A Secret to Keep

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A Secret to Keep Page 18

by Railyn Stone

  “Hey, forget about him okay,” Kimberly tried to get Sloane to focus. “Your only concern is Brayden and making sure he stays with you, all right?”

  Nodding, Sloane took a deep breath and stood along with everyone else in the courtroom as the session was called to order.


  With the court case going on, it was hard to focus on much. Luckily she was terribly busy at the Foundation, so time passed by pretty quickly. As Sloane was about to finish up for the day, she heard her phone ring.


  “Sloane, there is a Mr. Jaxon here to see you.”

  “Uh, okay. Send him in.” Why is he here? She wondered if she should call Kimberly, but decided to wait.

  “Sloane.” She watched ‘Jax’ enter her office and shut the door behind him. He carried himself with such an assurance and confidence and she wondered if he’d ever used the word ‘doubt’ in his life.

  “Mr. Jaxon. I wasn’t expecting you. Should I call my attorney?”

  “Oh, no need to be so formal Sloane, and no, that won’t be necessary.” Moving slowly, he stared at a recent picture of Brayden Sloane had placed on the side credenza. “Wow how quickly they grow up.” Wearing his normal annoying smirk, he turned to look at Sloane. “How old was he here?”

  “Jax, exactly why are you here?” She wasn’t in the mood to deal with Jax and she had a feeling he was up to something.

  “Wow, you get straight to the point. Now I remember why Gates liked you. He’s very point blank as well. No BSing him, just get straight to it.”

  “Well, that’s usually how things get done.” She was growing more and more anxious as he continued to stand in her office. “So?”

  “Sloane, it seems to me this case has the potential to drag on and on and I don’t see how it can be beneficial to you or Brayden. Gates is prepared to fight you for his son. You do realize that don’t you?”

  “Hmm, well Jax, it seems to me maybe your case isn’t as much of a slam dunk as you thought. Maybe you’re here to convince me to give up?” She tilted her head and glared at Jax as she relaxed into a leather chair. How dare he try and intimidate her?

  “Oh, on the contrary. You’re a mother. You have the inherent trait to fight for your young. I have a ton of respect for that. However, Gates is prepared to go the distance on this. I see you have the passion and conviction to go the distance, but I’m pretty sure his resources will outlast yours. So I’m here to offer you the opportunity to cut the fight short, save face, some time, and money.”

  “My son is worth more than any amount of money.” Sloane shook her head and rolled her eyes at Jax. The audacity of the man was enough to make her choke. Did he really think she would give up that easily?

  “I’m sure he is, Sloane. But you and I both know if I wanted to, and it’s a good possibility that I will, I could tie this up in court for a long time. Lucky for you, Gates doesn’t want that. He wants to be a part of his son’s life as quickly as possible.” She watched him walk to the window and look out.

  “I’m not keeping him from Brayden.”

  “Yeah, not right now?” He turned to look at her with that same smirk on his face. Was he born with that look on his face?

  “Look, Jax, I really think this conversation is going nowhere, so-”

  “Sloane, you can’t really believe you’re going to be granted full custody of Brayden.” Jax walked over and sat in the chair in front of her desk. He almost seemed put out that she wasn’t giving in.

  “And why wouldn’t I? I’m a good mother. I’ve been raising Brayden on my own and he’s healthy and happy; and isn’t that what ultimately matters?” Sitting forward, she couldn’t fathom the gall of the man. She wasn’t going to give up because Gates had more money.

  “It’s commendable, but not practical.” Jax looked at his expensive watch then tapped the arm of the chair. “Look, you’re doing okay here. You’re working full time, making okay money, but it’s not realistic, Sloane. You don’t have the money or resources Gates has and can give to Brayden.”

  “I told you before, money isn’t everything. Children need love and time and support. You and I both know Gates is a little too busy for those things.”

  “Seems to me you don’t have that much time to dedicate to Brayden yourself,” Jax chuckled, infuriating Sloane with his superior and annoying attitude as he straightened the platinum cufflinks at his wrists.

  “What’s that supposed to mean? I’m raising my child and doing the best I can by him. He’s happy.”

  “Think about it, Sloane. Your best is working full time, which equates to at least eight hours a day if not more away from your son. He’s in day care most of the day and if you need to go on trips or events for work, he’s with someone else. So is that really what’s best for Brayden?”

  Sloane paused, taking in Jax’s words. “I’m a single mother. I’m providing for my son. Any judge can see that. I have a wonderful network of friends and family, and I’m doing a great job at it if I do say so myself.” She still couldn’t understand what he was getting at. Even most two-parent homes utilized day care and babysitters for the care and well-being of their children when they couldn’t be at home.

  “Oh, I applaud you for trying. I don’t doubt you’re doing a good job. Hell, maybe you and Gates are even when it comes to the amount of time you’d be away from Brayden. But, there are a few things I don’t think you’ve thought about.”

  “No, I think there’s something you haven’t thought about. Like how a judge is going to look at you and Gates trying to take an innocent baby away from his mother,” Sloane glared. If Jax wanted a fight, she was going to give him one. The room silenced and then if his smirk wasn’t annoying enough, Jax started to chuckle in only the most irritating and reprehensive way he could.

  “Well, you see, I have thought about that. But then the funniest thing crossed my mind. Sloane, you live in North Carolina. A state that is pretty conducive to fathers when it comes to custody. You see, right now, both of you are entitled to have joint custody of Brayden. It’s an automatic thing. But you’ve kind of been in breach of that now haven’t you?” Jax sneered and Sloane’s stomach twisted in a knot. “I wonder how a judge is going to look at you knowingly keeping a man in the dark about his son; or that you tried to pass the child off as someone else’s. And then, well, there is the other stuff.”

  “What other stuff?” Sloane could feel her throat starting to close and her mouth went dry.

  “Well, this ‘network of friends’…leaves a little to be desired don’t you think?”

  “What?” Narrowing her eyes, Sloane stared at Jax. She had great friends and there was no reason why anyone should have a problem with them around her son.

  “Honestly, Sloane, the judge is going to want to know what your plans are when it comes to people being in the child’s life. For instance, what happens when you need to travel for work? Gates can provide the best of everything. He can provide an in-home nanny with outstanding credentials. He can provide security to keep Brayden safe no matter where he travels. He can provide the best nutritionist, and I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture. All would be very responsible, stable and consistent people in Brayden’s life.”

  “Again, money isn’t everything.” Jax’s incessant reminder of how much money Gates had was truly grating on her nerves. Yes, the man had more money than she did, but that didn’t determine that he loved their baby any more than she did.

  “You’re right; a child does need more than money. They need people who are responsible and upstanding citizens to surround them and give them good role models. Gates can provide that. Can you?”

  Furrowing her brow, Sloane wasn’t sure where Jax was going with his last statement. “What’re you getting at?”

  “Look Sloane, it’s no secret you have friends that help you with Brayden, but how exactly would the court look at the fact you have someone in his life that has a pretty colorf
ul past.”

  “Colorful past?” Confusion covered Sloane’s face as Jax walked back to face the window as he continued.

  “Chase, who you tried to pass off as your fiancé, has been dating someone recently, hasn’t he? Hannah…Hannah Winters, right?” Jax stopped and swiveled to face Sloane. He watched her face as she tried to put together his cryptic puzzle.

  “That’s none of your business. I don’t see what Chase or anyone he’s dating has to do with this.”

  “Well, you see it is my business. It’s something that affects Brayden. And that’s something that affects Gates, so in turn, that makes it my business, and a matter of the court’s business.” Jax’s smile grew wider and Sloane slowly shook her head at his insinuation that she would have anyone around her child that wasn’t a good influence. “You have Chase babysit Brayden from time to time. And Hannah’s there too, right?”

  “Chase is a responsible person. He’s good to Brayden and would never do anything to harm him or let anyone who would harm him come near him.” Sloane stood and walked closer to Jax. She was furious that he would think Chase would harm her child.

  “You know I’m pretty sure he is a good guy. But how good is he with judging the character of his girlfriend? I’m hard pressed to decide on what I should use.” His ambiguous ramblings had her insides churning. She could feel rage building in the pit of her stomach at his flippant attitude.

  “What do you mean, what to use?”

  “Hannah’s sweet, but how much do you know about her? Hmm?” Sloane could see Jax’s confidence building by the second as he stood watching her and waiting for her reaction. “We both know she is Senator Winters daughter. We also both know he’s running for re-election. But what you and maybe her boyfriend don’t know is how much fun Miss Hannah had in college. Those frat and sorority parties sure can get pretty wild. Things the good Senator kept covered up during his first run for office.” Jax’s grin morphed into more of a maniacal sneer and Sloane could feel her legs getting weak. “I wonder if Chase knows about his girlfriend’s past? I guess in a way since he did you a favor and ‘acted’ like your fiancé then you can do him a favor and go through with this hearing. That way I can expose everything from his, Hannah’s and even Liyah’s past.”

  Sloane glanced out of the window and tried to steady herself. If what he was saying was true, Jax was going to do the same thing those damn tabloids did to people and ruin her friends’ lives. “You can’t do that. They are good people. Why would you do something so heinous and vile? Regardless of their pasts, I know none of them would ever hurt Brayden or do anything to jeopardize his safety.” A new anxiety started to take over when she thought of the possible damage Jax could inflict on her friends.

  “Look, Sloane, you’re right. They may be great people, and honestly, I have no problem with the way your friends live their lives or what they’ve done. Hell, I agree. We’ve all done something that we aren’t too proud of at some point in our lives. Difference is; I’m not raising an impressionable child. And it doesn’t matter what it is, it’s how you use the information and present it. Her simple disturbing the peace charge could easily be misconstrued. Especially when you can twist the story anyway you want.” Suddenly she felt sick watching Jax straighten his silk tie and look at his watch before flashing her a toothy evil grin. “Look, Sloane, your friends are your friends and they are all upstanding citizens. I would honestly hate to see that blemished by things brought out in court and plastered across front pages everywhere. I doubt they want the world to know their personal lives. And I’m pretty sure Senator Winters would not be happy about having to do damage control during his re-election run.”

  “Why would you do something like this?” Shaking her head, she could feel the tears start to pool in her eyes and she fought to keep them at bay. The last thing she wanted was to let this snake in the grass see her break.

  “Oh darling, it’s nothing personal, but let’s get something straight. Gates hired me to do a job. So, whatever I have to do to win this case, I will do it. I suggest if you don’t want yours or your friend’s lives to be dissected, analyzed, and placed on display like Beyoncé’s baby bump, then you will do what’s needed to keep it from ever coming out in court. I look forward to hearing from your attorney,” he said as he winked and strode boastfully out of her office. And just as quickly and quietly as he exited, tears tumbled down her face.


  Once Jax left her office, Sloane sat numb in her chair for over an hour. She knew Gates had more money than Fort Knox and he would always be able to provide more material things for Brayden than she would. She never thought the friendships she’d made that had become so dear to her could be what kept her from keeping Brayden. Anyone in their right mind could see she would do anything to protect him and keep him safe. Liyah and Chase would give their lives for him. Why wasn’t that enough? She knew if she continued to fight Gates, Jax would make good on his threats. The damage to their lives would be irreparable. Hannah would really have a good reason to hate her then.

  Gates’ world was a lot different from theirs. Any and everything he did was at the fingertips of the world and she was surprised reporters hadn’t already come calling. Their lives were about to be scrutinized in every retail store check-out line. She knew this from experience. The things may not even be true, but after a while it would be hard to distinguish between what was real and what was fake. It was exactly what contributed to her misconception that Gates was cheating on her. With Jax behind this, it would probably be much worse. She hated to think about it. But he was right. It was only a matter of time before she would run out of money to keep fighting for Brayden. Feeling helpless, she grabbed her purse and walked out of the office with a heavy heart.

  Picking Brayden up from daycare, she thought about how these could be some of the last days she would spend with him. What would she do without seeing him every day? Hearing his little tiny voice as he started to learn new words or watching him pull up on the furniture in his efforts to try to walk. Then her mind flashed to all she had deprived Gates of with Brayden. Maybe this is what she deserved. She’d kept Gates from his son and he missed out on his first smile, his first words, and the first time he found his toes.


  “Hola chica. Dinner smells great and I’m pretty sure this bottle of wine will go with it perfectly,” Liyah walked into the house, placing the bottle on the counter and kneeling down to kiss Brayden’s chubby cheek. He was content, playing on the floor as Sloane finished dinner. She’d decided to have Liyah and Chase over so she could discuss her plans with them.

  “Thanks. Have you seen Chase?”

  “Oh, he’s on his way. Hannah had an afternoon flight out to go visit her sister in Dallas and Chase took her to Raleigh to catch a direct flight. So what’s the big announcement?” Liyah asked, plopping down in one of the barstools to watch Sloane finish dinner.

  “What’re you talking about?”

  “Sloane, don’t do that. You are cooking us dinner during the middle of the week, there’s something going on, so you might as well tell me.” Sloane glanced at Liyah and saw millions of questions swirling around in her eyes.

  Just then the doorbell rang. “Could you get that for me?”

  “Don’t think you’re off the hook. There is something going on.” Liyah slid out of the chair and walked to the door with Brayden crawling behind her.

  “Mmmm, something smells so good.” Chase said as he entered the house. “Thank God you called and said you were cooking tonight. I didn’t have it in me to cook anything after a round-trip to Raleigh today.” He stooped to pick up Brayden who was now reaching for any of them to pick him up. “Hey, little man.”

  “You’re going to spoil him you know that?” Liyah laughed, blowing bubbles on Brayden’s plump cheek.

  “And you’re going to give him a complex blowing on his face like that, but I don’t ever stop you from doing it.” Chase grinned and walked into the kit
chen with Brayden. “So, what’s going on, Sloane?” Chase placed Brayden on the counter as he took a seat on one of the bar stools.

  “What’re you talking about?”

  “See, I told you, Sloane. You never cook for us during the week unless something’s on your mind. So spill it.” Liyah reached over, picked up a cherry tomato and popped it in her mouth. Sloane knew there was really no fooling the two of them. Both were right, she did channel nervous energy into cooking and it always ended with a huge meal they were more than happy to eat.

  “Guys, I really-”

  “C’mon, Sloane.”

  “Let’s eat before the food gets cold.” Placing the food on the table, she tried to steer the conversation elsewhere. She knew she needed to talk to them, but the more she thought about it, the more she wanted to put it off.

  “Well, I won’t argue with you there.” Chase took Brayden and placed him in his highchair and they all sat around the table.

  They said a prayer and ate for a while in silence, before Liyah started the inquisition again. “Sloane, okay, we’ve waited long enough. What’s going on?”

  Pushing her food around on her plate, she slowly put her fork down and placed her hands in her lap. Taking a deep breath she looked up and started, “I’ve decided to give Gates full custody of Brayden.”

  “WHAT!” the two yelled in unison.

  “I can’t fight him anymore and I don’t want to put Brayden through this.” Sloane had labored over the decision since her visit with Jax.

  “That’s bull and you know it. Brayden’s too young to even know what’s going on.” Sloane could see the disbelief in Liyah’s eyes as her best friend sat across from her.


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