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The Diamond Bearer's Secret

Page 13

by Lorena Angell

  “I’ll tell you what’s going through my head, Calli,” she says in a calming tone. “I think the enormity of your situation, your past, present, and future just crashed down on you. You’ve been so concerned about everyone else and the tragedies in their lives, you haven’t taken the time to look at what you’ve had to deal with. Everyone’s burdens and struggles are real. Yours are no less significant than those of the next person. The difference between you and everyone else around you is you’re actually allowing yourself to feel the pain of your burden. I know you’ve been thinking you’ve had a perfect life and feeling like it’s been unfair so far. I protected you to this point because I wanted you to become the strongest Bearer. You need to be the strongest.”

  I wipe my eyes again, gaining better control of my emotions. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize for expressing discontent toward me, Calli. I allow all my Bearers to be vocal. It’s healthy for you to do so. I worry when people bottle up their emotions, like with Chris. He needs to address his issues with his father to be able to perform his duties up to my expectations. I’ll be working with him more on that.”

  Her words bring the topic back around to Chris. I say, “Was Chris’s mind manipulated the first time he saw me? Did Maetha show him the vision to make him fall for me?”

  “What exactly are you asking, Calli?”

  “The first time. You know, when Maetha ran scenarios to see who would stand out as someone I’d sacrifice myself for. Can you tell me if Chris was attracted to me the first time around, or was he only attracted to my power? No, wait, don’t answer that. I think I already know. You altered his vision, so he’d be attracted to my aura.”

  “Yes, I altered his vision, but remember the heart cannot be manipulated, Calli. The simple answer you’re searching for is, he’s not shallow. Being able to see your aura the first time around is what drew his attention to you. From there, he watched you with a scrutinizing eye. You were the slowest Runner, as planned. You read his mind at the waterfalls, but only discovered his insecurities. He knew you had done so, which escalated his interest in you. He saw you as a glowing perplexity. Then each power began to surface, along with detecting Jonas’s cancer. Chris became jealous that you were so fixated on Jonas. Chris fought for your attention, Calli. You were unlike any other girl he’d ever encountered—intelligent, unselfish, strong-willed, determined, and beautiful. Yes, he thought you were beautiful, and yes, your glowing aura was the first thing to draw his attention, but his developing love came from his own heart. Think back on the vision of you healing his legs at Justin’s compound. Compare that to when you found him and healed him. Was your experience the same as the vision?”

  “For the most part. But I felt like the vision held more significance, if that makes any sense.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, like his sense of surprise and excitement was greater in the vision.”

  “You’re doubting his feelings for you, but you shouldn’t. Remember the analogy of snooping at Christmas presents? He was quite excited to see you enter the room to fix his broken legs the first time. To see it play out in real time, as expected, the overall excitement was not as strong. But, the meaning was stronger, even if you couldn’t sense it. Calli, you’ve already claimed his heart. Not much can change that now. I know for certain from the first moment you saw him, you melted into a puddle at his feet.”

  “Yeah, but that was just lust,” I openly admit.

  “Now stop and consider this. He doesn’t know how everything played out for him to recognize you at Justin’s place in the vision. He doesn’t know how he developed such strong feelings for you. He only knows he has them.”

  “Is that why he wants to go slow with our relationship?”

  “You’ll have to ask him. But, I’d give him a day or two. Earlier tonight, he bi-located for the first time to you and found you hugging Brand and telling him you didn’t want to be any place else.”

  “Oh no! I was being sarcastic.”

  “Give him some time to calm down. Also, don’t try bi-locating to his position without his permission first.”

  “So I don’t catch him indecent?”

  “Well, that too. The more important reason being he must keep up the pretense that he’s removed from you and the Diamond Bearers. If you suddenly materialized at his side, at the wrong moment, you could blow his cover.”

  Chapter 9 – To Catch a Blogger

  This morning I decide to read through the files again to see if I can find anything I might have missed. More than anything, I’m just trying to keep my mind busy, so I don’t dwell on last night’s conversation with Crimson.

  I sit at the table with Dr. Condi’s file, examining his education, known addresses, and accomplishments.

  “Calli.” Chris’s low voice sends chills up my back.

  I turn in my chair and nearly fall off. Chris stands beside me . . . well, bi-located Chris.

  “Chris, you scared me. I mean, I’m really glad to see you.” My heart is still racing a mile a minute.

  “How’s everything going there?” he asks.

  I pick up on his strained tone and know what I need to say. “Chris, last night, I didn’t know you were there, but I was being sarcastic with Brand.”

  “What are you talking about?” He acts innocent.

  “I know you bi-located last night.”


  “I’m sorry I upset you.” I pause, waiting for him to say something. He doesn’t, so I ask, “How is it you figured out how to bi-locate before me?”

  “I’m a natural traveler, I guess.”

  “How’s everything going on your end at the Pentagon?”

  His mood changes and he says, “I met with one of the guards from my father’s compound. I want to share my memory with you so you can let the others know how the meeting went.”


  “I’m putting the memory forward. Close your eyes and open your thoughts.” His voice relaxes my mind. I close my eyelids and begin to see his memory. Observing through Chris’s eyes, he stands facing a mirror, wearing only a pair of boxer briefs. Oh boy. He attaches a topaz to his stomach with a piece of flesh-colored medical tape just below his waistline. I hear him think: Hopefully this mind-reading-powered topaz will work in the off chance there’s obsidian and I can’t use my diamond’s power. He pulls up his jeans and fastens the button. The waistband fits perfectly over the topaz and will help hold it in place. Then he pushes his arms into a button-up shirt and fastens each button, concealing his bare upper-half. He leaves the shirt untucked and rolls up the long sleeves.

  I’m left with his shirtless image in my head, and a growing desire to go get his jacket and inhale his unique scent.

  Chris’s memory jumps to a scene where he’s sitting at a table in a sports bar type restaurant. Across the table sits a familiar looking guy. I know I’ve seen him before but can’t remember his name. The body language of the guy seems at ease and comfortable—not what one would expect from a guilty person.

  Chris says, “Yeah, I just got into town. I have a job that starts tomorrow. How have you been, Max?”

  Of course! He’s Max Corvus. The guy Justin leaked info to, the guy who shot Freedom, and who ushered me to the other prisoners after General Harding and Deus Ex died. And the guy Agent Whitman talked about at the Denver house.

  “Since being at your father’s facility, you mean?” Max asks.


  “You have to admit, Chris, some pretty crazy crap went down there.”

  “I know.”

  “At least the freaks escaped and didn’t kill us all. Of course, they wouldn’t have killed you. You’re one of them.”

  “Not anymore. Dad sent me through the machine.”

  “No big deal. I went through it too. I’ve never felt better.”

  Chris straightens in his chair and leans toward Max. “I’ve had so much more energy since that day. I thought it was just me.”r />
  “No, man. I’ve talked with a couple of the other guys. They say the same thing. I’ve got a big question, though, Chris. How did Calli get into the machine room? The door was locked.”

  “I’ve wondered the same thing. I think she was already there before we entered.” Chris takes a couple gulps of his drink and leans back in his chair. He puts his elbow on the windowsill and crosses an ankle over his knee. He takes another gulp.

  “Yeah, but how did she get in there? She would have had to get past me.”

  “I dunno. She does have a diamond in her. We don’t know the full extent of those powers.”

  Max nods his head. “Were you bummed that Deus died? I could tell she liked you.”

  Chris laughs. “No, she didn’t. She would have killed me if I hadn’t given the diamond to my dad.”

  “You gave the diamond?”

  “You missed that?”

  “Holy sh—eeze!” Max exclaims in a high-pitched whisper, his eyes darting around the room.

  “Yeah. After Dad and I both went through the machine, he had me pick up the diamond and give it to him.”

  “He made you . . . you held it . . . and you gave it to him?” Max looks as if he might choke on his own spit. “What was it like? To hold it, I mean.”

  “Incredible, man. I can’t explain how amazing I felt for those couple of seconds.”

  Max leans forward. “If you could get your hands on one again, would you do it?”

  “In a heartbeat! Why, do you know where one is?”

  “If I did, I’d have it already.”

  Chris says, “Well, maybe the superpower blogger will find one.” I like how Chris eases into the topic.

  “The what?”

  “The ‘They Are Among Us’ blogger. Someone has a site on the Internet, exposing tons of top secret info. I would have thought you’d heard about it already.”

  Max pulls out his phone and begins searching his browser. “Tell me what it’s called again.”

  Chris relays the web address and drinks some more from his bottle.

  “Whoa!” Max sits forward and puts his elbows on the table, phone in his hands. “Look at this. It says to wear obsidian.” Max pulls a necklace with a small black stone out from under his shirt collar. “Done!” He scrolls down the page and continues reading.

  Chris thinks, I was afraid of that. He tries to read Max’s mind, using the diamond’s power to see if it’s Yellowstone obsidian. He’s unable to get into Max’s mind. Chris accesses the power in the topaz and can get right in. Max’s mind shows he’s intrigued with the blog, reading as if it’s the first time he’s seen it. Max reaches up to itch his head and wonders if his mind is being read.

  Chris jumps forward, extending his hand to the space above Max’s head. “Dude, look out! There’s a bee in your hair.” He fans his hand at the imaginary insect and then says, “Okay, it’s gone.”

  “Thanks, man.” Max runs his hand over his head and scratches the top of his scalp. “A little late for bees. You sure it’s gone?” Max looks all around the diner. “Maybe my mind is being read.”

  “Maybe. It looked like a bee to me.” Chris looks around the diner too.

  “Who do you think is running this site?” Max brings the attention back to his phone.

  “I don’t know. It’s not my problem, that’s all I care about.”

  “Two teens are running around with diamonds in their hearts, with unimaginable powers, and you’re not worried? What about the diamond you gave to your dad? Where did it go? This blog’s information shows whoever’s running it knows their stuff. Does it talk about the diamonds?”

  “I don’t think so, but they put new stuff up every day, so there might be something on it.”

  “You know more about these freaks than anyone else, Chris. You’d be a wealth of knowledge, wouldn’t you? Not that you need the money or anything.”

  “I’m not the blogger, Max, and I know better than to blab about what was going on in that facility.”

  “I believe you. I’m going to look into this. I’ll let you know if I find anything.”

  Chris’s memory ends.

  I open my eyes and find Chris looking intently at me. “Well, what do you think?”

  “He doesn’t seem guilty.”

  “Yeah, that’s kind of what I thought. I have a few more people to meet with tomorrow.”

  “You might want to look into the two guards who were driving the truck that brought in Clara, Beth’s brother, and the rest of the prisoners.”

  “Good idea. I’m pretty sure that was Trevor and Bob.”

  I have a sudden realization about something I’d completely forgotten. I lurch toward Chris. “Max saw Crimson.”

  “He did? When?”

  “Yes. When he came in the room after Deus died, I read it in his mind. He was confused because Crimson disappeared.”

  “Odd that he didn’t say anything to me about that.”

  “Yeah, it is. Maybe he’ll bring it up with you.” I change the subject. “What is your new job?”

  “I’m a delivery man,” he says. “How ironic is that? I’ll be transporting top secret type info, so I guess it’s not so bad. At least it’s not delivering pizzas.”

  “Can I try to bi-locate to you?”

  “Right now?”

  “Is this a bad time?”

  “Well, yeah. I have to leave.”

  “Okay. Maybe later, then.”

  “Calli, um, . . . I’m sorry I kept you at arm’s length for so long. I thought I was doing the right thing.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I don’t know . . . nothing. It’s just . . . ever since Maetha showed me the vision of you healing my legs I’ve had you built up in my mind as someone I didn’t deserve. I wanted to become a better person before I met you. But that didn’t happen. So, I thought it would be best to hold off on getting close to you until I thought you were ready.”

  “What about what I wanted, Chris? Do you think I want a perfect guy? And what about all that ‘when we both feel ready’ talk?”

  “Uh, I’m trying to apologize for assuming control.”

  “It feels like you’re still trying to be perfect in my eyes. Chris, I love you just the way you are.”

  He dips his chin to his chest then gazes with sincerity into my eyes. “I love you, too. I really have to go, sorry.”

  “Bye.” I smile and blow him a kiss before he vanishes.

  I continue to stare at the space where he stood, replaying his words through my mind. Now I think I know why he showed me his half-naked body before the meeting with Max. He probably thought I needed an image of him burned into my brain so I wouldn’t be tempted by another guy. If he only knew what kind of images I’ve already conjured up in my mind about him, he wouldn’t worry.

  Brand yells from the bedroom, “Hey Calli, come take a look at this.”

  I peek my head in the doorway of the bedroom. He’s sitting on his bed with the laptop. He motions for me to come over. I sit beside him on the bed and look at the screen which displays the blog. “The headline for the day is, ‘If your head itches, someone might be reading your mind.’ ”

  “Or you might have lice,” I joke. Yet, I’m alarmed at how closely related the topic is to Chris’s memory with Max.

  “This isn’t funny, Calli. Whoever this is needs to be stopped.”

  “I know. We’re doing everything we can. Hold on, are you on the actual website?”

  “No, Jonas sent screenshots through email.” Brand scrolls down the page. “Oh, great! Listen to this comment: ‘I saw something unexplainable once. Three people wearing green suits ran by so fast they were a blur. I blinked, and they were gone. For years I thought I was nuts. I probably still am but now I know I’m not alone. Got my obsidian now.’ ”

  Brand reads further on in the comments. I can see that more and more people are gravitating to this blog. It’s evident in the increased activity. At the bottom of the paragraph is a link to
purchase obsidian for the “low, low price of only $49.99.”

  I point to the screen, “Click on that. Let’s see where it takes us.”

  “I can’t, Calli. It’s a screenshot.”

  “Oh, right. Okay, let’s go to the website.”

  Brand opens a browser page and enters the web address. Once there, he clicks on the obsidian advertisement. A new page opens with an order form for personal obsidian that includes payment requirements and an address of where to send a money order. “Look, it’s a Denver address.” He looks up at me, seemingly shocked. “We got em’, Calli.”

  “Got who?” Anika asks as she comes into the room.

  Brand proudly announces, “The blogger is accepting payments for obsidian to a Denver mailbox. Let’s go find it.”

  “Just search it on the Internet,” Beth says, entering behind Anika.

  I get off the bed and put some distance between Brand and me. The last thing I want is to upset Beth or give Brand the wrong idea. Nor do I want Chris bi-locating and seeing me in another questionable situation. I move closer to Anika.

  Brand types on the keys of the laptop, searching the address. He says, “That was easy. It’s a shipping store that rents mailboxes. Come on.”

  “Wait,” I say. “What do you plan on doing? Do you actually think the person at the counter is going to just tell you who owns the mailbox?”

  “Brand can get information out of anyone. I would have thought you knew that by now, Calli.” Beth smiles confidently.

  I shake my head. “Okay, let me say this in a different way. Do you really think the blogger would use their real name to set up an account?”

  Brand’s tone changes and softens. “Nooo. That’s why youuu are coming with us. You can read minds and make people do things.”

  “I don’t know if I can use those powers while appearing invisible. I can’t blow my cover.”

  Anika says, “Experiment right now, then. Go invisible and try to read my mind and control my actions.”

  I don’t waste a second. I control the others’ perception of me, making myself invisible in their eyes.

  “Oooh, that’s sooo cool!” Brand says. “I wish I had a topaz with that power?”


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