Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2)

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Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2) Page 8

by Theresa Sederholt

  She opens her mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. She closes it shakes her head. “Okay, Jax, what’s for lunch?”

  I lean my forehead against hers, “Do you see how much easier life is when you’re agreeable?”

  She rolls her eyes. “Lunch, Jax—now, because I’m not even going to dignify that with an answer.”

  “I’ll order room service, what would you like?”

  “The fruit and cheese platter with a cup of chai tea, please. I’m going to shower.”

  “I’ll order, and then come in to wash your back.”

  “Ha, is that what we’re calling it now?”

  As I watch her arse sway, I know I’ll be doing a lot more than washing her back.

  I hurry up and order the food, then race to the shower, ripping my clothes off along the way. I open the door, and the sight before me brings me to my knees. Oh sweet Jesus, and all that is holy! She’s standing in the shower with the water cascading down her back. She has one leg on the shower bench as she squats down. Her hands are clasped behind her back, pushing those beautiful breasts out. I’m frozen in place, staring at her.

  “Um, sweetheart what are you doing?”

  “Stretching after the long flight, Jax.”

  Stretching? She’s not stretching—she’s fucking trying to kill me!

  Now she switches legs and I’m still frozen in place, mesmerized by her beauty.

  “I thought you were going to wash my back for me?”

  I snap out of my trance and race into the shower. I drop to my knees and worship that beautiful arse, kissing and nipping my way between her legs. Front to back and I’m not letting up. I’m working my fingers and my tongue; completely filling her. She’s on the edge ready to fall, and watching her is a surreal experience.

  “Jax, I’m there, please. I need you deep inside me now.”

  I get up and grab her hips from behind, slamming my cock deep inside of her. That’s all it takes to tip her over the edge. She’s shaking and screaming my name, over and over again. I pull out and turn her around, “My turn, sweetheart.”

  She knows what I want, and I can tell she wants it too. She kisses each one of my nipples before, dropping to her knees. She takes hold of my engorged cock and kisses the tip. She looks up at me before swirling her tongue around the head of my cock. I know she can taste herself on me and I can’t begin to describe what that knowledge does to me. She works her way down very slowly, pumping me and taking me so deep.

  “Deeper, please . . . oh, God . . . sweetheart.”

  My hips start to move, meeting her thrust for thrust. She squeezes the base of my cock to hold off my orgasm, while working my sac with just the right firmness. As she eases up on my cock, it swells, ready to explode.—She nips the head. I scream her name as I erupt fiercely. In one quick swoop, I reach down and pull her up.

  “Turn around and put your foot up on the seat again now!” I bark then slam into her as soon as she does. I groan and nibble at her ear.

  “Jax, how?”

  “Fuck if I know, sweetheart, it’s you, only you. I’m going to move now, are you ready, ‘cause I need it hard.”

  “I’m there, Jax.”

  I grasp her hips for leverage and pound into her. I lose all control; I can’t get enough. I want to be deeper, harder, further than ever before. “Fuck, Raven!”

  We both explode. I pump into her a few more times, then collapse on her back for a moment before sliding out of her. I slowly turn to sit on the shower bench, bringing her with me to cradle her in my lap.

  “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

  “I can’t move. Can we just sit here and nap for a bit?”

  “Don’t worry, I will wash us as soon as I find my legs.”

  I try to get up, but she’s not helping at all. I look down and she’s out cold. I need to get us up off the bench, and put her to bed. I get up without dropping her and rinse her off the best I can. I wrap her in towels, drying her off. I can’t believe she’s sleeping through all of this. I get us into the bed and tuck her into my side. When I get to watch her sleep, I realize how lucky I am. Now, I just have to figure out a way to convince her to marry me.

  WE HEAD INSIDE THE clinic in silence. My grip on Jax’s hand is so tight. I’m scared to finally face my mother, especially since I read her journal. I know all that she went through, and the torment of losing the love of her life and a child. What she must have went through, being pregnant with the spawn of Satan. Knowing that I’m carrying a baby that was made from love, and feeling it growing inside me everyday, reminds me of that gift of love. My mother was reminded of horrific violence everyday that she carried Duke.

  After signing all the necessary papers, the nurse leads us to a solarium where I see a beautiful woman with a sketchpad lost in her work. I realize that I’m shaking, and squeezing Jax’s hand so hard I think I cut off the circulation. My God, she’s beautiful. More beautiful than I remembered, with her: porcelain skin, crystal blue eyes, and golden blonde hair.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart, just be your beautiful kind self and take it slow.”

  Mom is busy sketching, and doesn’t see Jax pull up two chairs. As we sit down, Jax introduces us, but she doesn’t look up, she keeps sketching. I don’t know what I was expecting, Max said she hasn’t spoken since she was brought here. I guess I was hoping for some recognition; any sign of the mother I remember. I’m ready to bolt and Jax knows it; he puts his arm around me, slowly rubbing circles on my shoulder. I lean in to see what she is sketching and I freeze—it’s me!

  I whisper, “Jax, look at the sketch.”

  He leans in, “Hello, Gabriella, my name is, Jax. Would you mind if I looked at your sketches?”

  She smiles and hands him the pad. As he begins to flip through the pages, she closes her eyes. I look over as Jax turns the pages, and all of the pictures are of me when she last saw me. I realize this must be her way of remembering me.

  Mom looks down at her lap, not saying anything. I have no clue what to do for her. I feel so inadequate, but Jax is a take action type of guy. He reaches in and runs his hand down the side of her face.

  “Gabriella, you are safe. Can you look at me?” he asks.

  Her eyes shoot up to his, searching them. “Ma’am, I’m going to show you someone, and I need you to look into her eyes. Can you do that for me?”

  She nods yes, and Jax lifts her head towards me.

  “Gabriella, look into her eyes, do you know who she is?”

  My eyes lock onto hers, and I see the moment when she realizes who I am. Her eyes become wide and she starts to shake. ”Cara?” she whispers through her tears.

  I gasp, “Yes, Mom, it’s me, your Cara.” I can’t hold back my tears any longer.

  She reaches her hand up to my face; they are so small and delicate. She brushes her fingertips along my cheek, “You’re so beautiful. You have my mother’s eyes,” she whispers.

  I’m in shock. “Jax, get the doctor—she’s speaking!”

  She smiles, “Your father, he loved you so much. You have his hair, so dark and silky, like that of a raven.”

  The doctors come running, but stop when they reach us, probably to avoid scaring her.

  “Cara, where have you been? I’ve waited so long for you.”

  I’m trying to keep it together. I don’t want to overwhelm her. “Mom, I only just found out that you’re alive.”

  Her eyes grow wide. “But where is Joseph? He knew I was here.”

  I’m at a loss, I don’t know how much she could handle in her fragile state.

  Jax takes her hand. “Gabriella, let’s start out slow for today. I promise you, we will answer all of your questions, but right now, the doctors want to talk to you. Is that okay?”

  She squeezes Jax’s hand, “Who are you?”

  He gifts her with his beautiful smile and twinkling eyes. “My name is Jax, and I am the man who is madly in love with your beautiful daughter.”

  She reaches her hand to his face, and
runs it down his cheek. “You’re such a beautiful man, and I can see so much love in your eyes.”

  The doctors step up, and begin to ask her questions, but she wants nothing to do with them. “I assure you, I’m fine. I would like to talk to my daughter.”

  “Mom, this is such a shock, can we take it slow?”

  She sighs, “I have been here for twenty years, how much slower do you want me to go?”

  I fight not to cry. “I just don’t want to lose you again. I need my mother in my life.”

  “You never lost me, Cara. I’ve been waiting here for twenty years to see you again. Where is Joseph? He promised someday it would be safe to bring you back to me.” She reaches up and wipes away my tears. “Shh, Cara, no more tears. I will go slowly for you. But please, tell me one thing—tell me you’re happy . . . that it was all worth it?”

  I don’t want her to know how much hurt and pain I’ve been through. I don’t want her to have a setback. “I’m happy, Mom, very happy.”

  She looks back and forth between Jax and me. “I have so many questions for you, but first, where is Joseph?”

  Just then, the nurse comes with a tray of food. I look at Jax and by the look of disgust on his face, I know what’s coming. I take a deep breath and wait. He gets up and excuses himself. Okay, not what I was expecting. I figured one look at what was on that tray and he would flip out.

  “Mom, are they taking good care of you here?”

  She nods, “It’s comfortable, but it’s not home. Where is Joseph? He hasn’t come back in a very long time.”

  Interesting. “Did he visit you often?”

  She shakes her head, “He would usually come once a month. Those visits were becoming less and less.”

  I need information, but I also know not to push her. I need to keep it simple.

  “What did he tell you, when he would visit?”

  She has a faraway look on her face. “He would just sit here. Sometimes he would read, and other times, he would talk about a girl he called Raven.”

  I feel light-headed, and the faces around me are starting to spin. I hear yelling, and I realize it’s my mom yelling for Jax, and calling out to me, right before everything goes black.

  As I slowly open my eyes, I’m hit with those bluest of blues, I have come to love so much. I whisper, “Jax.”

  I see the fear in his eyes. “Hey, sweetheart, you’re back. Don’t scare me like that again, okay?”

  I nod. “What happened?”

  He growls, “You passed out.”

  I try to jump up, “The baby!”

  He holds me tightly. “The baby is fine, but you need to rest. I guess now is a good time to tell your mum that we’re having a baby.”

  My mom is kneeling next to me, “Is this why you came looking for me?”

  Before I can answer, Jax takes her hand. “No, ma’am, we only just found out that you’re alive. Once Cara knew, there was nothing that would stop her from getting to you. There is a lot that you don’t know, but because of your health, we have chosen to take it one day at a time. I spoke with your doctors, and as soon as our business is finished here, we will be taking you back to the States with us. In the meantime, I need to feed our girl, and she needs some rest. If it’s okay with you, I have ordered food to be brought here so we can all eat together. After, I will take Cara back to the hotel for some rest.”

  She smiles at Jax, “You’re a take charge kind of man, aren’t you?”

  I can’t help but giggle. “Oh, Mom, you don’t even know the half of it!”

  “SO, CARA, WHEN IS your baby due?”

  I smile, my hands instantly go to my tummy. “Early August.”

  “Do you know what you’re having?”

  I shake my head, “No, I don’t want to know, I just want a healthy baby.”

  She takes my hand and squeezes it tightly. “Did Joseph die?”

  I don’t know what to say, but I realize it’s the truth that she needs right now more than anything else. “Yes, he died of pancreatic cancer.”

  She drops my hand and gets up. “I think I’ve had enough for today, and you need to rest. Will you come back tomorrow?”

  I get up and hug her. “Yes mom, I will be here everyday until we move you.”

  “Thank you, Cara, and thank you, Jax, for all that you have done for my daughter.”

  Jax gets up and pulls Gabriella into his arms. “Ma’am, it’s me that should be thanking you for giving me the most beautiful girl in the world.”

  She kisses us both. “Goodnight, I will see you tomorrow.” And with that, she leaves.

  As I watch her walk away, I think about the amount of information she doesn’t know, and I’m not sure how much she can take.

  “Jax, maybe I shouldn’t have told her about Joseph?”

  He strokes my arm, knowing that I need the constant connection. “Honestly, I think she needs the truth, right now. She is not as frail as you think. Everyone deals with grief differently. She mourned your dad, and maybe after the adoption, she grieved for you the same way. We need to take things slow with her. Giving her small amounts of information at a time. Remember, she has twenty years to catch up on, and we don’t know what Joseph told her. Apparently, he spoke to her about you as Raven, but it seems that she didn’t know that is your adoptive name.”

  I grab onto Jax. “I just want to scream, but what good will it do?”

  He pulls me closer, “Getting upset is not good for you or our baby. Lets head back to the hotel, so you can get some rest.”

  I kiss him, so blessed to have him with me throughout all the madness. “Jax, right now, I’m so grateful that I don’t have to think about anything. Have I told you today that I love you?”

  He gives me that smile, “Yes, but you can never tell me too much.”

  WE GET BACK TO the hotel and Raven is so tired, I just want to carry her. She lets me. I put her on the bed and start to undress her.

  “Sweetheart, I really need to get you something to sleep in other than my dress shirts.” Her lip begins to quiver, and her tears are falling. “Hey, why the tears?”

  “Jax, I love sleeping in your shirts. It’s what saved me when I was kidnapped. I was able to smell you all around me. I didn’t feel so lost and alone.”

  My heart aches for all she went through. “Well, that settles it, you can sleep in my shirts, and I will make sure I put everyone of them on before you do.” I reach in and kiss her soft lips. “Do you want me to snuggle with you while you fall asleep?”

  “Yes please, when I fall asleep within your arms, I feel safe.”

  “You don’t have to explain, sweetheart. I love that you need me for the simple things.” I open my arms for her and she crawls up into my lap. Before I know it, she is out cold. I could watch her sleep like this for the rest of my life. She is so beautiful. I wish I could shelter her from everything that would hurt her, but I know it’s not realistic. Tomorrow is going to be another hard day for her. I haven’t told her about Max, and what he is planning. I know if I do, she will push Jackie to come back and stop Max. I can’t let Max leave. I know it’s selfish but I never claimed to be a saint. Who am I kidding? I’m a self-proclaimed bastard when it comes to keeping my family together and safe.

  MORNING COMES AND RAVEN is still snuggled up next to me, awake and kissing my chest lightly. “Good morning, my beautiful girl.”

  Hmm, “Good morning, my beautiful man. Jax, I need you.”

  My eyes open wide. “Well, you don’t have to tell me twice. Are you ready for me?”

  “Oh, I’m always ready for you. I only have to look into those beautiful eyes and my whole body tingles.”

  I try to flip her onto her back, but she stops me. “Oh no, mister, today, I’m driving the car.”

  HIS FACE LIGHTS UP as I kiss down his chest. I lick the V that I have come to love, and then right down the happy trail. His cock is so hard, yet silky smooth. I love that I can give him this. I slowly swirl my tongue around the head. He closes
his eyes and tilts his head all the way back. When I look at him in this position, I can see him coming apart; it’s breathtaking to watch. I want to freeze this picture in my head forever.

  “Raven, baby, real deep and slow for me, please, sweetheart.”

  I give him what he wants. I take his cock really deep, and then slowly work my way up. When I reach the top, I stop and watch him—he’s really trying to hold it together.

  “Oh sweet Jesus and all that’s holy, ride me, sweetheart, please. I need to be buried balls deep inside of you.”

  I love when he gets like this; it’s just so erotic to see. I crawl up and slowly lower myself onto his beautiful cock, and when he is totally buried within me, I stop. “Look at me now, Jax. You are all mine and only mine, now and forever.” I run my hands up my chest stopping at my nipples, playing with them just the way I know he likes to. When he reaches his hands up, I push them away. “Not yet, Jax, just watch.” I slowly rock my hips back and forth, still playing with my nipples. I look down at him, relishing how beautiful he is. I go up and down again really slowly, using my core to clench his cock. He leans up and takes one of my nipples between his teeth and I’m coming and screaming. Jax is not far behind me.

  He’s breathing heavy. “Sweetheart, when you do that clench thing around my cock, I swear it feels like the poor fuckers head is going to explode.”

  I look at him, my eyes are wide and begin laughing.

  “What are you laughing at?”

  I’m really trying to control my laughing. “Oh, Jax, I can’t wait to see how you will explain the birds and the bees to your son one day.”

  The look of utter fear on his face is not lost on me. “Now, it’s my turn to have some fun, sweetheart.”

  He flips me over and begins kissing my neck really slow, when all of a sudden, his watch beeps. Before he can say anything I jump in first, “Oh no you don’t, mister, you’re not stopping now.”

  He stops kissing me, “Raven, you have to eat.”

  I reach over, pick up the watch, and fling it across the room! “That’s what I think about that fucking alarm, and before you say anything about my mouth, the baby is sleeping now, so quit teasing me. I want you and I want you now!”


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