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Kane's Mate (Armageddon Mates)

Page 9

by Gower, Hazel

  Faith felt her checks heat, blushing as he buried his face in between her legs, feasting. He chuckled against her pussy and she shivered. The smell of her arousal intensified. He licked the cream from her pussy until she felt the tremors of a pending orgasm. He moved up her body, thrusting his dick home. She came, calling his name, the word muffled against his shoulder. He thrust several more times. His face was strained and his muscles seemed to tighten as her vagina muscles squeezed and released.

  Kane turned her over, placing her hands on the lounge and spreading her legs further apart. She turned her head to see him take a step back, looking at her in an erotic stance. Growling, he stepped forward, draping himself over her and kissing his way up her back as he slammed his cock back home.

  * * * *

  Kane slowly moved his hands up, stopping at her stomach, knowing his child grew safely inside her. He cupped her breasts, playing with the nipples, loving her reactions. She writhed and bucked back against him, moaning his name. He picked up his pace, moving a hand up to help steady her.

  “Harder, please, harder. I need...” She bit his hand, and he growled, moving faster. She chanted, “Yes, yes, yes.”

  Stroking her clit with one hand, he braced her with the other as he thrust into her with more force. She screamed her release, obviously not caring anymore about waking up her brother. Her pussy clenched so tightly around his cock he couldn’t hold out any longer, and he came, yelling his own release as his cock locked inside her. God, it felt so good. He felt Faith shiver against him. She moaned as he picked her up and carried her to their room. Each time he moved, her body seemed to vibrate against him and her vagina muscles squeezed until it felt like she was going to cut his cock off.

  As he laid them on the bed, spooning and cuddling, she spoke softly in a blissed-out voice. “Once you go wolf, you will never want to go back. I love my werewolf.”

  He chuckled and kissed her head. Faith pulled his hand up to her mouth and kissed it. “I love you, Kane.”

  He pulled her closer and sucked on her neck. “You feel so good, my princess. I’m going to take you slowly this time…kissing, licking, sucking, and savoring every inch, finding all the special places on your body. By the end of tonight I will know every inch of you by heart.”

  She sighed out her pleasure as he did just that.

  * * * *

  The damn alarm went off, although it felt like they’d only fallen asleep minutes earlier. She groaned, snuggling closer to Kane. “I love you, Kane. Don’t forget I start work today. I finish tonight at 7:30, but I won’t get home ’til about 8:20, so there’s no need for you to rush home. I know you’re a workaholic. From what I was told you usually didn’t get home until around 10:30 at night, and then you would go out patrolling for two to three hours.”

  He chuckled. “Seems like I’m not the only one who listens to information about the other.”

  Faith smiled and pushed him out of bed. “Go to work.”

  He chuckled again.

  Faith had a slow morning before she went to work. She spent time with Bengie, relaxed, and after lunch she left for work.

  It felt fantastic to be home in Australia, working, coming home to Kane and Bengie. Faith had two wonderful vision free days where she got to sleep in, go to the beach, and she even did some shopping. On the third day, about an hour and a half before she finished work, her peaceful days came to an end. She almost missed catching the vision to hold it, because she was busy helping a group of girls with their artwork. She excused herself to go to the bathroom so she could gather herself, and she stared at her reflection in the mirror, concentrating. This was the first vision she’d had to hold off since getting her extra power. Faith cursed her mother for the gift. She could feel how powerful the vision was going to be. All Faith’s senses were on alert. She rinsed her face and walked back out.

  At 7:38 PM, Faith was walking out the door to go home. She thanked her coworker for staying back to help her pack up and lock everything up, then hurried to her car and broke all the speed limits getting to the house. Pulling into the driveway, she honked the horn, which didn’t help her migraine. She waited for Kane to come out, but Jamie strolled out instead. She saw him smile her way, then he frowned and started running when he saw her face.

  She finally let the vision come.

  Faith was in the city in back of a place similar to Splash, except more like a bar. She looked around the back alley and saw two large doors, one a fire exit. Across from her were cars, bins, and the doors of another establishment. She knew it was late, around 11:30 PM to 12ish.

  Five women dressed in black uniforms came out laughing.

  “I can’t believe you put up with that grabbing, Lexie. I would have poured his drink over him. The arsehole, just because he’s the owner’s brother doesn’t excuse it.”

  The one called Lexie laughed. “I know, but he’s so cute.”

  All the girls laughed harder. A small, blonde, pixie-like woman spoke up this time. “My God, he’s only eighteen now, just think what he’ll be like in his eighties. He’ll definitely give the phrase ‘dirty old man’ a new meaning.”

  They laughed harder, then the one called Lexie and a tall, black-haired woman with green eyes turned pale. They looked at each other then said together, “We need to leave now. Come on, quick, to our cars.”

  They grabbed the three other women and started running down the alley, where Faith saw a small parking area of about fifteen to twenty cars. The three women asked Lexie and Stacy to stop scaring them, but the women ignored their companions. They didn’t make it halfway before they were surrounded by three huge demons and about fifteen minions.

  One of the demons stepped forward. “We only want you two.” He pointed to Lexie and Stacy then turned to the minions. “You may kill and feed on the others.”

  They attacked as the girls screamed.

  Faith came out of the vision with a splitting migraine, a sense of direction, and a rough estimate of how long they had. She yelled, not realizing she was in Jaime’s arms on the lounge.

  “Call your father, Jamie. We have to go ASAP. Please, call now. I don’t have time to explain everything twice. Tell him we’ll need back-up.”

  Five minutes later Jack, Rane, Blake, Devlin, and a human major named Samuel Black arrived. Faith stared at the major then turned to Rane.

  “No offense to the major over there, but why the hell is he here? Rane, I thought you handled all military? Aren’t you in charge anymore?”

  “No offense taken,” the major said even as he scowled at her.

  She stared at them until Rane sighed and ran his hands over his head. “The humans have decided they need to see how bad it is, what it takes to fight them. It’s getting so bad, and we can’t be everywhere. They’re seeing the ramification, so they want to help. Plus, the number of missing people in the last five years has tripled, so they want to help find them. They sent Major Black to see what we’re up against. I think we’re going to need the help if what you’ve told us you saw is coming, and from what’s been happening lately on our nightly watches, I feel you’re right.”

  Faith sighed. “Well, we could use him for this one because there are three non-supernaturals, and if we need to go to the hospital his clearance could come in handy.” Faith told them about the vision, explaining that she knew the direction and had a feeling of where to go and a rough time. “I’ll go with you and feel my way like I did before. This time I have a better sense of when everything is going to happen.”

  The five werewolves said, “No! You’re not coming.”

  She glared at them all. “You have no choice. All your patrols are out, you even have your spares out, there are five women who are going to need someone to help them. I have the weapons and I trained with you all. You’re taking him!” She pointed at the major.

  Jack shook his head. “No way, Faith. He’s military trained, seen battles before, been in them.”

  Faith smiled at Jack. “So have I. Or have you
forgotten that the other night I helped take down a demon? Come on, Jack. I’ll be really careful to stay away from the demons and only save the women, calm them, and help them. Come on, please. You have every available werewolf out there.”

  She tried not to smile as five men groaned in defeat.

  “You have fifteen minutes to get ready,” Jack said. “I’ll stay here close to central, monitoring movement. Make sure you phone in any new information. Any teams close by that aren’t busy I’ll send to help. Faith, if anything happens to you I will throttle you personally.”

  Faith nodded at Jack before she rushed off to get ready.

  Chapter 9

  Faith was ready ten minutes later with fitted, black leather pants, a black singlet top, and a pink leather knife vest which she shook her head at because it pushed her assets up like an offering. It had been a present from Jamie on her eighteenth birthday that was meant as a joke, or so she thought. She came out of the room tying a band on her braid, to four slacked-jawed werewolves.

  “Holy shit, and you said I suck at giving presents. All you need now is knee-high, fuck-me boots and a whip, then you’re about every guys’ walking wet dream.”

  Faith rolled her eyes at Jamie, smiling. “Lucky for me I have the shit-kickers Rane bought me for my eighteenth birthday. You guys really know how to buy a girl a present. To think you have four sisters.” She shook her head.

  Faith heard Jack chuckle before he turned to remind them not to hesitate to call. He grabbed her by the arm as they were leaving. “Remember, Faith, use the long knife as an extension of your body. It’s a dance, and they’re your dance partners that aren’t allowed to touch you.”

  She nodded and ran after the boys.

  Jack yelled, “Rane, don’t forget that the major is your responsibility.”

  They drove to the city in record time knowing they had roughly thirty minutes to find the place. They passed the nightclub district, heading for the restaurant and pub section. The sense of direction became stronger until Faith knew they were close. She told them to stop, and they all got out and started walking toward a pub called O’Malley’s. Just before they reached the alley they heard screams and ran to get to the women. Two of the demons had hold of Lexie and Stacy. The other three women were screaming against the alley wall, huddled together and trying to battle off minions.

  Faith pulled her long knives with their tips iced. She yelled, “The major and I will kill the minions.”

  The werewolves nodded, and Rane hesitated for a moment, glaring at her. She raised her eyebrow at him, daring him to say anything. He sighed and joined the others.

  Faith turned to the major who looked like he was trying to mask his horrified expression. “Major, remember to cut the wings, then the heart and head.”

  He nodded, pulling out the knives Rane had given him.

  They ran into the minions, the major on one side and Faith on the other. About half the minions turned to attack them. She tuned out the women’s screams, focusing on the ugly creatures that flew over her head scratching and biting. She arched, stretching her arms up, then swung them down in an arch, slicing the wings and one minion’s head. She spun and took a step forward, taking more wings. She then focused on stabbing the hearts. Faith whirled again, moving her arms in a circle, catching the last of the minions attacking her.

  Faith swore as zombies came after her and the major. She swore again as she looked at the frozen look on the major’s face, knowing that Rane had failed to tell him about zombies. As zombies were about to kill the major, Faith yelled, “Fuck, look out, major!”

  He turned as she chopped a zombie’s head off.

  “They’re not humans anymore. Look how white they are, their eyes are black, they only listen to their demon master, and they have inhuman strength. Focus, major!” she yelled as a minion and zombie attacked her. That seemed to get through to him as he attacked them with renewed strength.

  Faith spun, slicing minions, only to smell smoky sulphur and be grabbed by a demon.

  “You are the one we really want. I will get my reward for bringing you in.”

  Faith could feel his long talon nails sticking into her head as he lifted her off the ground by her hair. She guessed him to be about twelve feet, so before he turned her to face him she calculated the distance to the ground. Praying, she screamed and turned, lifting her arm and slashing it behind her. He roared and it sounded like scratching nails on a chalkboard. Faith cut his hand off, flipping and landing hard on her feet to stand in front of the demon. She managed to avoid its spiked tail as he swung it at her, but his foot kicked her and she fell back, landing against the wall. She silently thanked Jamie for the specially made clothes and Rane for the shit-kickers.

  Her hands burned from the demon’s acid blood and her body ached. She looked up at the massive demon. His red skin glistened, his horns were long and sharp. He smiled down at her, showing his sharp, long, pointed teeth. Faith calmed herself, knowing she had to stall as she knew more minions and demons had arrived, keeping the four werewolves busy. Faith felt the major come slowly up beside her. She signaled for him to get behind the demon and mouthed head. The demon laughed, the grating noise making her shudder.

  “Ahhh, I see you are getting desperate now, using ordinary humans.” He laughed again. “They are nothing but food, slaves, and playthings, but don’t worry, there won’t be many left when we take over this planet. Our army will destroy most of them, pitiful things. The ones we do keep alive will become slaves, breeders, and cattle to us for food.”

  She ignored the horrible images flashing through her head, knowing the demon was telling her this in the hope that it would distract her. He cackled and lunged for Faith, batting the major with his tail. She danced out of his way, slashing his arms, which gave her a chance to get close to his back.

  She yelled to the major as she cut his tail off. “Go to the front and try to stab the heart, but whatever you do don’t look into his eyes, that’s how they lure you in so they can bite you and drain your blood which turns you into a zombie under their control.”

  The demon roared in pain as Major Black gave her a nod to show he understood. She climbed up his back as quick as possible, slashing his hand as he tried to reach her. He bucked and shook, trying to get her off, but she clung on for life. She knew she only had a small amount of time to get out of the way before he died and dropped to the ground, crushing her. Brushing up against the alley wall, reaching his massive shoulders, she held her special knives and wrapped her arm around the demon’s neck. He grabbed her arms, and just as she felt her body start to get squished up against the wall she used all her strength to bring her knife hand toward her.

  “Heart, now,” Faith screamed at the major.

  She knew he complied as the head rolled forward and the body fell against her. Using the wall, she leaned back and kicked her feet out, jumping off before he fell back again.

  Finally running over to the three crying and terrified women huddled together, she looked down at them. She really needed them to cooperate before more demons or minions arrived. Looking into each of their eyes Faith told them, “Stop now! No more crying. Pull yourselves together or you will die. I need your cooperation to get out of here.” She made sure she looked at each of them. “Get up now, follow me, do not run away, do not touch anything. Got it? All you have to do is follow me.” She turned to one of the women and asked for her car keys. “I know you have a large car that we will all fit in.”

  The woman passed over her keys as they all got up nodding at her. They moved past Jamie and Devlin fighting two demons and four minions. Faith could see four demons’ bodies near them.

  One of the women behind her yelled out “Stacy” then broke away, trying to reach her friend.

  “Fuck,” Faith swore. “You have to be joking. Now you decide you want to save your friend? Fucking idiot.”

  She turned, nodding to the major to take over, and grabbed the woman as one of the demon’s tails slashed the s
ide of her face.


  Faith sliced the tail off, pushing the woman out of the way. The minions turned to attack. Faith arched up on her toes, coming down, slicing wings then heads, knowing she had little time with the human woman’s injures. She decided to help her boys. Running, jumping on the demon they fought, she cut the tail off. She didn’t hesitate this time as she climbed up and wrapped her hands around his neck, slicing it off. She jumped off, bracing for the fall, and grabbed the woman, running after the major and the other two screaming women he was dragging to the car.

  Faith scanned the area for Rane and Blake. Her heart fell when she saw ten minions, four demons, and six dead demons scattered about. She knew they couldn’t last much longer, as they looked barely able to stand with their broken bones, cuts, and bruises. Their werewolf healing couldn’t keep up with all the demons and their attacks. Usually it was one demon to two werewolves, so they were greatly outnumbered. She debated what to do and sighed in relief when Jamie joined in.

  Devlin came over to her with Stacy in his arms and placed the woman at her feet. “Guard her for a minute. Yell if you need help,” Devlin said as he ran over to help the fight.

  She nodded and knelt down to help Stacy and to check the woman she had saved.

  The women cried, “Is she dead? Please, she can’t be. Wake up, Stacy!”

  Faith ignored the women, focusing on their surroundings. Dead demons and minions were scattered everywhere. She had never seen so many, other than in her Armageddon visions. Fuck, they really wanted these women. She grabbed the phone from her vest to call Jack.

  “We need major clean up here, Jack. They sent a lot more then I saw in my vision. Get here quick, I don’t know how much longer Rane and Blake will last. They’re in bad shape.” She gave their coordinates and hung up.


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