A Dom to Love, Honor, and Obey [Masters of Submission 7] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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A Dom to Love, Honor, and Obey [Masters of Submission 7] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 10

by Jan Bowles

  “I–I–I–want to.”

  “Go on.” He lowered her further still, that extra fraction of an inch making all the difference, causing her to writhe and buck ever more violently. He then whispered in her ear. “You’re so very special to me, princess, and when you tell your Master everything, all the worry will disappear from your mind, allowing you to think clearly once more.”

  Zack had her exactly where he wanted her now, and he knew her body and mind straddled that wonderful line between excessive pain and the most wonderful orgasm imaginable.

  “I–I…” She panted. “…I went to see the doctor.”

  Still the unforgiving cord lay encased erotically inside her vaginal folds.

  “Go, on.”

  “His name was Doctor Maralis, and he’s a–a–a specialist in–in genetics.”

  He cupped her breasts together before kissing them passionately, enjoying the way her cute pink nipples stood to attention. Not for one second did he allow the pressure of the cord between her legs to diminish.

  Zack passionately kissed her rosebud lips, reveling in the knowledge that Andrea tasted as good as she always did. He then stroked his hand through her gorgeous perspiration-soaked hair as he stared deep into those sad hazel eyes. “You’re almost there, princess, and your release when it happens will be magnificent.” He knew the word release held a double meaning. The release of her wonderful climax when he finally allowed her that privilege, and the release of all the tension plaguing her body and mind, when she finally told him everything.

  “Go on.” He kissed her sexy pink nipples again, this time stretching them to extraordinary lengths with his teeth, causing her to whimper with satisfaction. “Go on, princess, almost there.”

  Her mouth was constantly open now in an effort to get breath into her body, and she spoke so softly he could barely hear her. “My mother had a faulty gene, and there’s a strong possibility that she’s passed it onto me.”

  “Go on. Keep going. Tell your Master everything.” He wasn’t using a stick to beat her with now, instead he used the carrot to encourage her to open up.

  The way she spoke, he knew Andrea was finding this hard. “It’s…it’s…a faulty gene, and if I have it there’s a sixty-five percent chance of me contracting breast cancer.”

  He watched the tears roll down her beautiful face as she finally let everything out, and he felt more unconditional love for this lady than he thought possible. “Shhh, shhh, don’t cry, little one. I’m right here for you, however bad things get. Do you know for sure you have this faulty gene?”

  “I’m not sure. I won’t know until I get the test results. My chances are fifty-fifty.” She screwed up her eyes, letting the tears flow with abandon. “But I’m frightened, Zack. I’m so frightened, because if I have the gene, it means…it means…”

  “Means what, princess? You can tell me.” He gently feathered his fingers through her hair to encourage her to keep going.

  “It means that either death or a double mastectomy are the only options available to me.” The floodgates finally burst open, causing her to weep inconsolably.

  Zack felt for his lady. He felt her pain, and he marveled at her bravery. “And the reason you didn’t want to tell me was because you figured that if the worst came to the worst, I wouldn’t want you because I’d find you unattractive.”


  Zack shook his head, and then kissed her lips. “Oh, princess, you underestimate yourself, and by doing so you underestimate your Master, too, because if the worst happens, I’ll love you just as much as I do right at this very moment.” Feeling his compassion almost overflow, he cupped her frightened little face in his hands and stared deep into her eyes to show he meant every word he said.

  “You love me, Zack? Do you really mean that? You’re not just saying that, are you?”

  The uncertainty in her eyes was overwhelming, so he decided to put her mind at ease. “Oh, princess. I’ve been a jerk. I’ve held my feelings in check for far too long, and it’s time I stopped. I love you, Andrea. You mean the world to me, and whatever happens in the future, be it good or bad, it won’t make a cent of difference to me. I’ll love you just the same.”

  “Oh, Zack, I love you, too, and what you’ve said makes me the happiest girl alive. I love you, Zack, I love you, I love you, I love you.”

  Although she still wept, the weight had been taken from her mind. The monkey ripped from her back, because those beautiful hazel eyes now glowed with happiness rather than the dullness of despair.

  Andrea threw back her head and let out a long, deep sigh, as the last remnants of tension were banished from her body. Although she loved him unconditionally, she’d thought him shallow. She’d thought him a man who would abandon her as soon as things started to go pear-shaped. Well, she was wrong on that score, because Zack Marshall loved Andrea Vicari with all his body and soul. And tits or no tits, that would never change, because his love for this woman was far more profound than being merely skin deep.

  “And now for your reward, my little princess. This is what you get for being such a brave and honest girl.” After taking the nylon cord from between her legs, he immediately replaced it with his tongue. Supported only by the handcuffs that hung from the chromed metal bar, she instinctively rested her creamy thighs on his shoulders as he eagerly sampled the very essence that made her a woman. His cock was unbendingly hard, as he licked every inch of her pussy and clit, causing her to come part with the most explosive orgasm imaginable.

  “Oh, Zack. Zack.”

  Her whole body shuddered and trembled as her climax continued unabated, and he knew if her hands were free, she’d have fisted them painfully into his hair in an effort to draw him even closer. Still her climax continued, growing in strength and intensity until finally she was spent.

  Enjoying this adorable woman so much, Zack reluctantly took his head from between her legs, and using his tongue swiped away the excess feminine juices that coated his face. When he looked up at Andrea, she hung motionless, a serene smile to her face, as though the weight of the world had been lifted from her shoulders.

  Loving this woman unconditionally, he took her weight with his body before freeing her wrists. Zack then cradled her in his arms, feeling a euphoria swell within him with the realization that he could love another human being so much. Andrea was vulnerable, and he loved that facet of her personality, but she also possessed the inner strength of a lioness, and he loved that element of her character just as much.

  He kissed her cheek as she rested her head on his shoulder and snuggled into his warmth. “Whatever happens, princess, when you go to see Doctor Maralis for the test results, I’m going to be right there by your side.”

  Chapter Ten

  The tension and worry that bedeviled Andrea was now gone, leaving not the faintest trace. Zack was right, she should have confided in him much earlier than she had. Little wonder he’d been pissed with her for bottling it all up. However, when he’d told her that he loved her, regardless of what the future may hold, her perception of the world around her suddenly changed.

  He loved her. He loved her. He loved her.

  This simple, heartfelt declaration from one human being to another made all the difference.

  As he carried her from the playroom, with her head resting against his masculine chest, she felt guilty for thinking that Zack would abandon her if she needed a double mastectomy. Well, all fear of that was now gone, because Zack had told her he loved her, warts and all, and that if the worst came to the worst, he’d love her just the same, or even more.

  This validation alone made her feel wonderful.

  As he strode down the seemingly never-ending corridor with her cocooned in his powerful arms, she tapped his chest with an index finger. “I’m sorry, Zack.”

  “Sorry for what?”

  “For even thinking that you’d run for the hills if I told you I could lose my breasts.”

  He suddenly stopped mid-stride before dippi
ng his head and kissing her. “You’re right about one thing, princess, I do adore and worship your breasts. Any man would. They’re beautiful. But…”

  “But what, Zack?”

  “But the real you lives in here.” He gently touched her temple. “That’s the part of you I would hate to lose the most.”

  She felt the tears welling in her eyes again. “Oh, Zack, you know exactly what to say when a girl is feeling insecure. I fucked up big time, I got it wrong. Because you like beautiful things, I suppose on some level I painted you as superficial.” She felt embarrassed enough to blush profusely. “I mean, many men are.”

  He laughed. “Most men are.”

  “But not you, Zack. I misjudged you, and I’m so, so sorry for that.”

  He tweaked her nose before setting off again with her still cradled in his arms. “Forget it, kiddo. I have. I think you’ve now learned an important lesson. You can trust your Master with anything, however traumatic and scary it may be.”

  Andrea gave him a little salute. “Aye, aye, Sir. Message received and understood.” She’d never doubt this wonderful man again if she lived for another hundred years.

  When he kicked open the door to the master bedroom with his booted foot, Andrea instinctively knew she was in for some loving from the man she adored more than life itself. She’d never make the mistake of not trusting him again, because that only did Zack a disservice. Now the air had been cleared, and she had no secrets from her Master, Andrea couldn’t wait to feel his powerful, masculine body pulsing against hers.

  With seemingly unbridled energy, he threw her onto their huge bed. Lying naked on her back, she instinctively opened her arms and legs wide, letting him know she was ready, willing and available. “Tell me again what you said in the playroom, Zack.”

  His silver-gray eyes were hungry for sex as he scanned every square inch of her body, and Zack’s pumped-up alpha-male demeanor left her in no doubt that he wanted her as much as she wanted him.

  He quizzically arched a brow. “Which bit? I said a lot of things in the playroom.”

  “Don’t tease, you know exactly what I mean.”

  He flashed her a mischievous grin. “Oh? You mean the I-love-you bit?”

  “Yes.” She clapped her hands together with unadulterated glee. “I’ll never tire of hearing you say those three little words.”

  He sat on the edge of the bed, and without taking his gaze from hers, slid his fingers between her parted legs. “I love you, Andrea, and I love you most when you’re as wet with desire as you are right now.”

  “I love you, too, Zack. Christ how I love you.” She stroked his arm. “Take off your clothes. Please. Let me feel your naked body against mine.”

  Life could be strange, occasionally throwing you a curveball when you least expect it. Sometimes your best memories were served up almost immediately after your worst memories, and hers was a case in point, because all the fear and apprehension she’d suffered, had been replaced with beautiful new thoughts that were mostly made up of Zack making love to her.

  She watched in stunned awe as he peeled the white tee shirt over his head before throwing it to one side. Andrea couldn’t help but swoon because she’d never tire of that godlike body. Not a single ounce of fat sullied his perfectly honed torso, and she knew that her man possessed a body that most women could only dream of.

  He gave her a wink. “I’m in such a good mood right now, princess, I won’t even make you beg me to undress.”

  Pity, because she liked begging.

  Being under Zack’s total control was an aphrodisiac, and as a general rule, the stricter and more uncompromising he was with her, the more she liked it. However, right now, she wanted to dispense with the preliminaries of sex play and feel Zack’s huge prick sliding inside her as soon as possible.

  As he started rolling the stonewashed Wranglers down his thighs, Andrea pushed the possible results of her tests with Doctor Maralis from her mind. With Zack by her side she could cope with whatever life threw at her. Now she knew he loved her, she had an inner strength that was missing before.

  When he kicked off his boots and jeans and stood totally naked and magnificent before her, with his huge cock standing to attention, Andrea felt like just about the luckiest woman in the whole goddamn universe.

  She spread her arms wide. “Come to me, my love. Please, I want you. I need you.”

  When he laid his naked body over hers, she felt everything was right with the world again. There was no other word to describe his masculine weight, other than delicious. His body was warm, too, and as his huge cock probed the entrance to her pussy, she marveled how quickly devastation could turn to joy.

  Deliriously happy was how she felt right now, and as he stared into her eyes and whispered—”I love you, Andrea”—with a deep baritone rumble, she experienced even more elation.

  She couldn’t resist running her fingers through his thick, dark hair, enjoying the sensual feel of it against her skin. “I love you, too, Zack. I love you so much it hurts.” As far as she was concerned, her test results could go to the devil, because she wasn’t about to spoil this magical time with Zack, worrying about something as futile as “what if.”

  When he finally slid fully inside her, she instinctively scrunched her fingers and toes into tight balls, savoring the erotic sensation as Zack’s huge prick and muscular thighs stretched her apart. With pure pleasure, she threw back her head and allowed her mouth to fall open, fully aware that this feminine gesture turned him on.

  As he started to pump his considerable length and girth inside her, she could tell from the look in those piercing, silver eyes that they weren’t just fucking, but making love. The total relaxation and acceptance that came from Zack knowing everything about her, made any lingering remnants of tension still held by her body, simply vanish. As he pushed even deeper inside her aching wetness, she knew that Zack loved her unconditionally.

  Unconditionally, that was exactly how she loved Zack, too, and she couldn’t visualize any other man taking his place. His cock was so potent, it felt as though it were deep inside her womb, and she figured that Zack was a man who was more than capable of giving her plenty of healthy babies. This wonderful thought only added to her sense of well-being.

  “Oh, Zack.” As she panted breathlessly beneath him, her eyes never wavered from his. “That feels so good. You feel so good.” She adored the way the corners of his sensuous lips lifted slightly. Zack was the Master, and she was his willing submissive.

  With total authority, he took hold of her hands and pinned them to the mattress above her head further adding to his power and dominance as she edged ever closer to that wonderful, orgasmic crescendo that only he could deliver.

  Stretched helplessly beneath him, she watched spellbound as he swooped down and hungrily feasted on her super sensitive nipples, savoring them, basting them with his tongue before biting them hard as a mark of his ownership.

  When he crushed his mouth against hers, she knew he loved her. It was there, the message in his kiss unmistakable. She responded, oh God how she responded, kissing him right back with a passion that bordered on madness, feverishly licking his lips and teeth with her tongue, in an effort to get even closer to her man.

  The sensation between her legs was almost unbearable now, and she teetered right at the point of climax. Zack was so accomplished at the art of pleasuring her, that he could keep her there, holding her on that delicious wafer thin edge for hour after hour, driving her out of her mind with pure wanton need.

  “Zack, please.

  “Zack please let…

  “Zack, please let me…” Andrea was so breathy, she found it difficult to speak coherently. She longed for absolute release.

  Walking the tightrope that hovered so tantalizingly close to explosive climax was a wonderful experience in itself, and something many women would be happy with, but with Zack, she knew he had the power to bring almost unimaginable pleasure to her body and mind.

tongue snaked out, feverishly moistening her lips. “Goddamn it, Zack. I love you so much, but please let me.”

  Everything Zack came equipped with was overpowering her now. His weight. The look in those eyes. His presence. His masculine scent.

  “Oh, dear God, please, Zack. Please.”

  She’d thought herself right on the ragged edge of orgasm, but somehow, Zack pushed her arousal higher without tipping her into full-blown climax. Maybe it was the sheer feelings of love they shared, which allowed them to go places in their heads that only a handful of other people could.

  She saw from the look in his eyes as he pumped even more vigorously inside her, that he needed her to beg for release. “Please, Master. Please. I just can’t…I just can’t hold it back. Please. Please. Please allow this wretched sub all the pleasure that only you are capable of giving her.”

  Those silver grays glinted mischievously. “Can’t hold it back any longer? Then don’t my sub. Let it all out for your Master. Every shudder, every twitch, every orgasmic thought you’ve ever possessed in your entire life. Let it all out for your Master. In fact, I insist that you do.”

  No sooner had her brain processed his authoritatively spoken words, than she did as he demanded, coming apart at the seams with a force and intensity that shocked her to her very core as orgasm after orgasm took her to places in her head that she’d never thought possible.

  He observed her intently as she abandoned herself to the sublime feelings coursing through her body.

  “Oh, fuck…oh, fuck…oh, fuck…oh…oh…oh.”

  Her Master, her God, smiled down at her as he mercilessly continued to force his huge prick between her legs.

  “Oh, Zack. Oh, dear God I…Oh dear, God I…Oh dear God I…”

  The look on his beautiful face as orgasm after orgasm exploded from her body, heightened her sexual arousal even more, and she experienced pure undiluted joy as she watched that wonderful expressive face subtly alter as he pumped his dominant seed deep within her.


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