Only If You Dare (Falling For A Rose Book 3)

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Only If You Dare (Falling For A Rose Book 3) Page 11

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  Connecting to his pelvis, each deep thrust pulled me closer and closer to a disrespectful orgasm; the kind that squirted out of you with no care as to your partner’s release. A shaken moan crawled up my throat and again my lips were removed from his. Pinning me against the wall, Julian’s hand slid underneath my scarf to grip my strands. Pulling my hair back, his lips thrummed down my neck and his thrusts never ceased. He dug into me with untamed passion like getting his fill would sustain his life. We breathed, panted, and bounced off each other, cast in a sheen of perspiration.

  My thighs began to quake on the verge of what would be a very intense eruption. Heat poured through my womb, and a strangled cry left my throat.

  “Julian!” I screamed; my manicured nails gripping the flesh on the back of his neck.

  “Si Hermosa,” he responded.

  My voice cracked as I tried to speak audible words.

  “I’m coming…” I moaned.

  My declaration seemed to fuel him. His hard-muscular thighs met my buttocks as he ruthlessly pounded my sex. My ears popped as we elevated, hitting the moon together. His language barrier crossed over from English to Spanish, to Italian and back again. I closed my eyes and screamed again as hot cum ran down my thighs coating his shaft and sac. He shuddered inside me and continued using a foreign tongue to speak. My forehead rested on his shoulder, and I was afraid of what would happen when my feet met the ground again.

  Seconds turned into minutes that we held each other in a blissful euphoria. Julian’s hands trailed down my back, his lips meeting my mouth again for a slow spellbinding kiss. When I heard voices outside the door, the cloud we hovered in dissipated, bringing reality back, but not as fast as it should’ve. While I instantly froze, Julian’s lips kept up the tug and pull at mine as if he hadn’t heard a thing.

  “Someone’s outside. We are going to get caught!” I said in a whisper.

  A mischievous smile floated across his face.

  “Are you scared, Bella?”

  I panicked, my eyes jumping around the room the closer the voices became.

  “Oh my God,” I said. Julian seemed to enjoy my nervousness. “We can’t get caught!” I hissed.

  Julian nibbled on my jaw, his eyes heavy with low lids. He didn’t seem to have a care in the world.

  “Where did this glass come from,” one voice said. They were right outside the door. To say I freaked out was an understatement. Julian chuckled then slowly pulled out of me setting me on my feet. His withdrawal made me whimper, and my hand flew to my mouth. Quickly I pulled my dress down and grabbed his hand pulling him along to the bathroom that sat beside the closet door.

  That didn’t seem to be the best idea. It didn’t come to me until the moment we were inside the dark room. Julian reached for the knob and turned the lock, and the hairs on my skin rose. In a matter of seconds, my dress was gone, and I stood quivering at the glowing onyx of his dark gray eyes. He moved toward me with a stealthy determination. Whatever my fate, at that moment, had been sealed by him. He reached me swiftly, coming to a crouch before me. Strong heavy hands drug down my panties to wrap around my ankles on the cool floor. I stepped out of them coaching them to the side with my feet. Julian’s exquisite mouth touch my clitoris, and my knees buckled. With strong arms, Julian held me in placed as he lapped at my labia. A moan threatened to sail out of me, but I momentarily remembered the voices in the room. Julian was not letting up, and I was two seconds away from giving a damn.

  The glide of his tongue spread over my essence sliding inside my core. My arms instinctively coupled his head, and I gritted my teeth and threw my head back on the edge of a squeal. Julian licked, then sucked, and whipped his tongue and my body tingled with heated nostalgia. Fire blistered through my veins, and just like that, I was coming. Hard.

  “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,” I whispered with a hushed shudder. The vibration spread throughout me, and the little weight I held up collapsed in Julian’s arms. He spoke to me but I couldn’t hear him with the ring that sounded in my ear drums. Julian held me as my body quaked and trembled; whispering sweet nothings into my ear in an Italian dialect. My shuddering seemed to continue for what felt like an eternity, and I closed my eyes in awe of the serenaded serendipity.

  Julian kissed the top of my head, and my hearing was back. My mind whirled with thoughts of being with him again and again. The connection we had was uncanny and nothing I’d ever felt before. Finally, I sighed and moved a part from his embrace. His hand tightened just a bit around my hand, and I paused to look at him.

  “Let me help you,” his thick voice drummed. We rose from the floor, and he lifted my soiled panties to his lips. “These belong to me.”

  It was a dark, commanding statement.

  My nipples hardened, and I realized being around this man was going to spoil me for anyone that came after him. “Is it possible for me to make a trip to my hotel room?” I asked.

  Julian covered me, bringing my Arabian dress over my head. “We’ll go right now,” he said.

  I adjusted my clothing and Julian enclosed my hand in his. I stared up at his shadowy outline, and he stared back. A moment passed before he moved toward the door unlocking the latch. A woman spoke to another, and I recognized the voice as Kelsey’s. Mortified that I would get caught screwing the boss, I put my hand against Julian’s expansive chest stopping his forward progress.

  “Find out who left this glass broken in here and outside the door,” Kelsey ordered someone else. “Whoever it is, is fired!” She fumed.

  Their voices moved and disappeared as Kelsey continued to fuss. I dropped my hand and opened the door. Julian threaded my fingers between his. Reentering the dressing room, I made an attempt at a joke.

  “Oooh, you’re getting fired,” I sang.

  Julian chuckled. “I guess it’s a good thing I’m the boss then.

  I pursed my lips together. “Show off,” I squeaked. Julian stopped walking and pulled my back into him tickling my sides. I balked, squirmed, and laughed slipping through his fingers, out of his arms and through the double doors. He caught up to me before I made it to the stairs and I came undone as he pulled me into him again, nibbling at my earlobe, scooping me up like a sweet snack.

  I love you.

  The fleeting thought sailed through me without hesitation. I froze, completely terrified by my minds turn. What was that about? Had I lost it? I stepped to the side with ease disconnecting from his touch.

  “We should go,” I said.

  Julian stared at me for a moment, pulling his lips in with his teeth.

  “After you,” he said.

  I shook my head vigorously. “I’m not falling for that again,” I said.

  “Why,” he asked, “Don’t you trust me?”

  Chapter Sixteen

  The distinguished beachfront hotel, Jumeirah, sat overlooking the Arabian Gulf’s crystal-clear waters. The wavelike structure beamed against the sun’s rays. But as the sun slowly set, a medley of lights lit up around the building, casting the architectural structure in an incandescent glow. Julian and I entered the upscale resort heading to the elevators that took us to the top of the high-rise building. As we ascended, Julian’s words reverberated through me.

  Don’t you trust me?

  There were many things I trusted about him. I trusted him to keep me safe while we were in Dubai. I trusted that he would keep me caught up on all activities during our stay. I trusted his judgment on all that Dubai had to offer. I trusted he’d be truthful and up front about this photo spread so my report would be polished. But, did I trust him with my heart? I swung my eyes in his direction. He stood next to me with his gaze sending a laser across my skin.


  Surprisingly enough, I wanted to trust him. I wanted to explore more of this undeniable chemistry we shared. But could I?


  I pulled my gaze away from his just as the elevator paused and opened letting on a group of women. The rules of Dubai’s culture must not have a
ppealed to them because they were dressed in pool gear. The women wore skintight bikinis and bathing suits that rode down their backside holding a tight cup against their derrieres that sat almost on full display. I willed myself not to peek at Julian. He was a man after all, and if I caught him staring at the women, I was sure it would cut me just a little. One of the ladies turned toward him.

  “Hey gorgeous,” she crooned.

  “Good evening,” he responded. Her glance slid to me. “Hi,” she offered.

  “Hello,” I sang.

  She glanced back to Julian then me again. “Yours?” She asked, questioning if Julian and I were a couple.

  I opened my mouth to speak but was swept up as Julian drew me near to nibble on my ear again. I blushed, and a wave of chills covered my skin.

  “I guess that answers my question,” the woman said turning back to her friends. The elevator stopped, and the women exited leaving us alone again.

  I eased out of his arms. “Are you sure you want to give the impression that we’re an item?”

  “Yeah,” he said, “I’m sure.”

  My heart rocked, and I looked away steadying the rising hitch of my breathing. There was that lingering question. The one I wanted to ask but didn’t.

  “Is that a problem for you?” he inquired.

  The elevator stopped again. “This is us, right?” I asked.

  “Yes,” he said, “This is us.”

  I exited the elevator stepping into the hallway. Julian pulled my hand into his and tangled our arms. We walked side by side to stop at a door at the end of the hall.

  “This is you,” Julian said, his eyes casting a caress over my skin.

  “Julian,” I said sliding my hand against his face, “you don’t owe me anything because of what happened back on the yacht. I don’t care to play games with you. Pretending to be a couple isn’t necessary.”

  “I don’t want to pretend either. It’s not my style.”

  I agreed with a nod of my head. “Then we understand each other.”

  Julian eased his arm around my waist. “Bella, I have no intention of playing games with you. Not even for a second. I won’t deny that I want you much more than I’ve ever wanted anyone or anything. We agree we’re attracted to each other. We should explore it and see where it leads us. Let me take you to dinner. I feel guilty; I haven’t fed you all day. If you’ll allow it, that is.”

  The shaded heat cruising through me was more potent than anything I’d ever felt. “Explore it?” I asked.

  “Si Mi Amor…” Julian pulled my hand to his lips and kissed the back of it sending a torch through my veins.

  “Um,” I was askance.

  “Say yes,” he prodded.

  My eyes dropped to his lips then back to his handsome sculpted face.

  “O-okay,” I said uncertainly.

  He smiled wide and debonair.

  “8:30,” he questioned.

  I smiled softly. “8:30.”

  Julian pulled out a room key and opened my door.

  “This belongs to you,” he said.


  “I’m in the room across the hall if you need anything.”

  I nodded. “I’ll be ready.”

  I entered the hotel suite closing the door behind me. When I heard it click, I fell against it and shut my eyes for a second. After a long minute of inhaling and exhaling, I pushed off the woodgrain door, making my way through the luxury suite to find my items sitting in bags on top of a king size mattress. I let out a deep breath and wondered what I was getting myself into. As I moved through the room to the master bathroom a plethora of emotions took hold of me. Exploring our attraction? We had physically done that already. But seeing where it leads shook me. Thoughts of Cameron and the love I thought we shared assaulted me. It tore me apart all over again. It’s not that I wasn’t over the ordeal, but remembering how blissfully in love I was and how perfect I thought we were, only to find we were everything but sickened me. I promised myself I’d never play the fool again.

  So how could I even bring myself around to exploring anything with any man, but especially Julian? Men with high popularity weren’t known to be with one woman and I didn’t want to waste time finding out what I was sure I already knew.

  I sighed and stepped into the shower turning up under the spray.

  You’ll never know unless you go for it.

  I hated that I felt such insecurity in men. I also loved that Julian wanted to find out if what we shared could turn into something more. I couldn’t get my hopes up. While I wanted to believe Julian and I could share so much, I couldn’t disappoint myself. The last time sent me into depression. My life was too precious. I wouldn’t put myself in harm’s way again. And yet, part of me had already hung on to the fact that I was falling for him. I shut my eyes laboring over deep breaths. I put my mind at ease by singing, ‘A Whole New World.’ It brought a smile to my face as I finished my shower and moved around the expansive bathroom. When I made it to the end of the song, I started up again, giggling in a childlike fashion. An hour and a half later, I stepped onto the balcony scanning the beachfront and darkened still waters of the Arabian Gulf.

  Everything would be alright, I told myself. No sweat, no pressure. It was the reassurance I needed. My cell buzzed, and it was then I realized I hadn’t contacted Santana or Fredrick to let them know I made it safely and give them updates on what happened so far. I knew Fredrick was probably losing his mind since I had my cell off during the flight and the first part of the day. I sauntered over to my device and checked my screen. It wasn’t Santana or Fredrick.

  Are you ready, Bella?

  That whole pep talk I had with myself flat lined, and desire stirred within me.


  It was a simple response, but it felt like a lot more.

  I’m coming for you.

  The stir turned into a full tornado. My nipples pebbled painfully and my vagina pulsed. The way my body reacted to this man was mystifying. Quickly, I stepped to the full-length mirror and checked my image. I’d changed into a similar Arabian dress like the white one I wore earlier except this one was black. My shoes were also spiked instead of wedged. It was astonishing how much of a difference the black appeared then the white. The gold neckline was enough to keep me from wearing a necklace. Gold bracelets and bangles adorned my wrists and ears. A simple, elegant anklet wrapped around my ankle. I moved back to my belongings and sprayed a mist of peach fragrance over my skin.

  There was a knock at the door, and my pulse beat out of control. Why was I so nervous? My feet moved across the room, and I opened the door. Julian was dressed down in a simple button-down shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbows. The black pants he wore settled against his powerful thighs just right, and his feet were hidden behind black loafers with his caramel ankles on display. There was a dash of astonishment on his face mixed with a stern appreciation of my chosen dress.

  “You looked surprised?” I said.

  “I was sure you’d invited me inside to finish getting ready.”

  I grinned. “Didn’t want to leave you waiting.”

  He sucked in his bottom lip. “There are many times that I would mind the wait. But, I can’t say this would’ve been one of them.”

  I twisted my lips. “Are you always this charming, Mr. Rose?”

  His mouth quirked up in a easy smile. “Just with you mi Amor, just with you.”

  I blushed and closed the door behind me tucking my clutch underneath my arm. Julian clasped my hand interlacing our fingers, and we slowly strolled to the elevators. The night began with countless moments of us stopping our conversation to just stare at each other. I wondered what he felt and thought, but instead of asking, I just followed his lead. We ended up at an Italian restaurant inside the hotel. There was really no reason to go anywhere else.

  Jumeirah beach hotel was home to twenty restaurant and bars with six pools, a dive Centre, a spa, and gym, and of course its own private beach. As the night m
oved, I began to think Julian had planned this all out. Our four-course meal consisted of Bruschetta, an Italian dish made of grilled bread rubbed with garlic, topped with olive oil, salt, diced tomatoes, and shredded cheese. That was just the appetizer. An Italian romaine house salad that was prepared with lemon vinaigrette was complimentary. Our Entrée, a beef morcon for him and chicken Marsala for me, sizzled off our dishes. I was on the edge of being stuffed when our dessert arrived. It was unbelievable how my stomach made room for the triple chocolate cake we were presented with. I reached for my glass of red wine and took a hearty sip.

  “I don’t think I can eat anymore,” I said although I’d already decided I would take at least two bites of the mouthwatering chocolate treat.

  “It’s okay,” Julian said, “I’ll feed it to you later.”

  I smiled, tinged with a warmth I was becoming accustomed to.

  “Later?” I checked the time on my watch. It was 10:23. Any later than this would call for a night cap.

  “You never know,” he drawled, “You may find yourself wanting a snack in the middle of the night.”

  My stomach churned, and the thump between my thighs grew. I slid a hand behind my neck and absentmindedly fluffed my hair underneath my scarf. Julian sat back in his seat.

  “Take a walk with me, Bella.”

  He held his hand out, and I took it, wanting to go anywhere with him.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Dubai’s dark blue atmosphere was ideal for a romantic setting. I hadn’t noticed the starry skyline on my last visit, although this particular visit was nothing like any trip I’d made in my lifetime. I reached down and linked our fingers together. Whenever we were side by side, the need to connect with her in some way remained significant. I stepped into the grains of sand but Desiree halted, and I turned to her.

  “I need to take my shoes off,” she said.

  My eyes roamed down to her bare legs, and spiked heels, and my manhood bobbed against my zipper. A part of me felt like Desiree was teasing me, wearing a similar ensemble as her earlier one, but looking like a mysterious vixen in the same notion.


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