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Jax's Little Girl

Page 10

by Pepper North

  “And they lived happily ever after,” he intoned.

  Ember’s finger carefully traced the last image. “They look like us, Daddy.”

  “They do. Even the story is like ours.”

  “I don’t like some of those pages,” she protested, looking over her shoulder at him.

  “I know. That’s why daddies are in charge, baby. Littles need help to make the best choices. Want to read it again?” he asked softly. The book was an excellent introduction to how daddies care for their Littles. It was a lot to absorb on the first time through.

  “Please,” she asked. Looking back at him, she seemed to struggle to find the right words to say. Finally, she confirmed, “Do all daddies take such good care of their Littles?”

  “The good ones do.”

  Turning back to lean against his chest, Ember’s muscles relaxed. “I’m ready,” she encouraged, helping him turn the beautiful pages back to the first.

  “Once upon a time...” Jax read.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Waking up in her daddy’s arms, Ember couldn’t stop her lips from curving into a smile. She never wanted to be anywhere else but here with Jax. Trying not to wake him, she pressed a kiss to his chest.

  “Hi, baby. I wondered when you would wake up. It’s almost time for you to get ready for work.”

  “What are you going to do today, Daddy?” she asked, propping herself up on one elbow to look at him.

  “We have training maneuvers in two hours. I’ll take you to work and have plenty of time to get to base. Then, when everyone is tired of playing soldier, we’re going to empty your apartment.”

  “Today?” she asked.


  “Will you check on Pockets and Chocolate?” she whispered confidentially. She always hated to tell her stuffie goodbye because he loved her so much. Now she had two stuffies counting on her.

  “I promise to take care of both while you’re at work.” Jax held his free hand up to his chest and drew a large X across his torso.

  Ember felt her lips curve back into a smile as she recited those words of that famous rhyme in her mind. “No needles,” she advised. When he winked at her, she laughed. It had been so long since she laughed. Jax made everything better.

  * * *

  The men moved everything quickly. All were glad that Ember would not return to this neighborhood. No one bothered the obviously trained soldiers as they filled Jax’s truck with her small amount of possessions.

  Standing in the dingy apartment office, Jax held out her key and a card. “This is for Ember Stevens’ apartment. She gives her notice today. You can mail her deposit back here,” Jax stated authoritatively.

  “No one gets their deposit back here. I’ll check for damage. If she wants to know the accounting, she can call here,” the sour-faced man answered after taking the key. He ignored the printed address card.

  “I don’t think you heard the man.” Texas leaned his big bulk forward. All the team’s members were extremely muscular and fit. But the southern-talking massive soldier stood out even among his unit. “You can mail the check with Ember’s deposit to the address on that card.”

  This time, the man accepted the card that Jax held out to him. “I’ll check the apartment. If there is no damage, I’ll return the deposit.” Stepping back, the manager slammed the door. They could hear him turn the deadbolt to lock it securely.

  A rumble of thunder underlined the negative energy in that dingy place. “Come on. Let’s get back to my house before the skies open and everything gets drenched,” Jax suggested.

  A short time later, the men had stored everything in the guest room. Ember’s clothing didn’t fill the closet. Her personal possessions were in boxes at the foot of the bed. Jax texted Ember a picture of all her possessions safely ensconced in her new home and one of Pockets and Chocolate taking a nap in her crib.

  “Come on.” He motioned for everyone to follow him to the kitchen. “I owe you a few rounds.” As soon as everyone settled around the kitchen table with a beer in their hands, the skies opened and it poured. Lightning crashed through the sky in jagged rays of light.

  An incoming message buzzed Jax’s phone. Picking it up, he scanned the message before quickly sending a response.

  Get inside, baby. It’s pouring here and I’ll be there any moment. I don’t want you to get sick.

  Looking up, Jax shared the worrisome message. “Ember went out with one of the construction guys in her golf cart. The general bought her one to get around the gardens. The worker needed to return to meet a delivery. Ember sent him in the vehicle and finished up where they were. Now, she’s walking back in the rain.”

  “Do you need to go get her or take some dry clothes?” Texas asked with brows pulled together in concern.

  “She has some extra clothes at work in case she gets dirty and has to work in the office. I’m sure she’ll change into those,” Jax said, texting those exact instructions to his little girl. As they relaxed after a long day of maneuvers and moving, he looked down at his screen repeatedly, hoping to hear from Ember again.

  * * *

  Shivering in the air-conditioned office, Ember wished she’d changed her clothes as Jax had ordered. She always had additional shirts and jeans just in case something happened outside. The tone of his text had made her rebel. He didn’t get to tell her what to do at work. At home, he was her daddy. At work, she was in charge.

  “Achoo!” The sound of her sneeze drifted into the hallway, attracting the attention of the chief operating officer.

  “I’m sending you home right now, Ember. You need to bring some clothes from home to change into...” Mr. Berkley began before he noted the small, open duffle, containing neatly folded clothes. “Trying to teach someone a lesson? You let me know how that works for you when you’re home with a fever. Call your daddy to come pick you up.”

  “I’m okay, Mr. Berkley. I don’t need to call D—” Her voice trailed off as her foggy brain processed his words. Daddy! He knew she had a daddy.

  “It’s okay, little one. The secret is just between you and me... and your daddy.”

  Unable to think fast enough to come up with a rebuttal to his statement, she grabbed a tissue and blew her nose. Even with that extra time, she couldn’t invent a different excuse. Throwing the tissues in the trash, she asked, “Are you going to fire me?”

  “Not a chance. I need your talent here to make this project happen and continue to enrich the community. Right now, I’m only worried about you. Call your daddy.” He sat down in a chair in front of her desk to wait.

  Reluctantly, Ember picked up the phone and selected Jax’s number. “Hi... achoo! Sorry. I think I’ve caught a cold. Could you come get me early?”

  She listened to Jax’s deep voice answer. “You’re in the lobby? Okay. I’m coming right down,” she promised in a whisper. Was she in trouble?

  “I’m going home now, Mr. Berkley. I’ll make sure I get all my hours in this week,” she rushed to assure the older man seated before her.

  “Take two days off. Let your daddy take care of you,” the older man stated firmly.

  “But I have so much to do,” she protested, gesturing to the papers stacked on her desk.

  “Two days.” He disappeared before she could argue any more.

  Leaning down to gather her things, Ember’s cheek pressed against her desk and she paused there for several seconds to rest. She really didn’t feel good. Jax wouldn’t be pleased, but she really wanted to see him. Pushing herself up, Ember turned off her laptop and stowed it in her desk. She walked to the elevator and pressed the lobby button. Her daddy would take care of her.

  When the elevator doors opened, she rushed forward into Jax’s arms. She didn’t know how she felt so bad so quickly, but some bug had worked its devastation already. He took the small duffle from her hands and wrapped an arm around her waist to guide Ember from the building.

  “Come on, baby. Let’s get you home.”

Jax didn’t lecture or ask a million questions, Ember relaxed. She didn’t feel well enough to argue, and she already knew that she’d made the wrong decision. Ember had a feeling her daddy knew that as well. As he navigated through the city streets, she closed her eyes, relying on him to get her home safely.

  Her lips curved at that thought—home. Already, Jax’s house felt like where she needed to be. Ember’s move had been seamless. Her things were in the guestroom so she could get ready for work, but she could spend the rest of her time with her daddy or in the beautiful nursery. Pockets and Chocolate were besties already. It really was her home.

  Ember blinked, rousing as Jax slid his strong arms around her. She automatically looped an arm around his neck and laid her head on his broad shoulder as he lifted her from the truck. Sniffling, she shivered slightly before pressing herself against his heat.

  “I know, baby. You’re so sick. Daddy’s going to take care of you. I called Doniphan to come make sure you’re okay.” Jax pressed his lips to her temple.

  She wrinkled her forehead as she tried to understand his words. “Doniphan? Why?”

  “Remember, Doniphan is our medic. He patches the squad up to make sure we get home from every mission. He also cares for our Littles. There’s nothing to worry about, baby.”

  Jax carried her through the house into the nursery. Standing her in the middle of the room, he began stripping clothes from her body. “You’re still all wet, baby. No wonder you’ve caught a chill.” Soon she was naked. “Let’s see how sick you’ve made yourself,” Jax murmured as he lifted her back into his arms to lay her on the changing table.

  When he rolled her onto her side, Ember protested weakly, “You took my temperature this morning!”

  “And I’ll take it again now. If you have a fever, I’ll need to monitor your health closely.” Moving adeptly, Jax wrapped a wide band around her ribcage, tethering her securely to the table on her side. “You don’t feel well enough to think clearly, baby. Just relax and let me take care of you.”

  Ember wiggled under the confining belt. It wasn’t uncomfortable, just restrictive. She fought to free herself, but that took too much energy. Slumping on the padded table, she nodded. “Okay, Daddy.” The familiar routine of Jax lubricating her bottom reassured her. His finger slid deep inside her bottom and rotated smoothly.

  “You’re so hot, baby. I know you have a fever. Let’s see how sick you’ve made yourself.” His finger emerged only to be replaced by the thick thermometer.

  It seemed so cold. Ember shivered on the table as the measuring device invaded her body. She felt a whisper of a sensation near her bottom before Jax stepped away to wash his hands. Instantly, she tried to push the cold thermometer out. It didn’t budge.

  “None of that, baby. I’ve made sure that thermometer can’t come out until I remove it.” Quickly, he gathered her hands and restrained them at the top of the table.

  She waited until he moved away, before tugging ineffectively. Ember didn’t have the energy and her daddy was too crafty. She slumped on the table, giving up.

  “Here, Ember. Let’s keep you warm,” Jax comforted her, spreading a blanket over her body and tucking it under her chin.

  “Nice,” she whispered, closing her eyes.

  The doorbell sounded far away. Ember didn’t pay attention to it until she heard the mumble of male voices coming down the hallway. Not wanting anyone to find her like this, she struggled to free herself.

  “Calm down, baby. Doniphan’s here to make sure you’re okay.” Jax’s hands smoothed over the blanket to reassure her. Instantly, Ember felt better with him there. Her daddy would take care of her.

  “Hi, Ember. I hear you’ve caught a chill. I bet your daddy hasn’t shared with you I’m a nurse practitioner. That’s a step under a doctor, so I can treat you and get you feeling better. I take care of my Little, River, as well as Cricket, Hope, and Rosie.”

  “You take care of everyone?” she asked before sneezing.

  “Yes. I’m going to listen to your lungs first, Ember.” Doniphan rustled in the satchel he had to find his stethoscope. Folding the blanket away from her back, Doniphan revealed her body.

  “Wait!” Ember struggled to get away as she lay nude in front of the two men.

  Jax immediately pressed a hand on her thigh to hold her firmly in place. “None of that, Ember. If you don’t cooperate as Doniphan makes sure you’re okay, I will not hesitate to spank your bottom before he continues.”

  “But I’m sick,” she wailed as if that were an excuse to avoid consequences for her behavior.

  “Exactly. Will you be good so Doniphan can help you feel better?” Jax questioned. Reluctantly, Ember nodded and closed her eyes to hide from the two men.

  “Good, you’re taking her temperature. How much time is left?” Doniphan didn’t react to Jax’s spanking threat. It registered in Ember’s slow-moving mind that he probably spanked River as well.

  “It can come out now,” Jax said after checking his watch.

  Ember felt a warm hand rub over her bottom fondly before removing the thermometer. The touch was unfamiliar, and she knew that Doniphan had taken over her care. She peeked over her shoulder to make sure that Jax was still there. Both men looked at the results on the device. She could tell from the subsequent looks they exchanged that she’d really screwed up this time by being stubborn. Promising herself that she would pay attention to her daddy next time, Ember closed her eyes once again.

  “Just me listening to you breathe. Take deep breaths for me, Ember,” Doniphan’s soft voice reassured her. He pressed the cold disk to her back and to her chest. With her hands fastened over her head, Ember could not cover herself from his view. How would she ever look at him... or River, ever again?

  As if he could read her mind, Doniphan comforted her, “I’m treating you as a medical professional. Nothing will change for our social activities. River is glad that I can help you feel better. She was pretty worried about you when Jax called and asked me to come over.”

  “Really?” she asked, looking up at him.

  “Absolutely. Now, I’m going to focus on helping you recover, okay?”

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “You are very welcome.” Doniphan turned to Jax as Ember coughed. “Let’s sit her up so I can check a few other things.”

  Quickly, the men freed her from all the restraints and helped her up. Jax stayed by her side to help support her as her energy evaporated. Doniphan checked her eyes, ears, and throat.

  “Hide your eyes against your daddy, Ember. I’m going to take a little blood to run some tests. That will help me see if you need any vitamins or supplements. We want you to be so healthy that a rain shower doesn’t make you sick next time.”

  As Ember turned to press her face to Jax’s chest, Doniphan skillfully drew her blood. When he unfastened the tourniquet around her arm, she looked at him in surprise. “That’s it?” she asked.

  “That’s it, little girl.” Doniphan winked at her. “I had to develop skills when I became the medic to this group. The guys like to pretend they’re big and mean, but between you and me,” he leaned in to whisper to her, “they don’t like needles either.”

  Ember looked at Jax and laughed when he ruefully nodded his head. Unfortunately, that set off another wave of coughing. She laid her cheek back on her daddy’s shoulder.

  “Jax, is Ember on birth control?” Doniphan asked.

  “No. We’d like to talk to you about that,” Jax said, rubbing a comforting hand along Ember’s arm.

  “Do I need to run any tests on either of you?” Doniphan asked pointedly.

  “No,” whispered Ember without looking at him.

  “No one since before our last full physical.”

  “Perfect. Keep using protection. Ember, you will feel better in a few days. I’ll make an appointment with your daddy for you to have a full physical at my home office next week, okay?” Doniphan asked, brushing the hair back from her forehead.

nbsp; “Okay,” she whispered and began coughing again.

  “Jax, sleep and lots of liquids will help Ember feel better fastest. Broth-based soups are perfect. Avoid anything that will scratch her throat. Give her a bottle every two hours of the supplement I leave for you. I’m going to give you a suppository also to administer every four hours for the rest of today and tomorrow. No work for you, little girl, tomorrow.”

  Ember nodded her head obediently. She wasn’t going to argue with two daddies. That was just crazy. She changed her mind at Doniphan’s next instruction.

  “Let’s lay her down and start the suppositories. I’ll have you insert two to begin and then one every four hours. Set a timer for overnight. When you run out, Ember should be on the road to recovery. If she still feels bad in two days, let me know so I can make sure we’re not dealing with pneumonia. If her fever spikes or you have any concerns, call.”

  The two men shifted Ember easily between them. She heard the crinkle of a wrapper before feeling Jax lift her top buttock to expose that small entrance. “No,” she moaned. “I don’t want any medicine.” The two men shushed her and continued their movements.

  “Lubricate her bottom if she’s not already prepared. Now, you can just place the first,” Doniphan coached Jax.

  “Nooo! I don’t want it,” Ember protested as Jax’s thick finger pushed something large into her bottom. She tried to wiggle away, but the two men held her securely in place.

  “That’s perfect. Now, the second.”

  “I can feel her trying to push the medicine out,” Jax said when he had the second pressed as high as possible.

  “Littles can be naughty.” Doniphan rummaged in his bag and produced a rubber plug. Unwrapping it, he handed it to Jax as Ember watched in horror. “Put this in for an hour after you insert the medicine if Ember is not cooperating. That will keep the medicine in place. Prop her up on pillows or tilt the top of her crib mattress with books or bricks so it’s elevated approximately four inches. That will help cut down on her coughing,” Doniphan instructed.

  “I’m sleepy.” Ember yawned so widely her jaw popped.


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