See Me, Cover Me: Full Heart Ranch Series #4

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See Me, Cover Me: Full Heart Ranch Series #4 Page 44

by Barbara Gee

  “Hop in, Iz. We need to show you something.”

  She frowned at him, wondering what he was up to. “You’re taking me away from Kay’s pies?” she asked. “I skipped dinner so I could eat more pie. I’m starving.”

  “It’ll only take a few minutes,” Ryan promised.

  “Get in, Izzy,” Tuck said, sliding into the back seat. “Time’s a wastin’.”

  Ryan put a hand on her elbow and urged her toward the seat. “You know better than to argue with us. We’re, uh, just going over to Tuck’s house.”

  She got in the Jeep, still a little flustered.

  Ryan circled the hood and got behind the wheel. He pulled out onto the lane, but he turned left instead of right, away from Tuck’s house.

  Okay, now this was just weird. “What’s going on?” Izzy asked, getting frustrated. “Did Tuck move to the stables?”

  “Oh, did I say we were going to Tuck’s?” Ryan asked, chuckling. “I meant we were going to the stables.”

  Enough was enough. “Ryan! Stop being weird and tell me what’s going on.”

  By now Tuck was laughing in the back seat, and Ryan was grinning ear to ear. He drove right past the stables, slowing down slightly when the pavement ended but not stopping. There were two tire tracks worn in the grass and Ryan followed them—but as far as Izzy could tell, there didn’t seem to be a destination. Just grass as far as she could see. This was ridiculous.

  She turned around and looked beseechingly at Tuck. “Tucker! Can you tell this maniac to stop!”

  “Relax, Iz. Look out your window.”

  She swung her head back around and looked out, but all she saw was grass and some cattle in the distance.

  “Up,” Tuck directed.

  She lifted her eyes to the sky, getting angrier and more confused by the second. Then she saw it. A helicopter, headed in their direction. She pressed a hand against the glass, her eyes fixed on the helicopter, not blinking.

  “Please tell me that’s who I think it is,” she breathed, her heart pounding. “Please tell me Tanner is in there.”

  “And you called me weird, you ingrate!” Ryan joked.

  “But I just talked to him less than an hour ago,” Izzy said, feeling dazed. “Why didn’t he tell me he was almost here?”

  “Because surprises are better,” Tuck said.

  Ryan stopped the jeep and they all got out. “Stay here until they land. They’ll put down over there,” he said, pointing. “The rotor-wash will be bad, so wait until they stop spinning.”

  Izzy grabbed onto each of their hands, clutching them tightly as she watched the helicopter come in to land. “You guys are so awful. You’re wonderful, but so awful. I can’t believe this. I can’t believe he’s here. I’m so glad I took a shower before I came, and he always likes when I wear dresses. I hardly ever wear dresses, but for some reason I put one on tonight.”

  “Hey, Iz? You’re speaking your thoughts out loud,” Ryan said, laughing.

  “I know. I can’t help it. I talk when I’m nervous. Oh my gosh, they’re landing. He’s going to get out. Tell me when I can go!”

  They held on to her, watching as the helicopter touched down. The door stayed shut, and Tuck informed her that Tanner must be getting out the other side.

  “Looks like the copter’s gonna stay hot and take off again as soon as he’s out,” Ryan said.

  It turned out he was right. After less than a minute on the ground, the helicopter slowly lifted off again. Izzy stared as Tanner was gradually revealed, standing there with his hands on his hips as he waited for the big machine to move out of the way, a duffle bag by his feet.

  “Go,” Ryan said softly.

  Izzy didn’t need to be told twice. She let go of their hands and ran along the tire track lane toward the man she’d been waiting on for so long. She saw him grin and he started walking toward her, holding out his arms as she neared.

  “Tanner!” she squealed, leaping into his arms and laughing as he caught her against his big body. “I can’t believe you did this. I’m so happy. So, so happy. Oh my gosh, I can’t believe you’re here.”

  He chuckled, holding her close and pushing his face into her hair. “I just found out yesterday that I was free to leave. Thought I might as well go for the surprise.”

  She sighed happily. “I’m normally not huge on surprises, but I love this one. They don’t get any better than this.”

  He loosened his arms just enough to let her slide down until her feet were on the ground. For a long moment they just grinned at each other. Izzy liked that he’d kept his short, neat beard, and she also liked that his hair was cut short again. No more shaggy terrorist, thank goodness.

  “I’m sorry it took me so long to get here,” he said softly. “If I’d known, I think I’d have had you come for another visit.”

  “It was a long three weeks,” she agreed. “But it’s over now, and I can already tell you’re doing so good.”

  “Better than good,” he agreed, his dark eyes warm. “I’ll tell you about it later. Right now, I need to kiss you, and I don’t even care that we have an audience.

  He lowered his head as Izzy rose up on her toes to meet him halfway. His mouth claimed hers and she moaned softly, sliding her fingers into his hair and holding him to her.

  “I love you, Iz,” he said against her lips.

  “Love you back, Tanner James. I never stopped.”

  They kissed again, until the razzing from over by the Jeep interrupted them.

  “We don’t have all night,” Tuck called.

  “The others are going to eat all the pie,” Ryan added.

  Izzy giggled. “The gang is over at the Desmonds’ waiting for us to get back so they can eat Kay’s pies,” she said. “Those two weirdos just spirited me away. I’m sure the others knew what was going on, but I was completely in the dark. And more than a little angry at them.”

  “Pie?” Tanner asked, his eyes going wide. “I haven’t had pie since I left here.”

  Izzy took his hand. “Then let’s get going. I’ll share you with everyone else for a little while, at least until we get our fill of pie, but then you’re mine for the rest of the weekend.”

  “No complaints from me on that one,” he said. He gave her one more quick kiss, then picked up his duffle with his right hand and held out his left to her.

  She took his hand and they walked toward the Jeep. “Seeing you here is so much better than in the hospital and that apartment. No bad ankle and bandaged shoulder. And I love your haircut.”

  “Just breathing the air here makes me feel like a new man,” he said contentedly.

  They reached the other two men and a round of hugs and back slaps was exchanged. Izzy thought she even saw the glint of tears as she stood back and gave them a moment. Tuck and Ryan knew better than most what their friend had been through, and their relief at having him back was obvious.

  After a few minutes of catching up, Ryan motioned toward the Jeep. “We’d better get going. We have one more stop before we go back to the party.”

  Izzy got into the back seat, smiling when Tanner slid up against her. “Did everyone else know Tanner was coming?”

  “Of course,” Ryan said.

  “Even Andi?”

  “Even Andi,” he confirmed.

  “That little stinker. I can’t believe she didn’t give it away.”

  “We only told her when she showed up for the party. Didn’t want to make it too hard on her.”

  Izzy laughed. “That was probably smart. So where do we have to stop? I’m so hungry, I feel a little faint!”

  No one said anything. The guys all exchanged looks, but offered no explanation. Izzy eyed them suspiciously.

  “Oh my word, now what?” Izzy asked. “I’ve already had my surprise, so you might as well tell me.”

  “I need to show you something,” Tanner finally admitted. “Just hang on for me, okay?”

  How could she argue when he looked at her with those beautiful dark eyes? Eye
s that weren’t shadowed like they’d been three weeks ago, which made her heart happy. She relaxed against him. She could wait for pie.

  Ryan pulled his Jeep up in front of the guest cabin, the one where her granny always stayed. At first she thought maybe Gran had snuck in too, but the cabin was dark.

  Tanner got out and came around the Jeep to open her door. “Come with me for a sec.”

  He was carrying his duffle, and Izzy frowned as she got out. She didn’t know what he was up to, but it had to be good. His eyes were twinkling too much for anything bad. “What’s going on?”

  He tugged her up the front steps and onto the little front porch. He reached under a flower pot and pulled out a key.

  “I want you to see my new place. At least for a while. It’s a step up from the staff cabin, wouldn’t you say?”

  She grinned and walked inside when he motioned for her. “It’s definitely a step up. But why will you be here? Is the FBI going to give you some time off?” She started to get excited and she grabbed onto his arm. “Are they going to let you stay here until your shoulder’s all better?”

  He dropped his bag in the middle of the floor and put his hands on her shoulders. “I’m here indefinitely, Iz. I’m going to be living at the ranch.”

  She knew her eyes had gone impossibly wide, and her mouth was hanging open. “What?” she managed to squeak. “You mean, like, for a long time? You’re not going back to Minneapolis?”

  Tanner shook his head. “Since I can’t work undercover anymore, the obvious track for me is to go back into the computer lab. However, during my first week of debrief, it was determined it’s too dangerous for me to go back to Minneapolis in the near future. Too many ties between cells, and I’m too recognizable. They suggested I go to a different field office. First I said that wasn’t an option, but then I changed my mind. Said there was one other office I’d consider. It’s a place where I already have a couple of real good friends.”

  She breathed in sharply. “Fargo?” she asked, hoping desperately she was right.

  He grinned. “I’ll join the carpool.”

  “Do they have a computer lab?”

  “They’re going to set one up, just for me.” He smiled a little sheepishly. “There are some perks to wrapping up a successful assignment. Seems the bureau wants to make sure they keep me on. They asked what it would take to make me stay, so I told them.”

  Izzy stared at him, then grabbed his hands, gripping hard. “So you’re telling me you’re going to work in Fargo with the guys and live here? On the ranch?” Her voice broke and he pulled her into the circle of his arms.

  “That’s the plan,” he said softly. “Think you can handle that?”

  “You’ll be safe,” Izzy said, her heart overflowing. “That’s the most important thing, and you’ll be here—with me.”


  Her smile was literally the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. “Yes, I’ll be safe,” he told her. “And I’ll be here. With you.”

  “I won’t only see you on weekends,” she said, her gray-blue eyes sparkling.

  “You’ll see me every day if you want.”

  “Oh, I want.”

  Ryan cleared his throat in the doorway behind them. “So, yeah, the keys are in the Jeep. Tuck and I are going to walk back over to the big house to eat pie. You guys come whenever you’re ready.”

  Neither Tanner nor Izzy looked at him as he left. She put her hands up to his shoulders and ran them lightly down his arms and back up.

  “I can’t believe you’re here, and I can’t believe you’re staying. It feels too good to be true.”

  He settled his hands on her waist. “It is true, though. I’m not leaving.”

  “I’m so glad the FBI is smart enough to invest in you. You’re obviously very important to them, and if you ask me, they owe you.”

  “Maybe. All I know is I’m going to be right where I want to be. With you, good friends, and horses.”

  She smiled. “The horses have missed you, too. Think you’ll be able to find time to help out at the retreat center?”

  He nodded. “I’ll make time. I want to contribute to this place.”

  He wrapped his arms around her shoulders as she stepped into him and settled against his chest. “I don’t think it’s possible for me to be any happier than I am right now,” she said softly.

  “No?” He chuckled. “I think maybe if I tell you the other reason I was delayed you might change your mind.”

  She raised her face to look at him. “Tell me.”

  “Did you go to church last Sunday?”

  She cocked her head curiously. “Yeah.”

  “Did you notice Pastor Kellar was gone?”

  “Obviously,” she said. “He was called out of town unexpectedly and didn’t have time to get a replacement for a sermon. So we just had extended praise and worship time, and some sharing.”

  “He was with me,” Tanner said, smiling at her shocked expression.

  Her forehead wrinkled. “In DC?”



  He took a half step back and rested his hands on her shoulders, his thumbs stroking over her collar bone. “I called him. I needed to talk to someone about where I was at spiritually.” Tanner saw the hope shining from her eyes and he couldn’t help but put a quick kiss on her soft lips.

  “You started it all, of course,” he told her. “When I moved into the cell house, I had to go through all the Muslim rituals. I had to pray twice a day, quote the Quran whenever they demanded it, and adhere to the dietary restrictions and all that. I had to completely immerse myself, but all those verses of the day you sent me? I couldn’t get them out of my mind. Then I started thinking about all the stuff I’d learned in church back when I went with my grandma. And there was the stuff you talked to me about, how God cared about me in spite of it all, and I felt like it might be true. I thought about the peace you gained when you turned your life over to God, and I thought of Tuck and Maddy, and Ryan and Libby, and the Desmonds. I knew their happiness came from more than just daily life on the ranch, as good as that can be. I realized I wanted what you guys have. I need it. It’s so different from what I was forced to practice every day. The radical version of Islam is a travesty. I don’t even see it as a religion. It’s just an excuse to hate.”

  “Christ makes all the difference. That’s what I want for you,” Izzy said earnestly. “I want you to accept His gift. To believe He died for you just as much as he did for me. More than anything else, even being together, that’s what I want for you.”

  He gave her a slow smile. “I know, and even when I was still undercover, I was moving toward that. Then the debrief meetings started and I found myself getting into a bad frame of mind. All I could think about were the things that had happened during the job, and I couldn’t seem to pull away. I realized this was going to be the toughest time yet—the toughest fight to remember who I was before, and I was right.”

  “You hid all that from me,” she said, her voice sad. “When we talked on the phone these last few weeks, you made it sound like things were going okay.”

  She was right. If they’d been able to talk face-to-face, he probably would have been forced to be more open with her. Over the phone, though, it had been pretty easy to pretend he was fine. “I’m a protector, Iz. I wanted to shield you from the bad stuff.”

  She chewed on her bottom lip for a moment. “We’ll need to talk about that later. Go on.”

  He exhaled slowly. “Okay, so it was Friday night, a week ago, and I was at a low point. I was sitting in the apartment, in the dark, wondering whether my life could ever be normal. Wondering if I could cast off the evil I’d been surrounded with, or if it would always taint me. And you too, by association, which was the last thing I wanted. All of a sudden, Pastor Kellar came to mind. I’d gotten a lot out of the two sermons I heard him preach, and he’d seemed so genuine when we met.” He paced back toward Izzy. “Genuine was exactly what I needed rig
ht then. Before I could talk myself out of it, I found the church website, got his personal number, and called him.”

  “He dropped everything and went to you?” Izzy guessed.

  “He did. He was there by noon the next day, and stayed until Sunday evening. We talked until we both almost lost our voices.”

  Tanner saw Izzy’s throat move when she swallowed hard, the hope back in her eyes. “He helped?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

  Tanner dropped his eyes to the floor for a moment, then looked up at her, his heart feeling so full his chest could hardly contain it. “He helped,” he said roughly. “I’m where I need to be. Where you want me to be. I’m not only okay when I think about the future, I’m excited about it. Excited about us. About us being here.”

  Izzy swiped at her tears and walked into his arms. “I love you, Tanner. I love you with all my heart. Thank you for coming back to me and for trusting in what we have.”

  He took her face between his hands, looking into the gorgeous eyes that had been only a memory for way too long. “Thank you for waiting for me, babe. You’re what got me through, you know. Having you to look forward to made it bearable.”

  He kissed her and she pressed closer to him. Her arms were tight around his neck, her lips soft and welcoming, parting eagerly when he sought to deepen the kiss. Tanner forgot about everything else when he kissed this girl. He forgot about Khalud and bombs. With her, he was just Tanner James, and it was enough. She didn’t need a hot-shot FBI undercover special agent. The man he really was, the one his grandma raised, was the man Izzy wanted. If he spent the rest of his life buried in an unglamorous computer lab and whispering to horses, she would be just fine with that. She just wanted to be with him.

  When he finally raised his head, her eyes were dazed and heavy-lidded. He smiled, liking that look very much.

  “I love you, Isabella,” he told her.

  She blinked and then her sweet lips curved into a beautiful smile. “Yeah, I think you just told me that without words. Wow, Tanner.” She shivered and pressed her lips to his throat. “Forget the pie. Let’s just stay here.”


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