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Iron: The Coast book 8

Page 8

by Hart, Eve R.

  I lifted her up and she was completely out. Like dead weight in my arms, out. It wasn’t easy, but I managed to get us tucked under the sheets.

  I held her close and felt her tits press harder into my chest with every deep rise of her chest.

  Yeah, I had a smile on my face.

  I was worn the hell out but I couldn’t find sleep. I was a light sleeper, kind of had to be, but I didn’t want to even take the chance that she’d wake and slip out on me.

  We weren’t done tonight.

  I’d just barely broken through the ice.

  What came next I knew wasn’t going to be easy, not for me and not for her. But I’d push through and get my way under the surface. I’d show her that I wasn’t going anywhere and I sure as hell wasn’t going to give up.

  We were both adults and there was no need to play games. Petra was good at talking when she needed me to understand something. Now I just needed to show her the things that I wanted to understand were the things she kept buried deep inside. I wasn’t sure how I was going to go about it, but by the way she was breathing, I figured I had a while to make a plan of action.

  Hours later she stirred in my arms. I tilted my head so that I could see her eyes the moment she opened them.

  “I slept?” she asked like she couldn’t believe that she had.

  “Yeah, babe. Slept real good on me,” I told her with a smirk.

  “I need to go.” Her hand pushed against my chest as she sat up.

  Her movements weren’t hurried which told me that she wasn’t running. That was good, at least. It had to be something else but I couldn’t even begin to figure it out.

  “Why’s that?” I asked as I propped myself up on one elbow.

  She didn’t answer right away. Her eyes were looking down at the ground, no doubt taking in her ruined dress.

  “Because I’m hungry,” she finally answered, her head turning to look at me over her shoulder. The look on her face was to the point. She wasn’t making an excuse and there was a hint there that told me she thought my question was dumb. Like I somehow should have known the answer was something along those lines.

  I really shouldn’t have expected anything else.

  A chuckle bubbled up my chest and I kept my mouth closed, trapping it inside so she wouldn’t think I was laughing at her. But I didn’t do a very good job of keeping it hidden.

  “I don’t see why that’s funny. It’s been a while since I ate and we were a little bit active. I slept, now food would be the next logical thing, and my body is telling me so.”

  Sometimes she could be a little bit clueless. And the way she could be blunt and to the point was something else. I found it incredibly adorable right now.

  “Petra,” I said as I scooted closer to her. My fingers ran through her hair and I followed the movement with my eyes for a second before looking back at her. “I have food here. I can feed you.”

  Her lips pressed into a thin line and it looked like she was having to think about it because that idea hadn’t occurred to her.

  “That’s fine,” she said after a few moments of silence passed by.

  “Let’s shower first.” I gave her about half a second to let that sink in before I scooped her up in my arms and carried her, sheet and all, to the bathroom.

  I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face when a tiny laugh forced its way out of her sexy mouth.

  “I love that sound,” I told her with no shame.

  “What?” she asked with a hint of confusion in her icy eyes.

  “Your laughter.”

  “I didn’t laugh.”

  “Yeah, you did, babe. And when we’re behind closed doors, you’re gonna let me hear it more.” I turned my head and kissed her hand that was resting on my shoulder.

  I placed her into the shower and stripped the sheet from her body. Then I made sure the water temperature was nice and warm before I started the shower. I climbed in behind her and she looked at me over her shoulder.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I don’t shower with anyone,” she told me pointedly.

  “You do now,” I replied as I reached for the bar of soap and began to run it over her body.

  A satisfied hum echoed in the back of her throat as her head fell forward.

  “Not such a bad thing lettin’ someone take care of you now and then, is it?” I asked but wasn’t really expecting her to give me an answer.

  “Maybe not,” she told me softly and I was so stunned that she had admitted that much that I dropped the soap. “Don’t make me take it back.”

  There was a hint of teasing in her tone, but it was so small I wasn’t really sure that it was there.

  As she bent over to scoop up the escaped bar, my eyes automatically went to look at her perky ass. I was a man, I couldn’t help it. And I sure as fuck wasn’t going to apologize about it. Petra had a fine ass and a tight, hot body. It didn’t matter that she was older than me by a few good years, I knew a good thing when I saw it. And so did my dick, who had also taken notice right now.

  “Iron,” she said in a daze as she turned around to face me.

  I cleared my throat and tried to get my brain to focus on something else. Anything else. All I wanted to do was take her up against the wall. I knew I’d never get enough of her and now that she was here, within reach and not running, I wanted to take advantage of every second we had.

  “You need something, Pet?” I asked and my words came out raw.

  “You,” she whispered.

  “You got me.”

  “All of you. Now.” Her head tilted to the side slightly and her brow went up the way it did when she was pulling the strings.

  “Ain’t got nothin’ in here. You better shower real quick then,” I told her and moved to grab the bar out of her hands so I could do a fast scrub and rinse.

  “It’s safe,” she told me and I about dropped the soap again.

  “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

  The smirk on her face told me that she was pleased with my reaction. She reached for the bar of soap and without looking, returned it to its perch on the wall.

  “As long as you are clean, then yes.”

  I knew she wasn’t talking about being done with the shower.

  “Haven’t been with anyone since you called me. Got checked not long after.”

  “So we’re good?”

  I swallowed hard.

  This was a big step. At least for me, it was. And I suspected that Petra wasn’t the type of person to be careless with her sexual encounters.

  “We’re good,” I confirmed with a nod.

  In a flash, I had her pinned against the wall. I wasn’t going to give her a second to change her mind. Fuck no. She was giving and I was fuckin’ taking.

  Her legs went around my waist as her fingers went into my hair. She clung to me like she was desperate for everything I was about to give her.

  Gripping my cock, I circled her entrance a few times. I wanted to make sure she was ready for me because I didn’t want to do a damn thing to mess this moment up. Then I lined myself up and pushed in to the hilt. Her hips rocked like calm waves in the ocean and I could feel her grinding her clit against me.

  “This what you need?” I said low, my breath fanning over her mouth. “Need me to fuck your sweet pussy like you’ve never been fucked before?”

  “God. Yes!”

  “That’s what I like to hear.”

  My hips worked as I pounded in and out of her. The sound of our wet skin slapping together filled the shower. It mixed with her breathy pants making the sweetest song I’d ever heard. Yeah, I said it. But it was not only a sight to see her let me take the reins, but it was also the most amazing thing to hear as well.

  Her fingers curled into my hair, scratching my scalp and I knew she was close. I was barely holding on myself. I wanted to come with her and nothing was going to fuck that up. I didn’t care that the base of my spine was on fire. Or that my balls were drawing
up. Or that every time I slid back into her tight heat, I felt like I was going to explode.

  “Iron.” She called my name out like a chant over and over again. “I’m going to… I’m going—”

  A loud, sexy, raw moan spilled from her parted lips and the moment I felt her clamp down on me, I was a damn goner. With one last hard thrust, I planted my self deep inside of her and filled her up with my cum.

  And I didn’t even feel bad about it.

  Petra was mine now. In every fucking way. And this… this right here told me that she’d truly accepted it.

  I could have said something. I could have rubbed it in her face. Hell, I could have pushed for her to give me the words. And while I thought she might right now as she was coming down from her high, I wasn’t going to do that to her.

  Once she was able to stand, I cleaned us up again.

  After we’d dried off, I gave her a shirt to wear and smiled like a fool when she didn’t scoff at it. She tossed it on and walked out to my kitchen like it was a normal thing. And she padded the floors of my place like she owned it.

  I heated up some leftover beef stew I’d made the day before. She happily took the bowl and sat at the bar at the end of the kitchen to eat it.

  “No, babe.” I shook my head and snatched up her bowl. “We eat in here.” I walked over to the couch and set the bowls on the coffee table before I plopped my tired ass down.

  “But, that’s for sitting, not for eating.”

  “Here it’s for both,” I told her.

  After a second, she gave in with a small shrug. She daintily sat down right beside me and leaned over to pick up her bowl. I flipped on the TV and found something I thought we both might enjoy. I couldn’t tell if she did, though, because she seemed like she was miles away as she ate her spoonfuls of stew.

  I decided it was best to let her be for now. But as soon as she was done eating, we were fuckin’ talking.



  It seemed that once the ice had cracked, there was a flood of water pouring out everywhere. And by that, I meant I was surrounded by so many different tiny bursts of emotion all at once. I didn’t like them and I sure as hell didn’t want them. It seemed when I faced and dealt with one, another one would pop up in my face.

  It was exhausting and I didn’t understand how people could do this all the time. It was so much easier to keep myself focused on the things I could control.

  Iron didn’t say anything while I ate my food and… processed. Yes, I guess that would have been the best way to put it.

  I knew what I was most of the time. I wasn’t blinded by peoples’ reaction to me or how I came off. And I wasn’t sorry about it. People either accepted it or walked away. It was easiest that way because I didn’t have to deal with their bullshit. I didn’t have a problem with who I was and how I did things. I made myself the way I was and I knew it came with a ton of costs. That said, I didn’t care. If they felt intimidated by me or trampled on by the way I carried myself, then they weren’t strong enough to be in my life.

  I’d learned from a young age that there was no room in my world for the weak.

  And I made sure that I’d never be weak.

  If I wanted to be the one on top, I had to fight for it. I had to cut and bleed and never back down. It was clear that I’d done all of that because I was at the top. That wasn’t me bragging, it was just a fact.

  I also learned that you had to step on people sometimes to claim the throne. But that shouldn’t mean that you stabbed the people that were loyal to you in the back. You couldn’t be a ruler if there was no one to rule, after all.

  “Come here,” he said after I’d finished my food.

  My eyes cut to look at him and he had the audacity to pat his lap with his hand.

  “Put your head down, babe. We’re gonna talk about some shit,” he said in a tone that I wasn’t used to hearing from him.

  With a frustrated breath, I pulled my feet up onto the couch as my head fell to rest on his thigh. I kept my eyes forward. This talking thing he mentioned didn’t sound like something good. I wasn’t one for conversation in general, but by his tone, this wasn’t going to be the every day, the weather is great, kind of talk.

  “Tell me about them,” he said softly as his hand went to my stomach. He held it there, the heat from his palm seeping through the worn shirt.

  I knew he was talking about the long scars that decorated my torso. They were only part of the reason that I didn’t like to get naked in front of anyone. They didn’t disgust me. And I didn’t even feel anything when I saw them reflected in the mirror. Which was why I didn’t realize how ugly there were, and it only took one person’s reaction to clue me in on that. Since then, I figured it was best to keep them hidden if I didn’t want to ruin the moment.

  “I don’t understand the point. The past is in the past and retelling it won’t change it,” I told him flatly.

  “I know that, but I’m askin’ because I want to know more about you. I want to know everything. You get me?”

  “No, I don’t really,” I said with a shake of my head.

  “Don’t you want to know about me?” he asked.

  “I know what I need to know,” I told him with a shrug. “I know where you were born. I know your real name. I know how many times you’ve moved in your life. I know your parents’ names and where they live. I know that you are an only child.”

  “What else do you know, Pet?” He didn’t sound even a little surprised that I knew all of that about him. He’d never told me any of it and I knew he was a smart enough man to figure out how I knew. Just like it wouldn’t surprise me if he had a background rundown on me.

  “Your father belonged to a different club than this one. At one point, he was their President. Your mother was a dentist. I would assume those are the reasons that you continue the life and have such nice teeth.”

  He let out a chuckle that rumbled his chest.

  “You have my background. You’re spouting all the shit anyone can get on paper. But have you ever wondered things beyond those facts?” he asked.

  I paused for a long moment. Sure, some things had crossed my mind. I was curious but at the same time, I didn’t think it would change how I looked at him. I knew who he was. I knew what he was. And there was no need to dive deeper into anything else.

  But the thing about having it thrown in your face like that was it had my mind thinking about more than I wanted to.

  My head turned and I looked up at him. He must have seen the questions behind my eyes because he started telling me the things I was wondering about.

  “My dad cast a wide shadow. It was one that was hard to get out from under. I loved that club, I grew up in it. They are all good men. I knew the club life was for me but I knew it was going to have to be somewhere else. I wanted to make my own way, my own name.”

  “You couldn’t stand being compared to your father so you ran like a baby?” I asked and I didn’t mean it to come out so harshly.

  Then he laughed and for some strange reason, I relaxed a little.

  “That’s one way to put it,” he said with humor in his tone. “But, no. I wanted to be my own man. I would have thought that if anyone would get it, you would.”

  I nodded. I did get it.

  “Took me many years. I didn’t want to break my dad’s heart by tellin’ him that I wasn’t going to take his place when he stepped down. Since we were a friendly club, we often made a point to be as close to other clubs in the area as we could. The ones that weren’t itchin’ to knife people, that is.”

  There was something about listening to him tell me all of this that made me feel like I wanted to smile. Since I didn’t have a reason for it, I refused to let it show on my face.

  I stayed silent and listened as he went on, choosing to not let my thoughts take over.

  “One of those clubs just so happened to be the Steel Paragons. I would travel and hang out with each chapter from time to time. I got to kn
ow everyone, all the while never once telling my dad I wanted to prospect for any club, including his.”

  “I don’t understand. How did you become President when you didn’t even belong? I assume there is a level of trust when they let you in and you hadn’t earned that.” My words weren’t mean, simply making a point. I might not have known all the rules of the club but I did have a basic understanding of how motorcycle clubs worked.

  “I’m gettin’ there, Pet. Calm down.”

  My face scrunched up in a scowl as I let out a small huffy breath.

  I wanted him to get to the point, but I also was enjoying hearing him talk. I hated that I felt like I was splitting down the middle, wanting two things and not being able to make up my mind. Iron often made me feel that way. I didn’t want to admit it, but he did. I felt like the time was coming when I could no longer ignore it.

  “I wasn’t part of their club but I often helped them out when I was around. I earned their trust as an outsider and held onto it for many years. When the time came, I let it be known what I wanted and left it up to them to decide. It wasn’t easy and I was honestly a little surprised when they came back to me later down the road with an offer to lead the new chapter they were setting up.”

  “How did your father take it?” The question came out of my mouth before I realized it. Had I really wondered that? And why did it matter?

  Iron’s eyes looked down at me and I could see the tiny flicker of shock there, but it was almost like he was happy about it.

  “My pops wasn’t stupid, he knew something like this was comin’ one day. He told me he was proud of me and that I could never let him down. It was a big thing to me.”

  “I can imagine,” I said softly. “With you spending most of your life trying to keep the balance but realizing that you had to do the right thing for yourself in the end.” My hand reached up and my fingers ran over his beard. I couldn’t explain why I felt the need to touch it right now.


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