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A Dom to Love, Honor, and Obey [Masters of Submission 7] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

Page 6

by Jan Bowles

  “Excellent. Now grip the legs of the spanking bench with your hands, and under no circumstances let go. If you do, be assured there will be painful consequences. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir. I understand.” A single teardrop trickled down her cheek before dripping onto the leather upholstery, and he knew the emotional release she’d receive from the spanking would be of great benefit to her.

  Zack wasn’t an unthinking bastard though, and empathizing with what Andrea was going through right now, he placed a steadying hand between her shoulder blades, as if to say, I know, princess. I understand.

  Once sure she wasn’t overly distressed, he repeated his order, louder this time to increase his level of control over her. “Do you understand? Under no circumstances will you move.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Her feminine voice croaked with a mixture of emotions, and he knew they connected both physically and spiritually.

  Zack then stood to one side, allowing the audience an unobstructed view of his exquisite creation. “Ladies and gentlemen, I think you’ll all agree that’s an impressive and arousing sight.”

  He then raised Andrea’s short leather skirt before laying it across her back. After a momentary pause for theatrical effect, he yanked her panties, which in reality were no more than a strip of lace, down to her knees, leaving her creamy bare ass exposed for everyone in the Hot Zone to see. This simple action had the effect of causing a sigh of appreciation to ooze from the assembled crowd.

  He’d seen and enjoyed many beautiful women in his time on this earth, but to his eyes, Andrea was perfection personified, and as she turned her head as best she could to look at him, he felt their connection grow stronger. Those wondrous hazel eyes seemed to speak to him, as though pleading, I need this, Zack, I’ve been absent from the world for far too long. I need this.

  Well, not wanting to desert a damsel in distress he’d be her knight in shining armor, and give this sexy woman what she craved most of all. He turned to the audience. “As all of you here will know, there is more than one way to discipline an unruly submissive.” Zack enjoyed the nods of affirmation from the crowd, especially the male members of the club such as Matthew and Ethan.

  “I’ve often favored using a thin reed cane to bring a disobedient sub back into line. This method of correction is one of my preferred choices, but I’m sure some of you here have other preferences, a wooden paddle perhaps, or even a suede flogger. However, after years of experience and experimentation, I’ve come to the conclusion that you can’t beat what Mother Nature provides free of charge to every human being on the planet.”

  He held up his hands for the audience to see. “Say, isn’t there something erotic and sexually stimulating about the sound of your palm connecting with a recalcitrant sub’s bare ass? It certainly works for me.” Zack took a deep breath, feeling more aroused by the second. “The feel of skin on skin is such a tactile sensation, and in my opinion, something that simply cannot be emulated with artificial implements of correction.”

  His words evoked yet more nods of agreement from the crowd, causing a big guy at the back to shout out, “I’m with you on that one, Zack. That flesh on flesh sound does it for me every time.”

  Zack smiled, feeling that the members of Club Submission were already taking him to their hearts. “Right then.” He laced his fingers together before flexing them, causing his knuckles to crack. “Supple is as supple does.” Ready to commence with the discipline of his sub, he then placed the palm of his left hand on Andrea’s back, feeling her warm body tremble beneath his touch.

  “Have you anything to say before I punish you, my sub?”

  “Only that I’m very sorry, Sir,” she whimpered. “I promise I’ll never misbehave again, and that I deserve everything I get.”

  “Your contrition is admirable, but sadly for you, it’s come too late to save you from a reddened ass.”

  “I know that, Sir.” Another teardrop rolled down her cheek before splashing onto the spanking bench.

  His first stinging slap impacted her left butt cheek with a force that made her cry out. The subsequent contact with the right portion of her succulent rump was equally severe, causing Andrea to jolt and whimper with the pain.

  “Please, Sir, I’m sorry, Sir. I beg you to take mercy on this worthless slave.”

  “Never. It’s not in my nature to be lenient when faced with such willful disobedience.”

  “I know, Sir, but please…”

  Because their D/s relationship had barely gotten going, they hadn’t had time to discuss a safeword for Andrea to use should she feel the need. However, here at Club Submission she was amongst friends, good friends, and should she become genuinely distressed, he would immediately call a halt to the proceedings.

  When he stared down at her beautiful face, he knew that Andrea was thoroughly enjoying her return to the D/s world, and that her tears were a cathartic release from the five years of sheer hell she’d endured since her husband’s tragic death.

  He slapped her creamy, bare ass again, three times in quick succession, causing her head, along with the top half of her body, to arch with the irresistible combination of pleasure and pain.

  “Sir, it hurts. It really hurts.”

  Both cheeks were now a perfect shade of crimson, and although he knew she was tempted to release her hold on the spanking bench, and instinctively rub her palms across her painfully stinging butt, she resisted, obviously enjoying the erotic sensation he gave her.

  His cock was hard, the fucking thing relentlessly pushed against the inside of his pants, and Zack figured that just about every other guy in the audience was equally affected. How could they not be, when a beautiful woman, lay half-naked across the leather-clad spanking horse?

  A final crescendo of six hard slaps, three administered to each erotically reddened ass cheek concluded her discipline, causing Andrea’s mouth to fall open and stay open as she savored the thoroughly deserved spanking her new Master gave her. After a few seconds of total silence, pandemonium seized the gathered crowd, making them clap and cheer as they registered their appreciation for the show he and Andrea had put on.

  Zack liked Club Submission. Right from the get-go, every single member had made him feel welcome. Now that his work brought him to Boston, he’d certainly be visiting on a regular basis.

  He turned to the cheering crowd before taking a theatrical bow. “I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the friendship you’ve shown me as a new member.”

  His appreciation for their support caused yet more whoops of delight until the audience slowly filtered away. With his attention refocused on the beautiful, prone woman lying just a few inches from him, Zack ran his fingers through Andrea’s perspiration-soaked hair. Christ, he really was falling in love with this beautiful lady, and with each passing day, he found it increasingly difficult to deny his feelings for her.

  “You were something else, princess, and I’m pleased to say, all discipline points have now been deleted from your naughty girl account.”

  He watched her erotically lick her lips, her tongue snaking out to moisten the red lipstick that matched her butt. With a beaming smile now framing her perfect face, she whispered, “I so wanted to use my hands and rub my ass, but I resisted, Sir.”

  “Indeed you did, my sub, and it’s a credit to your fortitude.”

  Zack felt a gentle tap on his shoulder, and when he turned he saw the pretty brunette who’d hugged Andrea with genuine affection just before the spanking show had gotten underway. “Here, take this, Zack.” She handed him a blanket. “Andrea was always big on wind down time before she quit the scene after Joe’s death.”

  “Jessica, isn’t it?”

  “That’s right.”

  “Thanks, Jessica. I can see that you’re a good friend to Andrea.”

  He took the blanket from her, and then laid it over his new sub, who remained face down and motionless on the spanking bench. When he gently turned her over and scooped her from the impleme
nt of correction, she instinctively wrapped her arms around him and kissed his cheek before whispering in his ear, “Thank you, Sir, for showing this disobedient sub the error of her ways.”

  “You’re welcome. Consider your debt paid.”

  She stared up into his eyes as he carried her to a quiet corner of the Hot Zone, and such was the pumped up mood he was in, her tiny, feminine frame seemed to weigh almost nothing. Right now, he felt deeply connected to this woman, both physically and emotionally, and Zack had the distinct feeling that she felt the same way about him.

  Once nestled comfortably on a soft, inviting chair, he pulled the blanket tightly around her, pinning it together under her chin with his fingers.


  Her beautiful, hazel eyes started to close. “Oh, yes, Zack. I feel like the weight of the world has been taken from my shoulders. I feel I’m really starting to live again, and it’s all your doing.”

  “Well, I’m pleased you feel that way, princess, because you’ve made me do some soul searching of my own. You’ve made me understand what’s really important in life.”

  “Have I, Zack?”

  “You certainly have.” He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her passionately on the lips. “Rest your eyes for a while, you deserve it, but don’t get too sleepy, because the night is still young, and I intend to have my wicked way with you.”

  “Mmm, sounds good.” She snuggled closer, her creamy ass resting on his rock-hard prick. From the way she continued to smile, Andrea was aware of the effect she had on him. “Have your wicked way with me, Sir?” she dreamily replied. “I would expect nothing less from my new Master.”

  Chapter Six

  When Andrea opened her eyes, she found herself lying on a large luxurious four poster bed that formed part of the dungeon at Club Submission. Matt and Ethan had been modernizing and upgrading the business for the last few years, and this was the impressive result. Of course, as club receptionist, she’d seen the array of rooms that made up the dungeon being constructed. However, she’d never once played here, because this new purpose built facility was only completed after Joe had died, and she’d quit the D/s scene by then.

  She glanced at her watch. Almost an hour had passed since she’d fallen asleep wrapped in a blanket on Zack’s lap. He must have carried her to the dungeon without disturbing her, because the last thing she remembered was blissfully closing her eyes, safe in the knowledge that the man she was falling in love with held her cradled in his arms.

  She stretched like a lazy cat in front of the fire. “Zack? Where are you?”

  “Don’t worry. I’m right here, princess.” His masculine baritone voice filtered through from the ensuite bathroom. “But here in the dungeon, you will refer to me as either Master or Sir. Do you understand, my sub?”

  “Yes, Sir. Of course, Sir. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be disrespectful. I’m just a little disorientated, that’s all.”

  Zack strode into the bedroom, an enigmatic smile lighting up his face. A smile that left her unsure as to his intentions.

  “Well, my sub. We find ourselves together again, in a room with a large opulent bed. Only this time I can promise you that we won’t be disturbed by an overzealous realtor.”

  Her mind flashed back to Zack’s beautiful new home, located in Arlington, an affluent part of Boston. He’d nonchalantly paid the full asking price of 12.5 million dollars as though that large sum of money meant nothing to him. Her new Dom had wanted to take her there and then. Fuck her senseless on that beautiful bed in the most opulent room she’d ever seen. And he’d have done it, too, filling every orifice her body possessed if Mr. Johnson hadn’t disturbed them.

  As he stood at the end of the bed, Zack’s eyes narrowed on her, and she saw the sexual demon within. He was going to take her, bend her to his mighty will right here in this very room, and what’s more, he’d do it without any form of compromise on his part.

  She sensed it.

  No, strike that, she knew with absolute certainty. No power on earth could deny him the fulfillment of his desires. Andrea took a deep breath, knowing that the sex between them was going to be rough and explosive.

  For an alpha-male Dom, he’d been reasonable and benevolent up to now, probably because she’d been away from the D/s scene for so long. However, Zack was a sexual predator with needs and desires that had to be satisfied. Even if she wanted to, she couldn’t take her eyes from his. Goddamn it, the sexual demon showing in those silver grays just wouldn’t quit.

  “Choose a safeword, my sub, and don’t keep me waiting.”

  Andrea felt the breath hitch in her throat and her pussy moisten with pure desire. What was the expression? Oh yes, that’s it—no more Mr. Nice Guy. Well, that was exactly how Zack’s demeanor came across to her now. He was pumped up, both mentally and physically, and she was clearly the object of his desire.

  She started to tremble, finding the experience strangely pleasurable. “Safeword, Sir? Er–I–I…”

  Clearly irritated, he clapped his hands together. “Come on. Come on. Don’t keep me waiting, not unless you wish me to discipline you again.”

  She felt herself blush. “Sorry, Sir.” She didn’t want to choose the same safeword she’d used with Joe, because she’d moved on, and was now starting a new life with Zack. She wracked her brain, trying to think of something profound, something with meaning, but with those steely silver eyes staring incessantly at her, making her feel uncomfortable, the best she could come up with was—“Silver”—because if she lived to be a hundred, she’d never forget the color of Zack’s penetrating gaze.

  Andrea doubted she’d need to use her safeword with Zack, because as far as she was concerned this authoritative and imposing man could do whatever he wanted with her. He could use her body anyway he pleased, because if it gave Zack pleasure, it gave her pleasure.

  “Silver it is then.” With that he strode menacingly across to her, spreading her arms wide apart before attaching, and then buckling the leather straps around her wrists, which hung from the ornately carved wooden posts that supported the canopy above the bed.

  Her breathing was fast, violently so, causing her breasts to rise and fall with a rapidity that scared her. He’d mercilessly restrained her arms, and she figured her legs were about to get the same uncompromising treatment. Zack was in total control, and her heart beat like a drum in wonderful anticipation.

  She was right, because he ruthlessly spread her legs at a forty five-degree angle before securing her ankles to the bed with another pair of leather straps. Sexually fired up, he pulled so tightly that the leather restraints dug into her ankles, causing her to cry out, “Sir, please, that hurts.”

  “You have a safeword, my sub.”

  “Yes, Sir, but—”

  “Do you wish to use it?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Well then, keep quiet, and only speak if I ask you a direct question.”

  She was totally helpless and at his mercy as he stood over her like the predator he was. “You’re mine.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “To do with as I see fit.”

  “Oh, yes.”

  “Because of your extended absence from the D/s scene I’ve been gentle with you up to now, breaking you in slowly with a benevolent spanking.”

  “Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

  Oh Christ, his voice, so melodious and yet authoritative, turned her on, making her yearn to have him deep inside her, causing her pussy to moisten further with pure physical need.

  “Well, my sub, the time for such behavior and the use of kid gloves has passed. At my new house I demanded that you climax repeatedly for the pleasure of us both.”

  “Yes, Sir, and I did exactly as you demanded.”

  “You did indeed. Well, now it’s my turn, because your beauty and sheer vulnerability make you irresistible to me. I now intend to dominate you. Control your body and mind with my actions.” He wrapped his fingers around her neck, squeezing gently
to demonstrate his absolute power over her. “Because deep down that’s exactly what you want me to do.”

  “Yes, oh, yes.”

  Being vulnerable and totally at the mercy of a powerful Dom was a double-edged sword. It frightened her, oh yes she couldn’t deny that, no matter how hard she tried. However, the almost indescribable sense of fear was mixed with an intoxicating sexual pleasure that came with the realization that Zack could do whatever he wanted to her, and there wasn’t a damned thing she could do about it.

  You can always use your safeword, stupid.

  But, I don’t want to. I haven’t had a man’s masculine weight on top of me for five years, and I’m not about to blow the chance now.

  But if it all proves too much for you?

  It won’t, I can handle this. I’ve moved on. I have a new life, and I intend to start living it.

  But what if he insists on using a blindfold or a gag, or even both?

  Then I’ll let him, because I’m not going to use my safeword under any circumstances.

  Why not?

  Because I trust Zack.

  He stood over her, and she instinctively tugged at her restraints, well aware that her apparent distress fuelled his mighty ego.

  “Frightened, my sub?”

  “A little, Sir.”

  He slowly nodded. “Good. A sub should always have a small amount of healthy fear for her Master.”

  “I do, Sir.”

  “And you like the way it makes you feel, don’t you, princess? The way your whole body tingles when I exert my absolute authority over you.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Christ, her nipples were rock hard, and jutted expectantly against the inside of her blouse. Below the waist, her pussy was soaking wet, enough to coat the insides of her thighs with feminine arousal. Oh, God, when he finally pushed his prick inside her, it would meet with no resistance. That thought was a blessing, because she imagined Zack to have a cock of huge proportions.

  He kissed her passionately on the lips, further adding to her arousal. “Let the domination commence, my sub.” He curled his hand around the neckline of her blouse, then ripped it from her with a force that caused her breasts to jiggle several times before finally coming to rest.


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