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Love Inspired January 2014 - Bundle 2 of 2: Bayou SweetheartThe Firefighter's New FamilySeason of Redemption

Page 28

by Lenora Worth

  Another solid idea. “You’re a genius.”

  “Firemen occasionally have time on their hands, and we’re called to homes for many crazy reasons. In our spare time, we brainstorm solutions to problems.”

  “Daddy.” Kaylee’s voice split their conversation. “He won’t let me have any puzzle pieces.”

  “Joey.” Ashley turned around the best she could and gave her son a frown. “Share. You get a piece and then Kaylee gets a piece.”

  Joey studied the two pieces in his hand and put one in Kaylee’s.

  Ashley grinned. “Problem solved.”

  “And you’re not even a firefighter.” He slipped his chair back and rose. “Now, do you have a stool. Let me help you with the bed and get things ready for him, and then I’ll get home. Kaylee needs a bath, and you need to rest.”

  Her heart swelled. “Devon, you are a treasure. Do you know that? You’re one of the nicest people I know.”

  “Sorry my mom’s not here to hear that.” He tucked his hands in his pockets. “Stool?”

  She figured him out in only a second. He was a guy who couldn’t be complimented without making a joke about it. One day she’d help him see her compliments were the truth.

  With no plan to educate him tonight, she gave him details on finding the stool while her mind churned with thoughts she definitely wanted to avoid. Already she knew she was in trouble.

  * * *

  Devon sat at a worktable filling out another report of the latest fire. Earlier, he’d reeked of smoke before taking a shower, and since cleaning up, the warm water made him sleepy. Another long night left him drained but grateful the fire was in a warehouse and not a residence. The place was empty of employees, and they’d saved the main building.

  Today he’d been distracted. He hadn’t checked on Ashley for a few days, and thinking about her kept ruining his concentration. He’d wanted to go more than once, but he didn’t want to be a pest. If she needed him, he hoped she’d have called. He’d given her his number. Still, he could picture her struggling on her own. She seemed like one of those independent people who hated to ask for help.

  A sound caused him to look up, and Clint slipped into the chair beside him. “Good job tonight.”

  He nodded. “My thoughts exactly.”

  “Want a soda?” He rose from the chair.

  “Sure, if you’re getting one for yourself.”

  Clint strode away, and Devon stared at the paper in front of him, scratching out details and reviewing what needed to be included. When Clint’s footsteps sounded behind him, he dropped the pen and leaned back. “Thanks.” He grasped the cold can and took a swig.

  “How’s life?”

  Devon wondered what that meant. He eyed Clint a moment before commenting. “What’s on your mind?”

  Clint’s grin couldn’t be hidden. He shrugged. “Wondering about your patient, I suppose.”

  “She’s home and struggling.” He told her about Joey and the crutches, and then thought of the situation with Kaylee. “I had a little surprise from Kaylee—nothing I would have anticipated—but she’s jealous of Joey, I think.”

  “In what way? He’s just a toddler, isn’t he?” His brow furrowed.

  “It’s not so much the boy as it is my attention to him.” He ran his fingers through his hair, still feeling dampness from his shower. “I wasn’t expecting her to act that way.”

  Clint rubbed his jaw. “Kids are possessive when it comes to things and people that belong to them.” His gaze captured Devon’s. “You are an important one to her. Her dad. And you don’t have a lifetime with her. You have days when she’s worked into your schedule.”

  Devon’s chest tightened, startled by Clint’s comment. Days she was worked into his schedule. It sounded so crude.

  Clint grasped his shoulder. “Hey, friend, I’m not criticizing. Not at all. You have no choice. It’s your job, but she’s with her mother more than with you, and once she’s in school... Well, think about it. Scheduling visitations will get more complex.”

  He blew out a stream of air. “I’ve thought about that, and I don’t have an answer. I wish I did.” And he also wished he knew if she actually spent time with Gina. Or was Renee her main caregiver?

  “What you need is—” Clint gripped his shoulder tighter and gave it a pat “—a wife. That’s what you need. Problem solved.”

  “Whoa. I’m not looking for a wife to solve my problems.” He rubbed the tension in his neck. “I know you’re joking, but... You are joking, aren’t you?” He did a double take and then grinned, seeing Clint’s expression.

  Clint grinned back. “Yes, and no. If you fell in love and married, that’s what I mean.”

  Devon studied him a moment, wondering how to tell him some of his deepest worries. The guy really listened, and he usually offered good advice. But opening his heart. He couldn’t. “I’m not ready for that.”

  “You’ve been alone for more than three years. Do you still have feelings for Gina?” Clint’s expression grew serious. “I didn’t think—”

  “She’s Kaylee’s mother. I care about her for that reason. My love died when she turned her back on our marriage. One person can’t keep a fire lit when the other one is pouring water on it.”

  Clint nodded. “That’s what I thought.”

  The comment hung in the air, and Devon became tired of waiting. “What do you mean?”

  “What’s the problem? Do you think Kaylee couldn’t handle a woman in your life, or are you afraid of marriage now?”

  “I don’t know how Kaylee would react. If her attitude with Joey is any sign, she could be resentful. But no, it’s not her. It’s me.” Whether he wanted to open up or not, Clint was dragging his feelings out of him. “I failed a marriage. How do I know I won’t do it again? I believe when we stand before God and vow to love someone forever that’s what we do, but...” No words came to him.

  “I think we all feel that way, Devon.”

  His head jerked upward. “Are you serious?”

  “I sure am. Do you think that I don’t question whether I can be a good husband. I have no idea how I failed my fiancée. I’ve racked my brains with a cootie comb and nothing comes other than my work. That’s what she blamed the breakup on.” He shrugged. “I can’t see that as failing. She knew that when we became engaged.”

  Hearing Clint’s honest confession helped alleviate some of Devon’s fear. Maybe everyone asked these question when they failed. Can I do this again? Can I be successful? He asked himself these questions when they battled a fire. Can we succeed? Can we save people’s lives? The answer was more often yes than no. Why not apply that concept to his life? “You’ve made me think, pal.”

  “Good.” Clint chuckled and leaned back against the chair, taking a long swig of his cola. “I made myself think, too.” He set down the can. “It all comes down to hope.”


  “That’s what the Bible teaches. We know the Lord is on our side. We look to Him for guidance and then we hope we heard Him right. That’s all we can do.”

  “That and pray.”

  “Sure enough, pal. Prayer is the source.” He slapped his leg and rose, grabbing the cola. “And I better let you finish that report, or you won’t be able to leave on time.” He gave Devon’s shoulder a squeeze and ambled away.

  Devon sat a moment, staring at the report in front of him, but his mind was on the conversation. Sometimes he let important tasks slip while he took care of less important things like laundry and grocery shopping. He could do those with his eyes closed, so why not be that close to prayer that it became second nature?

  Somewhere along the line he’d let his faith take a backseat to everyday life. Faith had to be part of life, not an addendum. He could only guess prayer was a premier event in Ashley’s life or how else
did she get through the sorrow of losing a husband and raising a tiny son on her own? That took courage and strength. Those were things the Lord could give through prayer. All he had to do was ask. He needed to teach Kaylee about prayer, too...and about Jesus. He wondered if her mother still attended church.

  Or Renee. Gina’s sister had come into the conversation with Kaylee and that was another bug in his brain he couldn’t let go. How much time did Kaylee spend with her aunt rather than her mother? He needed to know the truth.

  Chapter Six

  “Daddy.” Ashley shifted back from the doorway as her father strode in, a smile on his face.

  He gave her a hug and before he could take a step, he was nearly bowled over by Joey.

  “Papa.” He extended his arms, and her dad scooped him up for a bear hug.

  “How’s my favorite grandson?”

  Ashley always got a kick out of the question since Joey was his only grandson. “Have a seat, Dad.”

  Joey squirmed to get down, and when her father lowered him to the floor, he grabbed his hand and tugged. “Come, Papa. Play.”

  “Joey, let Papa sit for a minute.” Ashley motioned to a chair and then made her way to the recliner where she lifted the footrest and leaned back.

  He noticed Joey’s disappointed look. “I’ll play later. Let me talk to your mama a minute.”

  With his hopes not totally dampened, Joey squatted beside his toys and returned to his miniature cars.

  “I’m glad you came, Dad. I miss seeing you.” She gestured toward the cast propped on the footrest. “This is maddening.”

  Her dad grinned. “Patience. You’ll be back to your old self soon.”

  “That’s exactly how I feel. An old self.”

  Her father chuckled. “I don’t do badly for an old geezer.” He studied her a moment. “All silliness aside, can I do something for you while I’m here? Anything.”

  She thought of the laundry piling up, dust bunnies under the furniture, but she’d never ask her dad. She should be doing for him not the reverse. “I’m fine. Neely helps a lot, and Devon gave me his phone number in case I needed help.”

  “The firefighter.” He looked gleeful.

  “That’s him.”

  “So he’s still dropping by?”

  “He comes by occasionally.” It seemed odd he’d just stop visiting. A chill sizzled down her arms. Her first thought was always he’d been injured in a fire or during a rescue. Hearing herself, she forced the thought away, afraid that kind of concern would always be with her.

  He leaned forward, elbows on his knees. “Tell me about him. He has a job. That’s good. What about—”

  “What about nothing. I have nothing to tell. Devon is a good neighbor, a caring man who’s kind to old ladies and their dogs, rescues cats from trees and brought over dinner a few days ago for Joey and me.” Heat rose on her cheeks. “Spaghetti, before you ask.”

  “Then I don’t need to worry about your starving.” He leaned back as his grin faded. “Ash, I know losing Adam was horrendous. There’re no words to explain it, but it’s time you open yourself to the future. Joey needs a daddy and—”

  “Dad.” The heat grew. “Don’t play matchmaker. I’m old enough to know when I’m ready to—”

  “Don’t let the bad situation you had with your last boyfriend darken your spirit. It’s not easy to move ahead. But you’re too young to be alone.”

  Tension knotted her spine. “I’m not alone. I have Joey, and—”

  “It’s not the same, and you know it. I’m not telling you what to do, but I want you to be open.”

  “I am open.”

  “Look how long it took me to venture out. Everyone bugged me about getting a life. Finally I gave in and went to the seniors center. Look what’s happened. I have friends and interests. I just came from there before I showed up here. I had lunch and then I played Parcheesi.”

  She noticed the sly look on his face. “You won, didn’t you?”

  “I did. Alice was right on my tail, but she broke her blockade and I slipped past her.”

  “Alice. That’s your lady friend, the one who invites you to church.”

  He grinned. “She’s the one. A lovely Christian woman, and that’s what you need, Ashley. A good Christian man to be a daddy to my favorite grandson.”

  Joey heard him and blotted to his side. “Favorite.” He patted his chest.

  “You are.” He gave Joey a kiss on the cheek.

  “Come.” Joey beckoned to him. “Play, Papa.”

  Her father gave a shrug. “I guess I’d better. I promised.” He rose and settled beside Joey on the floor.

  Ashley took a deep breath, grateful Joey had ended the conversation. How could she explain the fears she experienced and the guilt she felt? He wouldn’t understand. She leaned against the cushion and rolled her shoulders, hoping to relieve the tension. Her dad had no idea how the same thoughts filled her mind as she sat there, weighted down with the stupid cast. Helpless. Sometimes hopeless.

  Joey giggled and her dad slapped his leg with a big guffaw. She hadn’t seen the reason for the laughter, but she loved watching her dad and Joey interact. Joey needed a male role model in his life.

  The doorbell jangled, and before she could grab her crutches, her father jumped up.

  “Let me get that.” He strode to the door and pulled it open, then glanced at her before turning back to the visitor. “You don’t happen to be the neighbor who rescued my daughter?”

  The heat that had risen to her face earlier returned, rolling up her neck and sizzling her cheeks. “Devon, come in.” Seeing him filled her with pleasure, and the sensation unsettled her.

  He stuck out his hand. “I am, sir. I’m Devon Murphy.”

  “Fred Andrews.” He grasped Devon’s palm and shook. “I’m Ashley’s dad. Come in, like she said.” He stepped back.

  Devon moved closer, glancing at her, then her dad. “Sorry to interrupt, but—”

  “No interruption at all. I’m in a hot game of car races with my grandson, and Ashley’s just sitting there.” He motioned Devon to the chair and moved closer to Joey’s cars.

  “I can’t really sit. I dropped by to see if you needed anything from the grocery store. I’m on my way, and thought I’d stop and ask.” He didn’t draw nearer.

  Addled by her reaction to seeing him, Ashley tried to act casual. Then seeing her father’s sly grin, she wanted to scream. She wished she could will her cheeks to cool down. “I can’t think of anything, Devon. That’s so nice of you to stop.”

  “Ice cream, Mama.” Joey scrambled from the floor and hurried to Devon. “Ice cream.”

  Devon picked him up and gave him a squeeze. “We’d better check with your mama.” He looked at her, his eyebrow arched, waiting for her answer.

  “Okay, ice cream, and we can probably use more milk, too, if you don’t mind.” She couldn’t help but see her father’s gleeful expression.

  “Got it.” Devon lowered Joey to the floor. “How about this, pal? I’ll make you a fancy ice cream treat later. Did you ever have a banana split?”

  “Split?” He looked quizzically at Devon and then turned. “Mama. Did I have a split?”

  “I don’t think you’ve had one, sweetie. It’s bananas with ice cream and—”

  “’Nanas and ice cream. Yummy.” He clapped his hands together. “Papa, a split?”

  “Not for me, Joey. I have to get home, but you and your mom will enjoy it.”
/>   Devon held up his hand. “Please, don’t leave on my account.”

  “Not at all. I just stopped by to check on Ashley, and my grandson tricked me into playing race cars.”

  “Zoom.” Joey’s sound effect accompanied his imaginary car sailing through the air.

  “Give me a hug, boy.” Fred leaned forward and gave Joey another bear hug, then walked over and kissed Ashley’s cheek. “I’ll leave you in this man’s capable hands.”

  Before Devon could protest, Fred headed for the door.

  With his hand on the knob, he paused. “Nice to meet you, Devon. I appreciate your help here. So does my daughter. Right, sweetheart?” He gave her another silly look and opened the door. “Enjoy the banana splits.”

  Devon watched him go, speechless, and Ashley wanted to muzzle her dad. He played matchmaker no matter what she said.

  “Don’t pay attention to him, Devon. Dad’s a joker.” She hoped she sounded jovial.

  “I like him. He seems like a great father.” He gazed at Joey, and Ashley wondered what he was thinking. “How are you doing? Getting around better?”

  She told him the progress she’d made the past few days. She’d learned a few tricks to help her survive. He listened with interest, and she wondered if he was relieved that he didn’t have to keep track of her as he seemed to be doing.

  “I’m glad to hear you’re doing better. That’s good news.” He took a couple steps back. “I’d better get to the store.” He dug in his pocket and pulled out his keys.

  “Thanks for checking on the groceries. You’re thoughtful as always.” She eased her back against the chair, hoping he couldn’t tell she was flustered.

  “You’re doing me a favor. I should say Joey is. I’ve been yearning for a banana split. I’ll be back after dinner. Okay?”

  Though she wanted to decline, she couldn’t. She’d missed his company. “Sounds good. Neely brought over dinner, so we’re in good shape.”


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