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Only If You Dare (Falling For A Rose Book 3)

Page 5

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  Julian stood with his legs slightly apart, his feet planted around mine. His hands reached past my shoulders to rest against the Honda locking me in place. Dark eyes studied my face as I silently commanded my body not to react to his demanding presence. With as much strength as I could muster, I forced my eyes not to drop to his lips.

  “Tell me,” his deep voice ordered, “What’s going on.”

  I attempted to step back but the cold steel of the door informed me, I was as far from him as I could get. I looked away from his probing gaze and cleared my thoughts.

  “When I came into Fredrick’s office yesterday, it was to resign. I no longer have the strength to keep up with his antics. I’ve had about all I can take.”

  “Let me talk to him,” he said in a no-nonsense tone.

  “That’s quite alright. It wouldn’t make my situation any better.”

  “I can promise you it will.”

  I smiled; it was the strangest thing too because suddenly the weariness I’d felt minutes before melted into nothingness.

  “That’s very sweet of you, but…”

  “I need you,” he said.

  A flourish of heat poured over me. I went to speak then doubled back, the words I wanted to say stumbling on my tongue.

  “I can’t use anyone else at the Report for this trip,” he continued.

  “Santana can take my spot. You’ll love her.”

  “I want you, Desiree.”

  My heart was thundering now, and I couldn’t help but wonder if we were still talking about my presence on this trip or something else completely. Julian’s piercing gaze assessed me closer.

  “That’s not all,” he determined. “There’s something else. Tell me.”

  I was flustered at his thorough appraisal and fiery demand. Concerning eyes pulled me in like a supernatural power. He waited patiently for me to decide whether I wanted to talk about my crazy day, which I didn’t. Somehow, I figured having a conversation about Cameron with Julian wouldn’t be as supportive as if I’d been speaking with Santana.

  “It’s nothing really, just having a really weird day.”

  “Have you eaten?”

  I thought for a second. “Actually, I haven’t.”

  ““I want you to tell me all about this weird day. Come with me.”

  Julian’s massive hand covered my own as we left the parking garage for his suite. He punched in a sequence of numbers that he didn’t mind me seeing and the elevator doors opened.

  “I really can’t stay long.”

  He looked at me with inquisitive brows. “An urgent meeting?”

  “No, I just need some time to sort things out.”

  “You can do that here.”

  I got the impression Julian maintained a take charge attitude and I wondered, for a moment, if any woman had been able to resist his imploration. I held back what I wanted to say and we rode the elevator in silence. When the doors opened, I stepped out and walked at his side to his room. Heat crawled up my back as I watched him eye me with no hidden implications.

  I stopped short in front of the door, turning just slightly to allow him to enter his key and let us inside. But I was becoming more aware that Julian’s presence rattled me. I’m not just talking a little shaken up here. I’m talking core trembling, seep into my bones rattling. It wasn’t a secret that I found him attractive. Truth be told, I’d never seen anyone more beautiful. Like God created him on a canvas then breathed him into existence. He moved closer to me, taking his key from his pocket.

  The cologne that sat on his skin was the same one he’d worn yesterday, and the same one he’d worn at Claudia and Jaden’s engagement party. And yes, I had the pleasure of smelling it on him at the hospital too when we’d first met. It was becoming my favorite fragrance. Out of nowhere, Julian’s fingers slid into my hair causing a mountain of dizzying heat to saturate my flesh. My eyes searched his as he observed me closer with those beautiful male eyes.

  “Have I told you how gorgeous you are?”

  My pulse thumped wildly, and I smiled coquettishly. “I just got here, so no, you haven’t.”

  “I must have been thinking out loud then. I apologize.”

  My smile remained. “You don’t have to apologize for that. It’s nothing to be sorry over.”

  I couldn’t pull my eyes away from the intensity of his stare.

  “I disagree. You should always be reminded just how beautiful you are. Daily,” Julian added.

  He entered the key, and the lock clicked, allowing the door to swing open. However, I was still stuck in place staring at him as he stared at me.

  “Would you like to go inside,” His thick voice offered.

  I blinked and pulled my eyes towards the opened door. “Of course, yeah, sure,” I stumbled and groaned inwardly at my garbled words.

  Upon entering, I marveled at the stylish suite; yet again remembering the red and silver colors that danced across the interior in a sharp presentation. I heard the lock click behind me and forced my mind to stay somewhat level-headed.

  “I’ve wanted to ask this since yesterday,” I said. “Did you have this place decorated?”


  My brows rose in surprise, and he chuckled.

  “As you could imagine, there’s a full team of people with me most of the time. Because I move around so often, they follow, even if I don’t need them. If I’m going to be in one place for a week or longer, my designer will come in before I do and make the place my own temporarily. I’m not the favorite color type of guy, but I own more red and silver linens than anything. And since I don’t have time to oversee the interior design I let her have her way.”

  “Interesting,” I said.

  “You can have a seat here.”

  Julian pulled out a chair at the dining table, and I sashayed toward him. I could never get enough of his sharp perusal, but I prayed I wouldn’t trip over my own two feet while he watched me intensely. I sat down as he adjusted the chair underneath me.

  “Would you like something to drink, wine perhaps?”


  Four glasses and three hours later Julian and I sat laughing about his childhood upbringing in a household of brothers and sisters.

  “I thought I knew which one was which, but surprisingly, I couldn’t tell my own sisters apart. They’d switched up on me so many times I finally started to call them all the same name.”

  “It couldn’t have been easy having triplets running around, although I’m sure they all have their distinct traits. How did they feel about you calling them by one name?”

  Julian smirked. “They hated it. But the joke was on them now. Playing mind games with us was all good until we started playing them back. Every day, I’d call them all Eden.”

  “Oh, my goodness,” I giggled.

  “Jasmine and Phoebe wouldn’t talk to me for days at a time; often running to my father to cry about it.”

  “I’m sure your parents were tired of you messing with them if it was as often as you say.”

  Something in his features darkened almost like a grimace.

  “Unfortunately, my mother passed away while they were still newborns. I’ve felt the need to protect them, and I also didn’t want to give my father a hard time so I eased up on them.” His gaze left me.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”

  “It’s fine,” he said pulling back. “It was a long time ago.”

  “Doesn’t mean it hurts any less.”

  “They say time heals all wounds. And yet, I’m still waiting.”

  I moved from my seat and started towards him.


  My advancement halted just as I’d made it to stand before him. Julian pulled his head back bringing his gaze to me as I stood over him. The energy around us swirled; electrical magnetism beckoned me to forget what he just said and cling my arms around him. But the melancholy of his words didn’t show up in his features. Dark eyes assessed me, devoid of emotion.

  “I’m fine,” he reassured.

  I wanted to say so much more, but my hesitance had everything to do with possibly enduring his wrath than it did anything else.

  “You never told me,” he said, “why was your day so weird?”

  Julian moved to stand to his feet. Now he was looking down at me and me up at him. I juggled whether to let go what I initially wanted to say. For a second, my thoughts traveled.

  Turning on my heels, I went back to retrieve my wine glass.

  “Desiree,” he called. “I didn’t mean—”

  “It’s okay,” I said, turning with a smile. “You’re entitled to talk about whatever you like.”

  He was studying me again, through those bedroom eyes. I drank the rest of my glass and strolled to the bar. I’d gotten comfortable leaving my heels lying next to each other on the floor under the chair I vacated. The alcohol I sipped, albeit leisurely, still burned through my bloodstream. I didn’t need anything to heighten the atmosphere around us. And still, I poured a half a glass as Julian watched me with inquisitive eyes.

  Holding the glass to my lips, I watched the red tonic swirl.

  “I thought I saw my father, today.”

  I couldn’t believe I’d actually said the words. “But I was distracted, and when I went back to look again, he was gone.” Without regret, I pushed forward. “It’s been thirteen years since I saw his face or anything closely resembling an image of him. But in those few seconds, I got a glimpse of his rugged features and hard eyes he once gave to everyone else but Claudia and me.”

  I blew out a breath.

  “Do you want to see him again?”

  My throat constricted. I didn’t know the answer to Julian’s question. We were interrupted by the blare of my cell phone. I took another sip of my wine and strolled to my purse.

  “Excuse me,” I said to Julian. “Hello,” I answered putting the smartphone to my ear.


  “Santana? What’s wrong?”

  “Oh thank God you’re okay. Where are you? You need to get to a safe place now!”

  I glanced at Julian.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “I’m safe,” I said. “What’s going on Santana?”

  “Someone broke into my house. We’re being stalked!”

  Chapter Eight


  “Stalked!” Desiree clutched the phone a bit firmer. I strolled to her taking the cell from her grasp, placing it on speaker. Santana’s voice filled our space.

  “My house has been burglarized along with Lily Fosters, Tabitha McKnight, and Gloria Stephani. A note was left at all of our apartments.”

  A visible tremor ran through Desiree. “What kind of note,” Desiree asked.

  “Pretty reporter ladies shouldn’t be left alone after ruining a man’s life. Anything could happen to them.”

  A foreboding crept through me.

  “Oh my God,” Desiree covered her mouth with a hand, staring at the phone in shocked silence.

  “If you’re in a safe place, you need to stay put. You probably shouldn’t be home alone tonight. If this guy broke into our homes on the same day, yours could be next if it hasn’t been already. When was the last time you were home?”

  Desiree’s hand dropped. “Oh my God, Jasper!” She sat the glass down. “I’ve gotta go, Santana, I’ll call you back.” Desiree disconnected the call and threw the phone in her purse.

  “Where are you going?” I barked.

  “I’ve got to get Jasper!” She dug her feet into the Christian Louboutins and headed for the door, but I’d beat her to it.

  “What are you doing,” she asked as I blocked her escape.

  “I assume Jasper is your pet?”

  “Yes, my dog, a Pomeranian. I haven’t had him a month! I need to get to him.”

  “Give me your keys.” I held my hand out.


  “Because I’m driving.”

  “What?” Her voice rose. “No, I can’t allow you do that!”

  I reached out to lay my hands on her shoulders. “I’m not letting you go home alone after that phone call. Do you hear what I’m saying, Desiree?”

  Desiree looked like she wanted to object again, but thought better of it and handed me the keys. Swiftly, we left the solitude of the room and headed for the private elevator. On the way down, Desiree fidgeted, bringing her fingers to her lips to nibble on her nails. She followed the lights as each number lit up every time we passed another floor. I reached out, sending a soothing hand over her back.


  She looked to me; a worried glance etched on her beautiful face.

  “Everything will be fine, alright? I’m sure Jasper is sitting by the door wagging his tail, waiting for you to come home.”

  She gave me a halfhearted smile. “I hope you’re right.”

  “I’m usually always right.”

  That pulled a laugh from her.

  “Oh, I’m sure you are.” She looked away briefly. “Thanks.”

  “For what?”

  “Trying to make light of this situation.”

  I pulled her over to me laying a soft kiss against her forehead. The elevator doors opened and we headed for her car. I could tell that her thoughts were with Jasper and the heaviness in my chest made me want to constantly reassure her that everything would be okay. I knew from experience that sometimes things didn't go the way we hoped, but that thought I didn’t share with Desiree.

  “Give me your address,” I said.

  “I live in Manchester Cove.”

  I whistled. “The properties are nice in that area. How’d you settle on Manchester Cove?”

  The sun began to set as I drove through downtown traffic navigating my way around pedestrians and motorists that moved at a snail’s pace.

  “Before I relocated to Houston, I created a battle plan,” she smiled. “It was a notebook filled with different areas of Houston broke down into categories. I separated each area by highest to lowest crime. Manchester Cove was the place I wanted to be. Practically broke the bank paying for a year’s rent.” Her voice lowered. “Imagine the irony.”

  The car grew silent before I spoke again.

  “Who distracted you,” I said making another try at removing her thoughts from this situation. Desiree looked at me.


  “You said you thought you saw your father today, but someone distracted you.”

  I could see the apprehension on her face. Ever since I took up the task of getting close to Desiree, she found ways to keep me at arm's length. The moment she stepped into Adeline’s hospital room, my axis tilted, taking me off balance in a way I’d never experienced before. My father always told me, when I found the one, I would know it. I would usually just laugh him off and shake my head. In my opinion, there were just entirely too many women on this earthly plane for me to settle down.

  “That's alright,” my father said. “You’ll sow your wild oats until that time.”

  He’d give me a rough pat on the back and walk away with a whistle on his tongue. Strangely, upon meeting Desiree, I had an inkling that I may know what he was talking about. Now, I was on a mission to explore this craving I had to be around her, to look at her, console her and make everything she longed for within her reach.

  At first, I tried to shake it off as meager interest. But her pouty lips, flowing hair, and skin as silky as a piece of velvet, were a sight to behold. Desiree’s light brown eyes were what kept me hypnotized. They highlighted her complexion. And although I’d seen my share of beautiful women, Desiree’s figure put Jessica Rabbit to shame. Seeing her again at Claudia’s benefit back in Chicago, I knew there was something a little bit more to this growing awareness I felt that drug me to her like a magnetic field.

  At Jaden and Claudia's engagement party, it hadn't taken me long to find her after she’d disappeared from the main area. Standing in the kitchen in heels that pulled her height to about 5’7, Des
iree balanced a tray in one hand and a champagne flute of bubbly in another. My footsteps increased as I went to help her; taking the tray off of Desiree’s hands while simultaneously wrapping her in my arms.

  “Maybe you should let someone else do this for the rest of the night. I’ve watched you host the room with ease. It’s about time you take a break, don’t you think?”

  Her beautiful mouth fell back into a blissful smile. “Maybe you're right,” she said. There was an extra twinkle in her eye. I knew she'd had one too many drinks, but I hadn't had a chance to keep up with them.

  “So,” I asked, “How many of these have you had tonight?”

  “Oh two, maybe three,” she shrugged, “but whose keeping count?”

  That sent a giggle from her. “Maybe you should have a glass of water,” I offered.

  “Why,” she said. “I need the liquid courage so I'll have the balls to seduce you the way I've been thinking about all evening.”

  I was surprised by her admission, but I didn’t show it. She’d set a flame on a path that covered me in an instant. “Unfortunately for us both, as much as I would love that, I couldn't allow it with your state of impairment. Besides, you don't need it. You're perfectly capable of seducing me without saying a word. Trust me. You've been doing it all night.”

  “I should make a note to self to remember exactly how it is that I accomplished that while I'm sober.”

  “I'll be sure to remind you.”

  The kitchen door swung open, and Claudia and Jaden strolled through speaking in hushed tones to one another. They stopped when their eyes met ours, and both of them smiled.


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