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See Me, Cover Me: Full Heart Ranch Series #4

Page 34

by Barbara Gee

  “Don’t you have the place filled up yet?” he teased. “You’ve been at it for hours now.”

  “I wish. Furniture-wise, I only have mattresses and a bed frame, a leather couch with recliners on the ends, a kitchen table, and barstools. But I also ordered a ton of kitchen things, and of course bedding and towels and all that good stuff.”

  “When will it be here?”

  “I got all the furniture from the same store in Grand Forks, so it can be shipped in the same truck. It’ll come sometime next week, but I don’t know which day yet. The small stuff will roll in at all different times, hopefully starting the first part of the week.” Izzy closed her computer and rolled her shoulders. “I love my new ceiling fans, by the way,” she said, stretching her legs out beside him and leaning back on her hands as she lifted her face to admire the biggest one he’d hung.


  The movement made her shirt ride up, exposing a couple inches of her stomach. Unable to resist, Tanner leaned over and pressed his lips to the silky skin, smiling when he heard her soft gasp.

  “Oh no you don’t, buddy,” she said, tangling her hand in his hair and lifting his head. “You can’t get me all hot and bothered now. I’m supposed to call Granny in ten minutes, and I don’t want to be panting when I do it.”

  He rolled onto his back, linking his hands behind his head. “I’d love to actually make you pant, sweetheart, but I don’t trust myself that far.”

  “Me neither,” she admitted, swiveling until she faced him. “Can you think of anything else we need to do, or is it time to call it a night?”

  “I checked the last thing off your list. I think you’re ready to move in as soon as your stuff gets here.”

  Her eyes sparkled as she smiled. “I think you’re right, thanks to you and the gang, but mostly you. I’m afraid I’ve totally taken advantage of your generosity and good nature.”

  Tanner smiled, glad he’d been able to help her. “I didn’t even know I had a good nature till I met you. Ryan and Tuck say you bring out the best in me.”

  She studied him thoughtfully. “You’re a complicated man. I think you have several different versions of ‘best.’ When I’m with you, you’re so calm and patient—and sweet, too, whether you admit it or not. But I got a taste of your harder side when we first met, and I suspect there’s more to that part of you. You wouldn’t be so good at undercover work if you weren’t capable of being calculating and tough. Then there’s your genius, techy side.”

  She smiled and reached out to tousle his hair. “It’s amazing to me how all those qualities blend into one big amazing man. The one I happen to love.”

  He wasn’t sure how to respond. She was right, he did have a dark side. It was considered an attribute by the FBI, and it had definitely contributed to his success. It didn’t seem quite right to embrace that part of himself, though, especially in the face of Izzy’s total goodness.

  Not that he had a choice. He would soon need all the darkness he could muster, because goodness and light wasn’t going to help him much in DC.


  “Am I boring you, Isabella?”

  Izzy finished her yawn and gave her granny an apologetic look. “Not at all, Gran. It’s just been a really long week, and I had to get up early this morning to help with the send-off for the retreat families. It’s all good though, because that means next week is an off week and I’ll have more time to spend with you.”

  The two were on their way back from the airport, only twenty minutes away from the ranch. Irene’s plane had been an hour late getting in, and it was almost nine o’clock now.

  “When am I going to get to meet your young man?” she wanted to know. “This whole drive I’ve heard ‘Tanner this’ and Tanner that’ and every time you say his name you get a sparkle like I’ve never seen before in your eyes. I’m thinking this must be one special fellow.”

  “He is special. I might as well tell you up front I’m head over heels in love with him. You’d figure it out as soon as you see us together, anyway.”

  “Oh, Isabella, how wonderful.” Irene reached over to squeeze Izzy’s arm with one hand while pressing the other to her chest dramatically. “I’ve been looking forward to the day that happened to you, sweetie. There’s no feeling quite like it, is there?” She chuckled. “I just hope I approve of him, or else you’ll have to dump him and then we’ll be dealing with a broken heart.”

  “You’ll adore him. I’m not worried about that at all.” Izzy considered her next words carefully, needing to let her granny know there were some issues, without giving away Tanner’s secrets. “The problem is, he works for the FBI, and sometimes he gets sent away on assignments. So there’ll be periods of time where we’ll have a long distance relationship. Worse than that, actually, because we might not have any contact during those times. I think we’re up for it, but I’m dreading when he has to leave.”

  Irene gave her trade-mark cackling laugh. “No need to worry your pretty head about whether you can handle it, sweetie. I’ll know within thirty seconds of meeting him if it’s right, then I can save you the trouble of wondering.”

  “Oh, it’s right, I already know that, but it’ll be nice to have you confirm it. As far as when you’ll meet him, I’m going to make breakfast for the three of us tomorrow before church. I’ll come pick you up at the guest cabin at eight-thirty.”

  “No, no, you’ll be cooking. Send your man to get me.”

  “No way, Gran, I’m not going to send him to face the wolves all alone,” Izzy said, only half teasing.

  Irene waved a hand. “I’ll be gentle. Unless he’s not man enough to take on one little old lady.”

  Izzy laughed. “Oh, trust me, Tanner is man enough for anything. If you want him to come get you, he’ll come get you. Just watch for a tall, dark, buff, gorgeous, man to come to your door.” Izzy gave Irene a sideways look. “And don’t try to steal him from me. I’ll fight you for this one.”

  “Consider me warned,” Irene said with another cackle. “Now tell me more about your house.”

  “Oh, man, it’s so great, Gran. I don’t know how to even thank you for making it possible.”

  “You could’ve done it without me, I just made it a little less stressful.”

  “More like completely stress-free. I do think it’s a good investment, though, and I’ll take good care of both units and hopefully build up the equity. I won’t disappoint you.”

  “I know you won’t, and this is all kinds of fun for me. Who would’ve thought I’d be able to help my grandkids like this, huh? All because I spent a dollar of change on a lottery ticket. Can you believe that?”

  “It’s amazing, and I’m happy for you. I’m glad you don’t have to worry about money in your golden years.”

  “And I’m glad I can share it with the people I love. It’s been such a joy. I was beginning to think you weren’t ever going to settle down anywhere long enough to want to buy your own house, but everything changed once you came back to the Full Heart Ranch. You found your calling, and you found yourself, and that makes my heart glad.”

  Izzy waggled her brows. “And I’ve found my man. That makes my heart glad.”


  Tanner parked in front of the guest cabin near the main ranch house, wondering what he’d gotten himself into. When Izzy asked him to go get her grandma, solo, he’d thought she was kidding. Then she told him he needed to do it to prove to Irene he was “man enough.” But was he? Somehow, going up those three steps to knock on the door seemed a daunting task.

  He’d just raised his hand to knock when the door swung open. A tiny woman stood there, looking exactly like Izzy, only with some wrinkles and short gray hair. He felt his eyes widen, and she gave a hearty laugh.

  “That’s the reaction I expected. Does that girl look like me or what?” She opened her arms. “Hello there, Tanner James. Pleased to make your acquaintance. You’re just as handsome as Isabella said you were.”

  Tanner gave her a careful hug.
“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Harding.”

  “Call me Irene. No need to be formal.” She stepped back and put her hands on her hips. “Now that the small talk is out of the way, tell me, what are your intentions toward my granddaughter?”

  He couldn’t help but chuckle. “Well, Irene, I’m not sure how to answer that question. I can truthfully say I hope Izzy will be in my life long-term, but right now my job is standing in our way. I know Izzy told you we’re going to be separated for what could be a pretty long period of time, and it won’t be easy.”

  “Which is truly unfortunate,” she said with a frown. “Do you love her?”

  He folded his arms. “I’ve only known her for three weeks. If I say yes, will you believe me, or do you think it’s impossible to fall in love in such a short time?”

  “I want you to tell me what you think you’re feeling. I’ll form my own opinion about whether it’s true love once I see the two of you together.”

  “That’s pretty easy, then,” Tanner said. “I do love her. Izzy is amazing, as you well know. She makes me want things I never expected to want.”

  “Is marriage one of those things you want?” Irene asked bluntly.

  He couldn’t hold back his smile. This little lady wanted information, and she didn’t beat around the bush. “It might be. I just don’t know when I’ll be in a position to offer that, and she might get tired of waiting.”

  Irene’s eyes narrowed. “You’re not willing to choose her over your job?”

  Tanner wondered if he should be a little offended at her blatant nosiness, especially since he had only met her about three minutes ago, but he couldn’t find it in himself to be upset at a grandma who was concerned about her beloved granddaughter. So he answered truthfully. “I might be at some point, but I committed to an assignment before I met her, and I can’t get out of it.”

  She shook her head regretfully. “That’s bad, bad timing, but I have to say, my gut tells me she’ll wait. That girl is in love, and I do believe it’s the first time for her.”

  “Same for me, Irene,” he said, wanting her to know Izzy was truly special to him. “I hate the uncertainty we’re facing, but it can’t be helped. As it stands, the only promise I can make is that I’ll do everything in my power not to hurt her.” He shoved his hands in his pockets. “But even then, I can’t promise I won’t.”

  “I don’t much like the sound of that,” Irene told him, her frown returning.

  “I don’t either. I wish I could explain it, but I’m not at liberty to because of the nature of my job.” Tanner met her gaze unflinchingly. “I can assure you Izzy has been told as much as possible, and she knows exactly where things stand. She also knows how I feel about her. I love her, and she knows it.”

  Irene studied him closely for a few seconds, then nodded shortly and joined him on the porch, closing the door behind her. “I trust you to do what’s best for my girl, Tanner. Now let’s go get some breakfast. I’m famished.”


  “Well this is just beautiful,” Irene said, turning in a slow circle in the empty living room of Izzy’s new home. Breakfast, church, and lunch at the Desmonds was over, and Izzy was finally able to show the house to her grandma. “It looks ready to move in! Why aren’t you moving, Isabella?”

  Izzy laughed and held her arms wide. “Obviously I’m waiting on the furniture, Gran. This whole thing moved so fast, I couldn’t get it in time. I’m hoping it’ll get here by the middle of next week. Which will be perfect, because you’ll be here to help me move.”

  “I’ll enjoy every minute of it,” Irene said happily. “Show me the rest.”

  Izzy took her to each room, enjoying the woman’s enthusiasm. While they looked around, Tanner busied himself with a kitchen drawer Izzy had discovered wasn’t rolling quite right.

  They ended up in the kitchen with Izzy showing her the sample of what the new stone countertops would look like.

  “What do you think of the place, Irene?” Tanner asked, rolling the drawer in and out.

  “I absolutely love it. You kids did well.”

  Izzy went over and tried the drawer for herself, then smiled up at Tanner. “Is there anything you can’t do?” she asked, her heart so full of the man, she could hardly hold it all in.

  “I might be able to come up with one or two things if I think hard enough,” he teased, snaking an arm around her waist for a quick side-hug.

  “Is the second unit laid out the same as this one?” Irene wondered.

  “Pretty much identical,” Izzy said. “And the tenants want to stay. They’re willing to sign a two-year lease, but I think I’ll stick with one year, just in case I don’t get along with them or something.”

  Irene waved a hand. “Like there’s anyone you can’t get along with, Isabella.”

  “Right?” Tanner asked. “She loves everyone, and they all love her back. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  Izzy felt her cheeks warming. “Enough, you two. Let’s head back to the ranch so Tanner isn’t late for his pick-up basketball game with the guys. You and I can go for a walk, Gran. I know you like to get your mile in every day.”

  “Mile and a half. I’ve upped it since the last time I was here.”

  “Good for you!” Izzy said proudly.

  “Impressive,” Tanner added. “Maybe you’d rather join us guys on the court?”

  Irene cackled. “Once upon a time I could have. You know Izzy gets her athletic prowess from me, right?”

  “Along with just about everything else,” Izzy confirmed. “My mom said if she wouldn’t have seen me with her own eyes right when I was born, she wouldn’t believe I’m her daughter. She says I’m 99 percent Harding.”

  “What’s the one percent you got from her?”

  “My curly hair,” Izzy said, grimacing.

  “Ah, thank goodness,” he said, running his hand over her blonde head. “You wouldn’t be Izzy without your curls.”

  “You should have seen her as a toddler,” Irene said with a laugh. “Oh heavens, there’s never been a cuter girl. Looked like she stuck her finger into a light socket.”

  “Thank goodness it tamed down a bit as I got older,” Izzy said. “Now that’s enough about me. Let’s head out.”

  Tanner put his mouth close to her ear as Irene went out ahead of them. “Never enough,” he said softly.

  Izzy’s heart turned over. She stopped and reached up to slide her arms around his neck. Standing on her tip-toes, she pulled his head down, pressing her cheek against his. “I love you, Tanner,” she said softly, pulling away to look into his warm, dark-chocolate eyes. “Thank you for being you.” Then she released him and hurried after her grandma.


  It was perfect timing for the off-week at the retreat center. Izzy worked with the PT team every morning, preparing for the next round, then she picked her grandmother up for lunch before heading to the house.

  On Monday, six boxes of things she’d ordered had been delivered, and the two of them had fun washing everything up and putting it away. Kitchen utensils, pots and pans, towels, and sheets.

  On Tuesday they went to Grand Forks and bought fun, beautiful things to hang on her walls, and Izzy also ordered a recliner, coffee table, desk, and a wonderful dark wood bedroom suite that was too expensive but also irresistible.

  On Wednesday they went to a farmer’s market in a town about thirty miles away to buy outside plants and flowers, and spent the rest of the afternoon and evening clearing out flower beds and planting them all.

  Izzy dearly loved spending the time with her grandma, and it was exhilarating to see her home coming together, but it also cut into the precious time she had left with Tanner. After not seeing him at all on Monday, she decided that wasn’t acceptable. So, Tuesday and Wednesday she and Irene had left the house at dinner time and met him back at the ranch to eat in the cafeteria. After dinner each of those nights, Izzy had returned her grandma to the guest cabin, where she insisted she was happy to spend
a couple hours alone doing her crossword puzzles and reading so Izzy and Tanner were free to be together.

  Tuesday evening they’d gone on a long walk, then driven into Barlow for ice cream. The next evening, they drove to the next town over and browsed through a department store, picking up window blinds and other odds and ends for the house. Tanner hung the blinds when they got back, making for a late, but productive, evening.

  On Thursday they took a break from the house and returned to the theater at the center for another private movie, then went back to her cabin, where they ended up swinging in the hammock and talking for another hour.

  “So what does your granny think of our relationship by now?” he asked when they were walking through her cabin to the front door, having finally decided it was time to call it a night.

  “She’s told me several times she’s sure we have what it takes. She hates the thought of us being separated, but she said she knows we’ll find our happy ending.”

  “I like her. Feisty but sweet. Just like you.”

  Izzy chuckled. “She’s almost as in love with you as I am, I think. I have no doubt she’ll take a good report back to my family.” When he opened his mouth to respond, she put a hand on his arm. “Don’t say it, Tanner. I know you feel bad. I know it’s going to be hard, but I don’t regret falling in love with you.”

  He dropped a kiss on the top of her head. “If you say so, Iz.”

  “I do say so,” she said firmly. “I also say I need to get to bed. My first round of furniture is coming tomorrow, remember, and I’m taking off work so I can be there when it arrives.”

  “So are you planning to stay at the house tomorrow night?”

  “If I get all my stuff moved over. I’m going to get up early and do some packing. It’s mostly just my clothes and the few kitchen things I have. I don’t think it’ll be a problem.”

  “Exciting stuff,” he said. “I wonder whether my new neighbor over here will be another sexy gal who can cook.”


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