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Sweet Salvation

Page 26

by Maddie Taylor

  His hand then took up a distinct pattern, two spanks on each cheek before moving to the other. He moved up and down as he went, bringing a warmth to her entire backside and upper thighs. As warm-up spankings went, they were firm and anything but love pats and a far cry from the sensual spankings they both enjoyed. By the time he stopped, her skin was radiating a warmth that rivalled the heat in her pussy. She wiggled in an attempt to ease them both.

  “Stay still,” Jared warned, his hand pressing against her lower back, demanding compliance with his order even while his other hand began a slow gentle caress of her warm skin, taking the bite out of his words. “I don’t want you moving around, Stacy. I need a nice steady target when I start with the paddle.”

  “I can’t help it, Jared, I ache.”

  Straightaway, he pulled her panties down and off over her shoes at that comment. “Spread your legs.”

  When she took a side-step, bringing her feet shoulder width apart, his hand came to the primary source of her discomfort. His fingers found the warm wetness between her silky smooth lips.

  “This isn’t much of a punishment. You’re drenched.”

  “You’re right, it’s not punishment, it’s torture because my bottom’s on fire at the same time my pussy aches so badly that it’s driving me mad. Can you hurry with the spanking so we can get on to the good stuff that comes after? Please?”

  A full-throated chuckle burst free of his lips. “I think I’m going to have to rethink punishment for you altogether. You get sassy and find entirely too much pleasure from a spanking.” He withdrew his fingers and she groaned in disappointment. He followed it up with two swats to her swollen pussy lips, which made her squeal.


  “I think a good dozen with the paddle will do it. Get ready. This will be very different from my hand.”

  The first thwack landed an instant later and covered both cheeks. Striking low, the paddle was wide enough to cover the lower part of her bottom and a few inches of upper thigh. The pain was mild, but shot a jolt of sensation through her like an electrical arc landing directly on her clit. She moaned in reaction.

  Another swat followed and another. Again, the firm blows covered both cheeks. She was surprised that the paddle produced very little sting, but the sound of the unyielding wood reverberated in the room as much as the thud of the paddle produced a pressure that radiated beyond her skin through her cleft and deep into her core. The stunning sensations had her torn between crying over the discomfort in her butt and groaning from the throbbing, clenching need in her pussy. Her nipples tightened as the opposing sensations washed through her body and she spiraled higher. Feeling she was at odds with her own body’s response, she reached out for something stable and secure. Her hands found the far end of the desk and she clamped onto it for dear life.

  Jared stopped for a moment to rub and squeeze her bottom, testing her. He resumed without a word, evidently satisfied with his cursory inspection. This time he changed his tactics, applying the paddle quickly and efficiently, landing three sizzling blows in the same spot on one cheek. This was quite different and burned like fire. Before she could wholly assimilate her reaction, he switched and administered three identical swats to the other cheek. Stacy felt the impact more fully, the zing more pronounced than with the initial blows, and she couldn’t hold still, squirming beneath his restraining hand.

  “That was nine, baby. We’re almost done now, be still.”

  Jared, wicked tease that he was, knew precisely what he was doing and landed the final three strokes more firmly and powerfully than he had at first. The blows fell across her lower bottom and sweet spot. The incredible thuddy pressure compressed both cheeks and undulated through her cleft, sending a wave of sensation deep inside her, pushing her to the brink of climax. She cried out, the blissful sound an outlet for the smarting pain as much as it was for her intense arousal. Behind her, the paddle landed on the carpeted floor with a thump.

  “Please, Jared,” she cried, mindless for release.

  “I aim to, my sweet Stacy.”

  She heard his belt buckle jingle, followed by a zip, then he was inside her, filling her and soothing the ache in her core. Except it wasn’t enough and she squirmed, sobbing in sexual frustration as she tried to give her throbbing clit relief. Always knowing exactly what she needed, his fingers found her as he began to thrust harder from behind.

  “Come, baby, it’s all right.”

  Another deep stroke of his cock and the firm rub of his fingers on her clit made her shatter. Crying out her release as she pushed back to meet his driving hips, her fingers turned white as she clenched the edge of the hard oak surface.

  Jared thrust harder within her, thoroughly claiming her before following her a few strokes later with an equally vocal release of intense pleasure. When he collapsed against her back, his hands slid over her shoulders and up her arms until he reached her fingers, which he gently pried away from the wood. Entwining their fingers, he turned his head and pressed kisses along her shoulder.

  “Punishment, my ass,” he chuckled.

  “No, darlin’, that was punishment my ass. And although I loved every minute, my butt will be sore for a while from that evil paddle.” As she came down from her sexual high, the burning soreness was seeping into her consciousness and she squirmed. “Jared, my bottom is on fire, can you rub it, please?”

  “I can do better than that, my love. How about I kiss it and make it all better?”

  He slid off and squatted behind her, pressing soft, wet kisses over her blazing behind, and even though he didn’t make it quite all better, the healing power of his lips was quite impressive. Jared was so effective with his healing technique that they lost track of time, lingering so long that they passed his parents on the drive as they were leaving a long while later. Stacy learned, much to her chagrin, that the wise older couple had completed three sets of tennis and then intentionally dawdled over lunch to make sure that she and Jared had sufficient time to resolve their conflict and the privacy they needed to kiss and make up.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The clicking of Stacy’s heels echoed off the tiles as she paced nervously outside the boardroom. She could do this. She was ready. Oh, God! Could she do this? Was she ready? Taking a deep breath, she concentrated on her breathing and stopping the cycle of doubt that was looping through her brain. Think positive, she told herself. You are ready!

  She’d spent weeks preparing, going over every detail, checking, rechecking and triple checking the figures. The presentation was ready to go—pie charts, bar graphs, risk analysis of the new venture. Barring a power outage or a bubonic plague outbreak, she was definitely ready.

  Still, her palms were sweaty and her muscles tight. Her heart raced, pulsing so hard she sensed it throbbing in her temples and palpitating in her chest. Her stomach churned, causing a niggling sensation of nausea. She probably should have eaten a little something for lunch, but she hadn’t been able to manage a bite. Wiping her damp hands down her skirt, she took a steadying breath. “I need water.”

  Spinning on a heel toward the employee lounge, she slammed into a hard chest. Not again!

  “Easy…” Jared murmured in reassurance as his hands came up to steady her. “You okay?”

  “Fine. I’m just ready to get this meeting started. What time is it?”

  “5:45. The caterers are here with dinner. Where do you want them to set up?”

  “Caterers? I didn’t order any food.”

  “Marc always sees to that. If you don’t feed the board, they tend not to come and we need a quorum to move forward with the new project. We’re lucky Marc thinks with his stomach.”

  “More like lucky for me,” Stacy murmured, imagining the faux pas if board members, some of whom were volunteers and gave up their free time for such events, arrived expecting to at least be fed and found nothing but bottled water and snacks from the vending machine. Dinner was a nice save; she’d have t
o thank Marc later.

  “Breathe, babe. You’ve prepped for this and have all the bases covered. You’re gonna do great.” Dipping his head, he pressed a kiss against her worried brow.

  “I hope so. Do I look okay?” She adjusted her wide-collared fitted black jacket. Its asymmetrical fishtail hem flared out at the waist, tapering to a rounded edge around her hips in back, giving it a soft, feminine look. She’d paired it with a white silk camisole and a banded black-and-white pencil skirt that reached to just above her knee. Other than her engagement ring and some long black beads, she wore no other jewelry, going for professional, not flashy. On her feet, she wore Mary Jane pumps; the five-inch heels her only non-businesslike accessory, feeling she needed the advantage of the added height as she stood before the ten-man, two-woman board of directors.

  “You look gorgeous. Did I mention I like this look? With your hair up, those soft tendrils trailing along your neck and the power suit, mmm… add some glasses and you’d be the sexy librarian from my teenage fantasies.”

  “You had a sexy librarian in high school?” Her mind conjured up an image of Mrs. Herbert from Freemont High. She found it hard to imagine the 62-year-old grandmother inspiring any boy’s fantasy.

  Jared was smiling, obviously imagining a very different sort of librarian. “Miss Alger. All the guys were in lust with her. She wore tight skirts with a slit up the back and you could sometimes tell she wore stockings instead of pantyhose.” His mouth brushed her ear as he whispered, “But she didn’t have your sexy ass, baby.”

  “You have a weird obsession with tight skirts and asses, sugar.”

  “Not plural anymore, Stacy. I just have an obsession with your skirts and ass. I’m a one-ass man now and forever.”

  He chuckled into her hair as she rolled her eyes. Thankfully, his antics took her mind off the meeting; by the time she turned in his arms to embrace him, it was six o’clock. Show time!

  * * *

  Damn computer! Although cursing inside, she tried to tamp down her agitation in order to maintain an outwardly calm, in-control demeanor as she passed out hardcopies of her presentation. Due to technical difficulties that neither Marc, Jared, nor Ben could fix, she’d abandoned her PowerPoint presentation and switched to good old-fashioned paper. Having learned never to jump without a back-up chute, especially when technology was involved, she had printed copies of her slides on hand.

  “If you will turn to page four, we can begin with the new business proposal.”

  They spent the next two hours sifting through the financial data. In the end, the proposal for the new business venture was passed by unanimous vote. As the board filed out, Stacy moved around the long table, gathering packets and discarding Styrofoam coffee cups.

  “You did an excellent job tonight, sweetie.”

  Stacy turned at the sound of Joanne’s voice to find her smiling from the open doorway. “The board was quite impressed. You were organized, concise, well-prepared. You should be proud of yourself.”

  “Thank you,” she beamed. “That’s high praise coming from you.” In the healthcare business for decades, Joanne had also been a board member since the clinic opened. She’d seen many such presentations over the years. “I have to admit I almost had a meltdown when I couldn’t get the slideshow to run.”

  “Yes, but you were prepared and the wonderful color portfolios you had ready were impressive and didn’t take anything away from the presentation. You were instrumental in getting the votes. Jared will be pleased, I’m sure.”

  “I’m more than pleased, Mom.” Jared said from behind her. “I am proud to have a top-notch practice manager who can talk circles around investors, bankers, and healthcare executives.”

  “And practicing partners, don’t forget.” She winked at Stacy. Also married to a surgeon who didn’t have a head for business, Joanne could relate. “I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that Jared got the science gene from his father, but lacks the math gene from me. Must have been recessive, hmm?” She patted Jared’s cheek to soften her tease. “I’m happy for you both. It was a successful evening. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to head home. Your father will be looking for me.”

  “I thought he was out of town at a conference.”

  “He is, but he likes to call and check in.” Joanne squeezed his arm before digging her keys out of her purse. “You know your dad, if I don’t pick up at ten p.m. on the dot, he’ll be sending out a search-and-rescue team. He’s a dear man, but a worrywart.”

  She walked over and hugged Stacy. “Congratulations. Have Jared open up a bottle of champagne to celebrate your success.” She surprised Stacy with a kiss on the cheek, gave her shoulders a tight squeeze and then left with a wave.

  Stacy smiled as she looked over at Jared. “Your mother is a sweetheart, isn’t she?”

  “Yes, I’m glad you’ve finally figured that out. She loves you and wants to do whatever she can to help you succeed and make you happy. It’s genuine, and I promise there is no hidden agenda where she’s concerned.”

  As he spoke, he walked into the conference room, closing the door behind him. The soft snick of the lock had Stacy’s eyes widening. She got the idea he was still thinking about Miss Alger as he walked around the room closing the blinds.

  “What is your hidden agenda, Dr. Baker? You can’t be thinking about, uh—, you know. Not with all these people wandering around.”

  “I’ve got that covered.” His lips turned up into a sexy grin as he approached her, pulling the pile of papers out of her hand and setting the stack of cups she held in the other out of the way.

  “Covered, how?”

  “My good friend and partner in crime has agreed to show everyone to the door and lock up behind him as he leaves.”

  “You told Marc we were going to—”

  “Christen the conference room? Not in so many words, but he got the idea.”

  “Jared! You didn’t really, did you?”

  “You know I don’t kid about important matters. I definitely consider sex with you on the conference table an important matter.”

  She shook her head wryly. He had no shame. His large hands were stroking down her back and over the swells of her bottom as Stacy warmed to the idea—the deliciously naughty idea.

  “Your presentation was riveting, baby, but the whole time I had one question on my mind that I never did get an answer to.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Are you wearing pantyhose or panties under this smokin’ hot skirt?”

  Stacy giggled. “I’m glad you held back and didn’t ask during the meeting. That would have short-circuited Harry Davidson’s brain. He couldn’t keep his eyes off my butt as it was.”

  “I noticed there was quite a bit of that going on. I was ready to clock Jerry Price if he didn’t quit drooling over your tits, the dirty old man. He’s old enough to be your grandfather.” Pulling her against him, his hands went to the hem of her skirt and he inched it up her thighs. His lips brushing softly against hers teased gently. “So? What’s the answer?”

  “Aw, darlin’, you can’t expect me to give away all my secrets.”

  As he inched higher, Stacy trembled as his fingertips brushed her sensitive skin.

  “I’ll just have to find out for myself.”

  “If you insist,” she said with an impish grin, “but the answer is both yes and no.”

  “Such a tease—”

  “Yes, I’m wearing panties—the black lace ones with the pink bow—your favorites.”

  “Mm… so hot, what’s the no answer?”

  “No hose—garters and stockings—just like Miss Alger.”

  Strong hands wrapped around her waist, lifting her swiftly onto the table as if she weighed nothing.

  “Show me.”

  Eagerly compliant, she pulled her skirt up her thighs, revealing the sheer black lace-top stockings. Leaning from side to side, she pulled her skirt up and over her bottom, exposing her pant
ies and garters.

  “Damn, baby. Lie back for me and spread.”

  Not minding his brusque commands, which only amped her need higher, she leaned back, lowering herself on the hard broad surface. His hands skimmed up her thighs, moving over her hips. He pushed the skirt higher until it was bunched around her waist. Fingers gripped her hips firmly and yanked her bottom to the very edge of the table. He was a bit rough in his exuberance, but she didn’t mind that either.

  “I’ve got to have a taste,” was growled past his lips as he dropped to his knees. He tugged her panties to the side and buried his face between her warm fragrant thighs. She felt his tongue, hot and firm, attack her clit. He bypassed teasing and tender, heading full on to pure sexual torment. His lips and tongue sucked and laved the throbbing bundle of nerves until she arched and squirmed upon the table. She was close, but couldn’t form a coherent word. Instead, they passed as continuous keening moans from her lips, but they still clearly communicated her approaching release.

  His hands wrapped around her thighs and held her immobile, spreading her further for unimpeded access. His tongue moved beyond the sinfully wicked point of pleasure, licking along her swollen inner flesh and dipping inside her.


  “That’s it, Stacy. Come for me now.”

  With an upsurge, the wave of her orgasm crashed over her, sweeping her along in its intensity and robbing her of breath. She quivered and writhed against his tongue, which insistently held her at a peak until the last wave receded and she collapsed, sated and weak atop the hard table.

  Pushing to his feet, Jared made quick work of his belt and fly, his cock heavy in his hand for an instant before plunging deep, in one stunning stroke, into her sultry center. Her still recovering pussy muscles clamped around him tightly and pulled a throaty groan from him. Her half-lidded eyes watched as he moved inside her, setting up an unwavering pounding rhythm.

  “Unbutton your jacket. I want to see you.”

  With trembling hands, she slipped the buttons through their holes and pulled the lapels apart. Her taut nipples tingled as she pulled up the thin silk of her camisole, revealing the smooth demi-cups of her white pushup bra. Still tight from her release and the steady friction of his sizeable presence gliding along her g-spot, her nipples ached for his touch.


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