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The Billionaire's Prize

Page 11

by Rachel Masters

  I’m being sold. She wanted nothing more than to cry as memories of her family came flooding into her brain. Every woman’s worst nightmare was happening to Amy McCarthy, only there would be no waking up from this. If only she could rewind, just a bit. If only she had listened to her friend Trisha. If only…

  “Let’s try seventy-five thousand gentleman.” Joe gestured towards the female specimen on stage. Three hands shot up immediately. Amy’s eyes darted from one man to another.

  She hoped and prayed that Trisha notified the local Mexican police. But she knew how corrupt things were in Cancun. For all she knew, Joe worked for the police in some way.

  “One hundred thousand,” said the auctioneer with a wide grin. “Can I get one hundred thousand dollars for this lovely piece of ass?” Joe grabbed Amy by the hair, showcasing her for the audience.

  “That’s enough.” A deep-voiced man from the audience rose from his chair and looked directly at Joe. The man towered over the supposed fraternity brother. Two men shot out from the sides to assist the businessman who looked like he was ready to crush Joe with his bare hands.

  “Easy. We don’t want any problemos.” Joe backed off immediately.

  “I’ll take her for one hundred,” said another white-collar man from the audience.

  “Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars,” said the man who almost pummeled Joe. Whoever this man was, he was after Amy. She couldn’t get a good look at his face, but judging from the fact that he was willing to pay a quarter of a million dollars for her body, he was clearly a man of infinite stature.

  “Sold to man # 5, for two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.” Joe licked his lips, very pleased with the sale.

  Who is man # 5? What is he going to do to me? Is he going to kill me?

  Amy felt her eyes suddenly go dark as two rough hands came from behind and fastened a blindfold around her eyes. Two more hands joined in and pulled her off the chair and dragged her off the stage. Her entire body shook from the terror of what was happening to her

  There she was, dragged behind the stage like an animal. Even with the blindfold on, she closed her eyes and prayed as one of the men covered her nose and mouth with a rag drenched in an awful-smelling chemical. She tried to scream yet again, only to be muted by the thick rag that was stuffed in her once perfect mouth. She had no idea what the smell was, but she knew it wasn’t good. Within seconds, Amy’s world went black.

  * * *

  When she awoke from her poisonous sleep, she felt like she had been unconscious for weeks. Her body was bound to what felt like a bed; a strangely comfortable bed. Thick, leathery bands locked each hand in place above her head. Each leg was pried wide open; the same leathery straps bound her feet to a solid structure at the foot of the bed.

  She felt like she had already lost half of her mind, but she hadn’t given up all hope that either her life would be spared by whoever the mysterious man was that stole her, or that the local authorities would be able to follow her trail from the night club.

  Only this time, her mouth was free. No cloth to keep her from screaming at the top of her lungs. But the darkness crippled her vocal chords, and the fear that gripped her rendered every muscle in her body useless.

  “If you want to scream, I understand. But I’m not going to hurt you.” A thick, deep voice from just inches away spoke from out of the darkness. She recognized the voice; it was the man who, in a bizarre sort of way, defended her honor in front of Joe.

  “What do you want from me?” she said. Her voice was weak. She laid there, so helpless, bound before this man.

  “We’ll get to that in time. Just know that you’re safe with me,” he said.

  “Please. Please let me go. Please don’t kill me,” she said as she tugged with all that she had left from every limb of her body.

  “I’m not going to kill you, Amy. You have my word, you’re safe with me,” he said.

  “I can pay you. My parents can pay you. Whatever you want, we can pay you. Please,” she cried out.

  “I don’t want your money,” he paused as he brushed the backside of his hand against her soft cheek. “I have more money than God.”

  Strangely, she actually felt a small charge of electricity from his gentle caress. My brain must be fried. She had no idea how to play this stranger. As she saw things, he was the only thing that stood between her own life and death. She was determined to remain as calm as she could.

  “You’re very beautiful, Amy. I’ve never done anything like this before.” She resisted the urge to turn her cheek away as she lied as perfectly still as she could.

  He placed his large, warm hand on her smooth, trembling thigh. He pressed down hard into her thigh, somehow settling her nerves a bit as the trembling came to a stop.

  “Please, what do you want from me?” she said. Her voice was desperate, still drenched with fear, but she needed to surrender if she was ever going to come out of this in one piece.

  “The first thing I need you to do is let go.” His voice sounded surprisingly normal to her. “I promise, I’m not going to hurt you. And if things go well, you have my word that I’ll let you go.”

  She lied still for a moment and tried to center her mind. She began to take slow, rhythmic breaths; just as she had learned from her yoga teacher on campus at Texas State. She visualized her parents, and her sister, and her friends at school; she was determined to create a private world within her mind- a world that she could seek refuge in.

  “That’s it. Now you’re getting it.” His fingers trailed down the side of her neck. “You really are beautiful,” he said, his deep voice seemed to be moving in on her.

  “Thank you.” Her voice shook as she spoke. And somehow, this stranger’s words felt comforting to her. The same man that held her captive was now her sole source of comfort.

  “While you’re with me, your body is all mine. Do you understand that Amy?”

  No, not at all, she thought.

  “Yes sir, I understand.” Her lips quivered.

  “Good girl. You’re getting the hang of this now.” There was a slight pause. She could feel his eyes scanning her vulnerable body. “I chose you for a reason, Amy.”

  She tilted her chin slightly upwards; she hated to admit to herself that she wanted to hear more from him.

  “Your legs. Your hips. And your breasts. Your beautiful eyes. And the perfect curve of your jaw line. Everything about you drives me wild. I knew you were the one for me from the second I laid my eyes on you.”

  “What do you want from me?” she said.

  “Everything,” he said. “If you cooperate, and do as I say, then I’ll release you in time.”

  “How do I know I can trust you?” She prepared herself to surrender her body completely. I don’t have any other choice, she told herself.

  “Trust will take time. But your options are few and far between right now,” he said. “I’m going to work you hard. You can fight it if you choose, but the outcome will be much more favorable for you if you don’t.”

  “How long,” she paused as a chill ripped through her body, “will I be your slave?”

  “Until I’m satisfied.” She could hear the lust in his voice. Maybe he really wasn’t going to hurt her. Maybe he really was only interested in her body.

  She swallowed hard, preparing herself for his taking.

  “Amy, let me be clear, this doesn’t have to be so scary. I give you my word.”

  She wanted to tell him off. She wanted to spit in his face. But she knew better. “I’m sorry, I’ve never been kidnapped before.”

  “You’re thinking about this the wrong way. I’m just borrowing you. Mainly because I can.” He placed one of his large fingers on her dry, lower lip. “You’ve been through a lot. You need to get some food in your system,” he said. “I need your body to be rested.”

  She felt his hand reach behind her head. In a flash her blindfold had been undone. As the blurriness in her eyes subsided, all she could see was her captor’s la
rge frame from behind as he left the room that had become her prison.

  As she looked around at her room, she was struck by its beauty. Whoever her captor was, he was beyond rich. The idea of having her family entice him with ransom money seemed ridiculous. The walls around her were coated in deep purple velvet wallpaper. Large windows surrounded her on all sides, although she wasn’t yet able to turn her head to look behind her. She couldn’t see much outside, given that she was bound to the bed by the leather straps, but she could tell that her room was situated high above the ground. There was a large, white bureau with an oversized dressing mirror attached to it. A soft, plush white rug covered the entirety of the floor. And above her was a ceiling composed solely of mirrored glass.

  She couldn’t get a read on him. Maybe he was telling the truth. Maybe he just wanted to have his way with her body and then she would be freed. Maybe he really wouldn’t kill her after all. And maybe, she thought, this won’t be so bad.

  Dear God, I’ve lost my mind.

  “I brought you some food,” he said. She looked up and saw him, for the first time. His eyes caught her off guard perhaps more than any other feature of his. His eyes were distant, even cold. And yet somehow there was warmth within them. He was probably more handsome than any man she had ever seen. If he wasn’t her captor, she would even go so far as to say that he was a gorgeous man. But no man who would enslave another woman could ever be called gorgeous, she thought.

  She couldn’t wrap her head around why a man like this would need to steal another woman. He could probably have thousands of women if he wanted them.

  He placed a tray with an array of fresh food down onto her lap. He released her hands and arms, freeing her to eat from the plate of food. After all that she had been through, her body was ravished as she devoured every bit of food that he gave her. She ate fast and hard, like an animal that had just stumbled upon its first meal in months.

  “You were hungry, weren’t you?” She looked up at her captor, her mouth filled with cheese and bread, and nodded in agreement. His facial expression confused her; for a spilt second he appeared as though he felt bad for her.

  “Take your time. I’ll be back in a little while and we’ll go over the ground rules.” He turned to leave as she continued to feed her famished body.

  * * *

  She awoke from a long sleep feeling more rested than she had felt since she left her hotel to let loose for a night with Trisha.

  My feet, they’re free, she noticed. In fact, every part of her was unbound. This is my chance, she thought. She carefully tiptoed towards the door. Her heart pounded through her chest as she reached for the doorknob.

  Fuck. It didn’t budge. She wrapped both hands around the knob, determined to open the door. She pulled and twisted; it wasn’t moving. She was trapped, and whether or not her hands and feet were actually bound made no difference whatsoever.

  “Help me! Somebody help me!” she screamed. She felt her mind cross the line of sanity as she started to kick the doorknob. Her frustration grew deeper as she began to punch the door with the sides of her fists. “Help me! Please! Help me!” she screamed as her bloodied fists began to pound at the door.

  “Ah!” She screamed as the floor beneath her feet opened up. Her body fell through the trap door and landed onto a metal chute. She slid down what seemed like several floor levels through a dark metal tunnel. This is it, she thought.

  Her body flew out from the metal shoot and landed onto a soft mattress, right at his feet.

  “I thought we had an agreement,” he said. His voice was angrier than before. “Get up,” he said. She rose up from the floor, happy to still be in one piece but scared to death for what was to come.

  “You’re making this harder than it has to be,” he paused, “but I appreciate your fighting spirit.”

  He grabbed her by her throat and wrapped a black leather collar around her neck. “Unfortunately I can’t have that kind of disobedience around here.”

  She could smell the sex in his voice. And to her own shock, she clenched her legs together, trying to repress the feelings that crept into her private space. How could this be?

  He attached a leash to the collar as he spun her around and pushed her towards a large armchair. “Sit there, on your knees,” he said as he held her leash from behind. She did as he commanded, kneeling on the leather chair with her ass facing him. She still wore the same dress from two nights ago- the same blue dress that she always wore when she wanted to drive men crazy.

  WHACK. “Ow.” She cried out as he spanked her ass hard. And yet somehow, the spanking seemed to bring her more pleasure than actual pain.

  “If you ever,” he said. WHACK. “Ever, try that again, you will sorely regret it.” WHACK. “Do you understand me?” He raised his voice even more as he pulled at her leash.

  “Yes. Yes sir.”

  “Good. I think we understand each other better now,” he said. His hands slid along the side of her ass. “You really are something else,” he said, caressing her backside with his strong hands.

  He lifted her dress up and over her ass, exposing her backside, protected only by thin, lace panties.

  “Oh Amy, I’m going to devour every last part of you.” She heard his breathing pick up as she clenched her legs together tightly, pushing her backside out closer towards his hips. She recognized the sound of his belt coming off, and knew that he was about to have his way with her. She wanted to fight. This is so wrong. So violating. And yet, an inexplicable fire started to burn inside of her.

  “Turn around, slave,” he said, tugging at her leash. She quickly did as he asked, not wanting yet another spanking. She turned in her seat to face his penis, just inches away from her mouth. His member was large, and fully erect. She looked up to see the rest of him.

  “Don’t look at me,” he said, pulling her head down and towards his cock with the leash. He tugged at her leash, bringing her mouth right into his penis and balls. “Now, take me in your mouth.” She hesitated for a moment, but knew her only chance of freedom was to comply at this point. She opened her cute little mouth, and almost couldn’t fit the entire girth of his large cock through her opening.

  “Ah, that’s my girl.” He thrusted his unit into her throat. She massaged the sides of his cock with her tongue as he pumped her mouth hard. His breathing continued to speed up. She knew he was enjoying her work. This is my only chance, she thought. She knew she had to satisfy her captor, whatever that took.

  His hand yanked at the leash, driving his member all the way in her throat. She gagged as the tip of his cock collided with the back of her throat. His free hand reached through the top opening of her dress and grabbed one of her breasts.

  “Such a beautiful body,” he said, massaging her breast with his hand. She peered up at him with her pathetic eyes, only this time he allowed her to look at him as he continued to work his penis in and out of her mouth.

  “I hope you’re still hungry,” he said, breathing harder and harder as she continued to suck on his unit. He pulled her in deeper by the leash. “Oh baby. Oh girl.” he said. She knew he was close. As she looked up at him his head tilted upwards and his eyes were closed. “Yes. Yes Amy. Yes,” he said. She felt a warm stream of liquid ooze out from his penis and pour into the back of her throat. He kept her head in close, giving her every last bit of his warm cum. One last deep breath out as he paused, leaving his cock in her mouth for just a few more moments.

  As he pulled out his member, some remnants of his cum drizzled down her lower lip and onto the front of her chin.

  “Clean yourself up,” he said. “I’ll be back with some dinner later. In the meantime, you’ll be locked in here for the remainder of the day,” he said, pulling up his pants and exiting the dimly lit room.

  She sat there for a moment, a sex slave held captive in some unknown part of Mexico. For all she knew she wasn’t even in Mexico anymore. How long had she been unconscious for when she was drugged? It could have been days. She coul
d be in South America for all she knew.

  She wiped the semen off her chin and collapsed in the armchair. There was nowhere to run. No reason to scream anymore. All she could do was wait. And wonder…

  How long will I have to wait until he returns?

  * * *

  She sat there in her blue dress for hours, waiting for his next move. Until finally, footsteps. His footsteps. Her heart raced hard, not knowing what to expect next. And then, she heard keys rattle as he unlocked her door.

  “Crawl to me,” he ordered. She got off her chair and crawled like a timid dog on her hands and knees, working her way towards her master. “Get up,” he said.

  She rose from all fours in the darkness. He reached to her collar and unhooked the leash, leaving the collar on her neck.

  He lifted her petite body with ease and walked her through the low-lit room, spinning her around and forcing her front side against a cold, hard wall.

  “Open your legs,” he said, spreading her feet wide and locking each foot in place with ankle braces attached to the wall in front of her. “Raise your arms.” She did exactly as she was told. He placed each hand into two cold, metal braces just above her head. Now she was securely locked into place, both her legs and arms spread open, bound to the captor’s wall.

  “I want to apologize for spanking you earlier,” he paused, “but you left me with no choice. Do you understand?”

  “Yes sir,” she said, barely able to get the words out as her entire body clenched in anticipation.

  “Yes, I think you do.” He reached his hand under her dress from behind. She tried to move away, but there was absolutely no more room to move forward as he rubbed her crotch over her panties. She found herself press into his hand, bringing more pressure to her panties. No, this is so wrong, she thought.

  “Hold still, I don’t want any accidents,” he said. She heard the clattering sound of a metal object come from behind her. She froze, completely motionless as he began to cut her dress in half with a pair of scissors that he pulled out from his bag of tricks. He slid her halved dress off her smooth skin, each side falling to the floor beneath her. There she stood, held captive in her panties, rendered completely immobile against the wall.


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