The Property of Edward James
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Certain acts of a sexual nature? I was flabbergasted and had no idea how to respond. The $1000 sounded nice; it was the most money I had ever been offered in my life to do a role. I know A-List actors get 20 million per picture and get a body double if they have to show their ass, but beggars can’t be choosers, I guess. I didn’t mind the nudity if it was important to the integrity of the script, but sexual acts? I wondered what my college drama professor would think of that.
I looked over at Elizabeth who didn’t appear to be listening. She was chewing on a stick of gum and just looked bored. She shrugged when asked if being filmed for posterity having sex with strangers in a low budget porno movie would be a problem for her. Neither of us said a word. The director continued speaking in a professorial tone.
“OK, I’ll take that as a no, that you don’t mind being filmed while engaging in acts of a sexual nature. I know in other adult films the actors simulate having sex, but I always found them unsatisfying to watch and quite unrealistic. Nothing can replace the real thing, I think. Also, we will not be using condoms during the filming. Do either of you carry sexually transmitted diseases?”
Another highly embarrassing question. I fell into a stunned silence. My mind was still thinking about having sex on screen with the beautiful woman seated beside me. Was I dreaming this? I saw Elizabeth shake her head no.
“Edward?” Farnsworth asked, raising his eyebrows impatiently.
“What was the question again?” I asked.
“Do you carry any form of sexual disease?”
“Oh... No.”
“OK. If you are cast, I will at my own expense have you thoroughly tested anyway, just to make sure, before we shoot one frame of footage. It would be advisable that you both use protection with any other sexual partners you may have while working on this film. If you do have unprotected sex, I will have to have you both tested, at your own expense, which is clearly stated in your performer’s contract with Farnsworth Productions. Of course, your health is of the utmost importance to me... Elizabeth, are you on any form of birth control?”
Elizabeth’s phone rang and she checked the number on her caller id.
“The pill,” she answered, turning her phone off and putting it away in her purse.
“Perfect… So, as you may know, I manage a sex paraphernalia and video shop in downtown San Diego and consider myself somewhat of an expert on the subject of sexuality, knowing what people want regarding toys and films to aide in their sexual arousal and orgasm. Most of the films out there generally depict attractive people meeting, exchanging forced, rather conventional dialogue and jumping into bed together to ridiculous background music. I’ve always wanted to see a film that was both erotic and told a captivating and complex story. Since there’s not one on the market, I decided to save up my money and create one myself. It’s kind of been a dream of mine. So I followed my dream and here we are… Let’s take it from the top.”
Chapter Three
The Audition
Farnsworth handed me an old dirty brown robe.
“If you don’t mind, Edward, please take off your clothes and change into this robe for the scene. I’d like to see what you look like on camera in it. There’s a bathroom over there you can change in.”
“OK, Mr. Farnsworth.”
When I came back wearing the brown robe, the director had me kneel in front of the bench in prayer. Farnsworth adjusted the legs of the tripod and stood behind the small camera.
“Now, in this scene, Magdalena meets Brother William in his room after a full day of begging for alms and fasting. Let’s take it from the beginning where it says Scene 4, shall we? Oh, before I forget, you should know the two characters just had a rather steamy and illicit sexual encounter in the previous scene, that may or may not have happened, as well as a second encounter in a sexy dream sequence, which included bondage and flagellation. Ready. Action.”
What? Illicit sexual encounter? Sexy dream sequence? Bondage and flagellation? Farnsworth almost forgot to tell us that? I sat still, holding some rosary beads in my hands I had found in the pocket of my robe. I shut my eyes and moved my lips piously.
Elizabeth entered the scene as Magdalena, kneeled beside me and read her opening lines quite well, for someone with no previous acting experience. I could tell Elizabeth wasn’t nervous in the slightest and she delivered her lines in a direct, believable fashion. The thing was, Mr. Bergman… Elizabeth wasn’t acting. She was completely “in the moment” as we actors like to say. She didn’t care one way or another whether she got the part, so her audition appeared completely effortless. Her sexuality seeped out of every pore of her body. While I was in the bathroom changing, Elizabeth had apparently loosened the bow at the back of her dress even further. With each movement, her breasts took on a life of their own, peeking out from the thin silky material, like two minor characters of the subplot who wanted to appear in the main part of the story.
Following the directions at the beginning of the scene, Elizabeth quietly entered Brother William’s bedchamber. In a submissive manner, she leaned over and pantomimed setting a bowl of rice and a cup of water before me. I couldn’t help but look down the front of her dress. I didn’t know if I saw her full voluptuous breasts as myself or through the eyes of the Holy Brother, but her milky white luminescent skin and light brown swollen areoles slipped completely out of her loose top. Her breasts, now completely exposed, dangled invitingly in front of Brother William and I, as well as the seedy Mr. Farnsworth and his Walmart video camera, for all of us to ogle at and enjoy. Watching her work with the invisible props, I stared at her breasts and actually became aroused. To get into character, I had removed all my clothing, even my underwear, which proved to be my undoing. My throbbing erection became painfully obvious, tenting under the thin material of my monk’s robe. I could tell by Elizabeth’s sly smile she had noticed my erection as well. She stared at me briefly, wetting her lips with her tongue and biting her lower lip once before tucking her breasts back into her dress. She delivered her first line.
Magdalena: Excuse me, Brother William. I don’t mean to interrupt your nightly meditations, but Father England has sent me to your bedchamber to provide you with your nightly dram of water and bowl of rice.”
Brother William: Thank you. That’s very kind of you, Sister.
Magdalena: You needn’t be so formal, Brother William, not after what happened between us. We’re friends now, aren’t we?
Brother William: Yes, but we mustn’t let that happen again, Sister.
Magdalena: Call me Magdalena.
Brother William: OK, Magdalena. And please, call me William. I have not yet been deemed worthy enough to be called a Brother of the Holy Order.
Magdalena: I hope I can call you by your first name, after what you did to me last night…
I cast my eyes to the floor as the script directed, ashamed.
Magdalena: Oh my, you’re blushing. I made you blush. Your cheeks are all red. You shouldn’t feel ashamed, William.
Brother William: Please Magdalena. We mustn’t… talk like this.
Magdalena: Didn’t you… enjoy what happened between us?
Brother William: I did. It… it was the most wonderful night of my life.
Magdalena: What a sweet thing to say…
Elizabeth gently took my hands in hers.
Magdalena: William, I was wondering… May I ask how old you are?
Brother William: I am twenty one years old, Sister.
Magdalena: Only twenty one? You’re so young to be a monk, too young... I just turned 23 a few days ago.
Brother William: Oh. Well, I wish you a Happy Name-Day, Sister.
Magdalena: Thank you, that’s very kind of you, though I’m not sure how happy it was for me, washing pots and pans in the hot kitchen all day and on my hands and knees, scrubbing the floors at night.
Brother William: He… made you work on your Name-Day?
Magdalena: Yes…
My eyes were drawn once agai
n to the voluptuous breasts of Elizabeth, as she poured water in the wash basin.
Magdalena: Would you care to freshen up before your evening meal, William?
Brother William: Yes please. You are a kind Christian woman.
The script directed Magdalena to hold the basin out just below her breasts and Brother William was to take the water in the palms of his hands, splashing his face with it, just inches away from her cleavage. Overcome by desire, I began breathing deeply, fighting off the impulse to take her breasts in his hands and her nipples in his mouth. In an effort of will I leaned back on his bench and covered my face with my hands. Though distracted by her beauty and painfully aroused, I tried to perform the actions of the script exactly as written.
Magdalena: Are you quite alright, William? You look rather pale.
Brother William: I’m fine, Sister.
Magdalena: You look exhausted. Have you been praying a long time?
Brother William: Yes, and begging for alms in the town square. Here. Let me help you with the wash basin. It must be heavy for you to hold.
As the script directed, I stood up and helped Magdalena place the wash basin back on the altar behind us. Suddenly, I swayed back on my heels, lowered my chin and shut his eyes, acting as if I was about to faint. With one hand Magdalena held me around the waist to prevent me from falling. The script directs Brother William to grasp at the back of Magdalena’s dress. As he attempts to regain his balance, Brother William is supposed to clutch at the shoulder strap and accidently pull the dress off her body. The camera then captures Brother William’s reaction as he sees Magdalena’s dress fall off her body and lie in a puddle of linen on the floor.
Out of propriety, I didn’t untie the bow at the back of Elizabeth’s dress, but she managed to loosen it on her own. When I opened my eyes, I noticed Elizabeth had completely removed her dress and had slipped out of her shoes. The script called for Magdalena to be completely naked at this point, but Elizabeth still had on a pair of feminine sexy silk panties she had been wearing. My erection throbbed under my robe when I saw her pretty nude body. I felt her soft breasts touch my skin as she slowly eased my body to the floor. Elizabeth never broke character the whole time.
Magdalena: William, you nearly fainted. Perhaps you should lie down. Let me make you more comfortable.
Brother William: What have I done? I’ve removed your dress... God help me, it’s happening again.
Magdalena: William, you’re ill. Your forehead is burning.
Brother William: I just feel a bit dizzy.
Magdalena: You poor man. Let me help you.
Elizabeth sat behind me and placed my cheek on the soft smooth pillow of her exposed breasts, the corner of my lips resting upon her puffy nipples. The script indicated that mother’s milk seeped out of her nipples and into the corner of Brother William’s mouth. I licked the sides of my lips and imagined tasting the sweet liquid. I felt Elizabeth wrap her arms around me. I took a few deep breaths and cuddled closer to her, trying to stay in character.
Magdalena: Do you feel better, William?
Brother William: Yes, you are most kind to me, Magdalena. But, you shouldn’t… we mustn’t…”
Magdalena: Oh my Lord. How thoughtless of me. Let me get you your meal.
Magdalena stood up, retrieved the bowl and cup and kneeled on the floor next to me.
Magdalena: You are far too weak to feed yourself. Let me help you, William.
Elizabeth put the script down. Placing her dress under my head as a pillow, she straddled me and I felt her hips press down on my erection. She pantomimed holding the cup to my lips to drink and feeding the grains of rice into my mouth with her hands. She put her actual fingertips into my mouth and on top of my tongue. Not caring about my next line, I shut my eyes and felt the sensation of her soft fragrant fingers on my lips.
Magdalena: Now that I’ve fed you, allow me to comfort you, My Lord...
I opened my eyes when Elizabeth lifted the robe from my legs. I felt her lips and tongue slide down over my erection and swallow me in her warm wet mouth. I couldn’t believe Elizabeth was actually kissing me there. At the audition! In a daze, I got up on my elbows to watch her suck on me, her beautiful breasts swaying in the candlelight. I don’t know if it was in the script, which I had dropped to my side, but as she kissed me, Elizabeth looked up at me with her pretty black-lined eyes… and winked. It was the sexiest moment of my life. I started to lose control, seeing her rounded breasts and ripe swollen nipples jiggling up and down as she sucked on me and feeling her warm hands lovingly cup the sides of my scrotum in her palms, gently squeezing me. It had been a few years since I was lucky enough to be kissed there, and never by such an attractive woman. My breathing became rapid and shallow and my heart quickened its pace. Though Elizabeth had only given me a brief moment of stimulation with her mouth, I couldn’t hold back any longer. I closed my eyes, moaned out, convulsing my hips. Streams of semen shot out of me and through her parted lips. Elizabeth shut her eyes, tilted her head back slightly and swallowed. I didn’t know if it was my line next but I moaned out her name.
Brother William: Magdalena!
“And… cut!” Mr. Farnsworth said.
Chapter Four
How I Fell in Love with Elizabeth
When I came to my senses, I instantly felt ashamed, deeply embarrassed at my lack of self-control. We both stood up and I immediately whispered an apology into Elizabeth’s ear as she buttoned up the front of her dress. I was careful that Mr. Farnsworth didn’t hear me.
“I’m so sorry, Elizabeth…”
“What about?”
“God, Elizabeth, I... I don’t know what came over me. I promise I’ve never done anything like that. I didn’t mean to… I’m sorry…”
Elizabeth was so nice to me at that moment. She put her arm lightly on my shoulder, looked me in the eyes and smiled.
“Relax, Edward. You didn’t force me to do anything I didn’t want to do. It was sexy, doing that little scene with you while being filmed. You were great. I really believed you actually were that monk. Now I can tell my future children I once auditioned for a movie with a real professional actor named Edward. Perhaps then my kids won’t think I’m such a boring Mommy, right?”
“Yes, but-”
“Really, sweetie. Don’t give it another thought. I had fun.”
I was greatly relieved that Elizabeth wasn’t at all angry at me. In fact, she treated me in the same friendly, nonchalant manner as she did before the audition. I couldn’t believe I had, just one minute ago, shared the most intimate moment of my life with her. I always considered myself a romantic and I could name a string of ex-girlfriends I claimed to have been madly in love with, but I never experienced an intimate moment anywhere near as intense as what just happened to me. While I basked in the glow, Elizabeth seemed to move on from our escapade, searching in her purse, finding her lipstick, and painting the precious swollen lips that had just given me so much pleasure a brighter, deeper shade of red. I still couldn’t believe what had just happened and felt compelled to apologize again.
“What I mean is… I… I didn’t mean to lose… control like that. I’m sorry. I–”
“Edward, let me tell you a little secret, OK? I like the taste. I like to swallow, Edward. So don’t worry about it…”
It was the sexiest thing anyone had ever said to me. “I like the taste. I like to swallow, Edward…”
Suddenly, the director came out from behind the small camera.
“Well, kids, that was extraordinary. Very well acted. The best acting performances I’ve seen all day, by far. Very realistic. I want to thank you both for coming. Ms. Rose, could you stay for a moment please,” the director said.
My chest sank, along with my deluded dreams of a film acting career. I felt like crying. Elizabeth popped a stick of gum in her mouth.
“Did we get the parts?” she asked.
“This is a bit awkward… What I meant was… Well, thank you for coming in, Edwa
rd. It’s clear you’re an excellent dramatic actor. Your performance was effective and restrained, clearly the best actor I’ve auditioned for the role, but I don’t want to get your hopes up. I think I’m going to go in a different direction with the role of Brother William. But thanks for dropping by. I’ll hang on to your resume and keep you in mind for my future projects.”
I nodded bravely, swallowing my rejection for the 1000th time.
“Thanks for the opportunity, Mr. Farnsworth,” I said.
I don’t know why I was so upset. So what if I didn’t get the part. I wasn’t auditioning for Hamlet. It was just a porno movie. Why did I feel so rejected and ashamed? When Elizabeth saw me rubbing a tear out of the corner of my eye, I felt like a fool.
As Elizabeth and I turned to leave, Farnsworth spoke up again.
“Where are you going, Ms. Rose? Maybe I wasn’t making myself clear. I’d like to offer you the role of the female lead! Congratulations, you got the part!”
Elizabeth stopped, slowly turned and looked at Farnsworth with an expressionless face.
“You mean, you’re picking me, an amateur, who’s never had an acting class or done a play in her life, but not Edward, a professional actor and certainly far more qualified than me to be in your movie?”
My jaw dropped after Elizabeth said such a wonderful thing. It was the single nicest thing anyone had ever done for me in my entire career. Most actors are so competitive and self-absorbed; we’d throw our own mothers to the wolves for a part, any part. But Elizabeth was so different. At the risk of losing her own opportunity in the project, she advocated on my behalf. I must say, I would not have done that for her. This was the moment, thinking back, that I fell deep and I fell hard for my starlet, Elizabeth Rose. I fell in love with Elizabeth at our audition and I love her still.