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Iron: The Coast book 8

Page 21

by Hart, Eve R.

  I slid her panties down her legs, stopping right above her knees.

  “Get me off with your fingers. Fast,” she ordered.

  Her legs inched out, giving me just enough room to slide my hand between her thighs.

  Without a warning, I plunged two fingers into her wet, greedy pussy. Her head fell back and her hand automatically went to my hair.

  I fucked her hard and fast with my fingers, the sound of them sliding in and out of her wetness filling the air. It didn’t take long before she was shaking and quivering. Her tight heat attempted to pull my fingers in deeper and I gave her everything I had.

  Her arm jerked, bringing my head closer to her leg. Close enough that I could feel her skin brushing against my lips. And because I couldn’t help it, I opened my mouth and latched on to the delicate skin at the crease of her thigh. I swirled my tongue and sucked just as hard as my fingers pumped into her.

  Seconds later, she moaned out my name as she creamed all over my hand.

  Fuck, yeah.

  My fingers slipped away from her but because I couldn’t resist making sure my mark was on her good, I sucked a little longer.

  It didn’t take her long to yank my hair and rip my mouth away from her skin.

  With a smirk, I looked up and met her eyes.

  “That wasn’t in my instructions, Mr. President,” she said, but I could tell she hadn’t minded. Not one single fuckin’ bit.

  A knock sounded from the other side of the door.

  Quickly, I drew her panties back up her legs and pulled the bottom of her dress back down until everything was in place.

  Sucking her juices from my fingers, I got to my feet.

  I took in her flushed face and heaving breast, and I knew there was no way to hide what I’d just given her. Not that I wanted to.

  “Better, Pet?”

  She didn’t speak, but the calm, satisfied look in her eyes told me all that I needed to know.

  I was half tempted to make her thank me, but I didn’t want to ruin it. Things were about to get intense again and I wanted her to keep this relaxed feeling as long as possible.

  My lips brushed over hers before I gave her a light kiss.

  I reached down and adjusted my throbbing cock as I walked across the room. I knew I wasn’t going to have time to deal with it even before I started. It hadn’t been about me and I was just going to have to deal with it later.

  “Everyone’s here,” Mason said the moment I opened the door.

  “Come on, Petra,” I said with a tilt of my head.

  It wasn’t a normal thing to invite non-officers into Church. It was even less common to invite someone that wasn’t even a member. But Petra had shown that not only could she be trusted, but that she would do anything to protect the club as well.

  I was sure no one would have a problem with it. And if they did, I’d be able to tell right away.

  I entered after Mason, Petra right behind me.

  The room was silent as everyone looked from me to Petra.

  I took the head of the table but I didn’t sit.

  I was met with curious eyes. A few of them even looked amused to see her standing there.

  “You all know what went down, I’m not going to rehash that shit,” I started and felt a pang of sadness as I thought about Dade. “We thought it was all handled, but it seems that somethin’ has come up. Petra will fill you in.”

  I stepped to the side, giving her the opening to take my place in front of everyone. Her eyes blazed with shock for a split second before she drew the stoic shade back over her face.

  “I don’t know if I ever said this,” she started, her voice calm and almost soft. “I am sorry about your man.”

  That meant something and they all knew it. I fuckin’ did too. Petra wasn’t the type of person to give any kind of sympathy, not to people she barely knew. And she sure as hell wasn’t the kind of person that would say shit just to pacify people. So I had no doubt that every single person around that table knew she truly meant it.

  Then she explained everything she already had to me.

  “I’ve called Connor. He’s going to check into things on his end. Cable,” I turned my attention to the clubs computer whiz, “check out the town and this police department. I know Connor said he was going to look into it, but I want to see if you can dig deeper. Find me anything we can use if we should need it. Petra will show you what they found.”

  He gave me a nod as Petra slid her tablet across the table to him. He didn’t hesitate to pull out his phone and start typing the names on the tablet into his phone.

  I turned to B-ry and Blade, our newest officer brought to the table as a second Enforcer about six months ago.

  “Keep an ear out. Watch the prospects. Make sure everyone knows to keep their mouth shut.”

  They both acknowledged my order with a silent nod.

  “I need someone to talk to Abigail and make sure she knows what’s going on. If someone catches on to the time of Dade’s death, they might come around askin’ questions.”

  “You mean Detective Mullins?” Brand asked with aggravation in his tone. I didn’t think he’d ever gotten over what the asshole detective had tried to pull on him and the shit that poor Cami had to go through that night.

  “Yeah,” I answered. “I don’t know anything for sure, but I don’t want to be blind to what might come.”

  “I could fix that problem for us, if you want,” Blade said with a stony mask of indifference on his face.

  I almost chuckled.

  “Stand down, for now,” I told him. “Until this is handled, watch your backs and each other’s. I don’t want anyone slippin’ up. This isn’t just on Petra and we need to protect her people as well.”

  I could feel her wanting to argue but she kept her mouth closed tight. She was going to learn that she was part of my world now, and that meant we all looked out for one another.

  Everyone gave her a look of respect before giving me their eyes again. And then I was met with a table of firm nods letting me know they heard me loud and clear.

  “That is all for now. The moment I know somethin’, I’ll fill you in.” With that, I dismissed the meeting.

  Petra and I were the last out the door.

  “I know you need to get back,” I said before she could tell me herself.

  Yeah, I wanted to keep her close by, but her people needed her right now. And I was sure Garen was working just as hard as we were with trying to find any kind of information there was to find.

  “I’ll walk you out.” I took her hand without giving her a moment to feel like she had to say something. I got it, I really did.

  I sent her on her way with a lingering kiss.

  Then I went back inside to grab a stiff drink.

  What a fuckin’ shit circus this had turned into. And I knew it was only gettin’ started.



  “What have you got so far?” I asked as I entered Cable’s room.

  He sat up straight and stretched out his back.

  I knew before he even turned to face me that there wasn’t a stitch of clothing on the brother. It didn’t even faze me at this point.

  “They still have the mom in holding while they figure out what to do. She was booked five days ago.” He gave a sad shake of his head. “I haven’t found any emails indicating that they’ve reached out to any of the surrounding departments or the FBI. And as far as I can tell, they haven’t made any attempts to talk to anyone here.”

  My brows pinched as I tried to figure out why they hadn’t made any kind of move.

  “Honestly,” Cable said, “it seems like they haven’t done much of anything.”

  I let out a long breath as I thought about what to do next.

  “What are you thinking, Prez?” he asked, giving me his full attention.

  “There has to be some reason that they haven’t reached out.”

  He nodded like he had thought the same thing.
br />   “Need to figure out what the fuck that reason is,” I said giving him a look.

  “I can’t tell you all that much about the town. Small, like Moon Hill small. But it’s also spread out more. The impression that I get is it’s a bunch of people that own acres and acres of land. You know, those types that like to post those No Trespassing signs everywhere.”

  “Paranoid, gun-toting folks?” I asked with a raised brow.

  “Yeah, and mix that in with crazy religion, you have yourself a town full of people that might want to keep their shit on the down low.”

  “Super religious people?”

  “Yep,” he answered with a nod as he reached for his mouse and clicked to pull up an image for me to see. “There’s one church in the town. One big, evangelical church.”

  I took in the huge building that had very few windows. It was plain and looked more like a shelter than anything.

  All the shit that Ingram and Ky had gone through flashed in my mind.

  “It’s run by a man named William Sampson,” Cable said. “And get this, he is the brother of the sheriff and uncle to the two deputies.”

  “Fuck,” I breathed out.

  That could be a good thing for us. If they were trying to hide things then they wouldn’t want to get other law officials involved. They would want to keep things as quiet as possible in order to stay as invisible as they could.

  On the other hand, if they were shady, there was no telling what lengths they would go through to cover up shit.

  “Why do you think they want the girl so bad?” he asked.

  “Midori? I’m not sure.”

  “Maybe you should find out why she’s so important. I don’t know. It could just be a control thing, but what if it’s not.”

  “Yeah, she could be hidin’ shit. But I know Petra and I don’t want to fuck up the trust she has with Midori. If you lose Petra’s trust it’s not something you’ll ever get back. What if what Midori is keeping to herself isn’t something all that big?”

  “Rock and a hard place, Prez.”

  I chuckled.

  “Yeah,” I said. “Ain’t that always the way it is?”

  I let my mind spin for a few minutes.

  “What other connections are there?” I asked him.

  “Okay, so Emily— Midori— has two siblings. You already know that much. Her father is dead, shot by his wife, like the sister said. No blood connection to William Sampson that I could see.”

  “If I’m seein’ this right,” I said as I ran my fingers over my beard, “they plan to pin everything on the mother. It’s like an easy out for them. All they have to do is sit back a little while and make sure nothing pops up about the two that came down here and then it’s all taken care of.”

  “Right,” Cable said in a way of letting me know he was following along. “But then what are they going to do with the mother?”

  “They’d want to keep her quiet.”

  And we both knew the best way to do that.

  “You’re forgetting the two loose ends,” he said giving me a raised brow.

  “You think they’ll come for the sisters?”

  He shot me a look that told me I was dumb for even asking that question.

  If they had a dark enough secret, they’d do anything to make sure it stayed hidden.

  “What if we’re wrong, though? What if they are just God lovin’ people that like to go to church and pray and shit? And if we go down there, we could stir up shit even worse, all for no reason.” I had to look at it from every angle, even if my brain was telling me that something was going on.

  “I guess it depends on how bad shit could get for us and Petra if anyone did come looking.”

  “Keep lookin’. I’m going to figure out a plan. I don’t want to wait if we decide to go in.”

  “You got it, Prez,” he said turning his attention back to his computer.

  Mason was with his son. And since he actually got some time with the boy, I wasn’t going to bother him with this yet.

  I was on my way to the main part of the clubhouse when my phone rang.

  “Yeah,” I answered seeing it was Connor calling.

  “Need to meet. I have some shite to take care of near our bar. I’ll be there in twenty, does that work for ye?”

  “That works,” I told him as I opened the front door and stepped inside. “See you then.”

  I hung up and looked around to see who wasn’t doing anything.

  I jerked my chin at B-ry and Blade, both of them sitting on the couch watching TV.

  “Meeting Connor in twenty. Both of you are with me,” I told them before I headed back to the kitchen.

  I heard them coming right behind me.

  “What’s going on?” B-ry asked.

  “Hey, Abigail,” I greeted as I walked over to the coffee pot. Grabbing a clean mug, I poured myself a cup.

  “Hello, Iron,” she greeted back with a small smile. “How is your day going?”

  “Could be better,” I answered but my face held a smile. “What are you makin’ for dinner?”

  “Pork chops, roasted potatoes, and some kind of green. I haven’t figured that out yet.” She gave a little shrug knowing that the brothers never cared about what healthy side she made, they would eat just enough of it so Cami and Abigail wouldn’t bust their balls.

  “Sounds like my day is going to get a whole lot better in a couple of hours then,” I told her as I patted my belly.

  “And I made pineapple caramel cakes for dessert,” she added and my stomach let it be known just how ready for food it was.

  Blade let out a moan that sounded more like a long grunt. She smiled over at him with a twinkle in her eyes.

  “My favorite,” he said under his breath. “Damn, woman, I’m going to have to work twice as hard at the gym tomorrow.”

  I lifted the cup up to my lips and took a big gulp while I watched the two of them.

  “I could just hide them and not tell you where they are, you know, if it’s too much of a temptation.”

  “Go ahead, I dare you,” he said in a tone that said he was only half joking around. Which was normal for him. It was always hard to tell how he really felt about something. “See what happens when you do.” His brow went up as if challenging her.

  I expected her to turn from him and hide her reaction. Or even go on as if he hadn’t said anything. Abigail was on the shy side, though she had gotten more comfortable with everyone over the last year. She wasn’t one to make waves and if she was mad, she usually hid it. With the exception of her brother, that was. She would always give him shit and put him in his place when he got short with her.

  “Oh, yeah?” she snapped with a raised brow of her own. I almost spit out the second sip I’d taken. “And what are you going to do to me?”

  Her hand went to her hip and by the fire in her eyes, she wasn’t backing down.

  B-ry chuckled behind me.

  It seemed Abigail found someone to replace a part of her brother.

  I tried not to let the sadness wash over me. Maybe this was a good thing.

  Blade’s lips went flat and tight.

  “Isn’t there somewhere we need to be?” he said with a tiny flare of frustration in his voice as he turned his attention to me. Then he walked out without even giving me a chance to respond.

  Abigail took my cup before I had a chance to walk it over to the sink.

  I gave her a thanks before turning and walking out to my bike.

  “Head to the Irish bar,” I said as I started my bike.

  At the bar, B-ry and I took the booth in the back corner, our backs to the wall. Blade went to the bar and ordered a drink. I knew his eyes were constantly scanning the reflection in the mirror on the wall behind the rows of liquor bottles.

  Connor came in a few minutes later, Elliot hot on his heels. He paused long enough to push Elliot in the direction of the bar. The kid got the hint and plopped his ass on a stool. I held back a laugh watching him sit there pouting
like a kid.

  Connor looked a little aggravated as he took a seat on the opposite side of us.

  “You alright?” I asked.

  “I got some business to take care of after this and feckin’ Fergal thought it was a great idea to take Elliot along.”

  “Yeah, we got one of those,” I said with a chuckle. My eyes slid over to B-ry and I knew he was thinking about the same brother I was.

  “He’s got to learn,” Connor said with a shake of his head.

  A waitress came over and set down three glasses of whiskey.

  Connor wasted no time tossing his back.

  “Mullins asked me today if I knew about yer boy.”

  That had my muscles going rigid and I pinned him with my eyes. All humor left the table and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Blade stiffen as he read the atmosphere surrounding the table.

  “I told him that I’d heard somethin’ about it. Then I told him that I didn’t know who the feck it was so I didn’t give a shite.”

  My neck strained and I held my anger down.

  “Sorry, man. I know. I was just doing it to get the fucker off my back.” He paused for a beat. “And yours.”

  I knew it but I still wasn’t happy hearing it come out of his mouth like that.

  “But then he made a comment under his breath,” he went on. “Sayin’ how fucked up his bike must be if it took a hit hard enough to send him flyin’ like that.”

  “Fuck,” I said under my breath.

  “If I was you,” he leaned over the table, snatched up B-ry’s untouched glass and downed it. “I’d either get rid of that bike or fuck it up really bad.”

  “I’ll take care of it,” I told him flatly.

  “I don’t think he’s going to give this one up.”

  “There isn’t a body to examine, so he’ll never know anything as long as no one says shit.” I didn’t have to make a threat, he could read between the lines.

  “No one but me knows on my end. You have yer people to worry about. And what about that girl of Petra’s? Trust her?”

  “I trust Petra to handle it,” I told him sternly.

  “Yeah, fair point. I wouldn’t fuck with her, that’s for sure.”


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