A Secret to Keep

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A Secret to Keep Page 19

by Railyn Stone

  “Sloane, why?” She could see the concern on their faces.

  “It’s the best thing to do, Chase.” Sloane was trying desperately to convince herself she was doing the right thing, and also convince her friends. She’d already done enough to upset lives and she didn’t want to cause any more havoc.

  “I don’t believe this.” Chase pushed back from the table and crossed his arms. “How could you do this? Brayden’s your son?”

  “I know that.” Sloane hugged her arms to her sides and stood up. She wanted so badly to keep fighting, but she knew it was no use. She may have the motherly instincts to fight, but Gates’ bank account would outlast hers. “Guys, I can’t fight him. Gates has more money than I do and he can give Brayden a life I can’t.”

  “Whatever, Sloane. You’ve given Brayden a loving home and environment to grow up in, so don’t give me that.” Liyah stood and walked over to stand in front of Sloane. “If it’s the money, you know we’ll help.”

  “Thank you, but I can’t ask you to do that. There are other factors that can affect the way the judge decides. Things I didn’t really think about.” Sloane closed her eyes briefly then gazed at Brayden happily pushing his food around on his tray. She wondered how much time she had left with him.

  “Sloane, I don’t get it. Brayden’s your world, why’re you giving up? You’re just going to give this man your son and walk away? I don’t believe this.” She could see the suspicion on Chase’s face and the disappointment in Liyah’s eyes.

  “I know. I’m shocked, Sloane. I’ve known you since high school and this just isn’t like you. What gives?”

  Sloane was sick of crying, but no matter how hard she tried, the tears continued to roll. She didn’t want to lose her son, but she didn’t know what to do. “Gates lives in a different world. He has way more money and resources and, well, he’s going to use any and everything to win.”

  “So? Like Liyah said, we’ll help.” Chase looked at her with so much genuineness she nearly broke.

  “I don’t have a choice.” Her voice betrayed her and cracked and she released every emotion she was trying so desperately to hold back.

  “What do you mean you don’t have a choice?”

  “Jax came to visit me today. He’s going to do anything to win. He’ll bring up your pasts. Not just mine. He’s going to use anything he can find and twist it to make it look like I’m associating with bad people and that I’m a bad mother.” She sank into a chair and let the tears flow. She couldn’t have stopped the river of water if she wanted to.

  “He can’t prove you’re a bad mother, Sloane. That’s ridiculous.”

  “You don’t get it, Chase. It’s not about what he can prove. It’s all about perception.” She paused, taking a deep breath. It was the part of her life with Gates she didn’t miss. The way people made assumptions and would rather believe lies than know the truth. It was so difficult to distinguish what was real and what wasn’t. “Gates is such a high profile person that our lives are going to be dissected in front of the world, not just here. Are you ready for your life to be on display? Is Hannah?”

  “What’s Hannah got to do with this?” Chase moved to kneel beside her.

  “He’s going to use anything from your past, Liyah’s past, even Hannah’s past. Anyone who’s had anything to do with Brayden and me will be fodder for the tabloids. Any secret you may have will be plastered on every newsstand, blog and website. You will be hounded by reporters, cameras, etc. Do you want me to go on?” The tears continued to flow from her eyes faster than she could wipe them away. She was so frustrated and scared and she wanted to lie down and die. She could not believe how bad all of this had gotten.

  “Sloane, that’s still no reason for you to give up. You’re a great mother and Brayden is happy. I don’t care about a camera and reporters. If anything, I’m already preparing for it with the Senator’s reelection coming up.” Chase offered playfully.

  “Yeah, maybe you don’t care, but will Hannah be okay with it?”

  “You keep mentioning her. Is there something you’re not telling me?”

  Sloane paused and looked down at the floor before looking back at Chase. “How much do you know about Hannah? I mean, do you know everything about her?”

  “I know all that matters Sloane. What’re you getting at?” She could see Chase was growing weary of her questions and mentioning Hannah.

  “The only reason I’m asking is Jax knew about Hannah. He knew her name and mentioned her to me. How would he know her? And why would he mention the fact her father is running for reelection? Don’t you see? He’s done his homework. Jax has no qualms with doing whatever he has to do to make you or her look bad. He’s able to find things many others don’t.” Chase quieted, thinking about what Sloane was saying. She could see he was starting to see the magnitude of the situation. “Yeah. Are you ready for her to be skewered in front of the world?” Sloane stood and walked past Chase to sit beside Brayden; taking a napkin and wiping his face and hands. “I’ve had a taste of Gates’ world. I know what it’s like, but that doesn’t mean that you have to experience it. Anyway, it doesn’t matter. This is probably what I deserve. I’m the one who kept Gates from his son and I have to pay for this. Not anyone else.” She finished wiping Brayden’s face and just sat, staring at her hands in her lap.

  “Sloane, you can’t believe that.” Liyah walked over and knelt beside her.

  “I don’t know what to believe anymore, Liyah. Honestly, I don’t. I wanted to believe Gates would understand why I did what I did and you see how that turned out. I wanted to believe he would fight fair and you see he hired a snake like Jax.” She leaned her head back to look at the ceiling wishing she could quell the new wave of fear she felt. She was about to lose her son, the one person in the world she loved more than anything, and she wanted to scream. “I can’t fight him anymore. I love Brayden. He’s my life. But I want the best life for him and if I continue to fight Gates, he’ll stretch this out and I’ll end up with no money to even support him. I know, I know you both said you would help, but I can’t do that to you. Even if I did, how long do you think our money pooled together would last?”

  “Sloane, let’s talk about this.” Chase walked back to the table and sat down across from her. “There has to be some way.”

  Shaking her head, Sloane reached over to take Brayden out of his high chair. “Chase, there’s really nothing else left to talk about. I don’t see how I can win.” Taking a deep breath, she saw her little boy looking up at her with the same eyes as his father and it broke her heart. “It’s getting late. I really need to clean Brayden up and put him down for the night.”

  “Yeah, of course. Why don’t you go ahead and we’ll clean up?” Liyah offered as she watched her friend take the little boy to his room.

  Liyah and Chase moved in silence as they started to clear the dishes and put things away.

  “Okay, Liyah, what’re you thinking? I can see those wheels turning in your head.” Chase finally broke the silence.

  “I can’t believe Gates. It’s not like him to be that ruthless and manipulating. Sloane should be able to fight fire with fire, that’s all.”

  “What do you mean?” Chase stopped and looked at her.

  “She should have someone working on her behalf to help her keep her son.”

  “She has Kimberly, what else can she do?”

  “She also has me. It’s time I did something I should’ve done a long time ago.”

  “And what’s that?” Chase leaned back against the counter.

  Looking around quickly to make sure Sloane wasn’t coming back in the room; Liyah looked at Chase with an assured look. “I’m going to pay Mr. McCall a visit.”

  “Liyah, do you think that’s a good idea? Hell, I’d like to pay Gates a visit myself, but it would not be pleasant. I don’t want it used against Sloane.”

  “Do you have a better idea? I cannot, and will not stand by and watch him
steamroll her. I refuse to.” Liyah placed the last of the plates she cleared on the counter near the sink and looked at Chase.

  “Be careful with what you say. We don’t want this coming back to bite Sloane later.”

  “At this point, we have nothing to lose.” Quietly, the two of them went back to cleaning the dinner dishes.


  Waiting for anything had never been Gates’ strong suit. It was not something he did often. Waiting for the court proceedings to take place were about to kill him. He called Jax to see if there was a way to get it expedited because all he wanted was for the whole thing to be over. He was seriously starting to question why he’d ever started the proceedings in the first place. Then he would look at the photo of Sloane and Brayden in the park and he would get mad all over again. He couldn’t understand it. Had he been that bad that she would think he wouldn’t be there for his son? He knew in some ways he had become Victor McCall, the man he’d tried his best not to emulate. Did she have that little faith in him?

  Not all of the time was bad with his father, but for the most part Gates was never at home. He honestly had never spent that much time with the man. As soon as he was old enough to know any better, he was neatly packed up and sent away to school, where he met Evan. During the holidays and the weekends or breaks, he would end up going home with Evan rather than to his own home. It was perfect meeting Evan because his family had automatically adopted Gates as one of their own and he and Evan became closer than most biological brothers. No matter where he was in the world, he knew he could call Evan and he’d be there and vice versa. He valued what Evan had to say and it was weighing heavy on his heart what his friend had said about Jax representing him with the custody case. Maybe Evan was right. Jax was a bit aggressive and it was nothing for him to go for the jugular in any kind of case, so why would this be different?

  They met in law school and once they were out, Evan and Gates had ventured into real estate law, while Jax had veered into family law. He told them it would be where the money was because CEOs and high profile people were constantly trading in one family for another and he’d always be in business. He’d made a name for himself and had become one of the most sought after attorneys for custody battles, divorce proceedings and pre-nups. He’d made a lot of scorned women rich from their multi-million dollar husbands and protected many high profile celebrities and athletes from losing money when their fly-by-night marriages were over.

  Slouching in his leather chair, Gates swiveled around to look at the skyline. It was a pretty nice view of the city where he sat. Why couldn’t life be simple for him again? Maybe it could be he thought, pulling his phone from his pocket and scrolling through the numbers. He sat staring at Sloane’s name, his thumb hovering above the illuminated letters and was about to touch the screen when he heard a loud commotion behind him. Gates spun around in his chair and sat up to see Liyah barreling in his office with Evan hot on her heels.

  “Liyah, you can’t just barge in here.” Evan’s attempt to cut Liyah off and prevent her from entering Gates’ office was futile. At this point, he was powerless to stop her as she pushed past him.

  “We need to talk.” Liyah stood in defiance in front of Gates’ desk.

  “Okay.” Gates slowly stood and motioned for Liyah to sit while nodding to Evan that it was okay. He heard Evan sigh as he turned to exit the office, closing the door behind him. “I’m guessing Sloane asked you to come and speak on her behalf?” He sat down in the leather desk chair and waited for Liyah to respond.

  “Someone has to. You won’t talk to her.”

  “Can you blame me?” He knew by her clipped retort that she wasn’t exactly happy about the turn of events and how things were going between him and her best friend.

  “Look, Gates, I understand you’re upset about Brayden. But is that really a reason for you to wage a war against Sloane?”

  Shaking his head, Gates sat forward. “Upset? Liyah, I’ve missed out on almost eleven months of my son’s life. I’m way past upset. Try mad. That’s a better description of how I feel and I have every right to be. She wasn’t even going to tell me.”

  “Gates, yes she was. She agonized over this for the longest time.”

  “You really want me to believe that? Look Liyah, I’m pretty busy. I appreciate you coming here to ‘speak’ for Sloane, but I don’t have time for this. We’ll settle it in court.”

  “Is that really what you want, Gates? Do you want to fight over your child like he’s a piece of the real estate you buy and sell? It’s already been a month and a half since you started this custody battle. How much more time do you want to waste? He’s a little boy. He needs his mother and his father.”

  “Did you tell Sloane that? Because she should’ve thought about that before she kept him from me.”

  “And so now that gives you the right to take Brayden away from her?”

  He was growing annoyed at Liyah’s boldness. He understood she was Sloane’s best friend. Gates understood she cared about her and Brayden, but he was growing tired of her questioning him on his motives. “Liyah, not that it’s really any of your business, but we’re doing what we feel is necessary to give Brayden the life he deserves. Sloane happens to believe it’s with her and I happen to believe it’s with me.”

  “Gates, you know Sloane. You know her better than anyone. This isn’t something she did to hurt you. She did it because she thought it was the best thing for Brayden. You have to believe that.” Gates thought before responding. He knew Liyah meant well, but she couldn’t possibly understand what he was going through and how much he was hurting.

  “All I know is I wasn’t there for my son’s birth. Liyah, I missed his first smile, his first laugh, the first time he rolled over. Those are things I can’t get back.” He knew he was probably divulging more than he should, but he needed her to understand how bad he was feeling and why he was doing what he was doing. His chest hurt thinking about all he’d missed with his son. “Sloane knew the relationship, or the lack of a relationship I had with my own father, and she still chose to keep Brayden from me. I didn’t deserve that.”

  “Gates, she didn’t want Brayden’s life to be like yours. Okay, maybe it wasn’t right keeping him from you. I’ll give you that. But you have to understand; she was afraid you wouldn’t be there for him. And that history was going to repeat itself. As busy as you are, it’s a great possibility that you would have missed those things anyway.”

  “Liyah, I know my track record hasn’t been the greatest with Sloane. I’ll admit it. I didn’t put her first like I should have in a lot of instances, but I can’t understand how she would think I wouldn’t be there for him.” He looked down at his desk and thought about his past actions and then he looked Liyah in the eye. “Look, I’m not going to keep defending myself. Regardless of our history, I’m going to fight for my son.”

  “Yeah, well there’s one difference between the both of you. Sloane is fighting fair, can’t say that much for you.” Liyah stood, straightened her jacket and grabbed her purse to walk out of the office.

  “What’re you talking about?” Gates stood, confused by her last statement. It was like she was insinuating he was doing something underhanded to get his son. Turning to look at Gates, Liyah stopped with her hand on the doorknob.

  “Why don’t you ask your attorney? You did send him to make a few threats to get Sloane to back off, right? Or is that something he told you to play dumb about if anyone asked?” Liyah jerked the door open and stormed out.

  Slowly sinking down into his chair, Gates thought about Liyah’s last comment. What did she mean by fighting fair; and what threats did Jax make? He definitely hadn’t authorized anything of the sort. That wasn’t his style. He didn’t threaten anyone. It was one of the reasons he was as successful as he was. He did things fairly and even if it wasn’t something someone liked, they still respected him for the way he conducted himself.

  “You okay in here?” Evan
peeked around the door. “I just saw Liyah blaze out.” Gates looked up as Evan walked further into the room.

  “Am I being unreasonable?” Gates sat forward with his elbows propped on the mahogany desk, clasping his hands together. He knew if anyone would be honest with him it would be Evan. No matter if he was right or wrong, Evan never had a problem letting him know if he was making a mistake or not.

  “What?” Evan watched Gates as he sat in the chair across from him.

  “This whole thing. The custody battle with Sloane. Am I being unreasonable?”

  “Gates, I, I don’t know if I’m the best person to answer that,” Evan stammered, shaking his head and staring wide-eyed at Gates.

  “Evan, you’re my best friend. You know me better than anyone. Who better to answer the question? Be honest with me. Am I being unreasonable?” Gates waited for Evan’s response. Brutal or not, he needed an answer. Liyah’s last comments had him questioning his decision to fight Sloane and he needed reassurance.

  Shrugging, Evan took a moment before answering. “I wouldn’t say unreasonable. You have every right to want to be in your son’s life. I do think it’s a little extreme to push for full custody of him and take him out of an environment he’s used to.”

  “So, I should back off?” Gates asked quietly.

  “I didn’t say that. You need to be in Brayden’s life. He needs to know you and he needs you to be there for him, but he also needs his mom.”

  “Do you think I’m doing anything unfair?”

  “Gates, where’s this coming from?”

  Before Gates could answer, Angelica and Jax appeared in the doorway. “Gates, Jax is here.” Angelica stepped back to let Jax enter and got ready to reach for the door to close it behind her. Evan stood and started to walk out with Angelica.

  “Gel, could you come in here for a minute? Evan, if you don’t mind, I’d like you to stay, too.” Evan watched Gates’ eyes grow intense as Jax and Angelica walked across the room to take their seats in front of his desk. Evan sat in one of the chairs to the side of Gates’ desk.


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