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I Love It: 10 Intense Stories to Keep the Passion Alive (Shameless Book Bundles 6)

Page 17

by Saffron Daughter

  "It's about time," she said.

  "Holy shit, girlfriend," Jack exclaimed, feeling extremely outclassed. "You didn't have to dress up for me."

  "I didn't, you big dummy. I got stood up, remember?"

  She brought him inside and checked him out.

  "You look good," she said, nodding in approval. "But you could've shaved."

  She rasped a palm across his cheek, and grimaced. Jack felt a sudden tingling at her touch. Maybe it was the way she was dressed -- a short denim skirt that revealed her long, lean legs and a tight pink tank top that displayed her deep, ample cleavage. Or maybe it was the way she smelled -- a heady, exotic scent that was sexy and intoxicating. In either case, her hand on his cheek left his mouth dry and his chest tight.

  "You haven't been here since the last time," Janice said, taking his hand and leading the way. "Let me give you the quick tour."

  He watched her firm, round bottom swing beneath the denim skirt as he followed her through the house. The living room had new blue carpet and the walls had been repainted in a subtle shade of beige to complement it. A newer looking sectional and two easy chairs occupied a sunken area and faced a 60-inch LED mounted on the opposite wall. A gigantic 100-gallon saltwater aquarium occupied another wall. The tank was brightly lit and contained all manner of living corals and other plants. Clownfish darted and hovered in the tentacles of multi-colored sea anemones. Jack stared through the glass into its depths, fascinated.

  "Like it?" Janice said, standing beside him.

  Jack had owned several freshwater tanks over the years, but nothing like this.

  "It's beautiful."

  "It's my pride and joy," Janice said, and then pointed. "Those orange fish with the white stripes are clownfish. They bring food to the anemones in exchange for protection. That ugly one there with the whiskers is a lionfish. I've got a couple of eels, but they like to hide. I'd like to get more fish, but they're fucking expensive."

  Jack knew perfectly well what kinds of fish were in the tank, but he liked the fact that she was trying to impress him, and he enjoyed hearing her smoky, seductive voice. It always gave him chills when he heard it emanating through the PA system at work.

  "Don't you worry about the lionfish and the eels eating the clownfish?"

  Janice looked at him in surprise. "As a matter of fact, yes." She lifted the lid and dropped some shrimp pellets into the water. "That's why I'm pretty anal about their feeding schedule."

  She took him to the kitchen. There were new oak cupboards and a forest-green double sink. The sink was deep, and Jack nodded to himself in approval of that. Janice did a lot of cooking, and a deep sink was essential with the food prep. Jack liked to cook, too, and they often compared recipes and techniques.

  She took him through the rest of the house. The guest bedroom was much as he remembered it -- "I haven't gotten around to this, yet," she said -- but her bedroom had been completely redone, and included a king-sized bed with an intricately carved maple headboard. Jack wondered how long it had been since she'd shared that bed with someone. When she finally showed him the bathroom, his mouth grew dry again as he pictured her standing in the shower, her lean, nubile body covered with perfumed lather. Janice glanced sideways at him for a moment, smiled, and then led him back into the living room.

  "So, what do you think?" she asked, grabbing her purse and house keys.

  "You've done a nice job," Jack said.

  "It's definitely a work in progress. I'm getting ready to replace the deck next. Maybe you could help with that when the time comes." She moved toward the door. "We better get going. Sarah and Don are waiting."

  They both took it for granted that he was driving. What she didn't expect was when he opened the passenger door for her and held it open while she climbed into the cab. Although she didn't say anything, he could tell that she liked the gesture, and he was rewarded with a brief look at those awesome legs as she readjusted her skirt. He shut the door and tried to clear his head as he walked around the front of the truck, opened his door, and climbed in behind the wheel. She reached out and touched his bare thigh in the dark as he fired up the engine. He jumped at the contact. If she noticed, she gave no sign.

  "I appreciate you doing this, Jack," she said softly.

  "It's no fun to get stood up."

  "I'm not thinking about that anymore."

  "Good. And I appreciate you not wearing heels."

  He smiled at her, and Janice returned it, removing her hand. She adjusted herself and put on her seatbelt.

  "You told me once that you liked tall women."

  "I do, but not when they're standing next to me in heels."

  She laughed. "I changed into flats after I called you."

  Jack backed out into the street and headed downtown.

  "Some guy named Tab Benoit is the headliner tonight," Janice said in the dark. The dashboard lights cast a mysterious orange glow on her face. Small diamond studs gleamed wickedly in her delicate brown lobes. Her creamy mocha thighs shone invitingly. "You ever heard of him?"

  "I saw him a few years ago in Chicago," Jack said, trying to keep his eyes on the road. "I was visiting my brother. He's good."

  "Can you dance to him?"

  "Does a bear shit in the woods?"

  Janice chuckled and shook her head. "Kiss my caramel-colored ass, Jack." She checked herself in the visor mirror. "I'm looking forward to this. I ain't gone dancing in a long time."

  Neither had Jack, and he was looking forward to it, as well. But he was also a little worried -- he knew he'd be okay with the fast numbers, but if she wanted to slow-dance, he'd probably get a hard-on despite his best efforts, and that would be totally embarrassing for both of them. They were just friends, after all.

  As if reading his mind, she asked, "So, you old fart. How long's it been since you been dancing?"

  "A long time," he admitted.

  "Not since Janey?"

  "Not even then. Hell, I don't remember even getting drunk together. She'd go out to the bars by herself, and then let herself into my apartment at two in the morning all wasted and horny and want to fuck."

  Janice shrugged. "Nothing wrong with that."

  "Sweetheart, I was in love with her."

  Janice reached out and touched his shoulder. "You just thought you were." She brightened. "Anyway, that's why I'm getting you out tonight. I'm sick of your stupid rules about work and personal. What other women do you know outside of work you can hang out with? Just 'cause Janey broke your heart doesn't mean the rest of us want to."

  "I know that."

  "And you told me yourself, you haven't been with a woman in over a year. Jack, you're a good-looking man. There's all kinds of women around our store that would just love to get into your pants -- no strings attached."

  Jack stared at her. "You know that for a fact, huh?"

  "You know what your problem is, Jack?"

  "No, but I imagine you're going tell me."

  "You equate sex with love."

  "And that's wrong, huh?"

  "It's naive. Just 'cause you have sex with someone doesn't mean you have to fall in love. You can just like the other person, you know? You make each other feel good for a few hours and then go your separate ways. A week or so later, you make each other feel good again."

  "Fuck buddies, huh?"

  "Something like that."

  "Well, if I sleep with someone I really like and the sex is really good, it's hard for me to just walk away. I want to do it over and over and over."

  "That's still not love, Jack."

  Janice was silent for a moment, and then abruptly laughed long and loudly.

  "Sarah told me if she wasn't married, she'd fuck the shit out of you."

  Jack laughed, too, picturing that. Sarah was a fellow co-worker and Janice's best friend. She was loud and brash and opinionated, and about thirty pounds overweight.

  "I like Sarah, but not in that way."

  "I'm just saying."

  What he
wanted her to say was: Jack, I'd fuck your brains out. But he had never sensed anything like that on her part before, despite the selfies, and he did not want to ruin their closeness by saying or doing something stupid tonight. But, she was being awfully touchy-feely, and he couldn't help but wonder where this was all leading.

  Janice touched his arm again. "What're you thinking about, Jack?"

  "That you're talking an awful lot."

  "Are you telling me to shut up?"

  He smiled at her. "Not in those words."

  She withdrew her hand and smiled back.


  The blues festival was a three-day weekend event held on the Arcadia Creek festival site downtown, with lots of good food, drink, and spectacular music. It drew people from all over the state, and some of the finest blues musicians in the world. Buddy Guy, BB King, Robert Cray, Big Head Todd -- all had graced the stage in past years. The headliners normally started around eleven and played all the way until two, so it was going to be a late night. Jack found a spot in the nearby parking ramp and escorted Janice to the street. She took his hand without making a big deal about it and they walked to the festival site in a comfortable silence, listening to the music grow louder as they approached.

  "Where are we supposed to meet Sarah and Don?" he asked.

  Janice shrugged. "They'll be around."

  "It's going to be crowded. We might not see them."

  She shrugged again.

  When they reached the gate, Jack had a moment's pause as he wondered if she expected him to pay, but was definitely caught off guard when she pulled some cash from her purse and paid for both of them.

  "You don't have to do that," he said.

  "It's my way of thanks," she said firmly. "But I ain't paying for your booze all night. Bob told me you know how to put it away on your poker nights."

  Jack chuckled, wondering what else Bob might have mentioned. Bob was Jack's best friend at work, and he knew how Jack really felt about her.

  It was crowded inside, and there were long lines at the booze tents. Bodies of all shapes and sizes and colors and genders were packed together, waiting their turns. He and Janice joined a line and waited with the rest. A solid wall of blues fell across them. Janice pointed out the dance area immediately in front of the stage, and they watched couples gyrate madly in time to the music. When the band switched to a slow number, she nodded judiciously.

  "Now, that's what I'm talking about," she said, smiling at him.

  Oh boy, he thought, and felt something flutter in his stomach.

  Jack didn't often go to the bars. He rarely drank beer anymore because it bloated his stomach, and the mixed drinks were expensive and usually watered down. He ordered bourbon and 7-Up, expecting this one to be no different, and was pleasantly surprised. The drink he received cost six bucks, but was big and strong and served in a blue Solo cup. She ordered the same, took a sip, and looked at him. They smacked their lips and grinned at each other.

  "I might end up getting silly tonight, Jack," she said, moving past him, her hip brushing his groin. "You promise to take care of me?"

  "Probably not."

  "Isn't that what people do on dates?"

  "I didn't think this was a date."

  "Maybe I changed my mind."

  Jack watched her bottom twitch and wondered what she meant by that, but he kept his mouth shut and followed her into the crowd in front of the stage. Janice watched the singer belt out the tune, and her body swayed imperceptibly to the rhythm. She didn't appear to realize she was doing it. A light sheen of perspiration had appeared on her face, and her caramel skin glowed in the stage light; Jack resisted an urge to reach out and touch her.

  Janice took a deep gulp from her drink.

  "Goddamn, it's hot. Way too hot for the fast ones -- I'll be dripping wet in a second. We'll wait for the slow ones."

  "We don't have to dance at all if you don't want to," Jack said.

  She stared at him sideways. "Of course we do." She touched his arm. "Now, hurry up and finish your drink so we can."

  As if on cue, the band finished the song and started a new one -- Love In Vain played slowly and sensually with a sultry sax accompaniment.

  Oh, God," Janice exclaimed. "I love this song. C'mon."

  She grabbed his hand and dragged him onto the dance floor. She unselfconsciously pressed herself against him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, while Jack's slipped around hers. The muscles in her back were lean and firm and moved beneath his touch. He smelled her perfume and the slight musky odor of her body's natural scent beneath it. He had never held her like this and the delicious feeling of having her full heavy breasts crushed against his chest and her warm pelvis rubbing sensuously against his went right to his groin. His erection was immediate and involuntary, and felt thick and hard as it tried to tear a hole in his shorts. She rested her head on his shoulder and sighed. He felt her gently stroking his back and was suddenly overwhelmed by an incredible desire to kiss the side of her neck.

  "Isn't this nice, Jack?"

  Jack was trembling. He knew there was no way she could not feel the throbbing rock that was his penis pressing against her pelvis. If anything, she seemed to be pressing against him harder in return. He was naked beneath the shorts and prayed he didn't start oozing and leave a wet spot. To him, this was definitely more than just friends, but it was still entirely possible he was misreading the situation. He couldn't help wondering what she was thinking, and hated himself for not having the guts to just ask. Her pelvis continued its sensual friction, and he finally did feel juice seep from his swollen knob. He tried to control his breathing.

  "Jesus, Janice," he croaked. "What's happening here?"

  "We're dancing, Jack," she said softly.

  The song ended and they broke apart. Janice's eyes were round and bright. Her nipples were hard and pressing through her bra and tank top. He couldn't help staring, remembering what they looked like in those selfies. He wondered if she was wet.

  "I need to sit down," he said.

  Janice smiled and nodded. "Me, too."

  "It's your fault."

  "Sue me."

  They made their way through the crowd to the seating area and found Sarah and Don waiting for them with fresh drinks. Jack didn't know how they knew what he and Janice had been drinking, and didn't bother to ask. He was too embarrassed by his erection. He sat down quickly as Sarah and Janice embraced. He'd met Don at a company party a couple of years ago, and extended a hand across the table, reintroducing himself.

  "What?" Sarah said. "No hug for me, Jack?"

  "A handshake will do just fine."

  Sarah smiled knowingly and sat beside her husband, who grinned and laughed.

  "That was a pretty sexy dance you guys were doing," he said, nodding. "You looked really good together."

  Jack shook his head, still embarrassed. He watched Janice slide into the seat beside him and gave her a dirty look. Janice laughed.

  "Thanks for the drinks," he said to Don, reaching for his wallet.

  Sarah held up her hand. "These are on us, Jack. It's worth the money to see you having some fun for a change."

  Jack was relieved to feel his erection subsiding, although it did leave his testicles aching dully. He knew that the damp spot on his shorts would take a long time to dry in this humidity. Luckily, it was dark back here. He shot an offside glance at Janice, and found her staring at him. He tried to read her expression, but was unable. He didn't believe she wasn't thinking about what had just happened on the dance floor. He didn't want to believe she wasn't thinking about it.

  The evening progressed. The two couples talked and laughed and sipped their drinks, listening to the music and watching the crowd. Jack calmed down by slow degrees, and was relieved. Hopefully, she wouldn't get him all worked up again, and he could just go home by himself, turn on Monster's Ball, and beat off. Don excused himself and went to a restaurant booth for sandwiches, and this time Jack did give him some money. He
was ready to eat -- the alcohol was beginning to go to his head. The others were getting buzzed, as well.

  "So, Jack," Sarah said, leaning across the table with a tipsy, salacious grin. "How's your sex life these days?"

  Jack shrugged, embarrassed yet again. Although he was comfortable talking about his relationships with Janice, he never had with Sarah. But that was Sarah, for you. She was the type that came at you from left field and didn't care how you reacted just as long as you did.

  "Look at that!" Sarah exclaimed. "He's blushing, Janice! When's the last time you've seen Jack blush about anything?"

  When he felt Janice's hand rest reassuringly on his thigh, Jack began to tremble yet again. She wasn't doing anything, just letting it rest there. His penis stirred sluggishly.

  "Sarah," Janice said firmly, staring across the table at her. "Not now."

  Sarah shrugged. "I'm not asking for myself. There's others around the store that want to know."

  Jack's embarrassment was suddenly replaced with a stab of irritation.

  "Well, if you must know, it's been okay."

  Sarah laughed. "That's not what I heard."

  "Seriously, Sarah, back off," Janice said, a warning tone entering her voice.

  "Do women just not like you, Jack?" Sarah said, leaning across the table and completely ignoring Janice. "Or is it your technique?" She paused. "For instance -- do you like oral sex?"

  "For God's Sake, Sarah!" Janice exclaimed angrily. "C'mon, Jack. Let's go dance."

  She made a move to stand up, but Jack impulsively grabbed her thigh and held her in place. The last thing he wanted right now was another hard-on.

  "What do you want me to say, Sarah?" Jack said, feeling Janice's stare now drilling into the side of his skull as her thigh muscles quivered beneath his hand. "Yeah, I like it."

  Sarah scoffed. "Every guy likes getting it. Not every guy likes giving it. Which one are you?"

  "Well, Sarah," Jack replied evenly, "it's been my experience that most women like getting head, but they don't like to give it. And if they do give it, it's with a great deal of reluctance because they're worried about the guy coming in their mouth."


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