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Wild Turkey: A Historical Virginia Romance (The Whiskey Series Book 3)

Page 14

by Beth Bennett

  Argus Hatchgrove arrived very late to work. He looked like he had spent the night cavorting in John Allen’s Dance hall. Word had reached Jackson’s ears that the man was renting a room there. His employees could do anything they damn well pleased. As long as they did their job and spent their own coin on lowlife doxie’s and personal pleasures.

  “Hello, Mr. Hatchgrove. I see you’ve finally arrived. I hope I’m not keeping you from something more important than your employment.”

  Argus removed his hat and smoothed his rumpled coat. “Oh, Mr. Daniels. How very fine to see you this morning. I did not expect your arrival for some time yet. No one sent word that you had arrived in New York.” Argus was a rather rough looking man of average height. Not particularly handsome but not ugly either. His shoulders were broad and his body heavily muscled. Jackson bet there weren’t many who could best the man in a fight. His slightly balding pate was covered with a black bowler style hat.

  “Yet, here I am.” Jackson waited for him to hang up his coat. “I received word from the bank that the granary has been late on payments for several months. I did not know the situation was so dire. Why was I not informed?”

  Argus harrumphed and blustered his way over to Jackson’s desk. “I was not aware of any late payments. The books are fine as you can see.”

  “I’ve also found several charges that are definitely not purchases having to do with the granary.” Jackson pointed at the list he had made. “A red ostrich feather hat, really? And look, the receipt has your signature at the bottom. I happened to find it folded between the account pages. That and several other charges. Are you prepared to reimburse the company for these personal expenditures?”

  “Of course, of course, sir. I had planned to do it all along. The time got away from me. I’ll have it to you tomorrow. I must have put the receipts there by accident. I’m sorry you had to find them this way, sir.”

  “Our books do not match up with the bank records. I have not been able to find any other discrepancies so far, but, Mr. Hatchgrove, the bank examiner is scheduled to meet with us. If you cannot resolve this matter to both our satisfaction, you may find yourself looking for other employment post haste. Perhaps even facing the constable. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Absolutely, absolutely. There is nothing to worry about. I will review the books myself. You will have your answer as soon as possible.”

  “Thank you. Kindly leave your reimbursement payment in the money box. I will leave you to your work. I shall return by three. Good-day to you, sir.”


  Olivia was still in her lessons when he arrived home. He took the morning paper and relaxed in the sitting room waiting for her to finish.

  In a few moments, he looked up to see his old professor in the foyer. He stood immediately to greet him.

  Shaking hands, Jackson smiled from ear to ear. “How wonderful to see you Professor. I hear you have been doing amazing things with our Virginia belle.”

  The professor put on his coat as he prepared to leave. “She has been ever so much less trouble than you were my boy.”

  Jackson leaned back and laughed. “Nevertheless, I appreciate your work with her. May I invite you to stay for lunch?”

  “Oh, no, my boy. Not today. I have other students who are waiting. Your mother tells me you are back in New York tending to business. How proud we all are of you. You have turned out to be a very fine young man.” The professor patted him on the back. “Miss Overton has a bright mind and sweet spirit. She has done very well. She should even be able to sit for her secondary exams in a few months. That is all that is required for her to obtain her teaching certificate. She has informed me she will be leaving you then. I will miss working with her. She is an enthusiastic student to say the least.”

  Jackson frowned at the man’s words. When had this been decided? Olivia had not spoken with him. “I’m glad she is doing so well. Much of the credit goes to you, however.”

  “New York can be overwhelming for anyone but she seems to have made the transition better than most.”

  Jackson overheard the humming of a happy little tune. At that moment, Olivia breezed into the room. She stopped when she spied them talking together. Jackson took note of her lovely form. Dressed in a sophisticated day dress, her youthful beauty was undeniable. The soft, golden streaked curls, ever trying to escape, were pinned at the nape of her neck.

  “Oh!” she squeaked. “I didn’t know you were here yet.” Her green eyes turned solemn as she spoke with a tremble in her voice. “I hope you are not conferring about me.”

  Jackson chuckled. “The professor was singing your praises, my dear. And so was I.”

  The blush that rose high on her cheeks was delightful. He swallowed hard. He was beginning to dread the upcoming punishment worse than a dip in an ice cold creek.

  “It’s time I was leaving,” the professor interrupted. “It was wonderful to see you, Jackson, Olivia. He bid farewell and left.

  Jackson turned to her. Her eyes were big and round, her mouth turned down in a little pout. The thickly fringed lashes fluttered up at him.

  “I suppose you’re here to punish me.”


  “Do you mind terribly if we go ahead and get it over with? I’ve worried over it all morning and I don’t think I could eat a thing knowing what was waiting for me.”

  Jackson cleared his throat and adjusted his tie. “All right. I shall demure to your request. Please follow me into the library.”

  Jackson took a seat behind his father’s old desk. More than once as a boy, he had been summoned to stand before its forbidding presence. Olivia stood waiting in his old spot. Her small hands were folded in front, eyes cast to the floor. She no longer remotely resembled the wild turkey from the Blue Ridge. She was a woman in full bloom and had no idea how beautiful she was, which made her all the more lovely.

  Jackson rubbed his jaw. A man had no business spanking a full-grown woman unless she were his wife. He sighed. But she was his ward. It was his responsibility. “Olivia, come round the desk and settle yourself across my lap.” The rustle of her skirts drew his attention as she came to stand beside his big, armless, leather chair. He motioned to his thighs. “You may proceed.”

  Olivia and a ponderous amount of skirts crawled across his lap. He couldn’t very well spank her through thirty yards of fabric. That would be no punishment at all. Carefully, he reached down to the floor and picked up the hem of her dress. Thank heaven she wasn’t wearing a bustle. As the skirt slowly lifted, he heard her gasp.

  Merciful heavens he was becoming hard. Surely she wouldn’t be able to feel anything through all that material. Would she know what it was if she did? What a quandary! Though the first skirt was up and over her head, Jackson was met with several layers of underthings. He grasped them up and pulled them to join the fabric already resting over her back. Another gasp and this time it was his.

  Now his eyes were met with the womanly display of a curving set of bloomers. The most perfectly shaped bottom, it had ever been his pleasure to view, was laid in submission before him. He was so hard he thought he might burst through his britches. Get a hold of yourself man. You’re no untried youth. Olivia’s bottom wiggled as she tried to get in a more comfortable position. Jackson gritted his teeth as she unknowingly ground against him. My God, if Simmons walks in here, he’ll think I’m in the middle of compromising the girl.

  Another shift in crinoline. “Be still, Olivia.” She complied. “Do you know why you are getting this spanking?”

  “Oh, yes, sir,” the muffled voice spoke from the floor. “I know exactly why. I should not have gone out with Liza, but, I did need to talk to Jimmy. I just wasn’t sure what the best way would be, so I thought…”

  “That will be enough. I am glad you understand but I have already heard the entire explanation. A simple yes, sir, will do.”

  “Yes, sir.” He could barely hear her.

  There was no more postponing it. He dr
ew his wide, flat, palm back and let it fall. Her bottom gave a delightful bounce through the thin material. He didn’t know how long he could stand it. He stared at her beautiful bottom. He couldn’t help himself. After the second smack, Olivia gave a little squeak. The outline of a red hand print could now be seen. Jackson glanced down at the silk stockings covering her shapely calves. He ogled her luscious backside letting his eyes roam to the fabric covered crevice between her thighs. How he longed to plunge his fingers in it. If anyone knew his thoughts, he would be arrested.

  He drew his hand back and spanked Olivia in rapid fire succession. It was a hard punishment and one that needed to be finished as quickly as possible. When he was done, he didn’t bother with the skirts, but tossed her up and over his lap, helping her to stand.

  Her skirts fell in disarray around her waist and her face was as red as a beet. A few tears streamed down her cheeks. The golden curls flew all around her head. She looked like she’d just had a good toss in the hay. He adjusted his coat with a jerk. “I trust you have been sufficiently chastised to have learned your lesson.”

  “Oh, yes.” Olivia nodded.

  “Well, if there is nothing more, I shall return to work.”

  Olivia grasped his arm. “But you haven’t had any lunch yet.”

  Self-consciously he covered the front of his britches with his hand. “I’m not hungry.” Jackson made for the foyer as fast as possible. Stuffing on his hat, he nearly stumbled out the front door, leaving Olivia to wonder why he was in such a hurry to get away.

  The carriage ride had given Jackson sufficient time to calm down. He would have to take a cold bath that evening. No doubt he would still be rampantly hard till then. The temptation to fan himself like a middle-aged dowager crossed his mind. To top it off, Olivia was oblivious. Well, that was for the best. If the little “peach,” as Albert had called her, had any idea of her effect on him…he shuddered. It didn’t bear thinking about.

  When he pulled up outside the granary, he noticed a familiar carriage tied out front. It was Lucy. What was she doing here? The last thing he wanted to spend his time on today, was Lucy Spear.

  The granary door sat slightly ajar and voices were coming from inside. He placed his hand on the door knob when a familiar tittering laugh reached his ears. Odd. Instead of pushing the door open, a niggling feeling in the pit of his stomach urged him to take a step back. He carefully sidled next to the window. A convenient hedge of trees hid him from sight.

  Only Argus was visible. His back was facing the window and he was leaning over a table in an odd fashion. When he straightened up, Jackson could see why. Lucy Spear lay beneath him. The two were enjoying an assignation! She was practically spread out like a piece of bread waiting to be buttered. Her dress was sagging on one shoulder and a bright red peacock feather hat, sat askance. What the devil was going on?

  He stepped back to the door and loudly greeted a passerby on the street. Then jangling his keys, he pushed the door open. Lucy stood on the opposite side of the table. Argus was tightening his tie.

  “Ah, Mr. Hatchgrove. I am a bit late this afternoon.” He nodded toward Lucy. “Lucy, and to what do I owe the pleasure of your company today?”

  She sashayed toward him. Her matching red hat and dress were the perfect ensemble for such a strumpet. So, Argus had bought the hat for Lucy. That was a surprise. Idly, Jackson wondered if his money had paid for the dress as well. Lucy brimmed with confidence. “I had an item of personal business to discuss. I hope you don’t mind me barging in unannounced.” She laughed and tried to appear discreet as she looked up from beneath lowered lashes. “I’d like to speak in private, if you don’t mind.” She sent Argus an undisguised look of dismissal.

  Mr. Hatchgrove immediately took the hint. “Absolutely, my dear. I’ve much to attend to. I shall be in the other room attending to the accounts. Take all the time you need.” He disappeared into the next room.

  Jackson doffed his jacket and neatly folded it across the back of a chair. He sat down. His legs splayed out elbows resting on either side of the chair. His fingers folded together in a pyramid, the tips touching together.

  “Now, what is so urgent that it cannot wait for a more fortuitous time to be discussed?”

  Lucy crossed to the door Argus had just disappeared behind. She deftly shut it until the latch clicked in place. "I've had something extremely important on my mind ever since the night you arrived for dinner at the Astoria Hotel. I haven’t felt we’ve had any chance to get re-acquainted. I know I told you ages ago I didn’t want to see you, but, really, Jackson. You’ve given me such a cold shoulder since you returned. We used to have such fun together.” She bit her lip and Jackson could see the wheels spinning in her head. “I was hoping we might, re-new our acquaintance.”

  “I appreciate the sentiment.” Jackson’s chair squeaked as he turned toward her. “We were little more than children all that time ago. I bear no grudge. I have, however, moved on as you suggested.”

  Like a cat, stalking its prey, Lucy sidled over to him and sat on his knee. Her hands ran up and down the lapels of his shirt. “You must forgive me for the things I said. I could show you a good time and I know you could do the same for me.”

  Jackson’s blue eye narrowed. It was all he could do not to slap her away. “And just what do you propose, Lucy?”

  She huffed out a delicate groan. “Do I really have to spell it out for you, Jackson? I’d like for us to see one another again. I’ve not loved anyone since you.” She poked out her bottom lip and even managed to have her eyes well up with tears.

  “Lucy, I’ve no interest in re-entering a relationship with you.” Jackson helped her to her feet. “If that’s all you came to say, you can leave. Mr. Hatchgrove and I have much work to attend to.”

  Fire flew from her eyes as she swirled to the other side of the room. “You’re in love with that little farm girl aren’t you?”

  Her words sent a jolt through his chest. “Of course not! How inappropriate do you think I am?” Lucy would stop at nothing if she felt herself slighted. He had already seen her jealousy of Olivia. He did not want to add any more fuel to that fire.

  “I’ve seen how you look at her, the deference in which you treat her. I know desire when I see it.”

  Jackson raised his eyebrows. He would have to be more careful. If Lucy had detected his attraction, others might as well. Lucy wasn’t usually this obvious. He sensed desperation. That could be more dangerous than jealousy. Just how deeply was Lucy involved with Argus Hatchgrove?

  “Perhaps I have been a bit hasty. I tell you what, Lu. How about we meet for dinner Saturday week? We can discuss these personal matters then. I assume you would enjoy the Astoria Hotel Restaurant?”

  Lucy swayed her hips as she walked toward him. She gazed up into his eyes and licked her lips. “That’s more like it. I knew you’d come around. I can give you more than that little farm girl ever could.” She took her wrap and opened the front door. “Will you send a carriage for me?”

  “Of course.”

  “I’ll be ready by eight.”

  “Till next Saturday.”

  “Oh I’ll be at the opera tomorrow night. Hettie told me you would all be there, but we won’t be an official couple… just yet.” Jackson tipped his head toward her and she swished out the door.

  Chapter 19

  It was with great expectation that Olivia readied herself for the evening. The entire family was going to the Metropolitan Opera and Hettie’s excitement had spread to Olivia.

  “Oh! Olivia, you won’t believe what it is like. The music is stupendous, the set, the costumes, but best of all, it is the highest of all occasions in New York. We have box seats, too!”

  Olivia watched in awe as Hettie donned her very best silk gown. Covered with ruffles and bows and laying low across her shoulders, it was truly beautiful. Liza piled Hettie’s hair high and decorated it with tiny matching satin bows. Not to be outdone, Olivia was wearing her very finest as well. She looke
d like a very fine jewel set in yellow satin with green trim that matched her eyes. It was the most expensive of all the gowns she had purchased. Until tonight, she had not had an occasion to wear it.

  “Oh, Olivia,” Hettie exclaimed. “You are beautiful.”

  Olivia blushed with pleasure. “So are you.” She took Hettie’s hand in her own. “I can never thank you and your family enough for all you’ve done for me.”

  Hettie hugged Olivia with all her might. “You have been a joy.”

  When Jackson met them in the foyer, he nearly took Olivia’s breath away. Dressed in formal hat and tails, the suit he wore complimented his broad shoulders. His thick, dark hair was swept away from his face and his hands were covered in white gloves. He smiled in greeting, the little lines around his eyes crinkling ever so slightly. He offered Olivia his arm.

  She tried not to giggle when his deep, whispered, voice sent a shiver down her spine. “You look lovely. I trust you are ready for a long, boring evening at the opera.”

  Hettie protested. “I heard that. Olivia will believe you. Don’t listen to him. If Jackson had his choice, he would stay home every night, reading books in the library.” Olivia couldn’t help but think of the spanking he had given her in there. Instead of feeling shame, she felt a little titillated at the memory.

  “I can think of nothing more appealing, dear sister.”

  “Neither can I,” Olivia proclaimed.

  “Oh,” Hettie huffed.

  Mrs. Jackson joined them. “Now, children. Let’s all enjoy our evening together.”

  They stepped into the carriage and Olivia soon found herself whisked away through the streets of New York. Quarters inside were again cramped as Jackson squeezed in beside her. “I hope you don’t mind sharing your seat yet again. I don’t relish riding up top on such a humid night.”


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