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I Love It: 10 Intense Stories to Keep the Passion Alive (Shameless Book Bundles 6)

Page 7

by Saffron Daughter

  He was right. There was a symphony of moans and cries from across the room. Any sound I made would not be noticed.

  It was the invitation I needed to be set free. There was no longer a need to try and curb my mounting desire. Knox returned to pulling at my nipples with his mouth while his cock once more took up a harder, pounding rhythm.

  I clenched my quim against him, urging him to release himself into me as I let myself go, making myself tighter for him.

  With a growl he pounded into me, and in a few bursts fell atop me, his breathing as coarse as mine.

  I expected him to move off of me then, but instead he shifted slightly, taking me into his arms.

  Together we lay on the floor, his cock still full inside of me, although I felt the wetness of both of our release there between us. We watched as Maria redressed, as Jenner kissed her and Allen, as all three of them cleaned themselves from a basin I hadn’t noticed before.

  Maria giggled as she left first. When she had left the room, Allen stroked Jenner’s face and whispered something in his ear. Oh how I wish I knew what he’d said, Kit. But there was something in the way they left the room together that makes me suspect there is a deep bond between them. It reminded me of us, truth be told.

  Then it was just Knox and I. His lazily traced his finger along my stomach and under my breasts. A soft kiss on my shoulder.

  “I am glad you chose to stay,” he said.

  “So am I.”

  “Did you enjoy yourself this evening?”

  I thought about this question first and chose to be honest. “I didn’t enjoy the earlier part. I’m not one for spectacle and large crowds. And I didn’t like feeling alone.”

  He kissed my neck, below my ear.

  “Please forgive me. I thought it best if I didn’t lavish too much attention on you. I was trying to preserve your dignity.”

  “Hmm,” I laughed. “As if anyone in the room below cares of that. If this is the crowd you intend me to socialize with, then I expect you to be by my side. I’ll be more comfortable that way.”

  “So you intend to do this again?”

  I shrugged. “This. Another thing. I intend to go where you lead. But I won’t be left to fend for myself, to navigate this scene, unless I choose to.”

  “You have my promise, my dear Lady X, to be your guide and companion in the weeks and months to come. The winter season is long. We have much to explore.”

  Somewhere in the house a clock chimed four. It was time to go home.

  Knox helped me dress, with a few little kisses and flirtations along the way. He made sure no one saw me leave, and helped me into my carriage.

  “You’ll hear from me in the next few days. I have some business to attend to but I’ll be in touch. Thank you, my lady, for a most enjoyable night. Thank you for trusting me.” He kissed my hand and closed the door, rapping on the carriage to signal to my driver to head home.

  That was last night, my darling, Kit. I’ve spent most of today in bed, partly catching up on sleep, but also, reliving the moments and thinking about how best to tell this tale to you. It’s evening here now and the house is quiet. Too quiet. I wish you were here so I could talk to you. You could play the piano and I would sing to you, as we love to do. I know not when I shall hear from Knox again, nor what shall happen. But I promise you, I will tell you of it without delay. If you wish to hear more, that is.

  Perhaps now that I’ve shared this with you, you will have changed your mind and not want to know more. Oh how I hope you do not cast me out of your life. I pray this is what you wanted from me.

  Please write soon and let me know how you fare. I hope you are not in too much pain, but please remember to go easy of the laudanum. I don’t want to find you in such a state as I did last month.

  Rest well, my darling friend. I shall write to you again soon.

  All my love,


  Marchioness of Xavier


  About the Author

  Anne Knight

  Anne Knight is a romantic at heart with a mind in the gutter. While she loves regency romance, she adores the sex escapades. The idea for “The Scandalous Letters of Lady X” came from her fantasies of what the rakes and ladies of London’s ton get up to when you allow them to explore their inner depravity.

  Also from Anne Knight

  The Scandalous Letters of Lady X – Part 2: 6 February, 1835: The education of the widowed Marchioness of Xavier continues in this second instalment. This time, the Duke of Knox is teaching her how to be submissive catering to his base desires, while exploring the sensual side of spanking.

  Lady X is a proper English lady longing to explore the dark side of London's haut ton and the Duke of Knox is leading her education. He's showing her the secret sexual world of England’s elite. Lady X shares her tale with her best friend in a series of explicit letters.

  Love That

  First Night – Candy Quinn

  I couldn’t have expected the night to end the way it did. Covered in perspiration, looking deep into the eyes — no, the soul — of a man that was gorgeous beyond my most outlandish dreams.

  But from the moment I met Chase, I knew something amazing was about to happen.

  It all started with me being a klutz. It was late, and I was trying to make my way home quickly. Unfortunately, I was alone and paying more attention to the people moving around me than my footing, and my stiletto caught in a grate.

  It was amazing, I think, that I didn’t break my ankle. But what was even more fantastical was that, out of nowhere, there was a powerful set of arms around me. Warm. Comforting. Shielding me from the fall and just filling me with electricity.

  I didn’t even look at him at first, because I was too shocked that I’d almost ended up eating pavement, but when I did...

  I swear, I was rendered silent for at least five seconds — not that I was counting — and my breath was stolen away. At first I could tell he thought it was just my being startled at the almost-tumble, but then there was a knowing sparkle behind those hazel eyes.

  My lips dropped open but still no words pressed out, until I finally managed a single syllable.


  Yep, I’m Cassidy Rose, and I’m smooth as hell when rescued by a gorgeous stranger with a strong jaw and devious eyes.

  “Hi,” he said in return, but he made that sound good, even. Suave. Under control. He helped me stand upright and reluctantly pulled his thick arms from around me.

  He was gorgeous. Did I say that already?

  “You saved me,” I muttered, as if he’d rescued me from a burning building. I stood up straight, but he was still taller than me, even in my heels, and I pulled my pea coat around me closer. He looked good. Professionally dressed, like he was just coming from a business dinner or something, though I would’ve figured that with the lightly falling snow a businessman would’ve taken a cab.

  “I’m just glad I got to you in time,” he said, motioning from the alleyway he’d just come from. I hadn’t even glanced down there. Stupid, Cassidy. Always check the alleys!

  I must’ve looked shaken up, because his hand went to my shoulder, calm reassurance pressing from him to me.

  “Are you okay to make it home?”

  I stared at him like he was stupid. I didn’t want him to leave, though really, I was fine. Mostly my pride was injured, and even that was worth sacrificing to have felt his arms around me.

  He took my hint.

  “Come on, there’s a nice little bistro up the street. We can stop in there and see how your ankle’s doing. What’s your name?”

  Oh, good one. He was slick and kind as he offered me his arm, which I quickly took.

  “Cassidy,” I said, pausing. “You?”

  “Chase Everett,” he said in return.

  Even through his coat and blazer I could feel the thick, muscular forearm beneath. He worked out, that much was obvious. No man had stony, bulging forearms like that without pumping iron. His
calm strength was a perfect balance to keep me from toppling again, Chase simply radiated security.

  On that trip to the bistro, we exchanged names, and I got to admire the look of his handsome, strong-jawed face as he smiled at me. Such a beautiful sight I felt like I could get lost in staring at him, like he was a work of art.

  “So Cassidy,” he said, leading me on over to the bistro, opening the door for me like a true gentleman, “what has you outside on such a cold winter night as this? Not off to meet a boyfriend, I hope.”

  He said it so playfully as he guided me over to a table, taking my coat and helping me into the cozy, warm spot right next to the electric fire.

  I shook my head, little snowflakes melting in the brown tresses and I prayed it didn’t make my hair look stringy. I laid my scarf aside out of the way.

  “Oh God, no,” I said. “I was working late. Lost track of time, I suppose. And where are you off to, mmm?”

  “Off to get you something to eat and drink,” he said with a cheeky grin. “What’s your flavour? Or wait, should I go take a stab at it myself?” He arched a brow, peering down at me with a teasing look, as if daring me to challenge him to make the selection all by myself.

  Usually I was pretty damn picky, but looking at him... I was tempted to see what he’d come up with. What type of woman he saw me as, with my smile that always looked like a smirk, and my arched brows.

  “Surprise me,” I finally decided, willing myself to, at the very least, consume whatever he came up with.

  And sure, I’ll admit, I was hoping that he saw something really nice in me.

  “You got it,” he said, reaching out and touching my shoulder, one last little brush of his hard, strong fingers before he strolled away to the cash. As soon as he left, my head spun with thoughts of him.

  Before I had a moment of clear headed thinking, he was back. Right before me he placed a warm, steaming beverage and a slice of brownie-cheesecake.

  “How’d I do?” he asked, and the aroma of that apple cider he’d put before me rose up, the cinnamon stick resting against the rim of the cup. He smiled at me so confidently as he took off his outdoors coat and sat across the small table in our private nook.

  My finger ran along the cinnamon stick curiously as I looked up at him. Usually I liked bitter dark roast, but I’ll admit, I was glad he didn’t get me that. I hadn’t had cider since I was a little girl, honestly, and it brought me back to the warmth of family and carefree days.

  It was honestly hard to complain.

  “You must think I’m sweet,” I managed without stuttering, though my eyes wouldn’t meet with his.

  “Well,” he began, and the simple motion of his hand conveyed the message of a shrug even without moving those broad shoulders of his. “I was close enough to you for just a moment to get that impression, yeah,” he confessed. “But more than sweet, you seemed wholesome. Like apples.”

  Somehow he made being compared to an apple sound like the nicest thing ever.

  The idea of him seeing so much, so quickly, shook me. I could barely even think let alone decide what type of person he was. Well, that was a lie, I suppose.

  Even then I could tell he was kind and cunning, smooth without being smarmy. He’d be like a rich hot chocolate. Safety, warmth, genuineness.

  I smiled at my assessment before realizing it, and I fought to suppress it.

  “You live nearby then, Cassidy?” he asked, peering over his cup at me as he sipped his own drink. I could see no rings on his fingers then, not on the one holding the cup, not on the one resting upon the table. Only the glimmer of a shiny black watch at his wrist.

  “A couple blocks,” I said, a little bit of that lingering programming in my brain telling me to be cautious. But the only thing my gut was telling me was that he was gorgeous, and kind, and so delicious.

  I took a sip of my cider, eyes fluttering down in nostalgic glee.

  “So what were you really doing?” I probed.

  “I had a special stop to make tonight,” he said with a smile, though I noticed it had faded just a bit. He didn’t leave me hanging entirely though. “I had to stop by and see an old familiar face, wish them the best in the New Year.”

  He shifted in his seat, and I could tell just a bit that it was clearly something a little personal. He looked over at me as the snow fell on the other side of the window, mere inches away.

  “Gets lonely this time of year if you don’t see friends or family anyhow, huh?” he said, those dark eyes of his looking as if they pierced my soul.

  “Yea,” I agreed, and even though my curiosity was burning, I didn’t want to pry. Instead I lowered my head. There were only a few things those words, that look, could say, and I respected that.

  “My family’s in California and I can’t miss work, so,” I instead offered, giving him some insight into my own loneliness.

  Immediately I could see the sympathy upon his face, that hard jaw shifting, showing just the lightest bit of dark stubble. His hand slid across the table, reaching out to lightly brush the tips of his fingers against mine.

  “That’s a real shame,” he said, his rich, deep voice so sympathetic. “If you’ve got nowhere to go, you’re always welcome to come to my place for dinner.” His smile grew, so wide and charming, “It’d give me an excuse to cook for someone again.”

  It was later than I usually ate, especially with a little brownie in front of me, but I was nodding anyway. There was no way I was going to turn that down, especially not when his hand was touching mine.

  My heart was skipping beats, I was certain of it, and I held my breath as I looked into his eyes and smiled.

  “I would just love that,” I managed.

  His own smile grew, and for the rest of that brownie we were so light-hearted and warm. By the time it came to trek back out into the cold and snow, I could barely feel the icy chill on the air. Though there Chase was again, his arm offered out to me as he flagged down a cab and helped me in.

  Though none of our chat really prepared me for his place. He lived in a high rise apartment, which looked so impressive from the outside, but once I actually got out of the elevator and led into his place proper?

  Well, blown away didn’t describe it.

  “Make yourself at home, Cassidy,” he said with such pleasant cheer as he took my coat and hung it up with his. “I’ll get you a drink while you wait,” he said as he guided me over to the living room area, with its massive black leather couch right in front of the immense TV.

  It was a place intended for entertaining a large group, and all along the east end of the place were glass windows, overlooking the city and all its lights. It was stunning.

  Furthermore, the kitchen was open concept and I realized the entire time he was preparing, we’d be able to chat, and I could watch him work, rather than the TV on offer.

  Instead I went to the little bar, settling in on a stool so that I could be nearer to him. I had to admit, I didn’t want to linger away from him. He had me under a spell, and even as my nerves were frayed, and I felt that nervous, schoolgirl excitement, I wanted to be nearer to him.

  “This place is gorgeous,” I said as I rest my hands on the counter.

  He smiled at me as he took off his blazer and tie, then began to roll up his sleeves. It gave me a clear view of those thick forearms I’d touched before, the bulging sinew beneath his flesh, the thick veins that rippled its surface. He was so very fit and strong…

  “I’ll agree with you on that,” he said to me so smoothly. “But only now that you’re in it.” He opened the fridge and began to set aside the ingredients for whatever he had in mind. “Any place is ugly when it’s quiet and lonely though,” he explained.

  I knew that feeling. Not that I had a mansion on top of a sky rise, but any place seems too big when you’re alone.

  I looked over my shoulder and figured that it’d be even worse here. I couldn’t even hear the traffic, the neighbours. Just silence. It was odd, and I could only imagine
how horrible the quiet would be for the holidays, or the brutally cold winters.

  “You should move into my place. No end to the noise there, though still just as lonely. I guess you get to pick your poison. Lonely and surrounded by people, or lonely and... alone.”

  “I’ve had it both ways,” he said to me casually as he began to grease up a pan and heat the oven, hoisting a defrosted chicken out of the sink that he’d already set out before ever running across me it seemed. “Won’t lie, as lonely as it gets here, it’s better with money and the privacy it can afford than without, and crammed into a cheap apartment,” he said, hitting a button upon a remote and some soft, pleasant music filled the air. It was so relaxing, and when he began to fix me a drink I knew it’d only get better.

  “I hope wine’s okay,” he said, pouring up a glass of some sparkling white wine. “I think you might like this.” He smiled confidently as he placed a tall glass before me.

  I accepted it between my fingers, and knew it was just what I needed to relax my nervous, fluttering belly.

  There was a sparkle to his eyes as I lifted the glass, and it was like drinking ambrosia. Nothing I’ve ever tasted was like that, and I smiled.

  “Oh wow. That’s amazing,” I said honestly, licking over my lips. That couldn’t have been cheap.

  “A bottle of champagne I had leftover, never did get a chance to celebrate with it before now,” he said, and I had no doubt he meant it was the genuine deal rather than some knockoff. He poured himself up a glass to, and raised it to me.

  “To chance encounters,” he said in toast.

  I smiled, lowering my gaze as my glass clinked against his.

  “To chance encounters,” I said lightly as I took in a breath.

  I couldn’t believe my luck, really. He was the perfect guy, as far as I could tell. But more than that, I simply felt there was a connection. A real kinship between us, that weird, lingering thing beneath the surface that didn’t have a name or word, but that linked us nonetheless.


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