now, please!”

  Ryker groaned a deep male sound, then raised her hips higher and pressed his throbbing prick against her lush entrance. Not able to hold back his passionate groans, he thrust into her welcoming sheath. Matching his thrusts to her wailing pleas, he gave in to a climax so intense it took his breath. He truly did see stars as he sank down next to her quaking body, reveling in her sobbing sighs, confirming that she was as shattered by their riotous climax as he was.

  Chapter 30

  Tanya didn’t know how long she had slept when Ryker gently tugged on her arm.

  “Ah, sweetheart, much as I hate to say it, I need to go. We can’t take a chance on anyone seeing my truck outside your door.”

  Rousing herself, Tanya tried to come to grips with the fact that Ryker was holding her next to his powerful body and murmuring in her ear. It took her a moment to convince herself that he was real. What was harder to believe was the tumultuously extraordinary love scene they’d shared. She might have thought it was yet another of the erotic dreams that had plagued her since she’d met the overpowering man, except that none of her dreams had come close to the passionate experience they’d had. And none of her erotic dreams had ended with her falling asleep wrapped in his strong arms. His reminder about the truck brought back the ugly memory of the bunkhouse and her likely rape.

  Ryker’s arms tightened around her, confirming that he felt her strain. He leaned down and kissed her cheek, then blew out a hard sigh. “Yeah, sweetheart, we’ve had quite an evening. Much as I don’t want to think about it, we set off a few explosions last night. And, sweetheart, I’m not talking about the ones that you and I shared in this bed.”

  Rubbing his hand across her bare bottom, a wry grin curved his lips when she shrieked at the rough touch on her still-sore butt. “Mm-hmm, methinks I won’t have to remind you what will happen if you decide that you want to go it alone in your next adventure. I can only hope that you’ve learned how foolish and, frankly, painful that would be.” Clasping her chin, he forced her to look up at him. “That said, you need to understand, Tanya, as challenging as the work ahead of us is certain to be, nothing and no one can take away what we had. Do you understand that, baby?”

  When she nodded tentatively, he pinched her cheek and smiled. “We’ll keep working on firming up that response later, Deputy Trouble.”

  Rising up, he reached for her and carried her into the bathroom. At her surprised query, he stood her beside him as he reached in and turned on the shower. “First, you and I need to get in here and wash off all of these deliciously erotic smells that would have a pack of wild dogs chasing us down the road. Not to mention all the men who are already sniffing after you.”

  At her surprised gasp, he dragged her into the shower, focusing the warm stream of water on both of them. After he’d thoroughly washed her body, being particularly gentle with her sore nipples and rosy ass, he knelt down beside her at knee level. Parting her legs, he moved in next to her and swept his tongue over her swollen labia. The combination of the warm water and his rough tongue on her sore places made her cry out. She surprised herself when, instead of pushing him away, she dug her fingers into his wet hair and pulled him against her intimate lips, wanting him closer, not wanting him to let go of her.

  He rose to his feet and lifted her face to his. Making it clear that he understood her emotional reaction, he brushed the tear off her cheek. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’m not going anywhere. And, baby, neither are you.”

  After he’d thoroughly dried her body and hair and wrapped her in a fuzzy robe he found in her closet, he met her on the deck with a pot of coffee. The pink fingers of dawn were just beginning to scan the horizon, ensuring that it would be morning all too soon. Snuggling against him on the chaise, she took a deep breath and said, “Ryker, we need to talk.”

  He chuckled. “Ya think? And yes, my sweet, challenging woman, that we do. But while I’m confident that I must be hearing wrong, you look as though you might actually want to have a conversation. Now, just because we’ve never had one, although we’ve had a number of extremely scintillating ‘discussions,’ are you saying you actually want to have a gen-u-ine conversation? As in two way?”

  Feeling her cheeks heat, Tanya knew she had to talk to him. As hard as it was, she needed to reach out, to trust him. Frankly, she wasn’t sure that without his help she could pull off the outrageous plan that was flitting through her addled brain. Pulling out the stops, she said, “I think I know how we can get Manny.”

  Ryker blew out a deep breath. “Get him? As in get the evidence we need to convict him of Violeta’s murder?”

  When she nodded, he said, “Let’s hear it, Deputy.”

  She’d been furious that Ryker hadn’t told her he’d been convinced that Manny had murdered the girl when he’d seen him washing his clothes that hideous night. At first, certain that she’d lost the only evidence that might have convicted him, a new thought had hit her. Instead of spending hours sussing it out, she did what she’d never before done: she tried to sort through her rambling, fledgling ideas with Ryker. After several on-point questions that forced her to think harder, clarify her insipient thoughts, she had a brainstorm. Excitedly telling Ryker her ideas, they created a plan that he agreed could work. After she’d promised on pain of not being able to sit down for at least three weeks, they agreed on the next steps. All of which included Ryker’s participation.

  Refilling their coffee mugs, Ryker grinned at her and said offhand, “Given that we’ve essentially solved Violeta’s murder, and you will be arresting Manny Davis as early as tonight, how about we work for a bit on my case?”

  At her inquiring frown, Ryker’s lips quirked up at the corner. “While you’ve blown off three prior opportunities to participate in the federal crime I’ve spent almost a year working on, I wonder if perhaps you’d like to join me and your father when I crack the case?”

  Not understanding what he meant, she listened to him as he laid out the evidence he’d gathered, then couldn’t hide her surprise or admiration.
r />   “I don’t know what to say, Agent Thompson, except that you might be as much of a hotshot as you think you are. And yes, I would like to be there when you rack up yet another coup in your illustrious career. Which I’m sure will make you insufferably cockier than you already are.”

  Ryker laughed aloud as he pulled her into his arms. “Ah, baby, if anyone should know how cocky I am, it’s you.” His voice dropping, he added, “But don’t worry, any time I think you’ve forgotten what I taught you, I can always haul you in for a refresher course.” Rubbing a big hand across her bottom, he drawled, “And don’t forget, sweetheart, how we dealt with your bad behavior last night.” Lightly smacking her sore cheek, he laughed at her outraged squeal. “Oh yeah, baby, we have some serious unfinished business to address. But don’t worry, little Miss Tanya the Terrible, I’ll just add it to the certain-to-grow list of your infractions.”

  Ryker was nearly at the door when he turned and strode back to where Tanya was standing, a glowing smile lighting her face. As much as he hated to end their extraordinary night on a negative note, he knew he couldn’t live with himself if he didn’t hold his ground. Reaching for her, he made an effort to keep his anger at her engagement to Courtland contained but couldn’t stifle the antagonism straining his voice. “One more thing sweetheart, that fucking ring goes back. Today.”


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