A Dom to Love, Honor, and Obey [Masters of Submission 7] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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A Dom to Love, Honor, and Obey [Masters of Submission 7] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 11

by Jan Bowles

  When she slowly came back down to planet Earth, Andrea knew that she and Zack shared a oneness that was incredibly rare.

  Lying beneath him, his sweat soaked skin sticking to hers, Andrea relished the thought that her body could produce ecstasy in such large quantities. Zack really was the Master. Her Master. As they lay spent together, she imbibed the scent of his exertions, drawing it deep into her lungs in an almost animalistic way.

  Sex with Zack from the get go had been out of this world, but now, with unconditional love added to the equation, it was even better. Wonderfully so.

  Chapter Eleven

  Three days later

  Zack found it hard to believe how much strength Andrea’s grip contained, because her tiny trembling hand had incessantly squeezed his for the last ten minutes as they sat in the plush waiting room of the exclusive private clinic.

  Her other hand rested, fingers apart on her chest, and he knew she endeavored in vain to get her breathing under control.

  He squeezed back. “Don’t worry, princess, everything will be just fine. You’ll see.”

  Those gorgeous, hazel eyes were wide and her pupils dilated. “If only we knew that for sure, Zack, and because we don’t, I’m frightened.”

  He squeezed her hand again. “Hey, it’s okay to be scared. Remember, I’m right here, whatever happens.”

  “That’s good to know, Zack. Believe me that’s good to know.” Her pretty brow was creased with worry, and he felt for her as she irritatedly dragged a hand through her hair.

  Unable to sit still, she checked her watch. “Goddamn it, how much longer is Doctor Maralis going to keep us waiting?”

  Her chest heaved with negative anticipation, and Zack figured the sooner this traumatic experience was over, the better.

  Right now, he felt good about himself and the way things had panned out. He’d told Andrea that he loved her and he meant it, too. Although it may have seemed a simple thing to say, it was a big thing for him, because he’d never felt the need to express genuine love to a woman before.

  As she sat next to him, he shared her anxiety and anticipation, and he knew the worry about the test results was tearing her apart. “Deep breaths, princess. Deep breaths.” He led by example, breathing in, and then slowly releasing it.

  “I’m trying, Zack, believe me, I’m trying.”

  Although he’d impressed upon her that the results of the test didn’t matter, and that he’d love her just the same if it turned out she had the faulty gene, he reckoned the way Andrea felt right now, she was starting to doubt his sincerity.

  Like a bolt from the blue, a wonderful thought struck him. A thought that would clear away any uncertainty and turmoil that festered in Andrea’s mind. He’d show her in practical terms what his true intentions toward her were.

  He pressed his lips to her perfect, shell-like ear, and whispered, “I love you, Andrea. Never forget that.”

  He heard her sniffle, and he knew the emotion of the situation was getting to her. “I love you, too, Zack. Always. But despite what you say, you may not love me quite as much if the test results don’t turn out as we both hope.”

  He was right. Uncertainty was starting to get the better of her. He whispered in her ear again. “Oh ye of little faith. I kinda guessed you’d come up with bullshit like that. There you go underestimating old Zack again. You made that mistake once before. Remember? If we weren’t sitting in this waiting room with all these good people, I’d turn you over my knee, pull your panties down, and spank your bare ass right this very moment.”

  His words seemed to break the ice a little, and she smiled for the first time since arriving at the clinic. “You’d do it, too, I know you would. Even with all these people watching. In fact, you’d get a kick out of it. You’d get off on it.”

  “Damn right I would. Now, no more negative thinking. Understand?”

  This time, she pressed her lips to his ear, and whispered, “Yes, Sir. Absolutely, Sir.”

  “Good. Now that’s settled, there’s something I want to ask you. And it’s very important that I ask you before we see Doctor Maralis, rather than after.”


  “Because the timing of what I’m about to say, will reveal my true feelings toward you.”

  He saw confusion settle on her anxious face, and he knew she had absolutely no idea what he was about to say. “Okay, Zack. Ask away.”

  He pressed his lips to her ear again, taking in her feminine scent as he did so. “Marry me, princess.”

  She immediately stiffened, and he knew he’d caught her completely cold. “You don’t have to do this, Zack.”

  “Goddamn it, woman, I love you. Are you turning me down? Are you trying to make me look like a jackass?”

  “No but—”

  “Well, what’s your answer then?”

  She steepled her hands over her nose. “Oh, God, my answer is yes, of course my answer is yes.”

  The tears trickled down her face, and no matter how much she tried to wipe them away they flowed too fast.

  What happened next surprised him, catching him as cold as he’d caught her, because she suddenly stood from her chair and in a loud voice announced to all the other people in the waiting room. “This wonderful man has just asked me to marry him, and I’ve said, yes, yes, yes!” Andrea pointed directly at him. “This gorgeous sexy creature has just made me the happiest woman alive.”

  It all became surreal then, because people he’d never seen before in his life, and would probably never see again, rose from their seats and applauded with huge smiles plastered on their faces. In fact, they applauded so much, that Andrea felt compelled to take a long theatrical bow before sitting on his lap and pressing her lips to his.

  When she finally came up for air, she said, “Zack Marshall, you certainly know how to make a girl feel good about herself.”

  Zack was shell-shocked by the whole surreal event, because it took a couple of minutes for the room full of strangers to stop clapping and finally sit back down again. Within moments, they were engrossed in whatever magazine they were reading, and it was as though the whole episode had never happened.

  Only it had, and as Andrea beamed at him, he felt proud that this beautiful, courageous woman was soon to become his wife.

  A smiling and immaculately dressed receptionist walked across to them, and Zack could tell she’d enjoyed the show as much as everyone else.

  “Congratulations to you both on your forthcoming wedding. If you follow me, Doctor Maralis will see you now.”

  * * * *

  Doctor Maralis was an eminent geneticist, probably in the top three in the whole of the United States, and Andrea’s previous experience of him told her that Pablo Maralis was a benign and engaging human being. However, as she sat on the other side of his impressive, mahogany desk complete with brass name plaque, she felt as though she’d been summoned to the school principal’s office to be given some bad news.

  Her emotions were mixed, because although she feared what the test results might reveal, she still felt elated that Zack had asked her to marry him.

  Yes, and not only has he asked me to become his wife, he’s asked me to marry him before he even knows the results of the tests himself.

  Now that’s true unconditional love, Andrea.

  When she glanced at Zack, her heart swelled with pride, because he meant everything to her. From now on, regardless of what shit happened in this fucked up world, he was her Master and she was his sub, and they’d remain that way until the end of time.

  Although he manfully did his best to hide it, Zack’s face held a palpable apprehension. She was glad he was with her though, because facing the truth on her own would have been almost unbearable, especially if her doctor was the bringer of bad news.

  She silently berated herself for giving in, and allowing her imagination to follow an endless procession of negative thoughts.

  Stop thinking that way, woman. You don’t know anything yet. The guy hasn’t even s

  But his face looks glum, and his mouth is down turned. It’s bad news. I just know it.

  She admonished herself again.

  You know nothing of the sort. You’re no mind reader. You’re just an ordinary girl who was born and raised in Boston.

  Zack squeezed her hand a couple of times in quick succession, rousing her from the destructive introspection. He then gave her a little wink to let her know he was right there for her, whatever happened.

  Doctor Maralis seemed to be taking an inordinately long time as he studied the papers scattered on his desk, and his actions didn’t give her confidence as to the outcome of their meeting.

  For God’s sake speak, man. Put me out of my misery one way or another, because the suspense is fucking with my mind.

  The brilliant geneticist gave a small cough before finally raising his head from the mass of paperwork. Steepling his fingers under his chin, he said, “Right then, Andrea. Your test results.”

  This was it.

  “Yes, Doctor Maralis?” Her mouth felt bone dry, making it difficult to swallow, and as if that wasn’t enough, a persistent tremor tormented her body. Her peripheral vision became a blur as unwanted anxiety kicked in again.

  Her physician forced a smile, but it didn’t convince Andrea that he had anything good to say. In fact, his demeanor did quite the opposite.

  Eventually, Doctor Maralis peered over the top of gold rimmed reading glasses. His pale blue eyes sending a shiver down her spine. “Well, Andrea, to begin with, the results of the test to see if your mother had passed on the faulty gene were ambiguous at best.”

  Jesus. Why did this man have to speak in riddles? “Ambiguous?”

  “Yes, the results were far from clear.”

  “I see. Go on, Doctor.”

  “So, I ran a more sophisticated series of tests, using the latest techniques available. Techniques that are 99.9% accurate.” He gave a nervous cough, and then proceeded to shuffle the papers on his desk. Doctor Maralis wasn’t smiling. In fact, his mouth formed a severe straight line that suggested to Andrea that it wasn’t good news.

  With her emotions running high, her hand fluttered to her throat, and she felt Zack’s arm around her shoulder, as though he figured it was bad news, too.

  Keep calm, Andrea. Keep dignified. Ask the question.

  She couldn’t stop her voice from wavering with emotion. “And the results of these definitive new tests, Doctor?”

  The experienced physician held her gaze for a moment or two before steepling his fingers against his mouth again. “The results. Ah, yes the results.” Still he didn’t smile.

  Goddamn it. Why did he have to make this so difficult for her? Why couldn’t he just get to the point?

  Zack took control then, and she was glad of it. “Doctor Maralis, can you please give us the results in plain English.”

  The eminent geneticist reached across the table and patted her hand, leaving her unsure as to whether he was about to console or congratulate her.

  “I can tell you now with absolute certainty, Andrea, that you do not have the BRCA1 gene. I can categorically confirm that this gene has not been passed onto you by your mother.” This time his smile was large and beaming. “You’re one hundred percent clear, honey.”

  “Thank you. Thank you so much.” Her voice was barely a whisper. She then unashamedly turned to Zack, rested her head on his shoulder, and sobbed with a mixture of joy and pure relief. “It’s over, Zack. It’s over.”

  As though protecting her from the evils of the world, Zack instinctively wrapped his arms around her. “Thank you, Doctor Maralis.”

  “You’re most welcome, Mr. Marshall. It brightens my day when I’m able to be the bearer of good news, rather than bad.”

  Zack continued, “So, any children that we…”

  Doctor Maralis smiled benignly. “Will not have the gene.”

  Andrea saw that even though he tried to hide it, moisture formed in the corners of Zack’s eyes as he responded, “That’s the best news I’ve heard in a long time, Doc.”

  Doctor Maralis tidied the papers on his desk, forming them into a neat pile. “So what’s next for you two? From what my receptionist tells me, I understand you’ve asked this young lady to marry you.”

  “Damn right I have, Doctor, and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done.”

  “Then can I take it that Andrea accepted your proposal?”

  Floating on cloud nine, Andrea couldn’t help but contribute to the happy conversation. “Damn right I accepted, and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done.” For effect, she used the exact same words that Zack did.

  The gray-haired geneticist aged about fifty, removed his reading glasses and studied them both, an unmistakable smile to his face. “Excellent. Most excellent.”

  Elation by its very nature is a rare and wonderful emotion, but as she and Zack rose from their chairs, elated was exactly how she felt. There were no secrets or concrete barriers blocking her way anymore. Instead, there was just clear open water stretching all the way to the horizon.

  She shook Doctor Maralis’s hand. “Thank you, sir. Thank you so very much.”

  “It’s been my pleasure, Andrea. Now I insist that you follow my prescription and go enjoy the rest of your life with this fine fella here. Doctor’s orders.”

  As they walked from his office arm and arm, Andrea sighed with pure bliss. “Oh, Zack, I’ve never felt so wonderful.”

  “Me, too, princess. Listen to me, Andrea. I’ve been working far too hard at Marshall Aeronautical, so the boss has decided to give himself a vacation for the next three months.”

  Andrea sighed again as she snuggled closer. “Ooh a vacation would be most agreeable, Mr. Marshall.”

  “Indeed it would, Mrs. Marshall. I envisage our honeymoon to be made up of endless days of fun and sunshine, followed by endless nights of passion, where we can enjoy making those babies we both want so much.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Andrea stood on the balcony of the luxurious, private villa, enjoying the way the gentle sea breeze feathered through her hair. Married exactly a week ago to the most wonderful man in the world, their honeymoon had exceeded even her high expectations. As she stared out across the mesmerizing Indian Ocean, she was glad they’d chosen the exclusive resort in the Maldives, because it was the perfect romantic destination to tie the knot, and declare their love for one another.

  Her marriage to Zack had taken place on the pristine white sands of Kanuhura, and more than two hundred friends and family had flown in for the happy occasion.

  Wearing just a sheer silk negligee, she wrapped her arms around herself as the ocean breeze cooled slightly. The ceremony was beautiful, and the whole experience of marrying a man like Zack had been life affirming in the extreme.

  Just as Zack predicted when they left Doctor Maralis’s office some six weeks ago, their days in this tropical paradise consisted of good food, fun, and laughter. When darkness fell, their nights were filled with raunchy sex, Zack still having the ability to surprise her with his never-ending invention in the bedroom.

  Christ, how she loved him.

  It could have all gone badly wrong if he hadn’t forced her to open up and confide in him. Thinking back, she was glad he’d taken complete control of her life at that point in time, because without Zack by her side, she could never live more than a half life at best.

  Zack would turn thirty-nine in a few weeks, and she was steaming toward her middle thirties at an alarming rate. With this in mind, their baby-making program had been running at full speed, and just like Zack, she’d enjoyed every minute of it as he relentlessly pleasured her up to and beyond the point of ecstasy.

  The bright orange sun lay suspended like a lantern in the sky, but she saw signs of it dipping below the horizon now. Soon, darkness would envelop these tranquil islands, and she had no doubt that when Zack returned from his fishing trip, he’d worship her body with his own, just as he’d done countless times over the las
t week.

  Andrea checked her watch. Eight O’clock. Zack had told her he’d be back around ten, and had insisted that she be ready for him, which was why she wore no panties beneath her baby doll negligee. Her dreamy thoughts were interrupted when she heard a noise behind her, causing her to spin around in alarm.

  No need to be so jumpy, Andrea. You locked the door immediately after Zack left.

  Satisfied with her powers of deduction and logic, she turned to face the ocean again, only to be startled once more by a noise from the rear of the villa.

  Andrea stared at her bare forearms. Were the fine hairs standing on end because of the slight drop in temperature, or was the reason more sinister? She needed to go check out the bedroom at the back of the villa, but when she heard a terrifying scraping noise, she suddenly felt afraid.

  Very afraid.

  She tried to reassure herself. It’s nothing. There’s no one there. Only it was becoming more difficult to convince herself. She noticed her hands trembled and her mouth was dry. Was it possible that an unknown intruder had broken into the villa, and was waiting to rob her? Hurt her? Or worse still rape her?

  No. Zack checked everything before he left. Doors. Windows. The whole ball of wax. He loved his new wife dearly, and her safety was his number one concern. Zack was meticulous and had missed nothing.

  Only…she heard another noise, more obvious this time. It sounded like something heavy being dragged across the floor.

  Andrea instinctively covered her mouth with her hands. She couldn’t kid herself any longer. She was really scared now, because someone else was definitely in the villa besides her.

  Keep calm and think, Andrea. Use your head. Goddamn it.

  It was dark now, and the last embers of the Maldivian sun were disappearing below the horizon.

  In barely contained panic, she switched on all the lights, only for them to go out again leaving her in total darkness.

  She stood statue still, scared to move. Her only companion her breathing, which to her sounded loud enough to wake the dead.


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