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Lynn Ames - Beyond Instinct

Page 5

by Lynn Ames

  “No. I take it that means you’d like me to bore you with the extended version?”

  “I seriously doubt you could bore me, Sage.” Because she still wanted to, Vaughn touched Sage fleetingly on the back of the hand. Soft.

  “Right. Umm…right. Well, as I told you, I went into the Peace Corps straight out of college. When I came back, I was at loose ends. I knew I wanted to do more with what I had learned and experienced, but I had no idea where to start.”

  “Hmm,” Vaughn said. “I imagine coming back to the States must have been a bit of a culture shock for you.”

  Sage laughed. “No kidding. Between the time I left and the time I came back there were so many new technological advances I felt like I’d fallen into the Twilight Zone. It was major sensory overload.”

  “How long did that last?”

  “Longer than I want to admit.” Sage got up and walked a few steps toward the pool. She stared into the water and spoke with her back to Vaughn. “I was sort of a lost soul for about a year. Then I decided to go to grad school. I did an extended program and got my masters and PhD. Worked my way through by teaching French at night to continuing-education students.”

  “Sounds like a full load.”

  Sage returned to the table and rested her arms on the back of her chair. “I didn’t have much time to think about it then, nor did I want to. I think if I’d analyzed how much I was taking on, it would have paralyzed me. My parents never put all that much value on my education, nor did they understand my passion for third-world countries. So I was on my own.”

  “Without any support system.” Vaughn noted the lines of tension that had formed around Sage’s mouth. She wished she could make them go away.

  “Pretty much.” Sage pushed off the chair and turned away. “I’d better go check on dinner.”

  “Don’t—” Vaughn jumped up and intercepted her. “Don’t run away.” She put her hands on Sage’s shoulders. “I didn’t mean to bring up painful memories. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay.”

  Vaughn felt Sage relax under her touch. The contact had quite a different effect on Vaughn. She swallowed hard. It was simply that she hadn’t been with a woman since… That had to be it. Get a grip, Elliott. She dropped her hands to her sides. “What was your degree in?”

  “International Studies. American University’s School of International Service.”

  “So I guess I should call you ‘doctor’ then, eh?”

  “That would be overkill. Thanks for the thought, though.”

  Vaughn noted that she was still within Sage’s personal space, and that neither one of them had made any effort to move. “And then?” She held Sage’s gaze.

  “A professor of mine recommended the diplomatic corps. I took the appropriate tests.” Sage shrugged. “The rest, as they say, is history.” She stood there a moment longer. “I really do have to check on dinner.”

  “Shall I go with you?”

  “That won’t be necessary. I’ll only be a minute.”

  When she was alone in the kitchen, Sage braced her arms against the counter. “For the love of Pete.” Her cheeks were flushed and her heart was fluttering in her chest. There was something so magnetic about Vaughn. “This is ridiculous. She’s moody…she can be rude and abrasive…I don’t want to be attracted to her.”

  Sage went to the sink and splashed cold water on her face. “I’m just going to keep my distance, that’s all.”

  “Keep your distance from what?”

  Sage gasped and her pulse hammered in her ears. “Don’t do that!”

  “Let me guess. I startled you again.”

  Sage’s cheeks were on fire. How much had Vaughn heard? “Keep my distance from hot ovens on hot nights.” Lame. “Dinner will be ready in about five minutes.”

  “Great. I’m starving.”

  Sage didn’t want to look at Vaughn, so she busied herself getting dishes from the cupboard.

  “Can I help?”

  Sage could hear the amusement in Vaughn’s voice as she struggled on her tip toes to reach the top shelf. “No. You can sit down at the table. I can handle this.”

  “I’m sure you can.”

  Sage got her fingertips on the plates and eased them toward her. She would rather have had bamboo shoots shoved under her fingernails than admit she needed help.

  When she turned her head around, Vaughn was—what? Staring at her backside? Sage narrowed her eyes and brought the dishes to the table, setting them down a little harder than was required. Should she address the growing sexual tension between them or ignore it? After the day she’d had, Sage didn’t feel like playing games. “Nice view?”

  “Actually, it was.”

  “Glad I could provide some entertainment for you.” Although she knew she was blushing again, Sage didn’t look away.

  “I’m sorry. I’m sure that was rude, but I did offer to help.”

  “Yes, you did. So, what’re you saying, it’s my own fault you were forced to stare?”

  “Did I truly offend you or are you just in a feisty mood?”

  Sage relented. “Feisty, I guess. Remnants of the day. I apologize.” She rolled her shoulders to loosen the tight muscles.

  “I could do that, if you like.”

  Sage went rigid. Was Vaughn playing with her or was it more than that? “No, thanks.” Unconsciously, Sage wiped her palms on her jeans. The timer sounded, and she gratefully busied herself taking the food out of the oven.

  “My mouth is watering.”

  So is mine. She wasn’t thinking about the food. “Maybe you’d better taste it before you make up your mind.”

  “I’m sure I’ll love it,” Vaughn said suggestively.

  I can’t take much more of this. Time to get on safe ground. “You know all about me now, and I know nothing about you. Tell me something about yourself.”

  “There’s not much to tell.”

  “I don’t believe that for a second.” Sage placed the chicken on their plates, then turned her attention to dressing the salad. “You’re obviously a highly intelligent woman. Why law enforcement?”

  Vaughn looked thoughtful for a moment, and Sage wondered if perhaps she was deciding how much she wanted to share.

  “I guess I was a lot like you—I wanted to save the world. You chose diplomacy, and I chose justice.”

  There was a wistful quality to Vaughn’s voice that Sage hadn’t heard before. “Why justice?”

  “Actually, it sort of chose me.”

  “That’s an enigmatic thing to say.”

  “Is it?”

  Sage watched as Vaughn took a forkful of food, moaned in delight, and threw her head back. Sage swallowed hard and licked her lips. She would’ve given anything at that moment to have been the cause of that reaction.

  “It’s…” Sage cleared her suddenly dry throat. “It’s okay?”

  “It’s marvelous. You can cook for me anytime.”

  “Thank you. I figured since you had the coq au vin at lunch yesterday, it was a safe bet that you liked chicken.”

  “Very observant of you. Yes, I’d eat chicken every night of the week if I could get away with it.”

  “You can’t? Get away with it, I mean?” Was there someone at home who cooked for Vaughn? Sage felt an unwelcome surge of jealousy.

  “More like I don’t often bother cooking for one.”

  Sage let out the breath she was holding. “Oh.” She wondered if her relief was obvious. “You said you learned French studying in Paris. How did that come about?”

  “My father traveled a lot. He was stationed in France for several years, so I was enrolled in a French school. When I got there, I didn’t speak a word of the language.”

  “That must have been awful for you.”

  “Nah, I picked it up pretty quickly.”

  “Did your mother come with you?”

  “She died when I was only a few months old. I never knew her.”

  “Oh, Vaughn.” Sage couldn’t help her
self. She reached across the table and covered Vaughn’s hand with her own. “I’m so sorry.”

  Vaughn shrugged. “I didn’t miss what I never had, although sometimes I missed the idea of her.”

  There was the wistfulness again, and a vulnerability Sage doubted Vaughn showed often. “Your dad never remarried?”

  “As far as I know, he never even considered it. He was a lone wolf who was very fond of rules and routine. I don’t think there was any room in his life for anyone else.”

  “But surely he had room for you.”

  “As long as I didn’t get in his way.”

  Sage noted the edge of sadness in Vaughn’s eyes. She could imagine the small child, in a foreign land, struggling with an unfamiliar language, with no friends and no affection. It made her want to weep. “Sounds lonely.”

  Vaughn finally removed her hand from underneath Sage’s. Sage immediately missed her touch.

  “It was all I knew.”

  “That doesn’t make it any better.”

  “I did all right.”

  Sage sensed that Vaughn wasn’t someone who would accept pity. Time to change the subject again. “Du café?”

  “Bien sûr. This is a top-flight restaurant. I’ll have to remember to leave a generous tip.”

  Impulsively, Sage said, “Well, we want to be sure you’ll eat here often.”

  Sage went back to the cupboard, this time acutely aware of the view she was affording Vaughn as she stood on her tip toes to reach the cups and saucers.

  A pair of hands reached above hers at the same moment she felt the weight of Vaughn’s body pressing against hers. A frisson of excitement coursed through her, and she shivered involuntarily.

  “I hate to see a girl struggle.”

  Vaughn’s voice was a seductive purr in her ear, and Sage’s legs wobbled.

  “Let me,” Vaughn said, taking the china from Sage’s unsteady hands and placing it on the counter.

  Sage turned in the circle of Vaughn’s arms. She looked up slowly to see those intense eyes staring hungrily at her. Without thinking, she framed Vaughn’s face with her hands and ran her thumbs over generous lips. When she followed the thumbs with her tongue, Vaughn grabbed her arms.

  “Sage.” Vaughn’s voice was full of needs, wants, and regrets.

  “Don’t talk,” Sage urged. She tugged on Vaughn’s lower lip with her teeth. She was rewarded with a gasp and a tightening of the hands on her biceps.

  “Sage.” Vaughn pulled her head back. “I want you—God knows I do…”

  “Then stop talking.” Sage licked the spot she’d nipped.

  “You’re too good for this.”

  “Too good to make love with you? Surely you have a higher opinion of yourself than that.” Sage shifted subtly so that her thigh was nestled in between Vaughn’s legs. “Or is that a nice way of saying I’m not good enough for you?” Insecurity dampened the fire burning in Sage.

  Vaughn must have seen the flicker of hurt, because she leaned down and captured Sage’s mouth in a heart-stopping kiss. “No, it’s definitely not that,” she said against Sage’s lips long moments later.

  Sage’s eyes fluttered open. Idly, she noted that Vaughn’s eyes were heavy-lidded with desire. No, definitely not that. “Then we don’t have a problem.” She leaned in for another kiss. Again, Vaughn stopped her.

  “You need to understand. I haven’t done this in a very long time. I…I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t, Vaughn.” There was a genuine gentleness in Vaughn’s kiss that told Sage she had nothing to worry about on that front.

  “That’s not what I’m talking about. I mean I can’t—I won’t—get involved. I have nothing to give emotionally.”

  Sage opened her mouth to say something and then closed it again. There was a finality in Vaughn’s voice that she imagined masked a devastating hurt. It made her want Vaughn that much more.

  “I’m not asking you to marry me. I’m a big girl, Vaughn. I know what I want, and right now what I want is to make love with you.” Sage punctuated the point by removing her shirt. She watched Vaughn’s eyes widen first in surprise and then in lust. She was glad she’d chosen the black lace bra.

  Slowly, she unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans to reveal a hint of the matching panties. She watched Vaughn’s gaze follow her movements. It made her feel reckless in a way she never had before. One-night stands were something Sage McNally read about in romance novels, not something she did. “See anything you like?”

  Vaughn growled low in her throat. Her fingers reached out and gently stroked the tops of Sage’s breasts. With equal care, she reached behind and unfastened the bra, slipped the straps off sensuous bare shoulders, and let it fall to the floor. For several heartbeats, she simply stood there looking.

  “As a matter of fact, I do see something I like.”

  Before Sage had a chance to react, Vaughn’s mouth was hot on her breast, her tongue teasing Sage’s erect nipple.

  “Oh, God, yes.” Sage fisted her hands in Vaughn’s hair and pulled her closer. Vaughn’s hands slid under her panties, a finger gliding fleetingly through her wetness before both hands settled on her buttocks.

  “Ngh.” Sage was incoherent with need. “Please.” She clawed at Vaughn’s shirt, ripping it from her pants. Her fingers kneaded the soft skin and firm muscles of Vaughn’s back.

  Vaughn picked her up by the hips and deposited her on the counter, shoving aside the dishes. Her lips were hot against Sage’s abdomen, and Sage shoved at her own jeans to get them out of the way.

  In seconds, the jeans were on the floor, and Vaughn’s mouth was against the satin of her panties. Sage spread her legs wider, begging Vaughn to take her. When Vaughn ran her index fingers under the material and stroked her lower belly, Sage couldn’t stand it any more.

  “God, Vaughn. Take me. Now.”

  The words seemed to unleash something primal in Vaughn. She tore the panties from Sage’s body and pulled her forward toward the edge of the counter. A finger flicked again through Sage’s wetness before Vaughn lowered her head to feast.

  Sage’s whole body jolted at the sensation of Vaughn’s mouth devouring her. Her heartbeat thudded in her ears as the first orgasm ripped through her. Before she had a chance to catch her breath, Vaughn entered her with two fingers, then three, filling her, bringing her rapidly to another peak, and then another. Sage sunk her fingers into Vaughn’s shoulders, needing the contact to tether her to the earth. Her body shuddered one last time and her breathing began to settle.

  As she was about to open her mouth to speak, Vaughn picked her up from the counter. Reflexively she wrapped her legs around Vaughn’s waist. The sensation of her hot, slick center against Vaughn’s bare abdomen set off new shockwaves of pleasure.

  Vaguely, she wondered how Vaughn’s shirt had lost its buttons, but she ceased to think when Vaughn deposited her on her back on the bed. Hot, ravenous kisses rained down on her breasts, her belly, and her inner thighs.

  “Vaughn—” Sage’s voice strangled on a sob when Vaughn’s tongue lapped at her center, then stroked the length of her clit. Vaughn’s mouth continued its quest as her fingers matched the rhythm of her tongue, buried deep inside Sage.

  Sage felt herself cleave in two as the climax ripped through her. She clung to Vaughn, her breath still coming in pants, her mind a complete blank. Slowly, she eased her grip. She brushed the hair from Vaughn’s face.

  “Are you okay?” Vaughn asked the question softly, as if she was afraid of her own power.

  “I’ll let you know when I can think again.” Sage laughed. When she saw the shadows cross Vaughn’s face, she sat up. “I’m fine, Vaughn.”

  To Sage’s shock, Vaughn began to cry.

  “No, no, no. Stop.” Sage pulled Vaughn to her and rocked her.

  “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”

  “Vaughn, look at me.” Sage put two fingers under Vaughn’s chin and lifted her head so that they were eye-to-eye. “You were fanta
stic. Amazing. You didn’t hurt me, and you didn’t do anything I didn’t want you to. I’m the one who seduced you, remember?”

  Vaughn swiped angrily at the moisture on her face. “I should’ve been stronger.”

  “Please don’t ruin the most incredible sexual experience of my life. No one has ever made me come like that. No one.” She ran her fingers through Vaughn’s tangled mane and kissed her forehead. “Please stop beating yourself up. I don’t want to feel badly about tonight. I want to savor it.”

  Vaughn gave an embarrassed laugh. “Are you for real?”

  “Of course I am.” Sage teased Vaughn’s lips apart with her tongue and kissed her sweetly. “Doesn’t that feel real to you?”

  “I’m not sure.” Vaughn smiled, and Sage thought it might be the most beautiful sight she’d ever seen.

  “Well, I’d better do something to make you sure.” Sage ran her tongue along Vaughn’s jaw and down her throat. She felt the pulse pick up under her ministrations.



  Vaughn pushed her away with difficulty. “I can’t.”

  “Of course you can.” Sage resumed her exploration. Her fingers trailed down Vaughn’s side, and stopped abruptly when they encountered a jagged ridge. “What’s—”

  “No.” Vaughn pushed her away more forcefully. “Don’t.”

  For the first time, Sage noticed a wild edge of fear in Vaughn’s eyes. She looked like she was about to bolt.

  “Okay.” Sage stroked her face. “Okay, Vaughn. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not you.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “I just—”

  “Shh. You don’t need to explain it to me.” Sage pulled Vaughn to her and rocked her again until she felt both of their heartbeats settle.

  Vaughn started to get up.

  “No,” Sage said. “Please don’t go.”


  “Please, Vaughn. Stay the night. Hold me.” She could see Vaughn weighing her decision. “I promise not to misinterpret anything or to touch you anywhere you don’t want to be touched. I just want to lie with you.”

  Without a word, Vaughn slipped out of her jeans and unhooked her bra. She stretched out and opened her arms.


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