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20 erotic swinging and swapping stories

Page 19

by Miranda Forbes

  John takes a deep breath, and reaches out to touch the brunette’s hand. Then, smiling, he reaches the other hand out to Pattie, and strokes her arm gently.

  ‘My girls. My beautiful, gorgeous girls. I’m imagining you coming upstairs with me. To let yourselves come upstairs. Both of you together, each in turn, whatever you want. Over and over, as many times as you want. With each other, with me, just watching. So many times you’re begging that we stop, telling us that you’ll die from the pleasure. Hey, babe, Annette – look at my girl, my Pattie – look at her beautiful curves, her rounded arse which says “fuck me” in any language you know. Don’t you want her so bad? Imagine her kissing you, slipping her tongue between your lips and pulling you into her so your breasts rub together, your nipples slide into sharp points of need. Think of me watching, so fucking hard I don’t dare touch myself in case I come before you’ve even got started with me.’

  John shifts in his seat, his erection digging into him as he follows his own train of thought. He lets go of the girls, and rubs a hand across his groin, enjoying the tingling sensation; enjoying torturing himself by just talking. The wait is part of it. Teasing himself by refusing to let go, refusing to go upstairs quite yet. He’s got so much more to say to Annette before the action starts. So many ideas. So many things he wants to share with her.

  ‘Then, gorgeous, think of what I want to do to you, after Pattie’s finished. Think of me fucking Pattie later, smelling your scent on her as I do so, remembering how you looked as she took you – how you looked as I took you. Imagine that, babe. You’re hot. You’re so damn hot.’

  He takes a breath.

  ‘You don’t know how gorgeous you are, do you? You think you’re too slim. You think the glasses make people think you’re intellectual, not fuckable. Babe, I think you’re both. No, scratch that. I know you’re both. Those idiots who can’t see past your quietness, who call you stuck up because you don’t say much – that’s what they are, just idiots. I look at you and see a gorgeous woman, someone I’d love to spend time with. You’re a sweet person, as well as being drop dead lovely. I mean it. Pattie reckons so too, don’t you, babe?’

  John looks across at the blonde, and gives her another smile. Pattie doesn’t know how much she changed his life when she came into it. She doesn’t realise how much she’s given John, but he knows. He knows, and loves her for it. And now he’s going to have Annette, too. He’s so fucking lucky.

  ‘So, we’ll fuck until we have to stop – every which way we can. And then, babe. Then, Annette – when we’re all so sated that we can’t do it again right now, no matter how much we want to ... Then, we’ll go out. You and me and Pattie. We’ll dress up fine and hit the town, and I’ll buy my girls dinner in the best restaurant there is. And we’ll be looking at each other all evening across the table, remembering what we’ve been doing; knowing that after we finish, we’re going to go home and start all over again. Maybe you’ll watch me and Pattie go at it to start with; hell, we could totally have a threesome. I think Pattie’s got a strap-on somewhere, so maybe she can do you with that, while you suck my cock. How does that sound?’

  It sounds pretty good to John. More than good. A dream – a fantasy come true. He drinks the last of his beer and looks ruefully at the two life-sized dolls opposite him, one blonde and busty, the other dark haired and petite.

  ‘And maybe,’ he says, ‘some day, I’ll get to say all this to a real woman ...’

  Coming Home

  by Dee Jaye

  I was stunned the evening my new flatmate brought her boyfriend home. One lingering glance at the tall blond guy clutching Rachel’s hand and the moistness that had tormented my pussy since early that morning welled up and started to seep into my knickers.

  My own boyfriend should have been here lunch time. He’d been away for three months working on the oil rigs, and my hormones had been rioting at the thought of a good fuck with him. Especially since it was my 27th birthday, which meant he’d planned his timing to perfection. But when he’d phoned to say his plane had been delayed I could have screamed I felt so horny.

  ‘Vicky, this is Pete,’ my flatmate said. ‘And that’s his sister, Emily. She pointed to a petite younger girl standing the other side of him.’

  ‘Hi.’ I nodded twice, but didn’t dare look into those piercing blue eyes again.

  ‘Emily and I are going to work on that play I told you about,’ she explained. ‘Pete’s come along to read the male part.’

  ‘Great.’ Rachel was into amateur dramatics. ‘I’ll get us a drink. What do you all fancy?’

  As soon as the drinks were sorted I hurried off to my room where I kept my computer. I had to stay away from him. The chemistry was far too powerful, and it wouldn’t be right to fuck my flatmate’s boyfriend.

  Except it was no refuge, for a short while later there was a tap on my door and I opened it to Rachel.

  ‘Me and Emily are just popping out for a takeaway,’ she said. ‘Be about half an hour.’

  The front door slammed. I squirmed on my swivel chair by the desk at the thought of being alone in the flat with Pete.

  He must have thought the same, since a minute later he appeared in the doorway, a half smile on his lips, eyes heavy with lust.

  Chemistry ruled. Foreplay was out of the question. I leapt out of the chair and made a grab for him, snatching kisses while he yanked off my knickers and I unzipped his jeans.

  ‘We don’t have long,’ I gasped, freeing his cock and dropping to my knees.

  ‘No,’ he squealed, as my lips wrapped around the solid girth. ‘Oh, yes,’ he groaned, as I moved my head slowly backwards and forwards, then flicked the tip with my tongue until I could taste the bitter-sweetness of the leakage that preceded the flow.

  ‘Stop, I’m coming,’ he yelped. ‘Quick, up here.’ He reached under my armpits and almost threw me onto the bed.

  Lifting my dress, I spread my legs wide and within moments felt his heavy, latex-clad prick plunge into my soaking hole.

  ‘Yes, yes, fuck me, fuck me,’ I squealed, in tune with the rhythm of his grunting. ‘Come on, come on,’ I urged, bucking my hips hard as I felt the approaching orgasm.

  ‘Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck,’ he gasped between gritted teeth, and as I felt his hot flood inside me I arched my back and shuddered with ecstasy as my own juices mingled with his come inside my throbbing cunt.

  We couldn’t have lain there recovering for more than two minutes when I heard the key in the lock.

  ‘Shit,’ I muttered, wincing with regret as his now semi-hard cock slid out of me and he leapt to his feet.

  I’d just made it to the swivel chair and he was perched on the side of the bed with its pulled-together duvet when my door swung open.

  ‘Problem solved,’ I said to Rachel. ‘I didn’t realise your guy was so good with computers.’

  Her dark eyebrows lifted quizzically. ‘Neither did I.’ She threw a glance round the room and I wished I’d opened the window. It must have been filled with the smell of sex. ‘Come on, or the pizzas will be getting cold.’

  ‘Right, I’ll get some drinks.’

  Fortunately I’d stocked up on a good variety of alcohol ready for when my Dave got home. After all, I never knew if he’d be on his own or be bringing some “special” guests. I didn’t mind either way. We both enjoyed a good fuck with someone different occasionally, and the not-knowing always gave me an extra frisson of excitement.

  We girls shared a bottle of wine. Well, to start with anyway, for one soon led to another. Meanwhile, Pete knocked back a few cans of lager and it was getting late by the time the three of them decided they ought to at least do a bit of work on the play before they got sozzled.

  I left them to it, heading into the kitchen to clear up and do some sorting. It must have been an hour or so later when the door opened and closed, giving me a quick blast of rock music from the living-room. I swivelled round to see Pete smiling down at me.

  ‘Hi,’ he said, stepping c

  ‘What are you doing?’ I threw a glance past him. ‘Rachel’s in the next room.’

  Smiling wickedly, he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me towards him.

  ‘You’re not listening,’ I said, swallowing hard as I put my palms to his chest.

  ‘Stop worrying,’ he murmured in my ear. ‘They’ve gone into Rachel’s room to play some computer game.’

  Then his lips met mine and I couldn’t resist. Wet hands or not, I grabbed his tight little bum and ground my hips against the bulge inside his trousers.

  His tongue carried on probing while he slid a hand down between our bodies and reached under my skirt. Then he stopped and pulled back his head so he could see my face.

  ‘So, it’s little Miss No-Knickers, is it?’ he said, grinning as he shoved two finger into my welcoming slit.

  ‘Fucking hell,’ I whimpered, my knees buckling slightly when his fingers began to move slowly in and out. ‘We shouldn’t be doing this. If one of the others came in...’ I stopped there, gasping as one of his fingers hit my g-spot.

  And then the kitchen door did swing open.

  We both froze as a dishevelled Emily yawned her way in. I turned half away from Pete and gurgled a plate into the sink full of tepid water.

  But he didn’t let up. I bit my bottom lip, trying not to react as he continued to finger-fuck me.

  As it was, Pete’s sister seemed hardly aware of us. She muttered something unintelligible, took a cold bottle of wine from the fridge, then drifted back out.

  Suddenly I felt light-headed. My whole body was tingling, every nerve ending seemed to have its own unique sensation. Now my shaking legs gave way entirely, and Pete lowered me gently to the tiled floor, that finger still playing on my g-spot while his thumb massaged my clit making me writhe with pleasure.

  ‘This is insane,’ I panted. ‘What if they come in again?’

  ‘We’ll be fine. They’ve got their drinks now.’

  I wanted to believe him. Nothing else mattered. Tugging his wet fingers from inside me I transferred them to my mouth. As I sucked on them I unhooked his belt, yanked his trousers down, and raising my hips off the floor grabbed his sensitively covered rock-hard cock and plunged it into my drenched pussy.

  ‘Hurry up,’ I begged, digging my nails into his clenched buttocks. ‘Or I’ll beat you to it.’

  ‘No way,’ he grunted, pounding harder.

  Seconds later we came together, both screeching our satisfaction between gritted teeth. And Pete had just rolled away when once more the kitchen door opened.

  I sprang to my feet and grabbed a yellow duster I’d been using earlier. Pete frantically pulled up his trousers and pretended he’d just picked something off the floor. I could only hope that with the fridge where it was, and the subdued under-shelf lighting, his girlfriend might not have noticed.

  Yeah, right.

  Rachel’s gaze switched between me and Pete.

  ‘It’s not as bad as you think,’ I blustered. ‘We only …’ My voice died as she scurried back out.

  What had I done? I was at a loss. My head was spinning, my pulse played bongos while warm come flowed down the inside of my thighs. I wanted to run and hide, but was still rooted to the spot when Rachel reappeared with Emily in tow.

  ‘I’m sorry, it was the drink,’ I babbled. I turned to Pete. ‘Tell her. Tell her it didn’t mean anything – that it won’t happen again.’

  Then, to my surprise, Rachel grinned. ‘There’s nothing to tell,’ she said. ‘I didn’t want to rock the boat, either.’

  I frowned. The music outside stopped abruptly, leaving a tense silence.

  Rachel broke it. ‘The thing is, Vicky, you’ve done me a favour. You see, Pete’s only here with us as a decoy. A decoy under oath, that is.’

  ‘A decoy? An oath?’ I threw a glance at Pete. He gave me a sheepish smile.

  ‘Exactly. I made him promise not to say anything or he’d lose a best friend,’ Rachel went on. ‘The thing is, being a new lodger I was finding it difficult to tell you. But knowing you and Pete have got it together makes all the difference.’

  With that, she reached out and took Emily’s hand in hers.

  I looked from her to the younger girl’s blushing cheeks and the penny dropped. Shaking my head, I faced Pete. ‘I suppose the next thing you’re going to tell me is that Emily’s not your sister.’

  He smiled. ‘Well, now we’ve got that out of the way it’s time for Vicky’s present. Right, girls?’

  ‘Absolutely,’ they chorused. ‘Come on.’

  ‘What? What are you doing?’ I demanded, as the two girls grabbed my arms and led me into the living-room, now lit only by half a dozen flickering candles.

  ‘We forgot your birthday card,’ said Pete, tugging down the zip on my dress. ‘So we thought we’d give you a present instead.’

  ‘You don’t have to do that,’ I gasped, as my bra fell away and I felt cool air on my achingly hard nipples.

  ‘Wanna bet?’ Rachel broke in. She was already as naked as I was, her ample tits swinging while she rested her hands on my shoulders and pushed me to the carpet.

  Pete turned away. ‘Won’t be long,’ he said, and headed off down the hallway presumably to the bathroom.

  ‘Let’s have you then.’ This time the nude Emily with her petite, boyish figure encouraged me backwards until I was laid out flat.

  She laid out, too, on top of me, her firm little tits squashed against mine, her size eight body no weight at all, her velvety lips dabbing at mine seeking a response.

  It was a whole new experience for me, feeling a girl’s smooth, delicate skin along my length and having her tongue flick at me impatiently. I succumbed, tasted her orange lipstick, then opened my mouth and basked in the way our tongues weaved and dived the french way, while down below I could feel my pussy becoming hotter and wetter by the second.

  Too soon she stopped, and I sighed as her mouth left mine. Although it didn’t leave my body. Instead, she snaked downwards, leaving a kiss on each of my jutting, hypersensitive nipples, the soft part of my belly, then over the mound to where my throbbing clit waited in anticipation.

  Ah, luxury. That tongue I’d sucked only seconds ago was now doing the same thing to my erect clit.

  Meanwhile Rachel had leaned over me, and while my hips squirmed with pleasure I nibbled and nipped at a pair of breasts that were far fuller than mine.

  That didn’t last long, either. My flatmate moved away, only this time upwards until she was on her knees with her crotch straddling my face. She was facing away from me, sitting up straight, and I could smell the unfamiliar but heady aroma of her vagina, see her labia spread wide. I watched, fascinated, as those luscious lower lips moved ever closer. At last they sank on to my face and I had a second new, breathtaking experience of shoving my tongue into the dark dampness of another girl’s pussy.

  I could see or hear almost nothing as I lapped the depths of Rachel’s hole. But the very act must have heightened my senses, since now Emily’s persistent licking and tugging at my clit was driving my juices forwards at a frantic rate. My hips started to buck helplessly, then I orgasmed with a loud moan into Rachel’s fleshy, squirming crotch. At the other end I could feel my juices spurting out on to Emily and I opened my mouth to shout to the world how wonderful it was. But as I did so Rachel gushed her load, too, and after a sample of what tasted like burnt honey I gobbled up as much as I could.

  ‘I ... I don’t know what to say,’ I began, when Emily’s head left my thighs and Rachel shifted away from my face to kneel on the carpet beside me.

  ‘There’s no need,’ said my flatmate. ‘Just turn over, relax, and go with the flow.’

  I did as she asked, turning over on to my front. But not before I had a glimpse of the bottom half of a naked male behind her, the sheath on his massive erection glistening in the candlelight with each step he took.

  He disappeared from view. I looked left and right as best I could facing the floor, and saw bo
th Rachel and Emily kneeling either side of me smiling wickedly. As I wondered what was going on, each of them slipped a hand beneath my hips.

  ‘Here we go.’

  They pushed upwards. My knees automatically moved forwards causing my bum to lift in the air and my back to form a hollow, given that my head remained resting on my arms.

  ‘Brilliant. Don’t move.’

  I remained there, aware of how exposed I was. A moment later I winced as something smacked my bare bum, then two rough hands grabbed the tops of my thighs and spread them wide. I sighed as a man’s cock slipped easily into my still sopping wet cunt and began to thrust in and out. It felt good. I needed no urging, but began to move backwards and forwards in time with his rhythm.

  As I did so Rachel left my side and Emily changed her position. Soon she was laying on her back in front of me, bent legs either side of my head, inching towards me until her crotch was right up to my face. I knew exactly what she wanted, and I eagerly licked her clean-shaven pussy each time the cock inside my own hole thrust me forwards.

  Then suddenly the thrusting halted and the hot cock withdrew.

  ‘No,’ I whimpered, waggling my rear. ‘You can’t stop now.’

  ‘Patience,’ I heard Rachel say. At least I thought it was her, although it did sound like her mouth was very full. ‘It’s only for a moment.’

  Emily swung her leg over my head and her little pink pussy moved away. Instantly Pete took her place, feet towards me, his thick rigid dick pointing at the ceiling. He gestured, palm upwards, indicating that I should raise myself on to my hands. I did, and once in the doggy position he wriggled along the carpet below me. Onwards he came until his cock was beneath my mouth. I bent my head and sucked the raspberry-tasting rubber, but only for a moment. He carried on down until his dick was pushing against my vulva.


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