Book Read Free

Sweet Salvation

Page 7

by Maddie Taylor

  “Where are we going tonight?”

  “I thought we’d have dinner, then go back to my place, if you’d like. I’ve hung at your place all week. I thought it was time to show off mine.”

  She got quiet as she immediately imagined her first time with Jared. She’d dreamed about it all week; well, as soon as her knee had stopped throbbing. As she healed, she’d traded one throbbing for another. He’d seen her every day this week, sometimes twice if they were able to squeeze in lunch around his schedule. He kissed her often, passionately, hungrily, but he hadn’t taken it any further. Would he make his move tonight? Did she want him to? He was her boss. Would it be awkward if things didn’t work out? Of course, that would be difficult, but she wanted him, so badly.

  He reached out and captured her hand, his enveloping her much smaller one and squeezing it gently. “You don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for, Stacy. If you’re uncomfortable going to my place, we can do something else.”

  She wouldn’t describe it as uncomfortable, more like excited, eager, or raring to go, but she couldn’t tell him that and come off looking like the sex-starved woman she was. Her response instead was nonchalant. “It’s not that; I was just wondering if I was dressed all right for dinner.”

  He laughed shortly. “You look gorgeous. The dress is perfect, but you’re a terrible liar.”

  She ignored him and his last comment. “It’s been a while since I’ve dressed up for dinner.”

  Sharp as a tack, he read her twofold meaning and grasped her hand harder, offering his reassurance. “No pressure, baby. You look beautiful.”

  They dined at the Upper Parthenon; a Greek place she’d heard of but never tried. She’d never had Greek before and wasn’t sure about all the lamb so she played it safe by going with the house specialty, chicken meatballs. Jared had the lamb chops. He’d given her a taste and she was happy she’d gone with the chicken. He’d also ordered wine. She was glad because it helped settle her nerves.

  Soon they were parked in his circle drive and she was waiting for him to open her door. Unable to help herself, she gawked out the window at his huge house; it had three floors, for pity’s sake. Although it was dark, the outdoor lighting allowed her to see that the stucco and stone house was situated on a wooded lot, both secluded and private.

  The door opened and she took his hand. As she attempted to stand, she couldn’t, so distracted was she by his house that she’d forgotten to unbuckle her seatbelt. Finally exiting the car, she continued to stare gape-mouthed at the house. Good grief, he wasn’t just the well-off doctor, as she’d thought, he was rich. His finger beneath her chin gently shut her mouth. “It’s not a mansion, honey. Come on. There’s something I’d like to show you.”

  Nodding, she felt him take her hand and tug her along toward the house. The entryway was spacious with its natural wood and light marble floors. The living room was huge with hardwood floors and the most beautiful stone fireplace she’d ever seen. He tugged her through room after room. There was also a library and a study. The kitchen was enormous with high-end appliances and granite counter tops. It was a dream house, except for one thing, not a small thing, and it seemed to be a pattern.


  “Wait. Don’t say anything until you’ve seen it all.” He tugged her down a long hallway. When he came to the first door, he opened it, turned on the light and let her enter first, a hand at her back.

  Her gasp was audible and echoed in the room. She turned to him, eyes wide.

  “No. If we talk about it now, we’ll never get finished.”


  “Humor me. I had to do this with my parents and Marc, too. So trust me. Come on. There’s more.”

  He flipped off the light and pulled her to the next door where he repeated the process, placing a finger over her mouth, reminding her to save her comments. By the time they got to the double doors at the end, she was ready to burst.

  “Just one more room, then you can tell me what you think.”

  He opened the doors to what was obviously the master bedroom. It was cavernous, or maybe seemed that way due to the vaulted ceilings, but the neutral walls and plush carpeted floors were warm and welcoming. There was a seating area in front of another fireplace and at the end was a set of French doors surrounded by floor-to-ceiling windows.

  “Okay, now you can let me have it.”

  “This room is fabulous, Jared. The hardwood floors and granite in the kitchen are beautiful. But Jared, except for this room, you don’t have a stick of furniture. And I hope I don’t hurt your feelings, but the paint colors, wallpaper, and draperies are—” She stopped. How did she put this politely? Absolutely hideous, was that too harsh?

  She couldn’t help it, although she tried, as a ripple of laughter bubbled up. “Oh, Jared, that main bathroom with the red velvet walls and the pink fixtures, it looks like—”

  “A brothel?”

  “Yes! And that mustard yellow in the first bedroom and the baby poop green in the next, it’s plain awful. I’m sorry, darlin’. The house itself would be gorgeous and the grounds from what I could tell were beautiful, but the décor—gag. Whoever the decorator was, good grief, sugar, she’s lost as last year’s Easter egg.”

  There was silence behind her and she turned. Jared was looking at the floor, Oh dear, surely she hadn’t insulted him. He’d been laughing too, hadn’t he?

  “Jared, please tell me it wasn’t you,” she gasped, a hand flying to her chest before continuing in a disbelieving voice, “or dear lord, your mother.”

  She watched as his shoulders started shaking. His head came up and she saw he was gasping for air and holding his ribs as he laughed, not just a regular laugh but a huge, rolling belly laugh. A tear rolled down one cheek as he bent forward again, his hands on his knees, sucking wind. He laughed so hard she thought he was going to bust a gut. She stood by watching, while she waited for him to wind himself down. She was amused, but not nearly as much as he was.

  Finally, he gasped, “Tell me how you really feel, baby.”

  She playfully smacked his arm. “You big goofball. What on earth made you buy it, Jared?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.” Grinning, he pulled her to the French doors; flipping on the subtle outdoor lighting, he nodded his head toward the outside. It was dark, but with the landscape lights and the full moon, she could see the lake. Ah! That explained it.

  “The problems are cosmetic. Paint, drapes, and wallpaper are easily changed, but the house is structurally sound, made with quality materials and the architecture is extraordinary, don’t you think? I liked the floor plan and all the fireplaces, especially the one in here. I always wanted a fireplace in the bedroom. Beyond that there is a gradually sloping yard leading down to 175 feet of Union Lake frontage. Irony is that I got it for a steal because of that brothel red bathroom and baby poop paint.”

  She looked at him appreciatively. This was a rare man, who could see beyond a cheap garish exterior to the beautiful gem underneath.

  “There is a second level with another master suite with a balcony. The fixtures are black marble, which wouldn’t be bad if the walls weren’t a burnt orange. I’d like to move up there but I couldn’t sleep without having nightmares.”

  “Does it have a fireplace too?”

  “Yes, there are four altogether and they have gas logs instead of wood, which is easy and not nearly as messy.”

  “It looked like there were three floors from outside.”

  “There is a great room on the third floor with a panoramic view of the lake. It’s awesome, but I’m not sure what to do with it.”

  Looking around the bedroom, she took in the neutral tones and conservative accents. “This room is beautiful. I wonder why it’s so different from the rest of the house.”

  “I asked the realtor and she said the homeowner was in the middle of redecorating but hadn’t gotten this far.”

  “Lucky you!”r />
  “Yeah, lucky me, I imagine if she’d had time, this room would have been Pepto-pink or puce. I swear that would have pushed me over the edge.”

  “I don’t know what the heck puce is, but if it looks as hideous as it sounds, I’d say you bought it in the nick of time, darlin’.”

  He chuckled and she smiled in response, his hands coming up to cup her face while his thumbs gently skimmed across her cheeks. “I’m glad you’re here with me, Stacy.” His head lowered and he took her mouth in a warm, sensuous kiss as her arms twined around his neck. She felt his arms wrap around her waist as he rose from his bent position, lifting her up to his level. Clinging to him, she molded her body against his.

  Lost in the kiss, Stacy didn’t notice his hands beneath her dress until they cupped her bottom and pulled her hips tight against his own. Instinctively, she encircled him, both legs snaking around his hips. She could feel him, hard and ready, pressing into her center, with two thin layers of clothing the only thing keeping them apart.

  “I want you, Stacy. If you’re not ready, tell me and I’ll stop, but it needs to be now before I’m too far gone.”

  “I’m ready, Jared.”

  His head came up and he looked at her, searchingly. “You’re sure?”

  “Yes, I’ve been ready all week. I’ve just been waiting for you to make your move.”

  His kissed her again. “I wanted to, but I was giving you and your knee time.”

  Jared carried her to the bed and set her down. “Sexy dress, baby, but I want it off.”

  “It’s a wrap dress. One tug, one button, and I’m all yours.”

  He easily found the tie and tugged. It fell halfway open and revealed her black lace bra. Stacy’s fingers found the button as he pushed the dress off her shoulders. He softly stroked her skin, his fingers sliding under her bra straps, pulling them down. He started to bend, but stopped. The next moment he lifted her and set her feet on the bed so she was standing, placing all of her most desirable parts within easy reach. A muscled arm wrapped around her waist to steady her, while his lips found the tops of her breasts, bared by her demi-cup bra.

  “Pretty undies, sweetheart; take them off if you want to keep them.”

  It wasn’t a question and he didn’t politely ask, he ordered. Stacy’s nipples tightened at his commanding words said in his deep, sexy voice and she obeyed. Her fingers found the front hook of her bra and released it. His hands were there, peeling the cups back and pulling the bra over her arms. He stopped and gazed at her.

  His eyes swept down her body and she could feel their slow trek from her face, down her chest, hungrily sweeping over her breasts before moving down her belly. He paused midway for a moment as a little smile tipped his lips.

  “I thought I saw a piercing.” His hand reached for her, but only a fingertip brushed over the navel ring, flicking the dangling crescent moon and three stars. “Very sexy.”

  Then his hand moved lower, over her flat belly, stopping just short of her hips. His arm held her steady as he stepped up against her, his lips now just a fraction of an inch from one trembling breast. She took a steadying breath and as she inhaled, her chest rose and expanded, one nipple grazing his chin.

  That was it for him, she knew, because his hands slid up her back and held her while he buried his face between her full breasts. “Gorgeous,” was the growl from his lips before he latched onto one aching nipple. She released a shaky breath as she arched into him, silently begging for more. His mouth, warm and hungry, was amazing. Arousing her, pushing her rapidly toward something she knew would be extraordinary.

  Her hips thrust against him, involuntarily, a primitive movement she didn’t control.


  “I need to taste you. Let’s get these panties off.” He lifted her again and her back met the bed. Fingers peeled off her panties and he was between her thighs. She felt the hot glide of his tongue along her seam as his fingers and thumbs separated her lips. The thought of him gazing at her intimately caused her core to flood with liquid arousal.

  He inhaled deeply and groaned against her wet center. “Such sweetness, baby, and all for me.” The heat of his breath as he spoke passed over her inner folds briefly and then it was gone, replaced by another hot lick of his tongue.

  Never had she felt so aroused and ready to explode. His tongue lapping her center dipped inside as it swirled and plunged. She arched off the bed grabbing his head with her hands.

  “Jared, it’s too much, I can’t wait.”

  There was no reply as he began to plunge into her core, again and again. He was taking her with his tongue, a glorious feeling, also something new. Her experience was very limited and her body reeled from the sensations, exquisitely wonderful sensations. He stopped and she whimpered, but he only disentangled her death grip on his hair, pulled her hands to her sides and dove back in for more.

  “So sweet, Stacy.”

  “I can’t stand much more, Jared. I need you.”

  “And you’ll have me, but I’m not through tasting. Come if you want to. There’ll be plenty more.”

  His mouth came to the top of her slit as she looked down at him. His eyes burned amber as he gazed up at her. Her mind registered the variation but she was more desperate to come than to ask questions. She watched, panting as his tongue lapped at her clit. That was it, just what she needed to send her soaring. Shouting as she exploded over the top of the peak she’d been climbing since that first kiss, Stacy writhed on the bed, shuddering in ecstasy.

  Jared rose. With his hands around her waist, he moved her to the middle of the bed and stepped back, quickly pulling off his clothes. Before she could see all of him, to take him in, the condom was on and he was between her legs, pressing the large head of his cock into her dripping center.

  “I’m sorry this is fast, honey, but I want you too much to last.”

  He pushed slowly into her, stretching her sadly neglected pussy. She was tight, she knew; it had been over two years—more like three. He groaned as she spasmed around him in the aftermath of her orgasm. This made her tighter. He was large and it was a little uncomfortable. “You’re so small. Wrap your legs around me. It will make it easier.”

  She did and it was a bit better, but he still felt huge. Worried he wouldn’t fit as the stretch turned to a burn, she tensed. Her hand rose to his abdomen to stop him, which he did immediately.

  “You’re slick, but so very tight, baby. Have you done this before?”

  Embarrassed, she closed her eyes and nodded. What was wrong with her? She had done this before, but never with someone so big. She could do this. She arched into him and he sank in a bit more. There was a twinge of pain and she whimpered softly.

  “Be still, Stacy. I don’t want to hurt you.” He pulled back and out, but then leaned in for a deep kiss. “We got this, honey. You need to come again with just a little different preparation.”

  He returned his mouth to her pussy, licking and teasing but this time, a finger slid deep inside her. He pumped slowly at first. As she responded, he slowly picked up the pace. As soon as she started groaning and thrusting against his finger, he added another. With his mouth still tormenting her clit, he finger-fucked her; what else could she call it? His long, broad fingers pumped into her, driving her toward another orgasm. He added a third and she felt the stretch. He kept at her, licking and nibbling her clit while three fingers surged inside her until she was ready to come again. As she started to climax, juices gushing around his fingers, he replaced his fingers with his cock, this time sliding in deep, pumping once, adjusting and then sliding in more. After four or five thrusts, she felt full. He was deep inside her, stretching her wider than ever before.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, but I was worried for a moment that you weren’t gonna fit.”

  “I will.”

  Huh? What did he mean by that? Had she heard him correctly? “What do you mean you will?”

  Her q
uestion went unanswered as Jared groaned unevenly. “You’ve got me wrapped up so snug inside you. I need to move, baby. Are you ready?”

  “Yes, please. Make me come again, Jared.”

  “Gladly, sweet Stacy,” He slipped his hands beneath her and holding her tight, began rocking into her, sinking deeper with every stroke, making her gasp at the fullness.

  “Jared, you got bigger.”

  “No, honey, it’s just that I’m almost inside you now.”

  “Almost?” She was filled near to bursting; no way could she take more. Automatically, she tensed, which naturally didn’t help the situation.

  He groaned. “Don’t tense up. It’s all I can do to keep from finishing inside you right now.”

  “How much—?”

  “About two more inches. Am I hurting you?”

  “Not pain, but a pressure, and heaven help me, I don’t think I can take much more!”

  “Easy now, let’s try something different.” He angled her legs up higher until her feet rested against one shoulder, her legs held together with one of his arms. “This way I won’t go so deep, but it will still feel good.”

  When he pulled out and glided back in fast, she gasped. He did it again harder and she groaned. Setting up a rhythm of shallow, then deep, he took her. Driving her upward again, pushing her toward another release as he followed. Her hands gripped his wide wrists as she hung on. He seemed tireless in the pursuit of her pleasure as he plunged endlessly into her. His big body determinedly delayed his own pleasure, the tension on his face showing the exertion behind such control. A few more seconds and she was there again, shouting her release. Jared followed, answering her shout with one of his own as he came stunningly, soon after.

  Long minutes later, Stacy sprawled languidly across his chest, her body buzzing in the afterglow, when a question that had been bugging her entered her pleasure-dulled mind. Angling her head back, she looked up at him. “Jared?”

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “Can you open your eyes?”

  He did and she saw golden amber mixed with green. “What color are your eyes, exactly?”


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