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Protecting My Forever (Blackthorne Security Book 1)

Page 9

by Nicole Vidal

  About thirty minutes later, I note she hasn’t come back out. Worried, I move into her bedroom. My tiny goddess is curled up on the bed wrapped in a towel. I walk across the sitting area into my bedroom and tug the duvet off the bed. Attempting to put Calliope into her bed is not a smart move considering how much I want her. I unwrap the towel on her head and cover her with the duvet. With one last peek at her, I close the door, recheck the locks, and fall into bed alone.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Warmth surrounds me, but when I slide my arm out, the sheets are cold. I’m alone. Despite the short amount of time, I love waking up with Connor. I could see it happening each day, if he’ll have me. I’m sure dating someone like me isn’t high on his list of must dos. I’m a mess. I have trust issues, abandonment fears, and someone is messing with my life so much that I need a bodyguard. Blackthorne sent a hot-as-hell bodyguard with a smile that melts me into a mushy pile of goo. That doesn’t even consider how he makes me feel. The fact I’m having these feelings and we haven’t been together yet makes it even more astounding. He makes me feel as if everything will be perfectly fine. Deep down, I want to believe him.

  I sit up and glance at the clock. When I do, I realize I’m naked. I remember taking a shower, but nothing after that. I take inventory of what’s going on. A towel is underneath me from my shower, I’m on top of the bed coverings for my bed, yet I’m covered with a matching duvet. Connor. He came to check on me and used his bedding to cover me. It has always been me against the world since I was seven years old. I’ve never been taken care of before. It’s unsettling but not unwelcome.

  I push the covers back and throw on some clothes until I need to dress for the last performance in this city. I’m looking forward to this time off. Considering I passed out from exhaustion last night, I need it. Connor is hunched over his laptop already. Does he relax like he’s suggesting for me? Connor is layer upon layer of sexy and broody. First thing in the morning, Connor with dark-rimmed glasses is beyond comprehension. His hair is mussed; he’s still sleepy and hasn’t had any coffee yet.

  “Morning, Calliope. Did you sleep well?”

  I take a seat beside him and press a kiss to his temple. “Morning. I did. Thank you for… everything. I haven’t felt safe and taken care of… suffice it to say, in a very long time.”

  “You’re welcome. Breakfast should be here in the next twenty minutes or so.”

  “Do you have an update about Shelley or the driver?”

  A look I can’t discern crosses his features, or he doesn’t truly want to share what he learned. “So far they haven’t located Shelley.”

  I start shaking instantly. His strong arms pull me in, decreasing the fear immediately.

  “Calliope, I have no reason to believe her failure to show up at work yesterday has anything to do with you.”


  “As I said before, I will never lie to you.”

  I nod against him and breathe in and out a few times. His fresh scent cologne, though faded, adds to the comfort he provides me. “What else?” I mumble before lifting my head.

  “The driver received a message with an offer of money to get a photo of you, the real you. The request didn’t say why, only that the requester would pay top dollar for a photo of Carys without a wig on.”


  He releases me when our food arrives. Once we’ve both had some hot coffee, he continues sharing what he learned. “I sent the information to Blaine. He has located the service where the message was sent from but is still working on who sent it. Can you think of anyone who would want a photo of Calliope Sutton? Is it possible someone other than Olivia, Madeleine, Brad, or me knows who you really are?”

  “Not that I know of. Obviously, I have no reason to include anyone from Blackthorne. I suppose it’s possible after all these years, Bruce might know my story. I never specifically shared with him, only you and Madi, but I don’t see any reason for him to sell me out. If you said this started after I demoted him, then maybe, but that isn’t the case. I pay everyone who works for me well.” Even then I still have more money than I could ever use in my lifetime. “What does that mean for tonight?”

  In between bites, we keep talking. “Nothing really. Christoph will be here, and we’ll drive you to and from the arena. Do you need to make arrangements for Melissa to do your stage makeup?”

  “Other than talk to her when I arrive, no. She always has her kit with her.”

  He pauses as if his next question could be upsetting. “Do you want to stay here tonight or fly out after your show? Also, can Christoph fly home with us?”

  “I want to leave right after my show. Of course, there’s plenty of room. Also, could you give me your address?”


  I grin. “I need to order some clothes. I was going to ship them to your place if that’s okay.”

  He laughs. “Sure but address them to me not yourself.”

  “No problem. I should get moving so I can pack up.”

  He smiles and hands me my coffee cup. “What time do you want to leave?”

  “There’s no meet and greet today, but the show is an hour earlier. Let’s leave by eleven.”

  Connor makes a face at me. “Want to share what’s wrong?”

  The fact that he can already tell something is on my mind makes my chest tighten. “Shelley has been with me for my last three tours. Present company excluded, which professionally wasn’t the smartest choice but personally has true potential, I do my best to keep my personal life and business life separate. Even so, Shelley was as close to a friend as I have on tour. I’m worried about her. She doesn’t fail to show up. Something is wrong.”

  Without another thought or concern for blurring the line between us even further, he draws me against his chest. “I didn’t realize that. I’m sorry.”

  I nod and attempt to move out of his arms.

  Instead, his hold tightens a bit, and his lips press below my earlobe. “I agree with you about the potential. I’m looking forward to spending time with you not working over your vacation.”

  I add some space between us. “Me too.”

  “Speaking of vacation, is there anything you need to do to prepare for Boston?”

  “Not really other than keep up with my email, and I need to decide about New York by the end of the week.”

  “Okay. Whatever you decide, I support your decision.”

  I inhale sharply. I’m leaning toward performing as me, but I haven’t made up my mind yet. Is that even a possibility? “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I haven’t finished planning yet, but is there anything off the table as far as activities go? Only Wednesday is set.”

  I raise an eyebrow in interest. What on earth could he possibly have in mind? “Why Wednesday? I don’t think so. Care to share some of the options?”

  I can see he doesn’t want to answer me. “Wednesday is the family dinner for my birthday. My family, which includes Jake’s, host dinner for me, and afterward I watch Mara’s favorite movie.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “It isn’t important right now.”

  “Is that why you asked me on a date in Maryland?”

  “Partially. I want you to train with Maia and Norah as well as meet them. However, I don’t like being away from home around my birthday.”

  “It makes sense.”

  “I’ll list a bunch of activities, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll have time for all of them. If you definitely you want to make sure one is included, tell me. Options include hiking, a motorcycle ride, horseback riding, and football with the team. Anything you want to eliminate?”

  “No. All of that sounds perfect.” I’m giddy to finish my show and spend time with Connor as my man, not my bodyguard. My? The thought of him acting like my date warms my skin.

  He shakes his head. “You should rest during the break in your tour too.”

  “I will,
I promise. Although I would prefer to talk about this so much more, I need to pack and get ready.”

  He presses a soft kiss to my lips and releases me.

  I’ve never moved through my morning routine that fast ever before. Within an hour, I’m dressed except for my wig, my personal belongings are packed, and I’m ready to go to the arena.

  I step into the sitting area with one rolling bag in each hand.

  “Hi, Callie.” Christoph, who arrived since I went to get ready, greets me.

  “Morning, Christoph.”

  Connor adds his bag to the pile near the door. “Ready to charm LA again?”

  A huge smile breaks out on my face, not only for the last show but for him. He won’t be able to tell the difference necessarily, but it doesn’t matter. I know and that is huge for me.

  When we arrive at the arena, I immediately seek out Melissa. Once I assure her that we have no news about Shelley, she agrees to act as my makeup artist for the rest of the tour. I hurry through the preparations, a quick meal, and sit for makeup. Connor is directly behind the chair, checking his phone. Christoph is near the door.

  “Thank you for doing this, Melissa.”

  She waves me off. “No problem, doll. I love this.” She leans closer to my ear. “Plus, being trapped in this small room with those two is an awful hardship.”

  I smirk. “I know, right?” My response is barely above a whisper.

  Melissa shakes her head profusely. I catch Connor’s gaze in the mirror. I could easily stare at his gorgeous face every single day and not tire of it. If he heard her, he doesn’t let on. The intensity of his stare is enough for me to handle right now.

  Once she finishes, she packs her kit. “You’re all set. I’ll see you out there. Have a great show. If I don’t get to chat with you again, I’ll see you in Boston.”

  “You too.”

  Melissa leaves, followed immediately by Christoph.

  “Care to share what you learned from Blaine?” I ask as I slide out of the chair.

  Connor lifts his eyes to mine. “How on earth do you know it was Blaine?”

  I smile. “It’s your expression. It changes based on who sent the information or how good or bad it is.”

  He shakes his head before sharing. “He tracked the message to an anonymous sender and the burner wasn’t active when he checked. However, he was able to obtain the video recording from the store when the message was sent. Blaine is working on identifying the sender. No, I don’t have an update about Shelley yet.”

  I step closer and look up at him. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Let’s go. Your adoring fans are waiting for you.”

  We hurry to the lift beneath the stage. Once I’m in position and signal the stage crew, my final LA performance begins. A little more than two and a half hours later, I’m exiting stage right. I take the water Christoph offers me and walk between them to the car. Within an hour, we’re flying east toward my break with Connor.

  Chapter Eighteen


  It’s the wee hours of the morning on Sunday. Christoph drops us off at my condo. After maneuvering our luggage into the lower foyer, I escort a sleepy Calliope into my bedroom without a second thought. No woman has ever been in my home, let alone my bedroom. Having her in my space feels like she’s always been here.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  She nods softly and sits on the chair near the fireplace. I leave my bedroom, set the alarm, retrieve our luggage, and head to bed myself. At the threshold, I pause. Calliope is nestled into my bed, her hair spread over one of my pillows, and soft snores fill the air. I smile. She belongs here. Well, with me at least. Now I need to make sure we have something in common outside of our attraction to one another. The attributes I know so far are remarkable. She’s a savvy businesswoman, a sought-after performer, a genuine boss, and her voice is exquisite, especially when she thinks no one is listening.

  I strip off my clothes and pull on a pair of shorts. When I lift up the covers, I’m rewarded with a view of her perfect ass. I slide beneath the sheets and curl my arm around her waist. Even in sleep, she cuddles into my arms. The next thing I know, I wake in my bed alone. The sheer panic that courses through me is new, yet I can’t shut it off. I’m not working right now. She won’t leave. She didn’t leave; I would’ve heard the alarm. Settling my nerves, I roll out of bed and rifle through my carry-on for my glasses.

  Padding toward the kitchen, I stop in the hallway when I hear her singing. It takes me a solid minute to place the song. If I’m not mistaken, it’s “Come Away with Me” by Norah Jones. As cliché as it sounds, she could sing the phone book and hold an audience’s attention. Her voice is smooth and sultry. It’s intoxicating. I don’t know the exact term but some of those high notes are amazing. Range, I think.

  She turns to grab the coffee mug and jumps. “Did I wake you? I’m sorry.”

  I circle the island, surround her with my arms from behind, and set my lips to her neck. “You didn’t wake me. That was incredible. Feel free to sing whenever you want, even if it will wake me.” After hearing her sing now, I understand why she wants to change what she records. True, her current music is good, fun even, but it only reaches a certain segment of the population. If she were to add more ballads or even her original music, she could expand her reach. I would bet she’s concerned about losing her current audience.

  “Thank you. It says a lot about you that I didn’t think twice about singing here.”

  “Me? I didn’t do anything, beautiful.”

  A muffled sigh escapes her lips before she turns in my arms, lifting her gorgeous green eyes to mine. “Not intentionally. It’s just you.”

  I bracket her waist and set her on the granite countertop. “What do you mean?”

  She smiles. Her real smile, which it appears she only gifts to me, is heart-stopping. “From the moment you patiently answered my questions, I knew you were different. You’re steady, trustworthy, gentlemanly, crazy smart, and sexy as sin. I want to know everything from your favorite candy bar to your most embarrassing—”

  “Back up a bit, sexy as sin, huh?”

  She nods slowly.

  “You have me beat by miles.” I lean in to meet her mouth with mine.

  The warmth of her supple lips on mine is unmatched. As we open to each other, she wets my lips with her tongue before exploring my mouth. I slip my hands beneath the hem of her shirt. Her delicate hands are flat against my chest. That feels…. I draw her closer, pinning her against me, lift her, and move over to the couch. I sit on the edge of the cushion, her legs round my waist. Ignoring the heat of her core against my length is impossible. I take one of her hands and bring it to my lips. I move upward, placing kisses along the way until I reach the cap of her shoulder. She crosses her arms between us and lifts her tee over her head.


  My words are cut off by my doorbell. Calliope immediately tenses in my arms.

  “There’s absolutely no one who knows where I live that will hurt you. I promise.”

  She nods and pulls her shirt back on. I hurry down the stairs and check the peephole.

  I yank the door open. “Morning, Jake. What are you doing here?”

  He gestures toward the bags beside his feet. “The store wouldn’t take the order on short notice because I forgot to place it.”

  I nod and grab a few of the bags. Jake follows me upstairs and sets the bags on the island. Calliope is no longer on the couch. I start putting the groceries away.

  “I thought Miss Sutton was staying with you.”

  “She’s here. I’ll be right back.” I walk down the hall toward my bedroom.

  Calliope is searching through her bags looking for something. The contents of one of her suitcases is mostly on the bed.

  “Everything okay?”

  She turns to face me. “I can’t find my hoodie. Who is here?”

  “It’s in the other suitcase. Jake is here. Do you want help?”
br />   She shakes her head. “I’ll find it and be right out.”

  I return to the kitchen and wordlessly continue putting away the food.

  “What is your plan for the week?” Jake asks.

  I look over at him and scowl. “Other than the meetings I set up with Norah and Maia and dinner on Wednesday, we haven’t decided. Did I forget something?”

  “We, huh?”

  I totally deserve every ounce of torture he wants to dish out. I gave him plenty about Mara and Norah. “Really, Jake?”


  “Have at it.” Jake isn’t going to get an argument from me. I’m taken with her, and I’m confident the feeling is mutual.

  “You’re going to take it?”

  “Yes, I was relentless. Now I understand.”

  Jakes raises an eyebrow. When Calliope moves into view, Jake simply shakes his head. Considering his reaction, he hasn’t seen a photo of Calliope not dressed as Carys. Arguably, I don’t truly have a type as far as looks go. Even a happily married man like Jake would agree she’s stunning.

  “Morning, Miss Sutton. Pleasure to meet you.”

  “Callie is fine. You as well, Mr. Blackthorne.”

  “Jake, please.”

  She moves beside me and starts emptying the shopping bags. I notice she only takes perishable items, probably because she doesn’t know where anything else would go.

  “Do you need anything else, Jake?”

  “No, I’m considering how much I want to torture you and for how long.”

  “Don’t you have a wife to annoy?” I suggest.

  “Yes, but she’s at the store this morning.”

  “As I said, I understand now, so do what you need to even it out.”

  I shared with Jake all he needs to know about Calliope and me. I see potential and I plan to find out if she does too. I’ll take the ribbing he and the other team members plan to dish out. It’ll be completely worth it.


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