What We Won't do for Love (Love, Lies & Lust Series)
Page 25
“Well, you know I got a shipment coming in this week, and it’s mandatory that it go quicker than the last. Oh, by the way… I hear Deuce and them on the west side are putting down real heavy. What’s up with that?” Real inquired.
“Yeah, word is they got a new Colombian connect out of Miami. My crew and I were just discussing that yesterday. We are working on eliminating that problem before the end of the week,” Cash assured Real.
“A’ight. We don’t need to be sitting on this shit no longer than a week,” Real said firmly.
“I got you. I’m getting with my niggas tomorrow to handle that west side problem, and also I’ll connect with my folks in New York and L.A. with some good numbers to make that shit disappear.”
“A’ight. And about that west side problem, let them niggas on payroll handle it. Don’t get your hands dirty. They expendable, and you ain’t,” Real said firmly, knowing all too well how Cash liked to get his hands dirty.
“I’m just calling the shots, bro. Let me know if you need me to handle that slick back,” Cash said as he stood to leave.
“Get at me tomorrow.”
“Fo sho,” Cash replied as he exited.
En route home, Cash picked up his cell phone and called B-Low, not realizing that a black crown Victoria driven by a federal DEA agent followed close behind.
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George Sherman Hudson
Short Story Mini Series
Dope, Death and Deception
Meet Lovely Brown, a 20 year old from Detroit, MI that has witnessed too much! After her father was sentenced to major time behind bars her mother turns to drugs and is later found dead because of it. She is left to take care of her younger sister after her older sister bails! She s been homeless and hungry, taking various street jobs to put food on the table for her baby sister Tori, but after a case of mistaken identity Lovely is left all alone with no family because they ve all become victims of the streets, in one way or another. She vows to take vengeance into her own hands and shut down the dope game by becoming one of it s major players, operating under the name LB. Everything was running smoothly until she finds out that she has a 1 MILLION dollar bounty placed on her head and seemingly overnight everything begins to fall apart. In the mist of her chaos she falls in love with a guy that she knows little about. They have both been keeping secrets but his could prove to be deadly for her! Immediately she thinks of an exit strategy but will she make it out the game alive?
Still Deceiving
Lovely Brown was living the good life as Detroit’s top drug dealer, operating under the alias LB. Everything was going smooth until her father Lucifer escaped from prison, ready to return to the throne and destroy anyone in his path, including Lovely. While running for her life, she was also being investigated by the Feds and simultaneously set-up for the murder of her mafia connects’ nephew. This resulted in a ONE MILLION DOLLAR bounty being placed on her head. Achieving the impossible, Lovely managed to escape unscathed.
Now, five years after she left all the Dope, Death and Deception behind and she’s finally living a normal life, things get complicated. Issues from her past come right to her front door. Once again Lovely finds herself in a bad situation with her back against the wall—looking sideways at everyone in her corner. Lies have been told and love has been tested.
Just when she thought things were over, it looks as if someone is Still Deceiving!
The King, raised in the hood with his family, saw a lot of suffering. He witnessed death and destruction within his own family—poverty and desperation of his own people. Instead of being part of the problem, he became part of the solution and rose to the top of his game. In his mind…it was survival.
After an encounter with a brilliant scientist, King began to plot something so huge, that no one would see it coming or be able to stop the cycle…not even the police.
Sa’id Salaam
Trap House is an unflinching account of the goings on of an Atlanta drug den and the lives of those who frequent it. Its cast of characters include the Notorious P.I.G., the proprietor of the house, who uses his power to satisfy his licentious fetishes. Of his customers, there’s Wanda, an exotic dancer who loathes P.I.G., but only tolerates him because he has the best dope in town. Wanda’s boyfriend Mike is the owner of an upscale strip club, as well as a full time pimp.
Tiffany and Marcus are the teenage couple who began frequenting the Trap House after snorting a few lines at a party. Can their love for each other withstand the demands of their fledging addiction, or will it tear them apart?
P.I.G.’s wife Blast, doorman Earl and a host of other colorful characters round out the inhabitants of the Trap House.
Trap House is the bastard child of real life and the author’s vivid imagination. Its author, Sa’id Salaam, paints a graphic portrait of the inner-workings of an under-world. He takes you so close you can almost hear the sizzle of the cocaine as it’s smoked—almost smell the putrid aroma of crack as it’s exhaled. Yet for all the grit and grime, Trap House has the audacity to be a love story. Through the sordid sex and brutality is an underlying tale of redemption and self empowerment. Trap House drives home the reality that everyone is a slave to something.
Who’s your master?
Enjoy an excerpt from Sa’id Salaam
“You can ride with me since Mike got some business,” Wanda announced.
Once in the car, Wanda handed Tiffany a small white pill. “Here, girl. This’ll make you feel sexy,” she said as Tiffany plucked it from her hand.
“What is it?” Tiffany asked after washing it down with her soda.
“X. Yo lil ass gon’ be rolling good in a minute,” Wanda chuckled. Wanda pulled over a few blocks before the club, and they shared a quick blast.
Mike was holding court out front as the women pulled up. After parking, they went around to meet him. Wanda felt a swell of anger as Mike greeted Tiffany before greeting her.
“Lil Ms. Thang ready to hit the stage,” Wanda announced dryly.
“So nuff!” Mike gushed enthusiastically. “Make sure y’all call me. I don’t want to miss this.”
Tiffany was a nervous wreck as she waited for her turn onstage. She downed shot after shot of Alizé, attempting to settle down. The X she had taken earlier was now shooting waves of electric sexual energy through her body with every heartbeat. Remembering the loaded straight shooter Wanda had left in the ashtray, Tiffany slipped out for a quick blast. The effects of all the drugs coursing through her system were almost overwhelming.
Just as she slinked back into the club, her name was announced as next up. After a quick once-over in the dressing room mirror, Tiffany floated to the stage. She was so high her feet barely touched the floor.
A stir of commotion rang around the club when the regulars realized that Tiffany, now known as “China Doll,” was dancing. Over the months, she had turned all of them down for dances, drinks, and dates, so her being onstage was a big deal.
The DJ threw on the latest D-lite song, and Tiffany began moving to the beat.
Wanda squeezed her way to the front to watch and coach her protégé.
Mike, too, had come down from his office perch to watch from the side of the stage.
The DJ announced that $200 would get China Doll out of the sexy boy shorts she was wearing. No sooner than the words left his mouth, hundreds of dollars were stretched toward her.
Wanda motioned for Tiffany to go around and collected the outstretched bills. Naively, Tiffany took the first bills in her hand until Wanda caught her attention. She lifted her leg and snapped her garter belt, reminding Tiffany to let the patrons place their money there.
Tiffany danced over to a twenty-dollar bill and dipped low enough for its previous owner to put it in her garter. The man’s hand rubbed against her crotch, causing her knees to buckle slightly as a wave of electric sexual energy pulsed through her body again.
It seemed that every customer man
aged to brush against her crotch as they filled her garter belt. By the time she removed the boy shorts, they were soaking wet.
A few hundred dollars more, and Tiffany was as naked as the day she was born. The excitement of the drugs, alcohol, and men touching her was too much for her. She was in a zone as she leaned against the pole, gyrating with the music and rubbing her rock-hard nipples.
Tiffany lost track of her surroundings as she got caught up in the sensation she was giving herself. She slid down the pole until she was squatted with her legs wide open. Oblivious to the crowd and needing to get off, she began to masturbate.
The club grew eerily quiet, as the DJ got so caught up in the show that he neglected to put another song on. The only sounds to be heard were Tiffany’s whimpers as she neared an orgasm.
Tiffany couldn’t contain herself any longer and let out a scream as the powerful climax wracked her body. Her legs came out from under her, leaving her spread eagle on the stage, exposing her dripping vagina.
The club was still, and not even the chirp of a cricket could be heard.
“Hell, yeah!” someone yelled, causing the club to erupt.
Tiffany was totally embarrassed as she came back to the reality of her surroundings. Through a rain of bills, she saw hundreds of smiling faces. Only one face wasn’t smiling. In fact, its owner looked mortified. Tiffany squinted to bring the shocked face into focus. It was her turn to be shocked once she recognized Carlos. She sprang to her feet and bolted from the stage.
When she made it to the dressing room, Tiffany collapsed on a bench. She was just so embarrassed. She wished she could just disappear.
Just as she made up her mind to get dressed and go home, another dancer came in with a bucket of cash. “Gurrl…you…turned that shit out!” Diva exclaimed.
Tiffany was confused by the money but accepted it. “Um…thank you,” she mumbled, looking at what had to be thousands of dollars, not to mention the garter she wore was also stuffed with cash.
Soon, the other dancers flowed in, all echoing Diva’s sentiments.
“Girl, they still tripping out there!” one yelled.
“Ima do dat same shit,” exclaimed another.
All the girls congratulated Tiffany except one. Wanda was absolutely fuming at the thought of being shown up. It was her man’s club, and she was the star, the headliner. To make matters worse, she saw how Mike reacted to the performance.
“What the hell is going on back here?” Mike boomed as he made his way into the crowded dressing room. “This s’pose to be a strip club, and all the strippers in here! Y’all get y’all asses back on the floor,” he commanded.
The room emptied before all the words exited his mouth. The only people left were Tiffany, Wanda, and Mike.
“You! Come with me,” Mike demanded, looking at Tiffany.
“You want me to come too?” Wanda pleaded.
“Nah. Go dance,” Mike replied without even bothering to look in her direction.
Wanda shot Tiffany a dangerous glance as she rushed to catch up with Mike. She knew full well Mike intended to sex her after that nasty little show of hers. “I got you,” Wanda spat at Tiffany’s departing back. “Yeah, I got you.”
* * *
“Close the door and lock it,” Mike demanded as he entered his office with Tiffany in tow.
She did as ordered but stayed by the door, afraid she was in trouble. She’d heard Mike complain time after time about the vice squad spying on him. One girl had been arrested the week before for solicitation. Tiffany clutched at her robe just knowing she was about to be fired.
“Come around here,” Mike ordered in a softer tone as he sat at his desk.
Tiffany, still fearful, didn’t budge. When Mike began to unbutton his shirt, it became clear what he wanted. Tiffany decided in an instant that she was going to give it up to him.
When she came around the desk, Mike picked her up and placed her on the desk in front of him. He opened her robe and then laid her back and spread her legs. To Tiffany’s surprise, Mike buried his bearded face in her crotch. By now, he knew enough of Tiffany’s sexual and hygiene habits from Wanda and had no qualms about going down on her.
Tiffany, who had never experienced oral sex and considered it to be gross, came in seconds. When Mike’s tongue slipped inside of her, she was shocked that it felt as large as Marcus’s penis.
Mike kept licking her until another strong orgasm shook her small body. When she came, she emitted a spray of juices that splashed Mike’s face. When he stood up, his beard was literally dripping.
Remembering how, at the dentist, looking at the needle was always worse than the actual shot, Tiffany told herself not to look as Mike removed his pants. She regretted not taking her own advice when she saw the huge penis in front of her. It looked to be the same size as his leg.
Mike lined himself up and pushed forcefully inside of her. Tiffany screamed as he filled her up, then again when she came for the third time. A few strokes later, Mike screamed as he let go inside of her. Through the pain, Tiffany was quite pleased with herself when the large man slumped on top of her, breathing heavily.
Wanda had heard enough from the door and removed her ear. Blinded by tears, she ran to her car without even bothering to change into her street clothes.
When Mike’s breathing returned to normal, he ordered Tiffany to get dressed to leave. He called his assistant manager and told him he was leaving for the night.
Sam, the assistant, understood; he’d seen the show as well.
Tiffany would have to get the tour of Mike’s swank Buckhead condo some other time. As soon as they entered, he practically dragged her to the rear. The plush furnishings and 1,000-gallon fish tank filled with colorful creatures were just a blur.
Mike’s bedroom walls were painted black to match the carpet, curtains, and furniture. He turned on a black light that bathed the room in a gothic glow. “Go on. Knock that out,” Mike said, handing her a black plate with neat white lines of powder cocaine.
Tiffany longed for a blast, but this would have to do.
He popped a pill and swallowed it with a large shot.
“What’s that? X?” Tiffany inquired giddily between snorting lines.
“Uh-uh. Viagra,” Mike replied with a wicked grin. He almost felt sorry for the young girl, knowing what was in store for her.
When Mike began to feel the effects of the Viagra and the liquor, he stripped Tiffany and then himself, and everything was underway.
* * *
The next morning, Tiffany’s vagina was so battered and swollen she couldn’t even put her panties back on.
Mike got a kick out of watching her limp around his apartment. “You a’ight? Sprain yo’ ankle or something?” Mike giggled as they made their way to the elevator.
“Ha ha,” Tiffany replied, poking out her lip.
“How much did you make last night?” Mike inquired, sounding businesslike.
“Um…almost $2,000,” Tiffany answered, a little taken aback by the change in his demeanor.
“I know you was in a hurry last night, so make sure you bring your 10 percent when you come tonight. You’ll do a lot better once we get you a few table dances,” Mike rambled on with dollar signs in his eyes.
Tiffany chided herself internally for allowing herself to think last night meant something. “Yeah, I guess so,” she said sadly.
Mike wasn’t new to the game. He heard her tone and knew she needed to feel special right then. The young ones were like that. He’d been turning girls out on some level since third grade. “This is just the beginning for us,” Mike said, pulling her close. “I have much bigger things in store for us.” Mike planted a soft kiss on her forehead to punctuate the word “us.” The girls liked that word; it made them feel included.
“Mmm. Bigger than this?” Tiffany asked, playfully grabbing his manhood.
“Don’t start nothing you can’t finish,” Mike warned, reacting to her touch.
Tiffany felt a stab of
pain in her crotch when Mike began to stiffen in her hand. She quickly pulled away, fearful of dealing with that monster again so soon.
Mike got a good laugh out of the horrified look on her face and teased her about it.
They were so caught up in their playful banter that they walked right past Marcus, who was slumped down in a stolen car. He’d followed them from the club the night before and spent the night smoking in the parking lot. Marcus smoked and plotted, plotted and smoked. He fully intended to make good on his promise. Tiffany had just been added to his list.
Short Story Ebook Series
William Champion, known as Willie, was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He had the best of everything and a bright future lay ahead of him.
He escapes death’s hands at a young age, only to get caught up with life. Young, naive and inexperienced, Willie gets turned out by the excitement of the hood.
The lure of a lifestyle filled with drugs, hookers and sex continuously consumes him. Lies and betrayal is his norm. Can he change before he loses his picture perfect life or is it too late?
Remember, this is just the beginning . . .
Coming 2012
David Light, professionally known as D-Lite, wanted nothing else in life except to rap. His journey takes him from the mean streets of the South Bronx to the bright city lights of HotLanta!
Childhood friends, Desean and Shelby are along for the long as faithful sidekicks. However, life at the top of the charts is more than they bargained for.
Success transforms David into the image created for him by his label. The lines between art and life blur as envy turns to jealousy and jealousy turns to murder.
Written by music business insider, Sa’id Salaam, Rapper’s D-Lite is wildly entertaining but slyly intertwined with a moral message. In the end, decide for yourself if success is worth the price of fame.