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I Love It: 10 Intense Stories to Keep the Passion Alive (Shameless Book Bundles 6)

Page 14

by Saffron Daughter

  Arriving at her door, her hand was unsteady as she tried to swipe her key. Her body was on fire with want. Whether it was the anticipation, her dry spell, or simply the man himself, she wanted to be fucked. Now. Pounded into until she screamed his name.

  Her fumbling fingers weren’t helped when he leaned in against her, trapping her between his hard body and the door. His breath hot and rapid on her neck as he took the key card from her and swiped it, opening the door. With his hands on her hips, he guided her into her room before kicking the door shut. She spun around and then he was kissing the life out of her.

  Her hands took on a life of their own, shrugging off his jacket, she ripped his shirt apart. She wanted to feel his skin, to run her tongue along every ridge of his six pack. His big hands were all over her, their urgency spurring her on. With his jacket on the floor and his shirt nearly joining it, she frantically tried to unbuckle his belt.

  Panting, Patrick grabbed her hands and stopped her progress. “Hang on. If you drop them before I work out how to get this dress undone, I’m going to have to rip it off.”

  Through her own heavy breathing, she managed to laugh. “Just undo the knot.”

  His hands let go of hers, but before she could finish undressing him, he spun her around and plastered her back against his chest. Slowly, he ran his hands up and down her body. His breath in her ear, his hips grinding into her soft flesh had her begging for mercy.

  “Please Patrick…”

  “Oh, yes, you do please me. Very much.” Undoing the knot holding her dress together, he ran his hands along her shoulders so that it fell to the floor. Her breathing got faster as he feathered his fingertips along her collarbones and wiggled his fingers under the lace cups of her bra. Her breasts swelled with desire as he kneaded them and rolled her nipples with his fingertips. Reaching up behind her back, she released the clip that held the bra together and tossed it somewhere on the floor. Glorifying in the fact she was essentially naked while Patrick still had his shirt and pants on, she lifted her arms and wound them around his neck. Moaning as his hands started exploring again, she rubbed her arse against the hardness of his cock leaving her aching to have it inside her.

  “Patrick, I need… ”

  “What Cate? You need me to sink my cock deep inside your pussy? Lie you down on that bed, spread your legs and thrust right in? Hmmm? Is that what you need?” As he was seducing her with his dirty words, his hand moved under her G-string to cup her mound. “Or, maybe you need me to bend you over right here and fuck you from behind?”

  Heat pooled in her pussy as she imagined him doing just that. She moved her hand to cover his and pushed their two fingers inside her while grinding her clit against his hand. Her breath was choppy and her pulse was racing as the pleasure rippled from her core.

  “If I don’t get my cock in you soon I’m going to explode,” he growled in her ear, “I want your pussy squeezing me as I make you come. On the bed, on your back, we’ll save doggy style for later.”

  In an instant his support was gone, leaving her standing on wobbly legs. She turned and slowly sat on the bed, watching as Patrick finished taking off his clothes. Licking her lips as she saw more and more of his flesh revealed, she kicked off her panties and shoes and spread her legs. The flare of lust in his eyes and his deep intake of breath told her he liked what he saw – her sitting essentially naked, touching herself, ready for him.

  He toed off his shoes, but his attention was firmly glued to where she was circling her clit with her index finger. Nothing had ever made her feel as deliciously naughty as enticing her lover like this. She was wetter than wet and on the verge of an orgasm that had her feeling light headed. After rolling a condom down his impressive shaft, he stalked over to her like a lion stalks his prey.

  “I like that look in your—” Cate’s words were cut off as Patrick ravished her mouth and scooped her up off the bed. After he ended the kiss, she had a moment to see the devilish smirk on his face before she was flying through the air, then bouncing on the bed.

  He crawled on top of her, pushing her into the mattress as he claimed her mouth again. Reaching down, he grasped her thigh and pulled her leg high before rubbing the length of his cock over her clit.

  “Fuck me. Please fuck me now.” Cate grabbed fistfuls of his hair and tried to squirm against him. She was on fire with the need to come, her sex was quivering in anticipation of his cock filling her. As if he agreed with her desperation, he thrust into her forcing a horse cry from her throat.

  “Oh fuck, you’re so tight. Hold still while I work the rest in, I don’t want to hurt you.”

  The rest? Oh. My. God. That thought alone had her pussy clenching down on him, shooting sparks of electricity to her core. He began to retreat and the friction was enough to set her off for an orgasm that had her bowing off the bed. Pushing back in, he kept her orgasm going and she couldn’t control the shaking that engulfed her body.

  She came back to earth to see Patrick looking at her face. “You’re so beautiful when you come. I wanna see it again.”

  Setting a steady pace of attack and retreat, Patrick straightened his arms so each time he bottomed out, he hit her clit. She could feel the heat already start to build again, only this time she wanted to take him over with her. Reaching out, she gripped his wrists and moved her hips in unison with his, taking him deeper with each thrust. Their sweat slicked skin slapped together at each stroke and their breaths were nothing but puffs of air.

  What was good for the goose was good for the gander. “I fantasised about you.”

  That caused a momentary glitch in his rhythm and his nostrils flared as he redoubled his efforts. With his thrusts now moving her on the bed, she panted as she continued. “We were at the Cakery. You had me pinned to the wall in the kitchen making me so hot. I dropped to my knees and had my hands all over your ginormous cock before I sucked till it touched the back of my throat.” He let out a low moan as he shifted higher and gripped her hips, pistoning in and out. “You made me so hot, I flicked my clit and made myself come with you.” It was too much for Cate as she felt a second, more powerful, orgasm rip through her. He roared as he plunged over the cliff into his own satisfaction.

  He rolled them so they were staring into each other’s gaze. Cate laid a hand on his glistening cheek. “That was incredible.”

  Turning his head to kiss her palm, he gave her a one sided grin. “And that was just the beginning.”


  “You snore like a freight train.”

  Cate huffed but didn’t open her eyes. Too comfortable in the blanket burrito she’d cocooned herself in, she ignored Patrick’s smooth voice and went back to enjoying her rare sleep in.

  “Seriously, I woke up at three am thinking we were being invaded by an army.”

  Even though Patrick couldn’t see it, she gave him the one finger salute and rolled over. If she ignored him, the sweet temptation of blissful rest would lull her back into a coma.

  “I couldn’t get back to sleep with the racket, so I watched you sleep. You look so cute when you drool.”

  She growled and shoved the pillow over her head. He was really starting to piss her off, but without the benefit of caffeine, she couldn’t predict her actions should she give in and emerge from her den. Multiple orgasms or not, there was no excuse for him to think he was immune.

  “What did you say?”

  Right. That’s it. Cate flung the quilts back and glared. “I said, fuck off!”

  “Oh, thought so.” Patrick was reclined, still fully naked, grinning. “Good morning.”

  “You’re playing with fire, Patrick. Don’t push your luck.” Cate swung out of bed and staggered into the bathroom. With the blinds closed she couldn’t tell what time it was, but it was early. Way too early to be moving after the workout she’d had the night before. Nothing said a night of hot sex like an aching back, hoarse voice and sore nipples.

  “Christ, you’ve got a gorgeous arse.”

Cate nearly choked on mouthwash as Patrick’s hand snaked around her middle and plastered himself against her. Without a stich of clothing between them, she felt everything—his firm chest, his morning stubble and his raging morning glory.

  “What time is it?”

  Nibbling her neck, he mumbled, “Just gone six am.”

  “Six am?” She swung around and shoved him back. “Did you just say six am?”

  He crowded her back against the marble vanity. “I told you, you’ve had me up since three and when I say up, I mean all the way up. I just had to have you.”

  “Uh uh. Not happening, buddy.” Her voice was strong, but her body was weakening against the onslaught of his nibbling torture to her earlobe.

  “Why not? I thought you’d be a morning person.”

  “I am. Normally. But when you waltz in here and wake me up at the arse crack of dawn, first weekend off in eight months, I’m not inclined to help you out with your morning wood. Go whack off. I’m going back to bed.”

  “Why wack off when I’ve got you in my bed?”

  “It’s my bed if you’ll recall and I—“ His persuasive kiss cut her off and left her stunned when he continued to kiss his way down her body. “I’m not even sure I like you now.”

  “Let me make you come so hard your legs can’t hold you, and then I’ll work on getting you to like me. I’ve done it once, I can do it again.”


  Cate pushed through the front door of the Cakery and couldn’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment. The low rumble of people talking mixed with the muted sound of jazz music made the atmosphere exactly what she’d pictured when she imagined what her dream would be like in reality. Maybe it was the high from delivering Olivia the perfect cake, or the glow of orgasms from Patrick, but the spring in her step was cushioning her bounce back to reality.

  Millie and Emma, her shy but friendly casual waitress, were both serving customers, so Cate walked around the display cabinets and started making her own coffee. The girls had everything under control, so getting a hit of java and going home to lay in the sun with her laptop sounded perfect.

  “Hello Miz Boss Lady, what are you doing back here so early?” Millie opened the dishwasher and started unloading. “I thought for sure you’d be checking out all the vineyards today.”

  “Oh…um.” She shrugged. “I just wanted to come home. Catch up on some paperwork and all that.”


  “Spill what?”

  Millie cocked her eyebrow and showed she still had left over sassiness from her teenage years. “You know you can’t lie.” A horrified look came over her face. “Oh my god, did Olivia hate the cake?”

  “What?” Concentrating on cleaning the steam wand, Cate furrowed her brow. “No, of course not.” At least, she hoped not. Patrick wasn’t the only one she’d left without speaking to this morning. She doubted Olivia would miss her ordinarily, knowing that Cate understood life was always busy, but with the hot gossip of her and Patrick it was only a matter of time.

  “Then what? It can’t have been that bad because you’ve still got a smile on your face.” Millie paused loading the dishwasher and looked her up and down. “You hooked up.”

  The blush spread like wildfire across her face and down her neck. There was no way she could deny it, and Millie knew it.

  “Oh, you did.” Millie held a plate with both hands and danced on the spot. “Was it one of the groomsmen, looking for his own lady to love? Or an Italian investment banker that swept you off your feet? Or maybe some French royalty guy that could only give you the one night because he’s promised to another?”

  “You need to change your career to acting or writing romance novels.” Cate raised an eyebrow and Millie blew her a raspberry. “All I’m saying, is that I had a wonderful night, the wedding was spectacular and…I did spend it in the company of a man.”

  “Aha! I knew it! Are you seeing him again?”

  That was the million dollar question. In the cold light of day the decisions of the night before didn’t seem so black and white. What they’d shared when they’d gone back to her room had been as near as perfect as you could get. He knew her body in a way that made every touch, every kiss electric, but what if it was ruined by an awkward morning after? What if continuing to see Patrick dulled the shine on the perfection the night had been?

  “I’m not sure.” She sprinkled the chocolate powder on her coffee and wiped down the bench. “So, no dramas this morning?”

  Millie gave her the rundown and Cate gave her the details of Olivia’s wedding in between customers and cleaning up, but her mind constantly strayed to Patrick. What would he think when he woke up and she was gone? So many thoughts had gone through her mind while making the decision of whether to stay or to come home.

  The one thing that had made her mind up was how she couldn’t shake the feeling that she’d let herself down. She was such an idiot. He might not be a douchebag like Paul, but what she’d thought was charming self-confidence could actually be masking immaturity. Her body could have been so desperate for an orgasm that it had tricked her mind into seeing potential where there wasn’t any just to get laid. He’d proven that he didn’t listen to her, or respect her boundaries, so how were they going to have a balanced relationship?

  The promise she’d made about never letting another man like Paul into her life was strewn in the wind and she wasn’t sure how to feel about it. Sure, Patrick and Paul were different, but Patrick was still a part of the upper class of Sydney society. Did she really want to go back there and face those people?

  “Hey Cate, are you staying? Em has a school assignment due tomorrow, and if you don’t need her…”

  Lost in her thoughts nursing her cooling cup, Cate straightened from the bench and waved her off. “That’s fine, tell her she can go. I’ll do my paperwork here instead.”

  Grabbing a croissant on the way, Cate settled into her office nook and fired up her laptop to enter in her receipts.

  “Oh. My. God. Please, please, please tell me you slept with Patrick Garrett.”

  She turned in her chair to see Millie bursting with excitement. Before she could form a reply, Patrick pushed through the doors to the kitchen. Wearing the crumpled white dress shirt and black trousers from yesterday, he looked sexy as hell. Rough around the edges and sightly pissed, but still sexy as hell. Especially when he leaned over and braced himself on the arms of her chair and kissed her soundly.

  “I missed you when I woke up this morning.”

  Millie squealed and the kitchen doors opened and banged as she left them alone.

  “You mean for the second time? I’m pretty sure you hit the target the first time.”

  He blushed and ran his fingers awkwardly through his hair. Such a sweet gesture had her misgivings flying out the window. Her yoyo-ing emotions were enough to give her motion sickness.

  “I thought so, too.” He straightened and then any trace of bashfulness was gone. He put his hands on his hips as his gaze bored into her. “So why did you leave without saying goodbye? Scared to tell me I was the best sex you’d ever had?”

  “No, quite the opposite actually.” She looked away from his penetrating gaze. This was the man that succeeded in the business world, no holds barred and used to getting what he wanted. The steel underneath Patrick’s joker façade. The man Cate could so easily fall in love with. “I just needed time to think.”

  “You could have told me that instead of leaving me to wake up alone.” His voice and stance softened. “I would have given you the space you needed.”

  “Really?” Her tone dripped with sarcasm. “Because you’ve respected my wishes so far.”

  He winced. “Okay, I’ll give you that.” He spun the other chair around and rested his folded arms on the back as he sat. “Talk to me. Take all the time you need to think about why we’d be great together, but first I think we need to sort some things out. Like when I’ve spent the night kissing, licking and fucking every inch o
f your luscious body, I do not want to wake up alone.” He cut her off when she started to speak. “I get that you start work before sunrise, so plan of giving me a lot of early morning goodbye kisses.”

  “You’d seriously want me to wake you up at five am just to kiss you goodbye?”

  He shrugged. “Well…I wouldn’t say no to a blowjob either if you wanted to change things up a bit. I plan on spending a lot time sleeping with you.”

  And there was the comedian, something Cate was fast realising he used as a weapon to bring levity back to the discussion. But if they were doing this, having a committed relationship, there were things she needed to know. “So, sex is all we have to you?”

  “No.” He reached out and grasped her hand, laying a gentle kiss on her knuckles. “Nowhere near, but you said you needed time to come to that same conclusion, so I’m just putting it out there.”

  She snatched her tingling hand back. “But, how can you see us working, Patrick? Sure, we’ve got great chemistry and the sex is great – for now – but what else? We’re just too different.”

  “That’s the beauty of dating. We go out to new places, experience new things and learn stuff about to each other and you get to decide if you want to be mine forever.”

  “And does your definition of dating include seeing other people at the same time?” Reason number seventy-one as to why it was a bad idea putting the cart before the horse and sleeping with Patrick before they’d even discussed things like this.

  “I’m not going to lie, sometimes in the past it has been a casual thing. It’s not now. Not with you.”

  Such pretty words said with such conviction. There had to be honesty in them, and even if he only meant them for a little while, Cate wanted them to be true. “Patrick, I don’t want to get hurt. If we’re dating…in a relationship...whatev—“

  ­­“I know you’re scared and it’s okay. My sheer animal magnetism is quite overwhelming and the forceful feelings of desire take time to get used to.” He winked. “C’mon, you know it’s true.”


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