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Only If You Dare (Falling For A Rose Book 3)

Page 14

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “Mr. Rose is that you!” Lacey, a young volunteer, jogged to me. “It is you! Welcome!”

  I bent as Lacey threw her arms around my neck, and we hugged briefly.

  “Lacey this is Desiree Stevens. Desiree, Lacey Bartholomew.”

  “How are you Lacey,” Desiree held her hand out and Lacey accepted it gleefully.

  “I’m well, how about yourself?”

  “Same here,” Desiree said. “How long have you been a volunteer?”

  “Oh, about eight years now.”

  “Wow, that’s a long time.”

  Lacey smiled showing off a set of braces. “I love being down here, the people are so friendly and it feels good doing something to help out.”

  Desiree was shaking her head with a wide smile leading her lips.

  “Mr. Rose has been donating every year and most of the time we’re able to see him by live video.” The teenager gushed.

  “Is this your first-time meeting Mr. Rose in person?” Desiree asked using a formal address in reference to me. Lacey shook her head lively. Desiree looked from me to Lacey. Appreciation, adoration and something else showed across her face. What was that, love?

  I dragged my gaze from Desiree to Lacey. “It’s wonderful to finally meet you in person, Lacey.” Desiree continued to watch me as I smiled warmly. “Are Donald and Casey here today?”

  “Yes! I’ll get them.”

  Lacey disappeared through the back. A child no older than four ran across the room straight for Desiree. He threw his arms around her legs and held on tight. Desiree gasped and pulled his arms back bending down to a squat. The little boy smiled up at her and tossed his arms around her neck instead. Desiree laughed delightedly.

  “I guess he likes me,” she said.

  “Trust me, Bella. It’s easy to do.”

  Our eyes connected for another minute before Lacey came back out with Casey and Donald in tow.

  “Hey!” They chorused, each pulling me in for a hug. “I knew one day you would bless us with your presence. To what do we owe the honor?” Donald said.

  “Aaah, the blessing is all mine,” I prompted. “I happened to be around the way, and I wanted to introduce you to my Arabian queen, Desiree Stevens.” Lacey, Donald, and Casey gasped then squealed with excitement. Desiree’s cheeks flamed, and I grinned.

  “You got married?” Lacey squealed.

  “No, that’s not what he meant!” Desiree said.

  “Oh, come now,” I said. “Marrying me wouldn’t be so bad…” Another electrifying moment passed between us, and it was hard for me to pull my eyes away.

  “That’s not what I meant,” Desiree said, “I mean—” she faltered. They all looked from me to her then finally noticed the child still hanging around Desiree’s neck. Lacey giggled while Casey bent down to them.

  “Antonio,” Casey cooed. “You have to let go of the nice lady here.” Antonio didn’t budge. Casey glanced to Desiree. “I’m sorry. He’s not usually like this. His parents were in a car accident over the weekend, and they have no family here but their regulars at the kitchen.”

  “Do I know them?” I asked.

  “I don’t think so, but they’re progressing by the day and we’re looking for them to be discharged within the next week.”

  “So who’s looking after him while they’re in the hospital?” Desiree asked.

  “One of us is taking turns every day to watch him,” Donald spoke up. “But I think he’s set his sights on you Ms. Stevens, or should I call you Mrs. Rose.”

  Again, Desiree’s face flamed.

  “Ms. Steven’s would do just fine,” Desiree said.

  “For now,” I added.

  She peered up at me but spoke to Donald.

  “Would it be possible for him to hang out with me until his parents are better?” Desiree pulled back taking her fingers lightly through Antonio’s black silky hair. “Hey Antonio,” she said. The little boy met her eyes. “Would you like it if we hung out together until your parents come home?”

  Antonio lit up like a Christmas tree. “Yes!” he yelled. Desiree laughed and stood to her feet.

  “Can that be done?” she asked.

  “I don’t see why not,” Donald said, “You’ll be with Mr. Rose here, and we all trust Mr. Rose.”

  Desiree looked to me with hopeful eyes. “Do you mind if I speak to you for a minute?”

  Casey reached for Antonio. “Come, give Ms. Stevens and Mr. Rose some privacy.”

  They all shuffled off, and Desiree pulled me outside.

  “I’m so sorry. I know we’re not here for this and I understand if you can’t obligate to this.” She glanced at the closed door then back to me. “I don’t know why, but I feel responsible for this kiddo. I need to do this, you understand, don’t you? If his parents are still in the hospital when our stay in Dubai is over, I can take a commercial flight back; it’s totally okay.”

  How many times can we say, we met a beautiful person whose kind on the inside and out? Desiree could’ve peeled Antonio off her, ate her meal, and left this place without another thought. But she was willing to put everything to the side for the sake of caring for a child who she’d only known five minutes.

  “I would never think of leaving you behind. If Donald says it’s fine, then he means it, and I couldn’t turn down that kid if I wanted to. Nor you.” I pulled her in for a hug; affection restrictions be damned.

  “Julian, I don’t want to delay your business or travels, I know you’re an important man. I don’t mind taking a commercial flight home. I’d feel awful if you missed anything because of me.”

  “If this is your attempt to get rid of me, you might as well give it up. Haven’t you realized by now, that I always want to be with you.”

  Desiree’s arms tightened around my waist, and I kissed her on her temple. “Come on, let’s eat.”

  Chapter Twenty One

  Our visit to the community kitchen lasted until they closed their doors at 8 pm. Desiree and I were full and relaxed. The ride and flight back to our hotel seemed to pass quicker than the trip over. Desiree was completely in awe at the volunteers at Forward Kitchen. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think she’d plan to move to Dubai permanently just to help out. She spoke adamantly about the cooks, the guests, and of course, Antonio. The little boy played quietly next to her and whenever Desiree would make a move he moved with her.

  Watching the pair made my heart swell again. I pictured Desiree with a round belly, waddling from our living room to the patio trying to get some fresh air. Every minute that went by, I saw Desiree in my life doing something different. Being the mother of my children, modeling in one of my oversized t-shirts after an extensive night of sex, and bearing my last name. A tingle ran down my spine, and my temperature rose.

  “Julian…” Desiree rested a hand on my arm causing the spike in my temperature to rise higher.

  I turned to her. “Yes, Bella.”

  “Is everything alright?”

  “Sure, why do you ask?”

  “I’ve called your name a few times, but you didn’t respond. Are you sure everything is okay?”

  I grinned and pulled her hand to my lips for a kiss. “Yes. What did you ask?”

  “Would you like to come in?”

  We were standing in the hallway outside of her hotel room. “You know I would, but I need to make a run. Raincheck?” I grabbed her chin and pulled her lips to mine but waited for her response before kissing her.

  “Oh sure, no problem. Anything I can help with?”

  I wiggled my brows. “Well if you’re in a giving mood we could always…” I grinned, and she giggled. I pressed my lips to hers, and she kissed me back with just as much passion as I gave. When Desiree’s arms coiled around my neck, it was instinctive for mine to wrap around her waist. My hands cupped her bottom, and I pulled her against my solid erection. Friction sizzled between us and even though she hadn’t verbally agreed, her actions told me, she didn’t mind a night cap. But that was ju
st it. I wanted more from her, and I wanted to let her know it. The sooner, the better. It was excruciatingly hard for me, but I managed to step back, effectively disconnecting from Desiree. A slight frown covered her features; her breathing high as she tried to silently assess why I pulled away.

  “Raincheck,” I said.

  “Oh,” she said still confused. “Okay.” She turned and slid her key card in its slot, leaving me to go inside her room.

  “Have a good night,” she said.

  “Goodnight, Bella.”

  She smiled softly and shut the door. There I stood, brooding, ordering my feet to move and not knock. I wondered for a moment if she too still stood on the other side, waiting, hoping, I was still here. I had it bad, and I couldn’t imagine spending another day without Desiree. With an iron clad will, I turned and left the hallway, riding the elevator down to the bottom floor. Inside my Jeep, I opened my GPS and took a forty-five-minute ride to Damas. I was standing in front of a case of diamonds with my heart knocking against my chest.

  “Can I help you, sir?”

  A tall, lean brunette approached me. I glanced at her name tag that read, Cynthia. There weren’t too many things that made me nervous, but at that moment, I could hardly formulate articulate words to offer Cynthia. She must have sensed my indecision because her face warmed and she smiled.

  “Tell me the occasion, and I can point you in the right direction.” She said. “Present, birthday, anniversary, engagement…”

  As Cynthia rattled off that list, I was swept away again in my mind’s eye with visions of Desiree on Christmas, on her birthday, on our anniversary, our wedding… I freaked out.

  “Excuse me,” I said turning to leave the store. Outside I took in deep breaths and pulled out my cell phone and dialed a number. It rang once before being answered.

  “Hello, son,” my father and head honcho of our family answered. His mouth sounded full, and it prompted me to ask.

  “Hey dad, did I catch you at dinner time?”

  “Oh, don’t worry about that,” he swallowed. “It’s breakfast time here, how’s everything going in Dubai?”

  “Things are going well.” I wavered, and he could feel my hesitation.

  “What’s wrong?”

  I heard a utensil clang against his plate. I started a slow pace outside of Damas, holding the phone to my ear.

  “How did you know, mom was the one?” I knew my father was stunned into a brief silence. I’d never asked that question before so I’m sure he was aware something was up.

  “Well, whenever I was around her, my world would stop and tilt on its axis,” he said. “Her smile would make me dizzy, and I showed her public affection forgetting where we were most times. Whatever she needed I made sure she had it without hesitation because I felt an obligation toward her to meet those needs. I pictured her in every area of my life and never second guessed it.”

  My heart was knocking harder now. I almost broke out into a sweat. Why was I nervous? Was I second guessing?

  “What’s her name, son?”

  I blinked snapping out of my haze. “Desiree.”

  “Her name sounds familiar have I met her?”

  “She just so happens to be Claudia’s sister.”

  “Ah, I see, is she there with you now?”

  “Not at this very moment, she’s back at the hotel.”

  “And, where are you?”

  I peered up at Damas. “At a jewelry store.”

  When my father spoke again, I heard a smile in his voice. “I’m happy for you son. Go with your heart.”

  “That’s just it,” I said, “I think I’m second guessing. My nerves are on edge. I have felt all those things with her, but I only want one wife, forever. How do I know for sure?”

  “Picture your life without her. Can you move forward without being around her again? That’s a rhetorical question, you can keep the answer to yourself,” he paused. “Now picture her with someone else.”

  Without disinclination, I saw red.

  “No…” I said moving again. The bell chimed as I entered Damas a second time. Cynthia was still waiting for me by a glass case of diamonds as if she knew I would return. “Engagement rings,” I said.

  “This way.”

  I followed Cynthia with my father still on the line.

  “You have to bring her over for a family dinner,” Christopher said. “I know we met at your brother’s engagement party, but this makes for a special occasion.”

  Cynthia pulled out a few diamond rings that were on exhibition and set them on the glass case in front of me.

  “Desiree’s moving back to Chicago, but first she’s wrapping up a story for the Houston Report. I’ll make sure you meet her as soon as she’s free.”

  “That’s my boy,” my father said. My eyes landed on a simple band that held on to an extraordinary diamond.

  “That one,” I said pointing to the beauty.

  “That’s our eighteen-carat white gold trilogy ring designed with Forevermark. An excellent way to make a lasting impression.”

  It was possible my eyes held a spark. “That’s the one,” I said. “She’s the one.”

  My dad and I spoke as I made my purchase and drove back to Jumeirah Beach Hotel. The diamond in my pocket held promises of a lifetime together, and I wanted to go straight to Desiree and ask her to be my wife. It was around eleven pm when I returned, but instead of going to her I went to my suite to have a moment to myself. This had to be perfect. If I could, I’d propose to Desiree on the moon. At the same time, I wanted it to happen so fast that planning would have to wait.

  Strolling to the bar, I poured a glass of scotch and leaned against the table top in deep thought. What if I scared her to death? What if she said no? I hadn’t stopped to think about how asking this monumental question would impact Desiree’s life. Maybe that was selfish on my part. Did I expect her to be as happy as me? I did not doubt that our connection went past the physical. But I’d yet to tell her how I truly felt. But here I was about to pop the ultimate question. As far as Desiree was concerned, she could think I only wanted her for sexual pleasures.

  “Tomorrow,” I confirmed. I would tell her first thing in the morning.

  There was a knock on my door. I blinked rising at the sound of the urgent tapping. I hadn’t gotten much sleep last night since my mind was in a continuous state of wonder. I opened the door without checking the peephole.

  “Lila,” I leaned against the door jam. “What’s so urgent that you’re knocking this early?”

  “Early?” she posed, “I thought you were used to getting up at five?”

  “If you hadn’t noticed, we only have a few scenes left to shoot. If we wanted to, we could wrap this up today, but we still have a little time left here in Dubai.”


  Her eyes skittered off. “Did you want something specific?” Lila folded her arms around herself.

  “Do you mind if I come in for a minute?”

  I watched her closely for a second then stepped back allowing her entrance. Lila’s appearance was always effortlessly chic. With designer glasses across her eyes, a thin fitted jacket, skinny jeans and high heels, she sauntered into the room moving towards the sofa. I followed her, offering her a seat.

  “What’s on your mind, Lila?”

  “I wanted to apologize for the way I’ve been acting the last couple of days. You know I can be a bit of a diva.” She smiled up at me. “I don’t want my lateness or attitude on this trip to ruin our future endeavors.”

  “I appreciate your apology, but I don’t accept your rudeness. You need to know, diva or not; I’m not in the habit of employing models with temper tantrums.” She opened her mouth to speak, but I continued. “Furthermore, although, I paid you to play a particular role, you were late. I could’ve easily dismissed you, but I didn’t because of our prior working relationship.” I stood, “At any case, I’d love to work with you again but consider this your final and only warning. Don’t ever bri
ng that attitude to work again. Now, if there’s nothing else, I’d like to shower. There’s a long day ahead.”

  Lila stood as well. “Thank you for understanding, Julian.”

  I smiled and walked her to the door. Lila crossed the threshold and turned back to me.

  “Thanks again,” she said.

  I tilted my head in response and closed the door, my thoughts instantly going to Desiree.

  Chapter Twenty Two


  “I know you’re having the time of your life there in Dubai, but this is breaking news, I had to call and tell you,” Santana said.

  “What happened?”

  “The guy who burglarized our homes was caught trying to throw a firebomb in the lobby of the Houston Report.”

  My mouth fell open, and I sat down the mascara I used.

  “Oh my God, Santana was anyone hurt?!”

  “Thankfully no. He did light the weapon, but he was tackled to the floor before he could use it. Needless to say, the bottle dropped, and his clothes ignited. They had to put him out with a fire extinguisher.”

  “What about the person that tackled him?”

  “It was Derrick. He’s fine didn’t get a scratch.”

  “Wow, talk about karma versus being blessed.”

  “You can say that again,” Santana said.

  “I’m glad they finally caught him, now I don’t have to worry about his ass when I get back.”

  “Mmhmm, the guy is crazy. He kicked and screamed as the police pulled him out of the building in handcuffs.”


  “I know,” she said again. “Anyway, I just thought I’d call to let you know, you’re now safe and free to go about life without looking over your shoulder.”

  “That is good to know. Thanks, I’m getting ready to leave now. How are things with Josiah?”


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