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Iron: The Coast book 8

Page 18

by Hart, Eve R.

  “Approach it like you would if you were locked up,” Rowan said with a shrug.

  “I’ve never been arrested,” I stated coolly while giving her a look that let her know I didn’t understand her point.

  “Find the biggest, baddest motherfucker in here and throw down,” she clarified. “But maybe not fight. Just stare him down and stand your ground.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Varda said with a tiny giggle.

  “Maybe you’re not wrong,” I said to Rowan as my eyes scanned the area until they landed on a man that I’d seen before. He was big, built like a fighter. I could see him as a club protector and he seemed to fit the bill. But there was something about him holding a baby that seemed to take away from all of that a little bit.

  Whoever I was looking for, he wasn’t in this room. I wasn’t exactly sure who I was searching for, but I knew I’d know him when I saw him. And I had an idea forming in my head for when that time came.

  “Ladies,” Charming said as he walked over with a cold beer in his hand. “Petra.” He held my gaze and gave me a respectful tip of his head.

  “Charming,” I said returning the gesture.

  “Iron’s out back. I’ll take you.”

  We followed him out and I noticed Royse lagging behind a few steps, and I didn’t have to see her to know that her eyes were moving around taking in each and every single one of the men.

  He led us out to the back lot between the two buildings. Iron’s head looked up the moment I came into view.

  He smiled.

  I think that smile got to me. The moment was strange and I couldn’t seem to get my feet to move.

  He patted the guy next to him on the back and then he was making his way over to me. His eyes stayed locked onto mine and that smile didn’t slip from his face, not even for a second.

  “Kiss me, Pet,” he whispered low after he pulled me into his arms right in front of everyone like they weren’t even there.

  My fingers went to his beard as I brought his face to mine. I let my lips press softly against his and I held them there for a few beats longer than necessary.

  “Good girl,” he told me with a pleased smile on his face.

  “That’s cute.” Rowan’s voice filtered into my ears. “But also kind of weird.”

  They all chuckled at that, even Iron, though his eyes were still on mine.

  I thought about her words and I couldn’t help the tiny smile that tipped up the corners of my lips.

  Iron’s eyes flickered down to take in the small movement and he blew out a soft curse.

  “Not gonna lie, Pet, seeing that makes me want to drag you upstairs,” he growled into my ear as he pulled me close to his body.

  His hard cock pressed into my hip and for a split second, I forgot that there were people around.

  He cleared his throat and pulled away from me, keeping his arm around my waist as he turned to face everyone else.

  I may have been a little stunned that something as simple as a smile from me made him hard. Then again, he usually was around me.

  “Rowan,” Iron said, looking at her. “How ya doin’?”

  “Great, Iron. Thank you,” she replied cheerfully. “This is Royse and Varda.”

  He greeted them with a shake of the hand.

  “Grab yourself some food. Beers are in the cooler. Fancy shit is back in the clubhouse. One of the prospects will make you whatever you want.”

  I watched as a tall guy with lots of tattoos walked over. There was a slight stiffness when he walked but it was barely noticeable. His beard was short and his eyes were hidden behind his mirrored aviator sunglasses.

  I recognized him though I wasn’t sure I knew his name. I had a feeling he was one of the men that held a higher patch on his leather.

  That was the man I was looking for.

  Though I couldn’t see his eyes, I had a feeling they weren’t staring me down. They were zeroed on the redhead laughing beside me. I didn’t know what she was laughing at because the moment I saw him, my ears cut off to the conversation around me.

  He stopped short right in front of our little group.

  “She’s taken, Blade,” Iron said sternly.

  He growled as his lips went flat with frustration.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Rowan smirking at him.

  “I am,” she said with pride. “Shame I didn’t meet you earlier.” She tossed a wink his way.

  I didn’t see how that would have changed things, she was happy with the way her life was. I couldn’t see her wishing for a different outcome.

  Then again, I knew Rowan had a way with men. That was why she did so well at the Gilded Rose. That was why I’d hired her. She wasn’t bashful about sex and didn’t scoff at anything. Though she had hard limits on certain things, she never looked down at someone because that was what they were into. I was a lot like her, just less… free. And playful. And flirty. But I wasn’t into play that involved any kind of tarp needing to be put down.

  Without even realizing it, I stepped up to the big man. My head barely tilted back as I looked at him. I felt his gaze slide to mine and I could see his left brow go up.

  “Petra,” Iron said behind me in a curious tone.

  “No, no. Let this play out,” Rowan whispered harshly.

  He crossed his arms over his chest and I felt his gaze trying to tear through my mind.

  I felt like I was making a fool of myself. And I was not one to make a fool out of myself. But I didn’t back down, staring at him so hard I knew he’d get it.

  A deep chuckle rumbled his chest and his lips turned up at the corners.

  “You already had my respect, Petra,” he told me as his hands dropped to his sides. “But now I’m gonna say welcome to the family.”

  “I appreciate it, Blade,” I said looking at his patch to make sure I had his name right.

  “Yeah,” he grunted. He took one last hard look in Rowan’s direction before turning and stomping away.

  I didn’t need to ask to know what that was about.

  Iron came to my side again, his arm going around my waist like before. I understood this move was possessive and protective at the same time. I should have hated it, but I liked the fact that he wasn’t dragging me around like I had to do everything he wanted.

  Like his pet.

  I mentally rolled my eyes at the thought.

  It was his name for me, though I still hadn’t figured out if it was simply a shortened version of my name that was only his, or if there was something more behind it.

  I couldn’t deny the man liked to run his hands over my head as if I was a cat. And maybe it relaxed me enough to the point I was purring on the inside.

  I glanced around, taking in everything that was in front of me.

  I quickly became overwhelmed because there were so many people but I tried to hide it. There were groups of people chatting scattered all about. I noticed how easily everyone floated from one group to another.

  “You alright, babe?” Iron said, his mouth right next to my ear.

  I nodded because I didn’t want to lie to him. The last thing I wanted him to think was that I didn’t want to be here.

  Men and women came up and Iron introduced us. This was what I had wanted. To see more of his life and make an effort to be a part of it.

  While everyone was nice, most of them seemed a little standoffish. I guess I couldn’t blame them, I wasn’t the warmest person in the world and I knew it.

  My eyes were constantly scanning the area. I didn’t need to replay peoples’ names in my head to remember them. Now that I’d made the effort to know them, they’d be there.

  Bridget came over with a man I assumed to be hers.

  I liked Bridget, though she could be a bit strange from what I’d gathered from our short interactions. She was likely to speak her mind, and that was something I could respect. She smiled at me warmly and attempted small talk. Since I wasn’t any good at that, the conversation quickly died
. I could see it in her face that she expected nothing less so I shrugged it off.

  “Hungry?” Iron asked me once we had a few moments alone.

  “No,” I said and paused. “But thank you.” The words almost sounded choked as they fell out of my mouth.

  “Come on,” he said and lightly tugged me by my hand.

  A few minutes later, we were surrounded by the comfort of his apartment. The sounds from the party were still there, but they were muffled. It was something I was used to by now.

  He stopped short at the side of the couch. He dropped down onto the arm and pulled me between his legs. His eyes held a hint of concern as he looked up at me.

  “Tell me what’s goin’ on, Pet.” His tone was soft but also told me he wasn’t going to let it go.

  I let out a short sigh and smoothed my hands down my dress.

  “I don’t know,” I told him.

  There were things going through my head but I knew I wouldn’t be able to find the words to describe them.

  “You overwhelmed?”

  I swallowed thickly, my mouth suddenly feeling as dry as brick dust.

  “Yes,” I admitted.

  “Is it too much?” His eyes spoke the things his statement hadn’t.

  He was giving me a chance to walk away. To tell him that I couldn’t handle all of this and that I didn’t think I could be the woman for him.

  The thing was, I understood how much his world meant to him.

  Until now, I hadn’t really stopped to think about how I would fit in with these people. I never cared. Perhaps, cared wasn’t the right word but I couldn’t tell you what would I have used instead. But I knew that I wanted to be more to Iron than someone that came in and out of his life whenever the need hit me. Perhaps now, I also wanted to be someone that all these people saw as a person they could say they knew. And not in the way that I was known simply by my powerful name.

  “Pet?” He sounded patient as he said my name but he also sounded… sad.

  “I’m trying, Iron. I am. I don’t know what more you want from me. I came here tonight because I wanted to get to know these people. It is obvious how much they mean to you.”

  “But you’re not ready to handle all of this?” he asked and I could tell that I wasn’t explaining it very well.

  He wasn’t mad, I could tell. He was trying to understand and be an adult by talking about it. I was good at explaining what I wanted, what I expected from people. And when there was a problem I had to deal with, I confronted it head-on.

  But this was different.

  With another sigh, this one longer, I turned on my heels and took a few steps away from him.

  I needed space. Somehow being so close to him was clouding my brain.

  All I had to do was open my mouth and tell him that wasn’t it. That I wanted to be able to handle it but it was too much.

  It wasn’t that I didn’t fit in here, not at all. In fact, I knew I had more in common with these people than what was probably healthy. I understood them and I didn’t look down on them for who they were. So this should have been easy. None of us had to hide, yet we didn’t have to voice all of those things either.

  But it was hard because I was so used to being on top. That meant that I did a lot on my own. Maybe I’d become too isolated in my world. But then again, it had been a long time since I was normal. Since I felt like I could be easy going around people.

  I could make it simple for both of us and simply walk away. He was giving me an out, only I wasn’t so sure that I wanted to take it. I also had no clue how to tell him that.

  I heard him rise but I didn’t turn to face him.

  “Hands on the counter,” he said, his voice was low and held a deadly edge to it. “Now.”

  My spine lengthened and my mind bucked while my body wanted to give in.

  “I won’t repeat myself,” he said and I felt him closer now.

  My steps were hesitant and the air felt thick around me.




  My body folded forward, my palms pressing down on the cool surface and my fingers spread wide.

  “Good girl,” he said.

  His fingers skimmed my outer thighs, pushing my dress up until it bunched around my waist.

  A shudder slid up my body.


  The sound pierced my ears as my body jumped from the contact of his hand against my ass.

  I forced my eyes to stay staring at a spot on the wall in front of me.


  I sensed it coming this time and held my body still. The sting shot up my spine. I sucked in a calming breath and waited for another.

  “Do you want to be here?” he asked and when I didn’t answer, his warm palm met my burning cheek again.

  “Yes!” I cried out, one of my elbows giving in to the jerk of my body. I quickly straightened it and gritted my teeth.

  “Do you want to be with me?” His tone was calm but also demanded an answer.


  The answer popped up in my head but it wouldn’t leave my mouth.


  “Yes!” I screamed, my throat feeling raw with the admission.

  His finger hooked through the back of my thong and with one quick tug, the delicate fabric gave way to his pull.

  “Then tell me what the problem is, Pet.” The answer was right there hanging on the edge of my mind wanting to slip from my tongue. Only I couldn’t think as his thick finger circled my cunt, spreading the wetness that was pooled there.

  I was conflicted but my body knew what it wanted.

  His finger left me and a second later, I felt a sharp slap to my pussy.

  A whimper clawed up my throat and it managed to escape my will to hold it back.

  “I don’t know if I can give you what you need!” I screamed out so loud the words seemed to dance around the silent room, echoing over and over again in my ears. “I don’t know if I can fit into your world even though I want to.”

  My chest heaved and my body caved into the shaky feeling surging through me. I collapsed onto the cool counter, but it did nothing to snuff out the heat running through my body.

  “I don’t know if I can love you good enough,” I whispered out in panting breaths. “They deserve someone better than me. You deserve more than I can give.”

  My eyes fell closed and I didn’t stop the single tear that slipped from the corner of my eye.



  I froze after hearing her words.

  This was what I had wanted but I truthfully hadn’t expected it.

  I unzipped my pants, freeing my throbbing cock.

  My hand wrapped around her hair. With one tug, I pulled her body back up.

  “Listen to me, and listen good, Petra,” I said as I began to pump into her slowly, only allowing a few inches of my cock to slip inside. My mouth went to her ear because I wanted to make sure she got it this time. “You’re mine. I’ve told you that before and that’s not something I’ve ever told anyone ever. You. Are. Mine.”

  I placed a light kiss behind her ear and her body shuddered against me.

  “You have the respect of every person down there,” I went on, my voice raw as I tried to hold myself back. “You don’t need to be someone you’re not. The fact that you showed up today says so much, Pet. I see it. They see it. I know it wasn’t easy for you but you did it because you care.”

  “Iron,” she moaned out.

  “I’m here, babe. And I’m going to take care of you, just like you will do for me. Not because I demand it, but because you want to.”

  “Yes,” she let out in a breathy whisper.

  “I’d die for you, Pet,” I told her honestly. “And I know you’d do the same for me. That right there tells me that you have everything to give.”

  Slowly, I pushed myself inside of her until I bottomed out. My free hand wrapped around her neck, my thumb resting on the pulse point. Her heart w
as beating fast and steady. My fingers splayed wide but I didn’t squeeze.

  “Never question how much you can love me, again. I haven’t, and I never will,” I said making my final point.

  My hips jerked back and I began thrusting into her hard.

  Her arm raised, reaching back over her head. A second later, her nails scraped over my scalp as her fist tightened in my hair.

  “Let it go, Pet. Let me hear how good I make you feel.”

  My hips worked harder, faster. I felt her clench around me.

  She called out my name, her back arching. I gave it to her hard because I knew that was what she needed right now.

  “No matter how hard I give it to you, it will never be just fucking,” I told her, though I didn’t think I really needed to say it out loud. “Tell me I’m right.”

  “Yes,” she said and I was surprised how easily the answer slipped from her lips.

  “Scream it, Pet. It will make you feel so much better.”

  Her body trembled and it seemed she was holding herself back just as much as I was, neither of us wanting this moment to end.

  Her hand tightened on my hair. I gave her ponytail a quick tug and it sent her over the edge.

  “I love you!” she screamed out as she came, clenching around me tight and coming so hard that her juices ran down my balls.

  “Fuck, yeah, you do.” I pounded into her a few more times, my hips rolling, drawing out her orgasm as much as I could. “You’re mine.”

  I planted myself deep inside of her and came hard, filling her up with everything I had in me.

  “I’m yours,” she whispered hoarsely as her body collapsed against the countertop.

  I slipped out of her, loving the way a tiny whimper of sadness vibrated in the back of her throat. Gently, I turned her around and lifted her up, setting her onto the counter. My lips took hers and she gave into the slow, lazy kiss.

  “You good now?” I asked with a tiny smirk as I took in her heavy eyes and satisfied expression.

  “Yes,” she answered with a deep, relaxed breath. “Thank you.”

  My smile grew. Petra wasn’t one to say thank you. And I couldn’t deny that it made my ego puff up about a hundred percent.

  “You ready to try it again?”


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