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A Secret to Keep

Page 3

by Railyn Stone

  “This is getting out of hand, Gates. You don’t have to do this just to get back at her. Look, I know you’re still mad. Okay, I get it. But does it have to get ugly?” Evan shook his head when Gates offered him a glass.

  “Evan, Evan. Always the peacemaker.” He raised his glass to his lips, wishing it actually held something harder, something to help erase the recent memories of Sloane from his mind as he sat down in one of the chairs in the suite.

  “Gates, you’re playing with fire. I just don’t want either one of you to end up truly hating each other.”

  Once he took another swallow of the water, Gates lowered the glass and watched the beads of condensation run down to seep into the fabric of the chair’s arm. “A little late for that don’t you think?”

  “You don’t hate her, and I’m pretty sure she doesn’t hate you either.”

  “Evan, I pay you to be my attorney, not my therapist.” Tilting his head to the side, Gates gave Evan an exasperated look.

  “Okay, but you have to admit, this is going to take a lot of goodwill or something to get this project past this community. Yes, choosing Dawson & Stein would be very prosperous for McCall International. But I’ve been doing research on this and I don’t think you are aware of how many people want to see this hospital in this location, with that little girl’s name on it.” Evan walked across the room and picked up a newspaper clipping. He scanned it once more as he went over to Gates and placed it in front of him.

  “And I’m guessing you think I haven’t already thought about that?” Gates glanced at the photo of the angelic face of Mariana Reyes with her parents at her last birthday party weeks before she was struck and killed by a drunk driver as she walked home from school. He knew going with Dawson & Stein would ignite a backlash in the community. Wilmington was a fairly large town, but in her short lifetime, Mariana had managed to make a huge impact on many people. Her bubbly persona and the fact that she never met a stranger was part of what made her so popular. She was more deeply involved in the community than most adults. Mariana had been a Girl Scout and she focused her energy on helping feed the homeless and collecting toys for children. Gates honestly had nothing against the hospital project. If anything, he wanted to make sure it was done and done right to ensure the little girl’s memory endured. He just wanted a chance to shake Sloane up a bit in the meantime. “Evan, I appreciate your concern, but let me do this my way. I’m only giving Sloane a hard time. As far as I’m concerned I could make money with D&S anywhere.” He knew he was playing with fire, but he didn’t care about getting singed. All he wanted was to make her hurt as much as he had when she left him.

  “You’re seriously sick, Gates. This has the potential to get real bad.”

  “Nah, I won’t let it get that far; but I do need you to work very closely with Gelly to make sure it goes smoothly.” Gates took another drink before picking up and handing Evan a file that Angelica, or rather, Gelly, their long-time friend and one of Gates’ executives, had prepared. It had been a long day and he was tired; he hadn’t been able to sleep the night before. He’d lain on his back staring at the ceiling most of the night. For one, he hated hotel rooms. No matter where he traveled he usually stayed in the most luxurious suites of the hotels, but he hated them. They had the same disconnectedness of the many dorm rooms he’d lived in during his boarding school days. But the overarching reason was Sloane. He couldn’t get her out of his thoughts since he’d seen her in Antony’s office, which was strange for him. Women did not make him nervous. If anything, he had that effect on them. However, Sloane had always been able to make his stomach do somersaults, even from the very first day they met. It was the most unnerving and unsettling thing he’d ever experienced. How had he let the woman invade his every thought? Even after all this time, he still wasn’t able to shake her and the power she held over him. He could kick himself for getting involved with her in the first place. She was like a magnet and he couldn’t resist her pull.

  “Gates, hey, are you listening?” Snapping back to attention, Gates watched Evan place the folder on the table.


  “I said I’ll give Gel a call first thing in the morning.”

  “Ah, yeah, good.” Gates sat forward and placed the glass on the table. He really felt like kicking himself now. Here he was sitting in a hotel room and daydreaming about his ex-fiancée when he needed to focus.

  “Are you okay? You seem to be in a whole other space right now. You should probably get some sleep, so you’re ready for John Addison tomorrow.”

  “John Addison?” Still swirling around in his Sloane stupor, Gates couldn’t seem to clear the haze in his mind quick enough.

  “Gates, you have a meeting with him tomorrow. You know; the Addison deal we’ve been working on for months. We’re close to signing, are you going to put him off? We can, but that deal is worth more than two of these other projects. I know you have a lot going on, but I don’t know if that’s really a smart move.”

  Gates shook his head and massaged his temples. “No, no, I’m not putting them off. I forgot about it. Okay, look, I need you to stay here and continue with your ‘research’ about this hospital project. Talk to some people and generate a buzz about D&S and the Reyes projects while I head back to New York to tie up the Addison deal. Once that’s done, I’ll be back.” Get it together Gates.

  “Gates?” He knew by the tone in his voice that Evan knew he was not his usual self. Openly admitting he’d forgotten about one of the major deals he’d been working on was a dead giveaway.

  “That’s all for tonight Evan. I’m pretty tired. Got a flight to catch tomorrow, remember?” He hated to be short with Evan, but Gates wasn’t in the mood to defend himself and his decision to mess with Sloane’s head. He also knew the longer Evan pressed, the more his friend would see Sloane had started to unravel him once again.

  Sighing, Evan nodded, picked up the folder and took his cue to leave. Once the door closed behind him, Gates sat for a moment before standing to walk into the bedroom and over to his overnight bag. Reaching into the side pocket he pulled a small black felt box from its safe place and sank to have a seat on the edge of the bed. You really have it bad. Opening the box, he stared at the platinum charm bracelet resting on the satin inside with a single charm attached to it. The charm was a tiny baby rattle. He’d bought it on the way home the day Sloane walked out on him and he’d carried it with him every day since then. Gates had finally had enough of his father and his schemes and had determined he was through. He would walk away from it all and it didn’t matter if he ended up with nothing, as long as he could live the rest of his life with Sloane. He couldn’t decide if he was using the bracelet more as a reminder of what he could have had with her, or if he’d thought there was a possibility of her coming back. He never really pictured himself as anyone’s father, but meeting and falling in love with Sloane had him thinking about a lot of different things he never fathomed. He stared at the rattle and smiled at the thought of Sloane with a rounded belly. He could only imagine how it would have felt to hold her against him and feel the quiet thump of their baby kicking between them. She would have been the best mother any child could have dreamed of having. She had the most vivid imagination and there was no limit to what she would’ve come up with each day to keep their little one entertained.

  He sat back to lean against the mound of pillows, resting his head against the headboard. How could he have let the best thing that ever happened to him slip through his hands? He closed his eyes and thought about how good she looked earlier that day. The deep purple satin of her blouse contrasted with her smooth brown skin and her thick beautiful hair that he wanted to sink his fingers into. Walking past her, he tried his best to keep his composure as her familiar perfume filled his nostrils. Damn, he loved the woman. He was still in love with her after all of this time and it was eating him alive. Closing the box with a snap, he attempted to pull himself back to reality. He gently tucked it back
in his overnight bag and headed to the shower.


  “Well, you haven’t changed a bit.” Sloane heard Evan say as she walked through the restaurant towards him.

  “Evan, it’s good to see you.” Sloane responded as he took her hands and kissed her on the cheek. Seeing Gates again was nerve wracking, but she was always happy to see Evan. He was a good friend to her and had served as a sounding board a lot of times when she wasn’t sure of her relationship with Gates. Evan had tried to reassure her Gates loved her when she stopped to see him on the day she left. He tried his best to get her to stay and work things out with Gates, but it was useless. She had made up her mind to leave and she told him in no uncertain terms that she couldn’t deal with Gates’ decisions any longer. Sloane hated putting him in the middle because he cared so much about both of them. But somehow she convinced him to deliver her ‘Dear John’ letter. “You haven’t changed either. I thought you would’ve been in the meeting yesterday.” She’d been a little shocked by his lunch invitation, but Liyah encouraged her to go since they needed to have some idea of what Gates was doing.

  “Hey, you know Gates; he’s always got me working. I had some things I had to tie up and I didn’t get in until after it started. So, how’ve you been?” Once the waiter took their orders, Sloane sat forward to chat.

  “I’m great. I can’t complain. Just trying to do my part to make this world a better place.”

  “You always were the ultimate caregiver. Kinda like a mother hen.”

  Her mouth went dry at his comment and she reached for her water glass and tried deflecting the comment. “So how’re you?”

  “Good. Gates has me working like a mad man. But you know me; I love it and can’t complain, especially with how much he pays me.”

  “I’m sure. How’s Kelsie?” Quickly changing the subject from Gates, she turned the conversation back to Evan and his longtime fiancée, who was now his wife.

  “She’s good. We’re expecting baby number one in a couple of months.”

  “Oh Evan, congratulations. That’s wonderful.”

  “Thanks. We’re pretty excited, and that’s why I need you and Gates to play nice so I can go home to my wife.” Evan grinned, sitting forward.

  “So that’s what this lunch is all about? Get me to back off and roll over for Gates? Tell him to continue with the Reyes project and you can go back to New York.” She knew Evan was being nice by inviting her to lunch, but she also knew it was a ploy to see how much Gates could intimidate her into giving up. Little did he know this was one fight she was not going to back down from regardless of who was behind it. She relaxed into the chair and crossing her arms, smirked at Evan.

  “Aw, come on, Sloane. You know Gates doesn’t walk away from money-making deals.”

  “Yes, I know, but has he ever thought about what this community would be missing out on if this hospital isn’t built? Mariana meant the world to this community. Antony and Isabella want to make sure their daughter’s death wasn’t in vain.”

  “Sloane, come on. You know what I’m up against. Gates is going with the project that’s most profitable. You know that. It’s just the way the world of real estate works.”

  She sat forward and narrowed her eyes at Evan. “It’s not always about money, Evan. This project means the world to a lot of people and we both know Gates could make the money he could potentially make with D&S anywhere. Why did he buy Boston anyway? Is he doing this because he wants to get back at me?”

  “Sloane, you and I both know Gates puts a lot of thought into every project. This isn’t about revenge.” Evan sidestepped her question as he shifted in his seat.

  “You’ve been a lot of things Evan, but never a liar. That’s bull and you know it.” Sloane placed her elbows on the table, challenging Evan to tell her the truth. She watched him squirm in his chair and knew he was covering up something. She waited silently and he finally twisted his mouth to the side and huffed.

  “Oh, all right. Maybe it is slightly, but can’t you two just play nice? This is kind of crazy.”

  She grinned at Evan’s inability to snow her. “You should tell your boss instead of me, Evan. I’m not budging and if Gates wants me to fight, then that’s what I’ll do.”

  “Just when did you get so damn aggressive?”

  “Let’s just say, after leaving Gates I had to start taking charge of my life and asserting myself more.” She thought about how much she’d grown as a person since she’d left Gates. Motherhood could do that. It wasn’t just herself she had to take care of now, and the responsibility of a child was a catalyst to make anyone grow up fast.

  “I see. I don’t think Gates was quite expecting this.” Evan sat back.

  “No, I guess he wasn’t,” She said, returning his grin.


  “So, what’d you find out?” Sloane could tell Liyah was itching to know how the lunch went as she walked into her office. She’d practically pounced on her like a lion on the kill in the middle of the Serengeti.

  “Just what I suspected. Gates is out for revenge. Evan wouldn’t give up exactly whose project is the front-runner. He’s too loyal for that, but I think we’re still in the running. I’m hoping Evan will at least get Gates to give us a chance.”

  “So, he’s still in love with you, huh?”

  “What! No, why would you say that?” Sloane sat in one of the chairs and watched Liyah tap her pen on the desk with a look that screamed ‘yeah, right’. “He’s not in love with me. Remember, I’m the one who walked out on him.”

  “Please, Sloane. The only reason Gates is even interested in this project is because you’re connected to it. He wants you back.” Sloane could see the wheels turning in Liyah’s head and she was a little wary of what she could be thinking.

  “Ah, no. If anything, Gates wants to get back at me for leaving him. That’s the only thing he’s interested in and at this point, I have to figure out how to stop him.”

  “Oh, there’s a way.” Chewing on the top of the same pen she’d been tapping on the desk, Liyah’s lips curled around the plastic barrel. Sloane became even more cautious of the thoughts Liyah seemed to be hatching.


  “You.” Liyah’s giddiness truly had her nervous.


  “You have to talk to him. Make him see what we’re doing is a good thing; and it could be good for him too.”

  “Are you serious? And how do you suppose I do that?” Sloane looked at Liyah in disbelief. “Gates likes making money. Non-profits don’t really fit into that category.”

  “You have to use what you’ve got to get what you want,” Liyah laughed. “It’s pretty obvious he’s interested in our project because he left Evan behind to do reconnaissance. And I’m sure he’s still interested in you.”

  “Liyah, I don’t think me talking to Gates is going to help. If anything, it will probably make things worse.” Sloane leaned forward to pick up the picture of Liyah and Brayden. Looking at it always seemed to make her feel better even when things were going wrong.

  “No one said anything about talking,” she winked. “Regardless, you need to figure out something; otherwise all of our work is for naught.”

  Taking a deep breath, Sloane knew Liyah was right. She just hated when Liyah was right. She was going to have to talk to Gates and try appealing to his kindness. The only problem was she didn’t think he had any left, especially for her, and especially if he found out her secret.


  “Gates McCall.” The baritone voice rattling through the receiver sent chills through Sloane and she contemplated hanging up before saying anything.

  “Uh, Gates, it’s me…Sloane.” She’d been nervous to call him but Liyah had browbeaten her into it. It had been so long since they’d really spoken to one another.

  “You don’t think I recognize the voice?” His placid tone was as unnerving as it was still and she felt her heart drop to take a nap at
the bottom of her stomach.

  “Well, it’s been a while and-”

  “Sloane, what can I do for you?” Gritting her teeth, Sloane closed her eyes and quietly counted to ten. She hated the dismissive tone of his voice.

  “I wanted to see if we could talk about the possible situation we have.” She was struggling to keep her composure since she knew he was the only thing standing in the way of getting what she wanted. She needed him to build their hospital and go back to New York so things could go back to the way they were.

  “Possible situation? Hmm, I really don’t see it that way. What I do see is you are sitting on a project that’s mediocre at best, while D&S have something that’s about to make me a lot of money. So, I really don’t see a situation.”

  “Oh really, is that what you think?” Her blood pressure rose and she wanted to reach through the phone and choke the life out of Gates.

  “It’s what I know, Sloane. I told you a long time ago when I want something I get it. I haven’t changed.”

  “I can see that. You’re still the same cold-hearted asshole. I don’t know why I thought you and I could have a decent conversation.” Slamming the phone down, Sloane sat for a few seconds before realizing her hands were shaking. He was so damn arrogant. She couldn’t believe she ever thought he could be civil with her. She knew he was angry, but could he truly still be carrying that much hatred towards her? There’s no way I can tell him about Brayden now. She was so distraught about the phone call she didn’t notice Liyah walk into her office and sit in the chair across from her.


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